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Show 14, Thursday, May THE 1953 NEPHI. UTAH TIMES-NEW- Page Seven Temperatures and precipitation for the past week has been reported as follows, with readings taken as of S a. m. daily for the precedn Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Stephen-se- ing period. TOMATO PLANTS. & ONION of Grantsville, Mr. and Mrs. IIi2h Iiow Pret'ip PLANTS FOR SALE Earl E. Devon Stephenson of Moroni, Mr. 7 .... 7S .00 52 May jThurs. ' Mrs. Nielsen. Fred Hansen of Ben- Friday May 8 .... .75 and .00 40 were guests on Sunday at Saturday May 9 67 33 .46 WE HAVE ALL SEVEN COL- jamin tne home of their parents, Mr. and Sunday May 10 .47 27 .07 ORS in the new Shinola Dress Mrs. Fred Stephensen. 11 26 .00 .16 (Monday Mav Parade Shoe Polish both liquid 12 .... 54 28 .00 Airs. Louise Taylor and children iTues. Mav and paste, L'5c pkg. NEPIU DRUG 61 32 .00 were guests in Moroni on Sunday Wed. Mav 13 VE HAVE WHIPPING CREAM at the home ot Iter parents. .Air. and Mrs. Russell Bailey. FOR SALE Call 14J. The F ine Arts club held their at the home of Mrs. Earl meeting Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Taylor II. Steele on Thursday, May 7. EXPERT BICYCLE REPAIRING and daughter of Springville spent Prayer was given by Mrs. Chester Reasonable rates Roy B. Tay- Sunday with his mother. Mrs. El- Foote, and the pledge to the flag lor, 72 West 2nd South, phone la Taylor. was led by Mrs. Charles Foote. 536. 2tip Mr. and Mrs Garn S'ewart and Mis. I'd. P. Cox was in charge of the and introduced Mrs. baby of Mt. Pleasant, Mr. and P. L.programwho presented a review NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Mrs. Kenneth Warren and family of theJones book "A Man Named Peter" of Spanish Fork and Mr. and Mrs. MEETING Members NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Wm. Cooper ot Nepm were bun- - by Catherine t0Marshall. hi" inv' support spring that a meeting of the members of day guests at the home of Mr. and Hhio rated Luncheon held Thurs- the Nephi Chamber of Commerce ..i.o. cwon Tavinr ., Universal u,,, :,.i j, ,.,. i4, tinOnce you own the new u.iL imiiviuiL uui Liautiiiirs will be held at the usual place of Mrs. Lyman Christen-se- n of the high school. Nine members . . ."I'll and more and Mr. more be in association the said of saying 'Jeep', you'll meeting and family spent Mothers day were present, and two guests, Mrs Take the 'Jeep' today." Yes, you'll be using the Nephi City Equipment Building at in Fillmore at the home of her Ray Brough and Mrs. P. L. Jones. of Hie on uses 18th Utah and one day Nephi, Universal 'Jeep' for a thousand Mr. and Mrs. Eva Chiaradia and Mrs. P. B. Day. Mr. parents, P. o'clock 8:00 at M., May, 19533, son have and around the farm . . . and finding it fulfilling your and Mellor Paul Mr. Mrs. returned to their and ot for the purpose incorporating needs as no other vehicle possibly could. Powerfamily of Fayette, Mr. and Mrs. home in Ant iodic. California afsaid association as a Bowers and children, and Mr ter spending the past ten days ed by the famous Hurricane Engine, the corporation under the laws of the Ray Mr. and Mrs, and Mrs. Wesley Christensen and with her parents. increasof Utah. State more 20 has now horsepower 'Jeep' children of Nephi were Sunday-guest- Dean Howard at Mills, and with of DATED 29th this April day economy. with ed performance at the home of their moth- her brother in law and sister, Mr. greater operating 1953. and Mrs. Raymond Ostler and er, Mrs. Edna Sherwood. ELMO B. WILSON, other relatives and friends in NeSEE THE President Mrs. Amanda Daley of Provo phi. They also visited with her ATTEST: spent last Sunday with her moth grandparents. Mr. and Mrs, O. L. JAMES E. REID JR., er. Mary Morgan, and with her Eliason at Moroni. TOD A Y! UNIVERSAL Secretary. son in law and daughter, Mr. and Dates of publication: April 30, Mrs. Eugene Aagard. Mr. and Mrs. Read Black and May 7 and 14, 1953. Mr. and Mrs. Darrall Olpin of family of Grand Junction, Keith Miss Vivian Tambleton, Mr FOR CURTAIN STRETCHING Provo enjoyed Mothers day with Black, and Mrs. Rox Black of Salt Lake see Airs, baaie uazier at im west her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Citv spent the week end in Nephi PHONE 444 NEPHI, UTAH Taylor. 44 WEST CENTER STREET at the home of Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Mr. and Mrs. LaMar Winter Black, and also attended the wed and family visited on Mothers day ding of Neil Black and Joan Davin Gunnison with her parents, Mr. is at Goshen on Saturday evening. and Mrs. Leon Larsen. LEVAN NEWS WANT ADS "nil Mte v till WE HAVE A FEW SUITS AND SII0RTIE COATS LEFT U FROM OUR CLEARANCE SALE LISTED BELOW ARE PRICES AND QUANTITY Coats Reg. 29.75 2 , 3 SUITS Reg. 49.75 2 SUITS Reg. 32.50 20.00 Coats Reg. 39.75 2 22.50 27.50 ,;, Coats Reg. S34.75 2 1 SUIT Reg 29.75 22J0 a 20.GQ non-prof- it 14 to 20 Sizes 9 to 15 S10.95 Values S8.95 Values 7.B8 S.88 p g J COTTON DRESSES Also TWO GROUPS im f sum KVrfiTC inn iixvlusivo Ladies Shop Vinnie Christensen spent last Monday in Provo. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A Mr. and Mrs. Earl Woodall and George Bishop and a lady friend SHIPMENT OF LOVELY of Salt Lake City visited on Sunday with Mrs. WoodaLl's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clark S. Wood. y FRANK L SMITH STATIONERY V VOi'; A. Vk- V t ! fr-- X M V ji lmI Wl 1 lor art iu o tw a op notch cart of ooolrty loodl. o the many outjloodina buy now awoitino you. Be ur. . . . hop tho KjA woy and tovo . . . look lor 'AV X j S P-I y Id V - . " y WE HAVE THIS LOVELY STATIONERY IN BOTH THE SHELL EDGE AND FLORETTE DESIGNS. IT COMES IN THE REGULAR LETTER SIZE AND ALSO IN THE NOTE SIZE OF hi"To9i 1 MATCHING COLOR AND DESIGN. FOR THEY RETAIL FOR A jazad iifresssng ot wh 45c IGA SPICED LUNCH MEAT !? 45 Good hot or cold lb 3 Sao-Kree- m EVAPORATED Wlieaties fSLK IGA 4 cans Gives Ycu 55 So 33c - EOA Young Garden - 2 for 33c 3 for 49c GRAPEFRUIT - Shavers ' f T. Lfj H U llr rv f, PEAS PICTSWEET I "w - I luA UeLUAL I 111 I I I 1 V k m PLOWS HARROWS CULTIVATES MOWS LAWNS STIRS POUL-TRDOES LITTER LIGHT LEVELING AND GRADING AND MANY OTHER THINGS Y CHAPMAN FURNITURE "WE ARE HERE TO SERVE" Phone 27 Nephi, Utah f EXPRESS iTfTn'iarir(iiMii-ft- i if v - rr ifl -- PHONE i T : 300 - ur- - j i,,!,,, twin fnfi nr. nr iitt il' IIS - mr fir - bov 2r O mi tl ionaine cant BUS c 1.77 2 ui oris operatioii NEFHI DRUG CO. ri-ci- and lw- mmm the soil GRADUATION, BIRTHDAY OR JUST A FRIENDLY GIFT AT ANY SIZE. ; THROUGH 22e 2 Ins for EGA THE rQf F0R NOTE SIZE 37 A WONDERFUL GIFT FOR IIBI! 05 M3K Giant GHEAM OORn M ff VOv THE REGULAR SIZE AND A l c-- - 1 SERVICE Top Quality Frozen Foods! ..featured here at prices ! every family can afford X 1HUU SFifiAGI! PEAS & H PKG CARROTS COS or CUT CORN BROCCOLI CUTS GRANGE JUICE ANY 6 PKGS UM 1.05 6 CANS STAR KIST FsTone Shredded TUNA can 33c Marlene j 1 lb 33 11 IGA KICK. TASTY 40 0Z Can fOR IEST IAKMG ttSULTJ... 2 pks for 35$ IGA EASE Lge pk 25c IGA ENRICHED FLOUR 6 SALT LAKE CITY $4.50 round trip $2.50 one way DENVER - 6 $11.90 one way; 21.45 round trip 6 KANSAS CITY MA $22.30 one way; $40.15 round trip C 6 OMAHA $20.75 one way, $37.35 round trip 6 CHICAGO round $53.05 one $29.45 trip way; 6 ST. LOUIS $27.75 one way, $49.95 round trip 6 CHEYENNE $11.7$ one way; $21.10 round trip 6 DES MOINES 23.80 one way; $42.85 round trip 6 NEW YORK $43.65 one way; $94.60 round trip, 6 WASHINGTON D C $42.95 one way; $93.30 round trip DETROIT 6; $34.15 one way; $61.10 round trip 6 -- .. BOISE $10.16 one way; $18.30 round trip i 0 LAS VEGAS $9.05 one way; $16.30 round trip f 6 J BILLINGS, MONT ' $17.90 one way; $32.25 round trip 2 cans 35$ GOlDtN Whole Kernel Corn KoSt Mix Deal pack 2 for 19c SMALL T BONES fcSe Lb BEEF ROASTS, lb - dQclb Lb GROUND BEEF---c5- S PORK SAUSAGE d5c HALIBUT . . 55e IGA PINK SALMON tall tin V lb PROVO $1.35 one way; LARGE PK Wow with mm --jb couDon i GIANT PK m $w with ecupen 2 LARGE PACKAGE- S- 4Q With Coupon DEL MONTE CREAM CORN - 303 size tins each i& DEL MONTE FRUIT COCKTAIL 303 size tins ea 2M PIERCES PORK 8 BEANS - - QUART CAN - EACH 23 C ROYAL INSTANT PUDDING no Cooking, 3 flavors 15c MUFFETS - - the round shedded wheat biscuit, pkg 102 PHESANT CHICKEN - Delicious ! ! Frozen, 75 LB FRESH SWEET CORN - California 3 EARS 252 bunch 5c UTAH RADISHES AND GREEN ONIONS POTATES 10 LB BAG. .. . EACH 35c MILK ALL BRANDS 4 CANS 57c TALL TINS KRAFT FROZEN DESSERT 2 PKGS - 45c PILLSBURY CAKE MIX Z PKGS FOR tf PER POUND PAN READY CHICKENS 53 A GRADE TURKEYS --SMALL - PAN READY lb - 5Qe .251b 1.79 QUALITY MEATS Fesh SALMON C 6 LOS ANGELES It round one $26.55 trip way; $14.75 6 SAN FRANCISCO $19.80 one way; 35.65 round trip 6 PORTLAND $21.20 one way; 38.20 round trip U 3 Cans for 1.00 Peaches Tomato Juice IGA chunk style 'm, I 85c NABISCO VEL FAB TRIPS & $2.45 round trip I j lncluding prn and Thru-B(No Chonje) S.rvic. Atk your Greyhound Agtnl for Dfoii. (All forti flui U. S. Ton) GREYHOUND NEPHI CAFE Phono 255 - PHONE 57 NEPHI, UTAH LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED COMPLETE SMOKING AND CURING PLANT 56 EAST CENTER BUS DEPOT SCi!f V L "FRIErJDLY SERVICS" - : COMPLETE PROCESSING FOR LOCKERS niiriiftf AND HOME FREEZERS a |