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Show LEHI FREE PRESS, LEBL, UTAH The Fable of Adding Up Another Year S3 By GEORGE ADE O N i alVlureWNU - ice tr pw rdiortL there was ONCE the who projiioo put la a good l'ari Time telling himself that he was a Uegular Feller. Just a frown up Boy Scout, a DIspen-aeof Sunshine, carrying about 120 Pounds Pressure of Civic I'rlde. and the life of almost any Tarty.' What you might call. If choosing to coin a Amerlilt of Inscription, a ican. lie always took off bis iiat when the Flag went by In a parade organized by the Foreign Element and he could Ta-T- a hla Way through The Star Bpaogled I la nner" and be bad read enough history to know that the Rev olutlonary War was fought In the Eastern Section of our own Fair, or at leant Fair to Middling, .and and the Home Team won by a single Touchdown. It befell that one Day, as 1931 was getting ready to take the Count and make way for the delightful Uncertainties of 1932, this same Ornament to Society was seated at bis Desk, gazing at a new Date Pad presented by an Insurance Company, and reflecting sentimentally upon the widely adver tlsed Fact that another Tear was petering out He found himself reviewing the Period which had oozed by so rapidly since the preceding January First, and In doing so ha could not refrain from hurling a few Bouquets. Family Ignorsncs Is Bliss. "Not so worse, everything considered," he said to Himself. "A few e more Securities planted in the sheet-IroIlox; I traded In the Old Car Just at the Right Time. In another Week it would have fallen In two. The Preparation which was guaranted to arrest Baldness did not work. I lost the Third Flight because the new Shaft In my Mashle was not the same as tha Old One, and I am Eight Pounds Overweight and I have a little higher Blood Pressure than Doc says Is good for me, but I can still eat Mince Pie for Lunch and smoke six Cigars a Day, so I should fret "No one can sayUhat 1 ain't been have given Emgood to my family. ma and the two. girls and Harold everything they needed and about $0,000 worth of Junk that no sane Individual ever could possibly need. Yes, sir, the Old Boy has been a dandy Husband and Father and as long tfs they don't at Atknow about the little Bust-Ove- r lantic City during the Convention, the whole Thing Is Just the same as If It never happened. Besides, I didn't fall. I was shoved. And, as far as that's concerned, what I pulled wasnt any rougher than what the other Boys were doing while under the Influence of the Salt Air. So my Conscience Isn't troubling me much. "As nearly as I can recall them, having no copy at hand, there are several of the Ten Commandments that I have not shattered. ThaVs more than some Birds enn say. I'll admit that I haven't punched the Clock 6ver at the Church any too often, but I've got an Alibi. 1 found out all about those tatters that Saint Paul wrote to the Corinthians and Thessalontans a good many years ago when I had to go to Sunday School. Furthermore, that Preacher has a convulslv e Adam's Apple and makes me nervous. I Bent the usual Check and I am certain that when the Funeral Sermon Is preached It will be discovered that I am In Good Stand Ing. even If I have carried most of my Religion In my Wife's Name. "At all Times I have kept In Mind the good old Golden Rule which says that One should never put off until Tomorrow what might be done this Afternoon. Come to think of It, I may be mixed In my Dates. Possibly the Golden Rule has something to do with giving the Opposition a split of Fifty-FiftWell, I never figured that I could get very far unless I held out and I could for about Seventy-Thirty- , name a lot of highly respected Guys At least, I who make It Ninety-Ten- . stark up better than the Average. When you are sitting In with a Bunch of Hard-RolleConianches who deal from the Bottom of the Deck and have all of the Aces marked, I never could see the Sense of trying to get no bet ter than an Even Break." "It Is easy to bear up under Criticism while there Is plenty of Velvet A Coving Dove With an Eagle's Crest. In sight. I never cut a Throat unless 1 am sure that the victim has his own knife all sharpened up for Me. The Idea Is to be a Good Sport but not to lose anything. Observe the Reguln tlons but don't let your Rivals always Interpret them for you. I think I am a Square Shooter, considering what I have been up against In the way of Overhead and a Fluctuating Market end the Necessity of dealing with so many Crooks. "Taking all the Facts Into Consid (ration. 1 have been a darn Good Cltl ,en. If I have violated very many Laws It la because a Busy Man can'-- t l:eej Tnh on all of the new Statute- sFederal, State and Municipal. In re Kard to the Trouble 1 had over the tnorr.Tax. It seemed to me that 1 had a RUiht tv all of those Exemp Hons. It has 4.1 ways been my Jdea to pay about thf Sajne sthe elgh bora were handing ov.er ami It .wasn't my Fault If they tiifed ti boW out. I will admit tht I put up a moderate' Holler when thjit fresh Special Agent gilt-edg- n d Doing the Unusual With Color stung me for the Increased Surtax for 1928. 1929 and "It made me kind e aora, because when It comes to supporting the Government no one ran 'say that I've been tight or backward. My private Crest Is the American Eagle. Look at all those Liberty Bonds. Didn't I say. In my speech before the Chamber of Commerce, that we ought to back up the President and the secretary t--tli treasury In their patriotic Endeavor - rduce treaswryr Taxation. - Wb was It wrote that Piece for the Paper about our collecting allxhat'0)ln that '.Europe awes usl Every time. 'the old D. 8. needs Help you'll find me so Immersed In ray Private Affairs that I cant Mind Time to put In 'T. Plug for the General Welfare of the American im By CHERIE NICHOLAS All Needs Met by Breeding Associations TROT. H. W r A wf. W i if Ail horse-breedin- g ' tion. "During this whole Year I haven't consulted a Lawyer or bad a Run-iwith Anybody whatsoever unless I was absolutely In the Right. The Trouble Person, Is that when a like Me, tries to live up to that Motto about IJve and let Live, a lot of take Advantage of him. I can truly say that, I wouldn't have lost a Law-Sui- t during the entire Year If the Facts had been fairly presented to the Court. I'm a Combinaton of cooLamb, unless ing Dove and snow-whitsomebody crosses me." Having Impartially sized himself up from every Angle, he felt so proud of the Glorous Record he had established during 1931 that he went out and bought himself two suits of Clothes and a Racoon Coat as a delayed Christmas Gift. MORAL: If you are looking for Hidden Treasure, search your Inmost d rs horse. It Is unnecessary for farmeri to pay the added expense, when the horse and breeding association Is both cheap workable. When In need of a stallion, the association may send a committee sec of Its members to stal a not buy only where they tlons, Hon at a fair price, but see good breedknow the ing establishments, learn to horse-breedin- g - e ai - i rij better breeders, and make contacts with prospective buyers. The cost of a stallion under the breeding association plan is usually about half the cost In a horse company. Repellent Washes That Cause Injury to Trees Soul. repellent washes, such as soap whitewash, diluted suds, coal tar, gas tar, axle grease, paint, various oils, and other sub stances, are often recommended as washes or paints for fruit trees to prevent Injury by rabbits and field mice. During mild winters all of these If materials may work very well. snow has been on the ground, however, for a week or more and rabbits and mice need food badly, serious may be done to the trees where washes of the above substances have been applied. Such substances as paint, coal tar, gas tar, axle grease, concentrated oils, and combinations of such materials may. do serious Injury to- the .tree trunks and even cause the trees to die. To he on the safe side, the grower should not use such substances, as there are others which may be used with as good results without danger ' of. harm.. If repellent or poisonous wash 4s desired, use whitewash, soap suds, or 'dormant strength and add lead arsenate at tha pate of about .two, pounds to 60 gallons. These washes may be1 applied with a sprayer, which will facilitate the work. .Greater, concentrations may be made and "the repellents applied by means of an ordinary paint brush. There Is little or no danger of these washes do Ing Injury to tree trunks no matter when or how applied. Exchange. Many That Home Environment, as Teacher Found It "So many lecturers prate of home environment," said Mrs. Ramsey Sherman at a New York luncheon, "but Investigation has proven that the public school environment Is far higher than one finds In the averase borne. America as a whole is shockingly Il? literate., . "A Brooklyn school teacher, finally getting out of patience over the language used by one of her pupils, took the trouble: to go to the boy's home and .complain: to his parents whom' he knew to he In very good .financial ; circumstances. .. "'You must do something abou I've tried and Johnny's language. tried, but It does no good." " 'What does he sayr asked the fond ' 4 father. "'Oh, lots of things. Why, only' today he said : '1 ain't never went no. .1 where,' . " 'lie ain't, ain't net exclaimed the father In" astonishment, , 'Why, the young whelp's went farther' and saw more places than most klda twice hla . '.......', . Credit Wisconsin Man With Ice Cream Sundae According to the Two Rivers (Wisconsin) Reporter, the modern Ice cream sundae was Invented by George Hallauer; of that city. R. C. Berne, retired Two Rivers confectioner, is quot; ed as saying that trimmings on lea cream dishes were not known 40 years ago. Chocolate sirup was used only for flavoring sodas. One night young George Hallauer dropped Into the Bernes Ice cream parlor. He ordered Ice cream and then noticed the chocolate sirup bottle. He asked for some on his Ice cream. "Don't spoil a dish of Ice cream," ' said Mr. Bernes. "Oh, I'll try It," said George, the pioneer. He tried It all right, and liked It, and pretty soon the whole town was asking for Ice cream "with stuff on It." A competitor of Bernes resented the fad that Increased the cost, to the dealer, of an Ice cream portion, so he announced he would only serve the new dish on Sunday. Hence the name. Detroit Free Press. We ourselves are the real word, the life utterance which speech often falsifies. There are faces which never deceive nor mislead us. A spiritual nature can but be frank and honest, because Its foundation stones are laid In the truth, and It knows thot nothing else holds. It Is in us as human beings Instinctively to recognize and hate Insincerity. Nobody Is In the end deceived by expression which Is merely outward and perfunctory. Our Inner life Is transparent; It cannot conceal Itself; If It Is a true life It has no need or desire of concealment. Lucy Larcom. One Enough The word "pianos'' was In the spelling lesson, but when the teacher looked at the papers she found that John had written the singular Instead ' of the plural form. "I gave you 'pianos',' John," complained the teacher. "It was not one; It was more than one." "But. Miss S ," remonstrated John, "there's no use In learning how to spell more than one piano; we'll never have any more than that." "Shooting Stars" A "shooting star"- is a meteorite which has jentered the field pt, the earth's gravitational attraction and by friction wtn $he- - earth's atmosphere, has been heated to Incandescence. Moat "shooting stars" never fall upon the earth because. In their rapid flight .through the air the are completely consunfed y frlctlohal heat and are jTisold lpto jrasesk Larger ones allf tnartV asHalackened masses of stone or metal. ' - lime-sulphu-r, as color is concerned iihsi sturliiug In the realm or fashion these tiny. It would seetu as If designers were go tng almost revolutionary In their Ideas on the color question, In thai they are quite Ignoring tiuie-ho.ii.iai) V " ored rules as to which color should go with which. ll a new order of as were, creating gulmpe dresses things all their own. news In style as such front are page ; Since doing the unusual U made to black count for chic In present ilay costume reports. The frock which is of Is enlivened with a scarfed broadcloth design, our leading style crea.tors are blouse of dusty pink shark skin satin. working most, unexpected tones and French couturiers are expressing a a vivid hues together tints and bps black with pink for fondness special tufe which Is accomplishing wonders this 'season. In the way of achieving a newness for There Is no lack on this winter's winter fashions which Is as refresh" parade of even more striking exstyle, "1 It Is as fascinating lug of new thought coloring such ponents The styles Illustrated give some idea as, for Instance, a Paris model which of the Interesting things that are be tops an evening gown of pale blue lng done w,Kh color this season. There with draped bodice section of crepe Is, for example, the charming dress red embroidered In silver dots. which the pretty blond, seated to the gay Another party 'frock, the skirt of left In the picture, has on. This uh which Is finely pleated. Is fashioned ustonl gown for theater and restaurant chiffon In tones of flesh, poach and of wear comhlries black crepe-Witgerwith, a scarf of the brlghl orange anium and pUrple aster velvet, the latorange. over ter crossed denurely the shout Sometimes It Is the sleeves which .tiers ad brought very low at. the. back It Is the .of the bodice., Vejyet trimming touches furnish corilrast, then again most and or the little Jacket, cape on crepe or satin frocks are quite the recent approach to color effect vis. season. this rage Via the waist and skirt which ' A most 'gracious afternoon gown Is 'gained diner In color as well as in material. shown to the right' Its color combl of One creator evolves a nation Is regarded as a forecast for wine colored velvet for with skirt the spring. The body of the frock Is done velvet for the waist-deptbodice. 4n pnle Wiie velvet with dark brown pink A purple crepe dress takes unto Itself velvet or- - tbe sleeves. The comhln a brown velvet jacket. Then there Is Best Pig Management Ing of velvet In two or more colors Is the Paris frock fit If crepe rough purple at all possible, the farrowing an outstanding feature of current styl which Is topped with a Jacket In bright places for pigs should be out tn clean , lng. fuchsia. pastures. These pigs should be left Centered In the group Is one of the 1931 ?). Western Newspaper Union In these clean pastures as long as there is any green feed available. There are three reasons why this kind 'PORK PIE" HATS WOOLLY TIMES of pig management is advisable: It NOT FOR SNIFFLERS prevents the pigs becoming Infested with worms; it reduces the possible Those suuey little "pork pie' hats losses from anemia; and it helps to which perched daringly upon the the pigs a good start before win give heads of beauties of the naughty !K)s ter weather necessitates their being are back again. more closely confined In central hog Turned up all around and often houses and under dry lot feeding con trimmed with tufts of fur. or feathers, ditlons. As a rule, winter rations are these little hots are worn well for more or less deficient In nutritive val ward, leaving the sfarliourd and aft ues. It Is not quite fair to young pigs of the head excised to the cruel winds to put them on rations of this kind in Those smart of winter women, who addition to their already having n do not fear the cold probe blj will poor start Hoard's Dairyman. wear "pork pies." but for those who sniffle there are other models There Is one In particular which Move for "Better Stock" covers quite a bll of scalp. It really The basic idea of the "Better Sires is a coniliimitlon of two smaller skull Better Stock" campaign is that the caps, such as women have been wearpure-bresires will "grade up" and ing. One tits over the front of the Improve the flocks and herds. Give head anil the other overlaps and covthem time, and they will. But reports ers the back of the head from the more than 17,500 stock ownOne nice feature of winter Is that ers who have enrolled show that many no woman will he forced to wear a of them want to hasten the ImproveISjw ib tiit lime tviieii children's ment hal because her neighbor does. There They know they can do so by clothes take on a woolly aspect Wool will be fashions for all females. ' acquiring pure-bre- d lies! of the woolly are the rough sur The latest figures showing Improveface coatings, the tweeds, the chlu ment of live stock, as reported to the Lace Gowns for Evening chillus. fleece and Irish frieze varl Department of Agriculture, reveal that Wear Are the Mode Again ously patterned and purticularlj good on these 17,500 farms where there are There has no! been much to any in the liagonal, writes Carolyn T Rad no scrub or grade- - sires there are, on In Child Life Magazine. nbout laces In evening frocks this an average, for every pure-bre- d sire For the little girls there no smart: season, but now thev come again Including cattle, .horses, swine, sheep, er coat than the straight from the and P.lnck and fllruy describe the laces goats six pure-brefemales, two shoulder type. Even their older sis cross-brethai at present are seen. females, nine grade females, are all for ters the swagger coats, and; and less than half a scrub female. Chanel, a when It comes to lace for evening, dia win yon over the lifted model with the higher waistwith an occasional heavy lace but lines, emphasized by seaniings and oc there are other models from het that cnslonally by a bell, are the exception that proves the fashion rule. The one are as frothy as thoie from Augusta Apply mulch around perennial plants and not directly on the tops of them. hernard and Vlonnet. Whether they sided effects are accented b handing are rnlTly or flowing, they are the and buttons; braidings and cording .i Rogs do better on spuds which are only real diaphanous dress type pre form decorative motifs; and the wider sented this winter. More than that, shoulder effects are gained by drop cooked, but other live stock obtain more food value from the potatoes they have the feminine quality of pe vokes and raglan sleeves In the above picture the side de which are fed raw. rind style 'nfliionoe tails, wide shoulders affected by the raglan sleeve, stamp this a I! 1.13 "coat Addition of cottonseed meal .to the Contrasting Tints Smart which may be worn with or without ration Increased gains and Improved for Dress Combinations rhe belt An unusual yoke gives a the finish of the lambs. new look to the little dress approprl As this Is a year of vlg irons tm trasts in .almost everything colors ale for all fabrics Separate one piece With 81,005.000 bushels of the 1031 , panties. go In fm contrast, too. Hie smart' corn crop, still remaining on Illinois , est I!t:i2 lresso shm combinations farms on JVoveniber I, this year, tlje of shades, frequently ones that have carryover of old ffnr'n la the ; largest Jacket Blout never been used together before. since 1S2C A black crepe dress with a gultni ' Thereare sirantse reds and blues th of pleated white Is charm marquisette exotic purplish slmdet.-There ore Ing for late afternoon and Informal .I'iire lyreds or scrubs A survey jn yellows' and browns and dinner. A Jacket, with three .quarter tiearlj eveW rtatebf the Cnljw showa ( wljites. oranges and brwvris. Aty pijff sleeves Is made trtj go ovei'lt and tha"teghtj$-eanp)ali'mature earlier, number of startling anj'hniiiatfrfe new biltlon up the back.; transforming It glva Viftket tup oerJ on'vlj)vet combines are being promoted. me nt, make gains on lees feed. . Into a perfect daytime cost nine. FAR SOthings are- hapiieijing n , Ume-sulDh- two-piec- d QMJb OtLEFfUL THE ssillMissssssssssssssssllMMMssllsssssssssasssssMMsma when ptopk pws our house. t n$it In kv$hter-tmlinmotor ctxi3w. I sit fcjd upon g -- - '.' the. jW lArU &o for 'joy rides witK the. W The borse breeding association similar to the old time horse company, 'who but lacks tbe outside promoter be to has who and sell to a horse has activities. paid for his sales promotion The old horse company, which made horse breeding too expensive In New York state, was usually organized by e an agent who sold about twenty-fivshare of farmers each a hundred-dolla- r a stock, and then sold the company People. porch-Climbe- HARPBB j TjjJ self organized of farmers, group to to buy a breeding stallion adapted the horse needs of the community, and who buy a stallion direct from U a breed apochv B, t-- broad-minde- Point for Horse Raisers to Study MOST OF LUMBER DOLLAR TO LABOR more Labor receives considerably than half of the coet of the lumber employed In the construction of the average home, It was declared by the National Lumber Manufacturers' association. If the labor of the woodsmen who cut down the trees, the labor of the sawmill workers who cut the logs Into lumber, of the planing mill men who make the doors, sash and flooring; of the various transportation and distributing agencies are considered the portion of the "lumber dollar" going to labor In the construction of a dwelling will be approximately 67 cents, the association finds. A survey In 15 large cities in as many slates, made by the United States bureau of labor statistics, cost In showed that the was 62.7 construction residential cents of the building dollar, while labor costs amounted to 37.3 cents. The "lumber dollar" made up of the cost of carpentry work, lumber, millwork, and other Items, was divided between 67.1 cents for materials and 32.9 cents for labor. This classification of material referred to materials delivered on the Job and did not reveal the portion of ..labor going into Its preparation, 'it. Is explained. Washington Star. Old Sol'. Helper ' . Reading that the sun may not last more than another seven' billion years, the 'girl out our way Is mak-ln- g an increased use of her so as to ease up the drain. Akanr sas Gazette. , ..i-" aun-lam- p ." ... ., 4 , WHISPERED -- AGreat Complexion Secret! I Irf her friend she mlesseatnesemioi ner ..JW $SV con- flawless clear while skin. Long ago site learned that no cosmetic would , " hWebldOAesTdiajple' She found sallownesB. the secret of real complexion beauty in NRTablets (Nature'iRem.1 Tw HmmhI and cleared trie eiiminauve tract correcuxi slugdrove out the poisonous gish bowel action wastes. She felt better, too, full of pep. tingling with vitality. Try this mad, safe, dependable, corrective) tonight. See your com- - nlninn irnnmrt see headaches, dullness vanish. At all druggists' only 25c "TUMS tion. ncanuuiu. v...7 More's the Pity "Interesting people" are largely those you don't know. rT7!Xl "Doctor told mama s that is the best thing for coughs, because it's Bronchl-Lyptu- made from healing eucalyptus oil." At your druggist's. For FREE sample, write to 732 Ceres Ave., Los Angeles. Sunshi Ail Winter Long AT Foremost Desert Resort th of the West marvelous climate worm sunny days clear starlit nights dry invigorating air plendid reads gorgeous mountain . -- scenes finest hotels the A er Writ ideal winter Chmtfy home. PALM SPRINGS California te qaallfr i"IS II T C fl feme men servicing. a I ft II I CU positione in radio broadcasting-- , commercial radio, television, etc. Beet training; available, modern equipment, free literature. Earn tuition. Westera Electrical College. 133 Regent SL, Salt lake And Then Some nor-I.ewl- s Some closets. family skeletons - need big d die-hnr- AT THE FIRST SNEEZE USE Agricultural Hints 4 ... . ' v fiH. 1iir --feSM NIGHT AMD SHORN INQ C Y 4 I rt ii Essence of MUtfcl ON YCVR HANDKERCHIEF mn T Bit " nut IT new Fad of Fair Sex Most women seem to enjoy pity 8 ing somebody. STOMACH BAD? quick TVItyif;-abou- moneji, ''" tom4ch if not. Do hot ' tti-Mii- n 1147 Redarrt Asa. ell. A atMfi; Dtlaf; . Xs ' iinnaaTnftT' tack, 'guarantee . Salt Lake CHy. W fi II |