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Show THE Thursday. May NEPHI, UTAH TIMES-NEW- 14, Page Eight For Sale - HARRIS MASSEY GENERAL FUND f ROLL-OVE- R (Fits Int. M . John Deere A and Ford T (Fits all No. 80, (Self 14 G & 900.00 303.35 $ f , 500.00 717.79 COUNTY CLERK DEPARTMENT Salary PLOW CASE $ 1,0211.00 , Ferguson) ft. cut COMBINE ROD WEEDER a;iou 00 James P. Christensen A rlene .1. Jones Lucille E. Gadd rnscilla W. JNieison.... Norma Anderson lilanche F. Allen Margaret Lee Francom.. Florence Williams 87o 32 L'SO. 00 37 50 37 .50 75 00 152 50 $ 4.755.32 Maintenance The Publishing Millet Office Machines . Kelly Company James P. Christensen Used . . . JOHN DEERE "B" TRACT- OR with plow and mower. 6 FT WhjEATLAND PLOW DRILL 8 FT. f,RAIN CASE SIDE RAKE CASE 12' COMBINE Burroughs Adding Machine Co Allsteel Office Supply Co iMt. States Tel. & Tel. Co Pembroke Co Nephi Postmaster Standard Supply Co Carr Printing Co Arrow Press Salt Lake Stamp Co f , J ' ; .4 uMam.tuA 1 POUU Your V j UTAH POULTRyg Manager 3 Cin. L- the a best chick 3 feed? i finer feed anywhere than MILK WHITE STARTING MASH. m Nellie 1S2.67 $ 182.67 $ 2,400.00 162.50 1,677.50 128.75 80 00 30.00 30.00 67.50 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 12.50 5.00 3.70 Burton Leah Evans LaVerne Ellison Joyce Memmott Rati Bowles Jane Bean Sherry Hanson Carolvn Carter Bonnie Leavitt Intermountain Hospital Service Maintenance Christison Burroughs Adding Machine Co Mt. States Tel. & Tel. Co Monroe Calculating Machine Co D. Mabel 50.00 24.10 94.35 28.00 33.03 195.55 66.34 14.09 4.55 90.00 $ Company Nephi Postmaster Nephi Postmaster Allsteel Office Supply Co Salt Lake-DelFreight Lines Florence C. Cook "ewe, Equipment Remington Rand, Inc Albert H. Schneider Kelly 945.50 165.00 5.00 208.00 5.00 6.00 968.45 124.00 83.00 180.00 208.00 215.00 $ Company Howard Gardner J. Clair Collard Melvin Wm. Kay Nephi Postmaster Joel Tavlor John C.Hall Ivan Christensen Dean R. E. CONOCO SERVICE . . instruct us to give your auto the "works" and this will include our excellent Hon. 1 j iili i fk' lubrica-- , Raymond A. Jackson Fields John J. Hannifin Heber C. Tavlor Arnon Garfield E. C. Sorensen Ray Fowkes Carl Victor Bray.. Jay Howell Loren Garrett Raymond Sudweeks A Maylon Bowers Nephi Motor Eureka Auto Service.. $ 846.53 .'.$ 2,400.00 600.00 800.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 113.50 SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT Salary . Latimer Frank Hannifin Thomas Garbett Fred Wilkey Intermountain Hospital Service.. fit 36.40 31.33 102.05 119.70 10.29 8.12 211.50 34.17 3.00 2.50 207.53 14.45 23.25 31.75 2.50 99 Publishing Co Dave , 2.70 7.00 $ 1,546.94 Equipment Nephi Motor Co James P. McCune James Mt. 200.00 ..$ ATTORNEY'S DEPARTMENT Salary $ 1,800.00 Maintenance P. McCune Tel. & Tel. Co 733.04 220.85 $ States ) 4.00 12.55 Nephi Postmaster Kelly Company Equipment West Publishing Co Shephard's Citations, Inc Thx' Lawyers' Cooperative Publishing $ 970.44 ..$ 72.00 24.00 106.10 Co... 202.10 $ COURT HOUSE & GROUNDS Frank I'hillipsen liailey McCune Co George Havcock Mt. States Tel. & Tel. Co : Lester ii. Belliston Clarence Gardner Carrie Dunlavy Clarence W. Hansen Leavitt Plumbing & Heating Western Tire & Auto Supply Laird's Market L. Dwane Tidwell Clarence Wilde Lee's Variety Andrew Rexall Drug Pexton Wholesale Co d Plumbing Co Magic Chemical Co Nephi Insurance & Realty Co Lumber Co Chapman Furniture Co D. T. Dunlavv Neil Christensen J. S. Willis Ockey Electric Luxor Lighting Products Kmmett Vickers Tintic Lumber Co K. J. Scarry & Co 48.00 146.55 178.35 102.70 1,950.00 24.00 180.00 18.25 ! . I. 00 22.93 6.97 11.00 7.00 9.41 1.44 25.50 32.10 14.18 67.00 138.37 305.45 10.00 2.00 6.00 Barton-Worwoo- Tri-Sta- te 1.75 57.12 8.50 9.28 27.05 8.00 9.45 - Tom Garbett D. S. Clement Grant B. Howell Ed. Chase Ord & Mangelson 44.UII 27.50 32.00 10.00 71.50 12.00 8.00 6.00 5.60 $ 5,030.10 68.54 ..$ 57.72 116.50 ' 81.25 6.00 1.12 71.40 National Department Store John D. Boss 6.00 $ 3,603.33 LIGHT AND FUEL Nephi City Corporation Utah Power and Light L. Dwane Tidwell Co II. 68 $ 1,792.54 Juab Countv Fire Department Mammoth Sen-icThe Denver Fire Clay Co Randle's Service Station The Tropical Paint & Oil Co Mrs. Lillian Elton Clarence Rostrom Tintic Lumber Co MAINTENANCE :. 683.50 48.54 7.00 11.50 146.93 $ o.uu 22.50 10.64 CRIMINAL EXPENSE Kelly Company Johnson's Super Market E. C. Sherwood Raymond A. Jackson State Department of Agriculture Dr. Boyd Greenwood Nephi Cafe Utah County Forrest Hotel Jesse J. Weight, M. D Bright Spot Cafe Western Investigation Co Roy A. Darke, M. D William D. Pace, M. D $ 989.11 ..$ 27.50 322.00 3.00 4.12 20.00 2.00 10.82 52.00 4.25 5.00 14.36 200.00 25.00 25.00 $ 700 Pembroke Co Salt Lake Stamp Co Fast autos are okay . . if they in safe driving conditions . . and correct servicing is the best way . . drive In today at DAVE'S 3.91 MAMMOTH Gilbert L. Shepherd 0. Verno Boswell are kept 1.80 54.11 2.86 2.95 8.00 695.37 Maintenance s 6.75 176.70 $ 5,512.95 The Chapman Studio Bright Spot Cafe Nebo Chevrolet Co Western Union Telegraph Western Tire and Auto Supply Fred Wilkey J. J. Hannifin Andrew Rexall Drug Carter's Cleaners and Dyers Tintic Lumber Co W. C. Stowell Sperry Times-New- 1.53 391.77 259.50 44.10 $ 2.400.00 Burroughs Adding Machine Co Allsteel Office Supply Co Mt. States Tel. & Tel. Co 4.60 21.65 18.43 ... $ Howard Ivan Christensen Kelly Publishing Co Coal Lee Bird R. O. Belliston Dean SLOWE.P? 2.81 Jarrett Victor Collard John C. Jensen Gerald Cazier Leah Evans Warren Newton Gilbert L. Shepherd.. 0. Verno Boswell FAST AUTOMOBILES ARS OKAV BUT WHAT Wt NEED ARE r- -n The Times-New- s Nephi Cafe Eureka Cafe DEPARTMENT Joel Tavlor John C. Hall Blanche F. Allen v J: mxeK 1.62 24.00 16.00 373.80 $ Asa H. Publishing Co Pembroke Co l Typewriter Co Nephi Postmaster Snak Shak Cafe George Mayer Garage $ Company ASSESSOR'S 16.90 108.00 31.85 40.45 $ Co 520.16 428.22 264.80 147.25 168.20 75.53 ta I With this feed you can be sure your chicks will be off to a strong, heal- thy start. Trn" ..$ Bertha McPherson Piiseilla W. Nielson Blanche F. Allen Wanda Burridge Connie Gadd S 9B If you are you can find it 3 2 3 rignt here . . .there 's no t 709.85 Kelly - O Looking for J Christison $ $ 4,822.45 S LaMar Dalby 1 2 - TREASURER'S DEPARTMENT Salary Mabel D. The ancient Aztecs of Mexltt used captives as huoan sacrifices to their gods. Often if prisoners lived in luxury and ceremonial splendor for a full year before the gacrificial ceremony. UTAH 4.33 46.00 27.42 14.82 44.10 28.50 75.46 20.08 12.22 10.09 3.37 Company recommended The Condemned Mat I Kelly $ 4,473.75 Remington Rand, Inc Mt. States Tel. & Tel. CIVIL COURT EXPENSE 102.05 138.00 20 22 s!oo 5.00 $ 326.52 .$ 35.45 296.55 20.00 JUSTICE COURT EXPENSE Charles W. Bechtol J. E. Robertson Dr. L. C. Warenski R. E. Winn Karl McPherson Merle Lunt Loren Garrett Howard Fillmore The Times-New- s Publishing Co Jerry Hanson Ray Jorgensen Henry A. Ortne PRINTING Publishing Co The The Eureka Reporter Times-New- s - 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 25.50 44.65 8.50 8.50 84.05 $ 21.69 436.05 COURT REPORTER FEES $ 200.00 $ 288.71 $ 11.50 39.50 24.50 11.50 10.50 10.50 11.50 24.50 10.50 11.50 10.50 10.50 10.00 560.07 851.16 II. 00 137.99 140.67 20.50 15.00 20.00 22.50 16.10 29.00 30.10 29.00 31.20 15.00 29.00 30.10 29.00 15.00 17.10 15.00 15.00 16.80 15.00 15.00 20.20 29.00 29.00 20.20 29.00 15.00 34.20 34.50 29.00 35.00 15.00 15.00 29.00 29.00 15.00 15.00 29.00 1.20 21.00 41.65 5.00 2.80 10.00 45.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 15.10 14.00 15.10 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 .15.10 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 16.10 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 15.80 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 19.50 14.00 19.50 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 .' - .'. Olive Boswell Mildred Garrett Leora Belliston Reva Pexton . Florence R. Winn.... Maurine Stephenson Lorene Morgan Edgar N. Christensen Lila Worwood i Mary A. Anderson C. Christensen James Stephenson Arthur Kay Herman A. Young Erma Keyte Ray Newton Madge Newton Almina Kay Cleon Kay Alliene Farren... Margaret B. Hannifin Stella Shea Marjorie Dittmer A. D. Manson Ina Clement Pearl Runnells... Winona Thomas Emily Pinterilla Avis King Roscoe : Harper Clara Hopes Tola Newman Leah Boswell D. W. McNiel June Kennedy Maude Mclntyre Delmont Timm Sam Rohrbach Christine Adam Rhea C. Beagley Rita S. Andrews Bessie G. " 30.00 19.00 140.39 133.88 123.23 Paystrup III. 16 Eva Sperry Ruby M. Bigler Nellie M. Sullivan Ellen D. Fennell Lauretta Parsons Clara B. Tripp Louvina Rohrbach Nephi Second Ward Mona Ward 115.80 116.07 115.89 101.70 70.57 59.14 :. 20.00 10.00 $ 4,762.57 5.85 Mt. States Tel. & Tel. Co N. A. Nielson Will L. Hoyt J W. Nixon, M. D Dr. Jesse L. Wvight 216.77 715.05 84.00 16.40 Ruby M. Rigler Klsie Sidwell Arrow Press, Inc 54.23 - SOCIAL SECURITY Utah State Social Security Agency ELECTIONS George G. Howarth Wanda Burridge Ronald O. Bel iston Ruey E. Walker W. W. Stephenson James H. Ellison Dean Winn Chloe Hawkins Lavern Bowles N. A. Nielson Ed. Chase Verda R. Beck Blanche F. Allen The Times-New- s Publishing Co Carr Printing Co Eudora Bowers Katie Worthington Alberta B. Jones Mrs. Allen E. Belliston Nephi Firemen (Armory) Nephi Third Ward Relief Society Norma Anderson Inez Brough Leone Howarth Lillian C. Ostler Gertrude Foote Mrs. Kenneth J. Sperry Flossie W. Carter Delta H. Jarrett Joy Howell : Clarence W. Hansen Elsie Sidwell Cora Wankier Anna Shepherd Edna Sherwood Helen Newell Leola Keyte Denny Rogerson Rowena B. Hanks Nora McCormick Margaret Harrington T. L. Sullivan Nellie Laird Olive N. Carlson LuDean O. Sax Isabel Christensen Myrtle Theriault Dixie Stephens Lela Lunt Myrna Lee Inez Tripp Victoria Lewis Althea G. Faber Lorrin M. Rawlings Jesse Nielson Carbon Motorway, Inc Lillian Elton James P. Christensen Nephi Postmaster Forsey's Variety Store Vonna Shepherd Florence Williams Elnora C. Foote Jennie L. Steele Ida B. Brough George A. Sperry Leah Evans Lula B. Memmott Margaret Christiansen Etta Latimer S. F. Memmott C. W. Johnson LaVell Svedin Hazel M. Garrett Homer Jenkins 1,950.00 123.75 .98 Equipment concrete silo walls lose about six times as much material from silage acid etching as with Company 135.15 8.73 152.16 126.44 ..$ Intermountain Stamp Works The Commercial Bank of Utah Monroe Calculating Machine Co Coat Silo Walls Untreated walls covered coatings. s State of Utah $ 2,400.00 Agnes Myers Blanche F. Allen 7, 50 CASE SIDE RAKE Times-New- C. Cook 268.36 634.44 $ $ 1,631.54 528.42 A-- $ MOWER tractors) Florence Kelly Company The Times-New- s $ 2,820.00 Propelled) CALKINS Salary Maintenance Commissioner W. C. Andrews Comniissioner Karl F. Dunn Commissioner Carl Callaway PLOW H. C. ' Salary 2,355.76 Commissioner W. C. Andrews Commissioner Karl F. Dunn Commissioner Carl Callaway BALER AUTOMATIC 48, JM..SU $57,308.63 44 GASOLINE TRACTOR .. - Summit County Wasatch County Duchesne County Sanpete County Weber County Utah County RECORDER'S DEPARTMENT DISBURSEMENTS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DEPARTMENT New . . . 77-F- Allsteel Office Supply Co The Times-New- s Publishing Co The Commercial Service Corporation TRANSIENT STOCK 278.85 430.86 184.34 228.43 2.60 9.00 5.82 6.82 5.25 76.50 $ ''Salaries Receipts Sundry Implement Co., Hephi NO. 6 Tel. Co S ; Glance January 1, 1952 Taxes, Penalties and Redemptions PAXMAN 33 & Fub's Service Randle's Service Station Raymond A. Jackson Morgan's Service Standard Supply Co Salt Lake Stamp Co RECEIPTS :V Srl Mt. States Tel. Juab County Auditor's Financial Statement for the Year Ending Dec. 31, 1952 530.00 512.40 533.30 $ 1,045.70 ADVERTISING The Eureka Reporter Utah State Ass'n. of County Officials The Salt Lake Tribune- Utah Counties Magazine Associated Civics Clubs of Southern, Eastern Utah.. C. A. Nasner and Co Levan Lion's Club The Times-New- s Publishing Co $ 12.00 163.57 133.14 30.00 100.00 25.00 20.00 13.23 $ 496.94 INSURANCE The State Insurance Fund Nephi Insurance & Realty Co Robert K. Dunn - $ 273.54 1,130.32 813.66 $ 2,217.52 COUNTY AUDIT Bunker, Tanner and Garrett $ 400.00 $ 28.30 10.00 MISCELLANEOUS Western Union Union Pacific Railroad Co Juab County Water Resources Dev. Co..... Eureka City Corporation Nephi City Corporation Nebo View Cafe Carl Callaway Nephi Cafe 1,368.75 200.00 260.09 21.00 179.80 13.06 1953 |