Show Arch Marks Quay Where Pilgrim Fathers Sailed Plymouth I England Close England Close to the spot on which thousands of American visitors land In England every year ear from giant ocean liners a memorial arch commemorating the Pilgrim Fathers Fa Fa- there has lias Just been unveiled on the quay here bee It was from hero that they set sail for tor the New world 31 1 years ago The actual c causeway from which they embarked on to the tiny ISO ton Ma Mayflower ower disappeared long ago The exact spot of their embarkation Is la marked today however by a tablet let Into the roadway on the tho modern I quay qua which occupies the site of the theold theold i old causeway With the tho sirens of ocean liners formIng forming form form- Ing a vociferous background to the unveiling unveiling unveiling un un- un- un veiling ceremony th the hundreds of people pee peo pIe present on the quay were reminded that four Ma Mayflowers could rould dork dock In the dining salon of It Great Britain's new ro |