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Show THURSDAY, DECEMBER THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1532 LEHI Mr. and Sur.dav dinner guests of a nd Mrs. i' were Mr. and Mrs. Fon Wharourwn .urs. i i Rradshaw. , the spent Grove, Uh i.f Peasant BUsniauc, Mr. ana irs. week-enat the Wne of Mrs. Vhar- Margaret &r.d Mr. and R. Tavlor and family J -. XT and! burtons parents GU i Mrs. R. W. Era dshaw. Mr. and iir ' Mm- - Barn hart. I 'onna j4i LEHI i By having that family family of Salt Lae Ciy, week's visit- :r - CVn W i groif h ,n;e with them for a W inn ana u Mrs. Mary dav ia Lehi with relatives picture taken now, that LEHI Chrutmae the Ro.iaayj. LEHI are Peterson spent have been planning on befo Mr and Mrs. James Clark and Mrs Wilbur riasmu.seu; it is too late. A fine ton and heir arrived at the visiting in Salt Lake at the home cf with Mr. in Salt Lake City. home of Mr, and Mrs. Harold W. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Arnold. Mother LEHI Barnes on Christmas eve. and and Mr. and Mrs. Sterlin Durrant and baby are Lir.g fine. Mr and Mrs. Lynn Arnold were Fork, Christmas American of familv LEHI Phone 130 babv of Salt Lake, spent H. Gray home, guests at the James Mr. Don HJdaway, manager of with Mr. and Mrs. James Clark. LEHI Station and a Monday. the Central Sen-icMuhlestein LEHI narrow-escapMrs. a had LEHI George and friends Mr. of young party of n were Anders week B. guests last of of Provo, Mrs. Mrs. A. A. J. Evan3 and babv Mr and and Mr. night Saturday SaturMrs. where the car in which they were Mr. and Mrs. James Clark, ere dinner guests of Mr. and tained at Christmas dinner Mosi Mon Harold Johnson in Salt Lake, for Mr. and Mrs. Heber C. WK riding crashed into the Provo river day. LEHI was damaged car The badly Mr. and Mrs. Heber J. Webb t bridge. day. LI'HI Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Dransfield and the occupants received some bad baby, Mr. and Mrs. fern Webb returned home Saturday after a cuts and bruises. Mr. and Mrs. IL C. Goates and baby, Mr. and Mrs. Booth Sores , u and LEHI week's visit in Ogden. family spent Monday visiting Lynn Webb and Mrs. LEHI can ates in W. Mr. and Mrs. L. I. Wardle and u Mrs. Joseph Gilbert. Mrs. John Peterson is visiting Mr. LEHI LEHI Roger and Leland Price spent ThursLake and Mrs. Isaac Clark at Baccus this City. day in Salt The babv of Mr. and Mrs. LeRy Mrs. Eliza Banks of Salt k LEHI im week. Loverdge is reported very in spent the Christmas holiday at t LEHI Mrs. Arthur Paltrdige came to Lehi nia. home of her son, Mr. Junius Eari pneunii LEHI LEHI LEHI Saturday to attend the funeral serElba I.ott entertained Mrs. Mrs. Julius Ottersn. vices held for Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Crane and. Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Worlton LEHI were guests at me t:ir.ed at Christmas dinner Sus; at Christmas dinner Sunday. Covers family Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Lott, James II. Gray Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Olsen of Ogden, wr.ro laid Monday. fr,r Mrs. F. D. Worlton and f2E. Mr. and .Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Tayor enter-- j Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Walton spent a few days the past week visit- Mr. and Mrs. Ben C. Lott, sister and M,, Wheeler Timothy, Keith Lott, tained at a Christmas dinner at their ing with Mrs. Olst-n'family. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert As brother-in-law- , Mr. and Mrs. Stewart the host and hostess. Covers were laid for and family, Mr. and Mrs. home, Monday. LEHI Udell. Mrs. M. A. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Kirkham and family and Mr. LEHI George P. Price and family, Mr. and Owens cf Logan. Mr. Glenn Wing had his car smashpeople A happy group of and family, Miss Mrs. L. I. Wei-died up Thursday evening on the state a hot supper at the home of .is Dickerson and the host and highway near the Central Service Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Royle, follow hostess. Station. Mr. Wing failed to stop in ing the dance at the DansArt, Friday LEHI 1. ni'M time for a car traveling south. The evening, mi inose present wcic. ic... Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Anderson and fender was badly bent, the lights Hitchcock, Avery Kirkham, Cleora Mr. and Mrs. Evans Anderson and; broken and the bumper broken off. Lewis, Newell Larson, Beth Fox, family were Sunday dinner guests of Ruth Lott, Kenneth Christensen, Mr. and Mrs. Evans Anderson and Cleo Mr. Mayben Fox, Mr. Charles Fox, RH Kirkham. Royle, Cecil . . by Telephone family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dunkley and Dr. Webb, Nedra Lewis and Tom Roberts Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Goates. LEHI Barlow Fox of Salt Lake, spent MonLEHI Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Richardson and day at the Joseph Smith home with RAISIN MARSHMALLOWS their father, Mr. Robert Fox, who family of Magna, were Tuesday Only your voice can mak has been very ill for the past three guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Zim vour Erreeting personal, uropc Four tablespoonfuls gelatin 1 tea- months. merman. to visit members of the famih spoonful vanilla, 1 cup cold water, 2 LEHI IEHI 2 8 relatives or friends in othe teaspoonful salt, cups sugar, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Bone and confectioners seedless cities raisins, by telephone. cups daughter, Glenda, were Lehi visitors children were guests of Mrs. Hattie powdered sugar. Monday. Bezzant of Lindon, Monday. Telephone reunions now ui Place the gelatin, vanilla and 4 LEHI LEHI then during the year in cup of water in a big bowl. Add the Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Gray spent next best to personal visits. Mrs. F. D- - Worlton, Mrs. Robert S remaining water to tne sugar ana and Worlton Lake in L. bait W. Mrs. Fox and City. Ihursday salt and boil to 236 F. or until it LEHI daughters were dinner guests of Mr. spins a thread. Pour this over the Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Scalley of and Mrs. Leo Goates in Salt Lake, softened gelatin and beat it with a The Long Distance Salt Lake, were Lehi visitors Satur Monday. wire whisk until it s cool and thick; will be glad to teU jm LEHI day. add the raisins and mix it thoroughly. the rates to any pointt fx LEHI Mr. and Mrs. Francis Goates and Pour it in a shallow tvish to call: pan that has Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Dicnerson son are spending the Christmas holi been buttered and sprinkled with and son, Irvin, were Sandy and days in Magna, guests of Mr. and powdered sugar. Dust the top with Mrs. George Southwick. Magna visitors, Sunday. sugar and allow it to stand over LEHI LEHI night. Then cut it into squares and The Mountain States Mr. and Mrs. John Peterson enter Clark Adams, son of Mr. and Mrs, roll it in confectioners sugar. Retained at Christmas dinner Monday Golden Adams of Layton, is spending move the candy from the pan before Telephone & Telegraph ft for Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Taylor and the Christmas vacation with his it cutting Mr. Mrs. and Eugene grandfather, Mr. W. S. Evans, family and LEHI Briggs and family. . Send in your order for Butter Wrap LEHI Miss Edith Makin and Mr. Golden pers. Prices always right. Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Peterson Hansen of Salt Lake, spent the LEHI were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Christmas holidays at the home of FRUIT BALLS John Peterson, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Coulam. 1 cup seedless raisins, 1 cup dried 10c a Pair or 3 for 25c LEHI LEHI 1 cup prunes, 1 cup toasted figs, Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. The crew working at Topliff at the cocoanut. Bring your Sunday shoes ii fci F. Bradshaw, on Saturday, were: lime quarry all came home for Christon Boil the prunes for ten minutes, Saturday, well shine 'em Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Bradshaw and mas and returned to work Wednesday at cool Sunday and remove the pits Wash drain, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bradshaw and morning. Those returning are: Mr the figs and remove the stems. Put daughter, Jane, of Caldwell, Canada. and Mrs. W. A. Evans, Charles the raisins, figs and prunes through LEHI Southwick, Evan Colledge, Robert a food chopper using a rather fine Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Bradshaw Allred, Lawrence Morton,. Harvey cutter. Mix it well, stir it frequently, entertained Mr. and, Mrs. J. F. Brad Oakey, Carl Evans, Roland Tidd, into balls or little sticks it shape HAROLD OSBORNE, Mr. shaw and Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Brad Sylvester Evans, Neldon Evans, Jos. about 1H inches long, and roll them in 1213 U Eh STATE STREET shaw at dinner, Tuesday. Calton, Howard Evans and Wilford toasted cocoanut. These mav be LEHI Hardman. rolled in chopped nuts or sugar. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Bradshaw were Ha- nAPRICOT CONFECTION dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miss Meva Mathis of Cedar City Four tablespoonfuls plain gelatin, Bradshaw in Salt Lake, Monday. who is attending school at Murray, cold apricot juice, cup hot LEHI is spending the Christmas vacation at cup 4 juice, apricot tablespoonfuls orange Mrs. Angus Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and the "home of Mr. an juice, 2 teaspoonfuls grated orange Mrs. were Mrs. J. F. Bradshaw, Gardner. rind, 2 cups sugar, 1 cup puree from LEHI Margaret Bushman, Mr. and Mrs. G. cooked dried apricots. R. Taylor and family and Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Gilchrist entertained Soften the gelatin in the cold apricot Mrs. R. W. Bradshaw. at Christmas dinner Sunday at her juice. Add sugar to the hot apricot LEHI home. Covers were laid for twenty Miss Evevn Clark was a Provo guests, members ol the Gilchrist and juice, bring it to a boil, add the gelatin, orange juice and orange rind, Thurman families. visitor, Monday. and boil slowly for twenty minutes. LEHI Remove this from the fire, add the ! Mrs. Murray B. Alien fcf Sa-l-t i"V"r mix and it apricot puree thoroughly. Lake, is spending the week here, Pour into a wax paper-line- d pan and on guest of her mother, Mrs. D. J. Thur allow it to set. Cut in the desired it man. wisr shapes and roll it in powdered sugar. LEHI f 0 See Mrs. Aic Tuckfield entertained HEALTH SWEETS at Christmas dinner, Sunday for pound sweet chocolate, Mrs. Dorothy Jones of Salt Lake and seedless raisins, 2 cups cooked cup daughter, Leone, and Mr. and Mrs, pitted For Automobile Insurance prunes. James Comer and family, Melt the chocolate and stir it in the The best for the lest money. LEHI raisins Lay the pittea prunes out Let me explain it to yo Mrs. James Comer will entertain flat and drop a spoonful of chocolate the Social Club at her home today on LEHI, UTAH each. Chill. (Thursday). 0 LEHI Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Adams enterSir. and Mrs. Dean Prior are visit tained at Christmas dinner Sunday. ing during the Christmas vacation in Covers were laid for Mrs. W. F. Special Representative Spanish Fork. Welsh and daughter, Jayna, and Miss BENEFICIAL LIFE INSURE LEHI CO. Mrs. Edward Lee of American Maybelle Clayton, all of Salt Lake, Mr. and Mrs J. T. Winn and the Utah Provo, Fork was visiting Lehi relatives Adams family. Tuesday. Lc n jlv. and Mia. IsrA'.x of Salt THE LEHI FREE PRESS Lehi, Utah Phone SAW Local Items Published by Lehi Printing Co. Every Thursday George P. Price, Manager Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Ballanger and family of Magna, were guests of . W. Dickerson on .Mr. and Mrs. and Monday. Sunday v.- re Start the. New Year Right yahir.A i d LEHI Mr. and Mrs. Lyle C .ugh and ADVERTISING RATES SOc per inch family of Salt Lake City, spent Display 10c per line Christmas with their parents, Mr. Readers and Mrs. Bert Gray and .Mr. end RATES SUBSCRIPTION Mrs. James C. Cough. LEHI $1.00 One year in advance Mr. and Mrs. George F. Barnes Want Ada 10c Per Line For entertained at Christmas dinner Mon- First Insertion and 5c per line dav. Covers were laid for Mr. and for each additional insertion. and and A beautiful baby daughter arrived to gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs, Hayes Asay on Monday, December 26. All concerned are rejoicing over the new addition to the Asay family. LEHI family Mrs. Clifford Clark Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Tomilson and family, all of Pleasant Grove; Mr, and Mrs. Alma Earl of American Fork: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barnes and family, and Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Barnes and the host and hostess. r;; H Get Your Tickets Drawing January 1, 1933 Let us replace your next i t in m -- j t Snyder Studi e e -- i--a. ! s j ' Central Service "Happy New Year!" DON HOLD A WAY, Manager 108 .- tf-r- , Our prices are the lowest possible. phone n g THE LEHI FREE PRESS STATE STREET, LEHI, UTAH " Things Uou New Kaon) I Zfet Soap Would Do 1-- 3-- ojw-ato- r SHINE tooth brush.. Wash the brush and apply warm Ivory soap lather; then Soap will clean shoe quickly, ef-- dip brush In clean water and waah It la aoap off shoes. Rub dry briskly with fectively and economically. ear U uae or all typea of ahoea a clean cloth and put trees In the and different klnda of leather. Her , ahoea. When dry, rub nap back-ar- e wards. The washing should be done the instruction. as quickly aa possible: there la no for Ordinary Leather Skoet: Remove all dust by brushing need for getting the ahoes very wet thoroughly. Waah off ahoea with The least possible amount of water Ivory suds. In case of tan shoes, should be used in the soap solution. Fat Patent Leatkrr Skoei: rub them a little harder. Then Remove all dust. Apply lather brush with shoe brush and polish. This treatment softens the leather with a soft cloth, rubbing it in well and makes the shoes tak the polish Wipe off and apply lather lightly more easily. Use as little water aa again. When thoroughly dry, polish nnsaihle in the sosd solution to pre! with a soft, woolen cloth. This vent the lining of the shoes from treatment not only cleans but also preserves the leather. It ia recombecoming wet and discolored. mended for all patent leather tor ise4 Skoti; Brash the dust on with an old Clean Shoe Quality Shoe Rebuilders you can stand by and When & 9s fjff gMMiWB&fL., ... "M One-four- L. I. Wardle th Send In Your Subscription Today One Year for $1.00 Six Months for 50c The Only Paper Printed in Lehi LEHI FREE PRESS Geo. M. Brockbac. LEHI Mrs. A. E. Sorenson who ill for the past month was the American Fork Hospital, day where an operation trouble will be performed LEHI WANT LEHI GIRL TO GO EAST ADS has been taken to Miss Phyllis Kirkham who has been Wednes WICKER BABY BUGGY school at the U. A. C. will SALE-Cattending for gall all go to Detroit, Michigan next week to kinds BUTCHERING--A- U study at the Merrill Palmer Nursery and hnrrherino' done. T& School. Miss Kirkham's Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Robison many friends in Lehi wish her a Herbert Turner. visitors on pleasant Sunday and jwere Springville successful 1 sojourn in Detroit. and Monday. ' When there's, a want there' 8-- LEHI LEHI Mr. and Mrs. Dick Holdaway and Mrs. Sarah A. K. Smith is very ill baby of Vineyard, were week-enwith the flu. of Mr. and Mrs. Alm Beck. Pits d it's a Free Press Want Get your new Cozy your local merchants, Ad- - Coc?'J |