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Show .BgDAY, DECEMBER 2&, 1932 THE LEHI FREE PRESS We wish to thank our many customers for their patronage and to wish all a very ' t!, st-l- Happy and Prosperous New Year May we continue to serve you in 1933. MAD: PHONE 17 MAIN STREET LEHl, UTAH UTAH COUNTY AGENTS MAKE MANY CONTACTS DURING PAST YEAR rnends Honor lany C. C. Hackett's Birthday Haekett was the dinner of h nor at the home of his Mrs. La A. v auantine oi i occas-oThe f Lake City, Sunday. rej"k'ing being his 51st his 82nd birthday also Christmas. Thirty other ts paid him tribute by attending dinner at the home of Mr. and Vallantine, amofig which were and Mrs. Junius Banks, and Mr. Mrs. Joseph Haekett of Lehi. born December r. Haekett was 1830, at Liverpool, England, the ligest of the thirteen sons born to Edwards and Pierce Haekett. erossed the ocean while a baby his parents, who first settled in jisanna, a year or so later moving C. C. htt-r- , I again in Independence, Missouri, at the age of five Mr. Hackett's ints moved les County, again Missouri, to Buler, where they their home for a few years. ing the period of the strife between North and the South (Civil War) family oscillated back and forth reen Kansas and Missouri, t the age of 15 years Mr. Haekett inded school in Kansas City, and in quitting he set himself up as a lr at Sedala, Missouri, where he Iked up his business and kept In !e it for several years. In 1876 two Mormon missionaries talked to him and told him of their church. Mr. Haekett befran to investigate; his investigations led him to Utah in 1878 and upon arriving he became firmly convinced nf th truth and sincerity of the "Mormon" people and became a member of the church in 1879 and since then has made a good record for himself. He has been president of the Mutual three times, served on a mission to southern Illinois from 1905 to 1907, has been a ward teacher for over fifty years and holds the office of a High Priest in the church. Three years after arriving in Utah he married Miss Margaret Booth of Alpine, the daughter of Elsie Edge and Richard T. Booth, on Christmas day. To Mr. and Mrs. Haekett were born ten children which were raised to man and womanhood. Nine are now alive; one died following a year of service in the United States army, This son, during the world war. Richard, went over the top for "Uncle Sam three times and came back. After the war, and the day before he was to be released, he was sent to the hospital sick and there he died. Mrs. Haekett followed her son in death in i flSnuffllliHty mm Tl O Always Done by ML S. M) nr j PLUMBING ami HEATING PHONE 23 STATE STREET Havkttt moved to Lehi in 1919, and has sine then bm an active ci:iz v and especiay interested in f!iur!'- - Basketball is his main interest. He i .m misses a game that is played. When Lehi gets to the t urr.ament they are sure cf one bister, and that is Mr. Haekett. Mr. Haekett is one of the oldest fans to continue to attend the tournaments and one of the best boosters of the Lehi both in state and district competition. Mr. Haekett holds probably the only record of being in attendance at every state tournament The children who are still living of Mr. Hackett's are: Mrs. Edna Banks, Mrs. May Marsh of Alpine; Miss Maude Haekett of Salt Lake; Charles, of Monterose, California; Allen B, of Salt Lake; Mrs. Ora Vallintine, of Salt Lake; Rulon H., of Salt Lake; Mrs. Margaret Mills of Salt Lake and Joseph Haekett. LEHI, UTAH In his annual report W. W. Owens, director for agriculture i f the extension service of the Utah State Agricultural College, includes a summary of the contacts made bv the rnnntv fitrrinnltiirrtl affpnti for tho state during the past year. Mr. Owens shuws that the agents made a total of 21,481 farm visits; attended to 34.210 office calls, exclusive of telephone oenversations ; held 1,418 demonstration meetings that were attended by 47,347 persons. In addition to this 2,109 other meetings were held, making a total of 3,527 meetings held with an attendance of 105,306 persons. In close with the county agents 2,754 volunteer leaders stood ready to assist in carrying out the extension program in the state. Judging from the number of news articles written by the agents the republic has been well informed and the programs of plans garding Mr. Owens reextension workers. ports that 2,662 items were published in the state and county papers during the past year. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1931 Monastery Founded by Monarch to Keep Vow King ld later Hi. first ruler of Ost-mar- tt became OesterreUa or was so opposed to women Austria, exposing any part of their forms, re godless of the f:th!un. that be was move! to VuM the towu of Klo terneuburg and Its cathedral and monasteries because hi wife lost her veil, according to a writer la the Detroit News. The veil was oue he had given her for a wedding present, and one day while standing on the balcony watching for her lord and master to come home the wind snatched the veil and wafted It away. Servants could not rind it and the king was quite angry about Its loss when be came home. He swore it should be found and for seven years be drove his soldiers nearly mad In the search. lie even had a number of the soldiers put to death because be thought they were lax in looking for it Finally be retired to his private apartment and prayed, lie vowed that if his prayers were beard he would build a magnificent monastery on the sjk where the veil was found. Oddly enough, the veil was found Im mediately. He summoned the Order of Augustine monks to help him, and tliey in turn brought thousands of laborers. Klosterneunurg and Its cathedral were linished In W,i after a labor of 23 year. King Leopold died six weeks after his vow was accomplished. Dogs That Uphold and Other That Break Law Dogs are used to smuggle contraband Into Spain. They 6wlm ashore from the smugglers" boats, carrying "duty-free- " goods in waterproof packages strapped to their backs. They work swiftly and silently, not even shaking themselves when they reach the shore, but making off at a good pace for the smugglers' Inland depot They are trained to avoid men In uniform. a But dogs can assist the police as well as break the law. The work of police dogs abroad Is well known, and even "amateurs" sometimes act as detectives. In one recent case a dog, after sniffing for some minutes In a room which bad been burgled, ran away. It entered, climbed the stairs, and sat down outside a room which bad Just been vacated. When its former occupant was arrested he confessed to the theft Dogs have also a good record as and hardly a holiday passes without some venturesome youngster d In difficulties being rescued by a Due to the extreme cold weather hero. which we experienced in the past it is probably advisable to postpone the Vagmrie of Spider pruning of peach trees until late in if are cannibals. Members of can tell we so that Spiders the spring there has been winter injury up to some species often associate with of other species, all living that time and to wnat extent and if members without together animosity, apparentand can after we prune there has been ly, when there ts sufficient food for As more few a peaches. probably get all. Members of other species are Ina general rule peaches do not stand tolerant of strangers. Some webs are weather more than 20 degrees below suited to snare very small and delizero and in some cases we have had cate Insects that breed In water close as high as 30 degrees below zero in to th'fc dders' dwelling places. Not the county. It didn't last for a very far fi W these webs may be seen stout webs that hold heavy Insects. Some long time and it may be possible there spiders live In flowers and bunting rehad as if it isn't as much injury catcb flying insects that tip the flowmained at that temperature a few ers' nectar. Other spiders live all their Uvea under stones, and feed aldays. most exclusively on creatures that this trees of On the pruning apple crawL They shun moths and butterwill as started be can they anytime flies and other Insects that flap their stand the frost considerable more wings. than the peach tree. In prunning berries it is probably Famoat Eaglitk Scholar better to wait until late in the spring Peter Mark Roget was an English so we will be able to determine which of the canes are dead so that we will physician and scholar born In London, died In I860. He studied medibe able to take those out If you cut 1779; cine at the University of Edinburgh the tops from the berries and we have and removed to Manchester, wbere he cold it sometimes causes winter in- became physician to the lunatic asyjury as cold seems to go down from lum, the fever hospital and the inthe place of the cut Shrubs also firmary. He settled In London In 1808, should be prunned in the spring as and was long secretary of the Royal the cold weather is harmful to them. society. Among bis works are "AniSome shrubs are pruned to best ad- mal and Vegetable Physiology" (1834) and "A Thesaurus of English Words vantage during the summer. and Phrases" (1852), which passed through 28 editions in the author's lifetime, was edited by his son In 1879 and became a standard work of life-saver-s, PEACH TREE PRUNING four-foote- A Happy Birthday To Mrs. James H. Gardner The Lehi Free Pre?s would like to extend in behalf f the citizens of LEHI SOPHS. Lehi, cr the people which the Press G. T. F. P. represents, and the management of Woffinden, if. 6 4 2 14 the Press a Very Happy New Year Roberts, If. 0 0 0 0 and birthday to Sister Rhoda 0 0. 0 Price, c 0 Priscilla Gardner, wife of James H. Wells, rg. 0 0 0 0 Gardner. o 0 Hadfieb'J Ig. 0 0 Mrs. Gardner was born December Chatfield, rf 0 0 0 0 30, 1863, in South Cottonwood, Salt S. Allred, If... 0 0 0 0 Lake County, the daughter of Khoda Smith, rg 0 1 0 0 P. Barnum and Simpson D. Huffaker. S. Evans, Ig. i i q 2 Sister Gardner's mother soon died end ehe was given to the care of Totals 6 7 2 16 Lauretta Palmer Barnum, her grandSPRINGVILLE SOPHS mother. With this good woman she G. T. F. P. spent her childhood and young Dangerfield, rf. 0 0 0 0 womanhood in Peoa, Summit County, Weight, If. 0 0 0 Utah. Here she received a common Alleman, c. 0 0 0 0 school education and later worked a Thorne, rg. ..0 0 0 0 number of years in the Peoa Co-oBlasket, ig. 0 0 0 0 On October 15, 1SS6, she was Paxman, rf 1 0 0 2 married to James II. Gardner in Oakley, rg. 1 0 2 j Logan. For one year they made their Roylance, If 2 2 0 4 home in Salt Lake County and then Barman. Ig 2 3 2 6 braved a new country in Idaho. With Taylor, rg 1 0 1 l her husband she helped to bring unTotals 1 6 3 15 der cultivation the quarter section of Refeere, Clark; umpire, Sabey; government land upon which he had scorer, Dorton. filed, undergoing all the hardships IH31 and inconvenient incidents customary FCIIOOL VACATION to a pioneer county. ENDS JANUARY 2ND In 1892 the family moved to Lehi, which has since been their home. The Alpine School District will end Mrs. Gardner has here reared a the Christmas and New Years vacafamily of nine children, which alone tion Monday, January 2. School will is sufficient to show that her life has meet as usual beginning Tuesday been a useful and busy one. morning. The Brigham Young University But outside of her Tamfty cares she has found time to participate in the will commence class work Wednesday various activities of her sex. In Idaho morning. Monday and Tuesday will she was secretary of the Relief be used as registration days. O Society and first counselor in the Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement LEHI CREDITED WITH Association. When the Lehi Second CHANCE AT ALPINE TITLE Ward was formed, she was made second counselor in the Relief Society, Sport depesters have began predictshe hejd this position until the wards ing the victors of the different were divided in Lehi, and then she divisions in basketball. The daily was put in the Lehi Fifth Ward; newspapers give American Fork the immediately after this she was called edge with Lincoln second, with a pos to work in the Alpine Stake Board sible upset by Lehi or Pleasant Relief Society; she answered the call Grove. What the dopesters can't and did her share of the work up un figure out probably is that Lehi has til the time of the organization of won games from the leading teams in the Lehi Stake; then she was put in other districts and have lost some to the Lehi Stake Board; she worked in weaker teams. Coach Neilsen evident-l- y this position until 1929 when she was doesn't want two much publicity put in president of the relief In the lately; and from the looks of things Fifth Ward the position she now there will probably be an upset. In, the games which Lehi has lost it will holds. be remembered that a lot of boys saw action; in one game three diferent teams saw action, a first, a second, and a third. What can the first team do? That is the question. The league games will answer ..,.0 p. HIGH SCHOOL it LEHI SUBDUES WASATCH Playing without the services of its star center, and keyman on both the defense and offense, Wasatch high school basketball team of Heber City proved to be an easy victim of Lehi here Monday evening, and the Pelicans The score by quarters won 16-- 4 and all for the was victors. Pyper and Lutta for Wasatch and M. Allred and Evans for Lehi played the best ball. 36-1- 7. 11-- 31-- 0, 3, LEHI VETERAN OUT FOR WHOLE SEASON The sweetness of a double victory by a thrilling margins by Lehi high was blighted when outraged Nature refused longer to stand abuse and the knees of Avery "Huck" Kirkham, Lehi's brilliant guard gave way, a football season injury having apparently not sufficiently healed Kirkham is, without doubt, lost for the remainder of the season, and a brilliant senior year in basketball and track perhaps, blotted out The Lehi Sophomore league team everybody, surprised including when they dealt the Springville, Harp's Long History drubbing, The barp Is the oldest of stringed younger Red Devils a l with Tom Woffinden leading the way, Instruments. The Bible mentions as the Inventor. The harp has despite partially severed tendons in been used by all nations in one form his right wrist. Woffinden scored 13 or another. The Improvements which of Lehi's 16 points, S. Evans, subhave rendered the modern harp an stitute guard, sinking the other one. efficient musical Instrument are due to Barrman, Springville reserve forSebastian Erard. who In 1794 took out a patent for a harp with seven ped- ward, was the high scoring Red Devil, with six counters. als, and again In 1808 for a n team show Grante's same with number of the barp pedals, each of which effects two ed a marvelous passing attack under changes in the pitch of the strings. the basket, but couldn't find the hoop, Various Improvements over Erard's despite close shooting throughout the harp were made during the Nineteenth evening. Granites first quarter de century. fense was impregnable, but weakened 5 Ju-ba- double-actio- n Always the Best three-vetera- slowly as the game wore on. Phone Monkeys Art Mimics 8-- w Prices Always Right The monkey always has been a torious mimic. Since first becoming acquainted with man, bis favorite diversion has been the imitating of huThe man actions and mannerism very expression "aping a person" has come to mean mimicking him. The dog has been tailed man's truest friend, but the monkey Is his best Imitator. The movie producers have capitalized upon this propensity of the up? and hive film'"! pictures with casts. Every character has been a chimpanzee, or a monkey actor has been a chitnpaazee, or U no- rang-outao- , 8-- W If you have any news of interest, any advertising--, any job printing or want anything la the printing line. Strvie with a tmMt. 1 J one-poi- nt 16-1- PRINTING PHONE 8-- 0, 15-1- We hope the boy and girls who are home are having: as much fun aa we are here at school. All this week will be spent in cheer giving. Caroler's are coming, our dances and fun with the trees and gifts will be great. We are especially grateful to our friends the Lions, whose ride around the county is the first In our young1 lives. These fine men are from Lehi and American Fork, they are coming; to give everyone a New Year'a rlda to see the holiday decoration. Imagine what a rest the buildings will have without us. Our class work will be a visit to "Other Lands at Christmas Time." We will take a trip to Germany by Mrs. Wadley's group. To the sunny south sea islands by Mrs. Monson and Mrs. Walker. A hurried trip through England, Holland, Norway, Sweden and Japan by Mrs Vance and Miss Carson. Join us Friday morning in as sembly and catch the good will spirit. Miller, 8:30 forward, was outstanding both on offense and defense. The fourth quart er shooting of Bunker was uncanny. The Salt Lake team led at the and still commanded first quarter lead at the half, after a Chilton had sunk three and Evans as the one. Lehi crept ahead third round ended, nnd relinquished tied the lead for a moment at it at 17 and 19. Allred came through with his lone basket wkh one minute left Pendleton, fouled as the gun pounded, missed his pitch narrowly, that would have tied the game up. The scores: four-poi- STATE TRAINING SCHOOL NEWS a.m. Parents and visitors are cordially invited to attend the Christmas program with the children and to parti cipate in the happy spirit v. hich we are so eager to ptovde Tor the children we have come to regard as dearly aJ our own. 4 15-1- 6, UP"-- .. - WILLIAM ASHER AT LAW A. M. t 8:30 Haurs Office ':. p. m. LEHL UTAH MAIN STREET ATTORNEY , |