Show A I v u. u z r J t F Fh h Y r t t r Nw Dodge HERE HEM IT IS- IS IS THE IRE CAR M THAT MADE I EXPERTS n Qu sd lV A iy I r i sti k kR R f n NN r rl l V I 0 I II I I II I t IQ I I I KNOW GOOD LOOKS when I Ie DAZZLED BV BY BEAUTY aresee are er see at e th them N sly rt Russell RUIn Patterson Miss Mill ni value Un and ard 10 toll II eipert new no wonder that I guessed the price to be worth hundreds hundred of dollars of cube the new 19 1935 Dodge too high above In ill actual price r Tr x M Mt Ft t t s i I ab i GUESSED this new lIew 1935 ms Dodge Doda THIS N NEW W 1835 DODGE looks looh to 10 be b. priced much higher th than It Ilk ilk II oo model aare era Z Karl f. f I actually h la Ib ear aye Homer Hom H. H Boner Bailer Lueder value y pert aspect Was Wat I sae ur- ur former formet buyer buyer or fo lot for a man mall order oder houa to find and It costs coeta to a touch t NEo Even though Im I'm wron wrong I think Its no 00 wonder I figured wrong when I the tb sec U la wo worth nh It II It earn cams to the Ihl price pries So Much Luxury Style and ami Value in the New 1935 DODGE Experts its ils Price J Couldn't Believe It Would Sell for So Little 1 t I experts experts authorities authorities in ability Develops 85 miles an j I. I r style value engineering hour and up Built to last to guessed too high when asked save money no matter how I Ito ito to estimate the price of the fast you drive A saving of I 1 Value New Dodge for 1935 15 15 to 20 20 on every dollar you i But no wonder they guessed spend d for gas is ia now possible le with with astonishing even more wrong Never before has any oil economy car so low priced low priced been so smartly designed so sturdily Compare delivered prices of built so luxurious with 95 this 1935 Dodge against other J I J 1 basic advancements for new cars You'll be surprised to comfort new economy new learn how low they are Only i t r I high speed with safety the genius genias of a manufacturing organization with like with Dodge Dodge with And II Ie Control Con like 20 years years' experience building trot which makes driving un years fine motor cars car could cars could create believably easy easy and effortless such outstanding dollar for dollar for the new Ride dollar value which gives Dodge a steadiness ness smoothness and readability roada reada DODGE BROTHERS CORPORATION ability a- a never before ever approached ap ape Till vu ad In kr tho Ih r ep rf me nf P coached b by Y other cars ar Motor 1 The Value New Dodge Dodge Is All Au price pric F. F O. O B. B Detroit f Y 1 r uv cf to 10 cha clan without nolic nolle Sp SpeCIal Span ci l powered veered with the Dodge Red tra a. a Tim Tun to 10 M Ii Ram Its It's silky smooth you det Ad 10 cal ts' ts Motor t Pl Plan Pita wit with h tra traditional d I Dod Dodge ge d depend depend- epen d Coup Coupe with th S. S Semi St 7 17 1 O 0 S Sedan Sd 2 ew A Door 1690 14 4 Door Touting with g t tI X trunk O. O Tarin i L DODGE DO Sd S.d. Door 3 Doo wf with ht I trunk front unA now row tow IM ro SUIT A CW DOLLARS DOUA MOM TH THAN TNt THe A CAS L L. A. A Lunt Motor Co Cedar City JUDD GARAGE Milford Utah FACTORY DISTRIBUTORS st St. George Utah 44 J r |