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Show Page THE Six Thursday, May 14, 1953 NEPHI. UTAH TIMES-NEW- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barlow and GUARDIAN- McCune, attorney at law, 53 North Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Norton and PROBATE AND and Virginia family of Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. SHIP NOTICES. Consult County Main Street, Nephi, Utah, on or family of Ogden, Hansen of Pocatello, Idaho were Earl Francom and children of Clerk or respective signer for before the 3rd day of July, A. D. 1953. visitors at the home Springville, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Mothers additional information. Earl S. Taylor, 52, a former res of their Day REEVE RICI IARDSON, adminparenrts, Mr. and Mrs. Madsen spent Sunday here with ident of Levan, died at his home J. E. Hansen. istrator o fthe estate of Mary Ann Mr. and Mrs. II. R. Francom. NOTICE TO CREDITORS in Los Angeles on May 3rd, acPitt, deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Walker and cording to information received by Mr. and Mrs. Glenn MangeJson Estate of MARY ANN PITT, de- James P. McCune, of here. born Hal He was in! and son relatives Provo visited on children of Provo spent Sunday ceased. Creditors will present for Administrator Levan a son of Johanna Lundsteen Sunday with his parents, Mr. and here with her parents, Mr. and claims with vouchers to the under- Attorney Dates of publication: April 30, and Schuyler P. Taylor, on April1 Mrs. C. A. Mangelson. Mrs. L. S. Jackman. signed at the office of James P. May 7. 14 and 21, 1953. 3, 19ul. He spent the early purtj of his life in Levan before going' to Los Angeles. lie is survived by his widow, one daughter, Mrs. II Doris King of Salt Lake City; two sisters;, Mrs. Helen Beesley of Utah and LuciLle Wan-kie- r Maple-tonHOW TO DISCOVER FOR YOURSELF... THE FINEST CAR AMERICA HAS YET PRODUCED H of Long Beach, California. Services were held on May 6th. Ilr. and Mrs. Rex Taylor, Mrs. Wayne Nielsen, J. W. Nielsen of Provo, and Mr. and Mrs. Foster 1 e Look for Power. Not Gardner of Nephi attended. just "horsepower," . . . but actual drive power. The Levan ward Primary was Here, in the Imperial, ia a new kind of reorganized last Sunday night. New officers are Leora Mrs. power found nowhere else except in some Christensen, president, Mrs. Fern Continental sports cars. We invite you Wankier and Mrs. Kaye Winter as to try its absolute mastery. counselors. Retiring officers are, Loreno Morgan and President Counselors Ruby Christensen and 2e Lookfor Control. Not just imitaLmd Worvvood. tions of today's big advances in driving ' The officers announce that Pri . . . but the original Full-tim- e safety mary will be heJd each Monday Power Steering and Power Brakes. Here, at 2:30 for all crouns during the LEVAN NEWS W SMIt'PRibS ASSOCIATSOM NAUONAL EDIIORIAL V lASSOdATION Published every Thurviy at Nephl, Juab County Utah. Entered at the post office at Nephl, Utah as second class mail matter under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Six Months, $1.75. Subscription rates: One year $3.25; in advance. Advertising rates are payable Subscriptions on request. A. B. Gibson and Roy E. Gibson Publishers Editor - V rritwt-f."- Utah Main Street, Nephi, 196; 58 South Office: Phone Gibson Y E. Manager " r is GOOD INTENTION ain't enuff ! S, summer Observe the "Three Cs" of Safe Driving C-- (It's Contagious) (Watch it) sense (Use it) are "To return the Pledge today to your family and allow every other driver to do likewise." Take SAFELY n i ' 181 v 0 How to stop Even in the toughest operating conditions you can be sure your differential and transmission gears have full protection against Gear e Francom Dulcia 3 Look for Luxury. Not just the glitte and gloss . . . but the innate taste and distinction which results from careful Here, in Imperial, is a fineness of decor leading Americans seem to favor. Ws invite you to expe rience this new kind of leadership! SV hand-craftin- ': fax? i ' g. iS !, Hi entertain- on Saturday in honor of her birthday anniversary. A delirious lunch wae. served to Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Tolley and baby, Mr. and Mrs. Chares Brotherson and diild-rn- n of Sat. Lake Citv. Mrs. Phyl lis Christensen of Provo, Mrs. IXHiise James of Fayette, Mrs. Favp Rellisinn and daughter Kar en of Pleasant Grove, Leah Rosh, Delia Lundsteen. Sophia Bosh, Louise Francom, Maud Francom, Grace Christensen and the hostess Mrs. Francom. f.fi.V J'if (L v 1 it r 1 CnMml ; who is Payson. at the Marion BY CHRYSLER I Christensen. Mr. and Mrs. Kenard Stephenscn and children of Springvillc and Mr. and Mrs. FIdrod Stephenscn and children of Grantsville spent Sunday at the home of their par- . ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Stephen-sen- wear-resistin- e g e for more information about Standard Oil Company of California products, (all your local Standard man C. BOSWELL D. i . sister, Sylvia Shristensen spending the summer in were guests on Sunday home of Mr. and Mrs. stands the extreme pressures that develop in spiral bevel and hypoid gears. A special compound in the lubricant reacts chemically to form a lubricating, coating on the gear teeth. Gear Lubricant stands up in RPM high operating temperatures and is oxidation resistant. It contains an agent that helps control expansion and prevent leakage. Ask us Gear Lubricant. about RPM Multi-Servic- VX Gar-fied- Lubricant. It with- Multi-Servic- remarkable new car control! Mr. and Mrs. Walter Christensen and children of Salt Lake l, City, Laey Christensen of Mrs. F.va Anderson and her by keeping the cases filled with RPM wear Multi-Servic- stop in new ways that keep you safer on the road. We invite you to try this Group 2 of the Primary under the supervision of Lila Worwood and Anna Shepherd honreod their mothers on Monday at a social. Mothers present were Olive Poul- son, Kara Morgan, Nellie Stephen-sen- , Blanch Shepherd, Melba Bal- Marva Shepherd, Leora low, Christensen and Verna Gardner. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Gardner of Mr. and Mrs. Russel Payson, Gardner of Springvillc, Mr. and Mrs. George Connelly of Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. Foster Gardner, and M.r and Mrs. Jesse Bailey of Nephi were Mothers Day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Gardner. Mrs. '; in the Imperial, you ride, steer, and months. i V) ed extra wear on gears ( II NEPHI, UTAH SIXTH NORTH MAIN STREET PHONE 83 Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Brown of Los Angeles are here visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Hallow. Hallow are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Turner of Tooftle and Mr. and Mrs. James M. Anderson of Nephi were the guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Shepherd and children of Springvillc, Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Shepherd and fam-iof Provo, Mr. and Mrs. John Sandor of Salt Lake City, were guests on Mothers day at the home of their parents, Mr. and y "" $$k- NOW AVAILABLE - THK NCW SreTEM CHKYBLIK AIRTIMF p Mrs. O. H. Pierce. Mrs. Effie Barnes and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Sherwood of Povo, Mr. and Mrs. Elden SherMr. and Mrs. Rees Sherwood, wood of Nephi, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Memmott of Mt. Pleasant were Sunday visitors and guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Sherwood. ef a loi ' "s. ; ,i - v PAINTER MOTOR CO. 140 South Main ! ; S9 .11 ; delivered locally buys a 1953 GHC Pickup with: 105 HP n Iingine 8.0 to 1 Ratio Cab Double Acting Shock Absorbers Generator Valve-in-hea- d Com-pnsssio- r" -- Recirculating Bull-Beari- Brakes mission 6-P- ly Heavy-Dut- y Steering Synchro-Mes- h Self-Energizi- ng Trans Tires. sea's. Through your window watch a continually changing pano-rom- o unfold. about as you please . . . meet new friends . , . enjoy the hospitality of the lounge. Stroll your Union Pacific train leave all cares behind. . . . Enjoy famous Union Pacific "meats that appeal". The featured dining cor item for May is fresh caught Brook Trout delicious in a delicate butter sauce! On a Union Pacific train there are no driving worries and you arrive rested and refreshed. If a car is needed, it's convenient ond inexpensive to rent one on arrival. Get the most out of your vacation. Wherever you go, for extra pleasure, go Union Pacific. TRUCK HYORA-MATIand other optional Model equipment, accessories, state ond locol tuxes. If on, additional. Prices may vary slightly in odjoining communities due to shipping charges. All prices subject to change without notice. Painter Motor v:: go union pacific moment you step aboard your vacation begins! You You have a wide choice of accommodations; Pullmans, with sections, roomettes, bedrooms, drowing rooms, compartments; Coaches, with reserved reclining The t Co. IITAll Chlldrtn five ytors old ond undtr 12 half fare; under fivt fret. , for drtailt and ttirvuhont your nra'til Union Paafit Railroad licktt ognr for Dependable Paaenger and freight Transportation TOD Be Specific - - Use IP&SDI7DS " " xr v., ?' .:. .v.vs. . .v: f ! J |