Show w t t t T one oas more mor pioneer gone george ot of glines glinea ward tits the last I 1 tt one of tho the little hide bend band of pioneers pion cora that entered tho the suit salt lake valley ou on july 1847 sho ho has bail resided here hns has gone to betit bib L toward lit in tile he great beyond ills his earthly career clowd 1 monday the tit t 0 JO not with wil li excruciating racking the lod bod but butac as peace fully ni as it 11 little child sinking to rest on its ita mothers breast not moro than ibao an hour ben r before tit at Is lie ho was out iu in the yard after return returning trig to the bo house he be was wait seized with a shaking spell and had bad to iw he assisted to lia his bod bed by his wife and utter after a short time ox ex plied lie ile was booble but I 1 ad not beon been buy any worse lately therefore tile the end came very george wardle was born at look leek england I february 8 3 isao 1820 wid mid wait therefore neatly 82 years yeara old ilia dither nna as it well todo wheel and goorge george 1 li arned arnob tho he trade ratio in his bia fathe a 9 shop chop ills ilia book learning was till nil g tile mod lit in night schools owing to ilia ho an fn t that work prevented lim him going to day school nadir a his bis boyhood wall spent it in isil 1811 lio ito was converted to by ader george A smith sinith who was laboring as a lit still aal tho neit lo 10 annio to two weeks before so gibling ding lio lie ill arrild miss rannie Itus liton and together thoy they came callie to zion ile ha left hill bl also members of tile tha church till LIl angland gland and an J never saw thom thoin again as they d died le 1 I of cholera at st louis in 1860 while to 0 o damoo george and wife lived in damoo up to lo the time of the tha exodus to tho like nest in 1810 1816 at tile the time of the hidir of emulsion from Illi illinois aois lio lie as aa working at ills trade anti and helped to build many of the magons with which the smuts saints crossed the ianina round II 11 0 ond his wife glided in the dilated ill fated city titter most of ilia saints had loft and bore par 10 the of the city dining alio battle of kamoo being ix aug enyou with many onto the ishin 11 out front the city m where hero their infalt son boa d died led frota froni exposure to I 1 ho he elements I 1 licy erased an baad on to IN winter in ho be ua as boott on en gagon in ahil wl ii sawing lumber lamber for cof hus fans during dunna the ablat meg plague 11 in the spring of 1847 be ans clienton bv prest 1 oung aa a ollio pioneering party to the lie a till and r pitied ilia ho r ame rame agon witti his varl oarl test church friend and adviser GPO goo A smith ile he vins nna PUP one of ilia members of file party wit looked iau a into iao salt lake anko valley ou on ilia morning ol of july 1817 ehno lays days pair an jr to e ou u kring of the Plo stion after the abrial in tile tho illey piley lio he was waa iet bet to nhan to a raft to explore tho 1443 nn an I 1 I 1 uil nit I 1 tho t ill flike e no 1 I also alao planted the fir birst potato in the banta itu with aront young to inar junr tors bud tho the atar dir brought his wita wife to utah an aud c on 11 it alio woy way thither his sun edward aho ih now liow vp lit luni ni hot boin n in lis lin native boiu ha ans a of one of the bata ivisic teachers tea chera in from hom bow lo lie received the he musical that afterward I 1 so ably fiLd liim hirn for acevo arvio or vio la in that line after his bis second jour noy ney oin plains prest loung oung a asked k I 1 d him to lo organize a dancing nud nua build n hall bull for it its iti i use nyo accordingly ho he had bad pioneer cfall put up and among his dancing students laars prost young george Q cannon canno joseph I 1 sinith and ninny other of I 1 tho lie loading men ito ho organ iso tho the first choir ir I 1 hrim land in balt bait lako lake bud was tho the iva ipa ter of tho the former ills ilia family wits with tile tho saints in tha ilia migration south at tile the timo time Jo Jolin lingon soa a army came to utah and lived lit in ameral of tile tho towny of utah A hilo bile living lit at All midway dway vi NN a stitch batch county cogut ho he into ilia order of celestial inart inge taking to wife miss carolina I 1 aishor in ID 1882 the to fo ash liy icy nalley alloy and bok t rok tip flis ir in alinen ward abero I 1 hi 1 I y havo have since resided brother Brolli or was die was prom anent in niu ical circles in this alna for many icorn until tiia his and in prevented preen tod ted han lit in his 3 younger dita dub a he was it n man inan tit in tho the church an annl I 1 preserved pre ilia hia good anine and to the truth to tho day of inn him eldith lie ho tho anti and good will of nil all his associates and wm wag in eatery way a vian of honor tit md d dignity hii IN i lifo life innico up ill of 0 faith end and works from boa boyhood hood b is speech was m as ed cd ba b a nc g ho ha that lie ho nover never did tit nt pill lio ito ng but was wail in hill bin advice nod and sound lu in judg mont ment ile ho WIB aminthe alie anil twelve daugh daughtry and only h his is plural wife and four of cadi our aur v vla 1 a hini |