Show NATIONAL SAVINGS MARK INCREASES NEW YORK The annual savings compilation of ot the American Americas Hankers Cankers Association tor for the year ending June 30 1934 1931 shows that for the time since 1930 total savings in all American American Ameri Ameri- can banks recorded an annual increase A statement by W V. Espey Deputy Dep DIp ut uty my Manager of or the association in tn charge of its Savings Division Inthe in to inthe the organizations organization's monthly magazine Banking says sas that savings deposited In banks as of Juno 30 1934 1 gained 3 35 ft per cent aa as 3 compared with a year yeaT earlier The aggregate is II an Increase over last year ear of or the first since the year ear which closed June 30 30 SO WO 1930 he says sas This Is a achievement roe for the decline since 1930 had bad been precipitate precipitate precipitate pre pre- and all all embracing In that year savings 83 bad had reached the all time high of A year fear ago ngo the amount was a less Ins in three years ears of or This yeah the figure lIure stands at NDel Depositors stora too have gained In III num her Ier going from 39 on June 30 1933 to to on June Julie 30 SO this year t gala gain of or Four years ears ago there were depositors depositor or on ons del de de- l for tor each 23 3 persons In iho coon cova try NOW there ia is one account for each 3 32 p |