Show local and personal dish dialect let court december 31 aid d vinegar 30 cents per gillon g illon at ver nal candy kitchen flesh esterr os terr dates and ami ba nanan at the vernal market ft a balish Bt lish common engo thoo get it is IS S r at Col Coltharp tharps fl d 15 relied mutton for sale rate 6 cents centa per pound GEO E hobt light sorrel filley I 1 J onra cars od arnu led W 0 on oil right thigh Return toN to N Q G bov bovardi ards jut jurt is nn an le lebrint grint line of ladas flannel waists quality ingli high prices ion imi at menses alcues a store no special pricie tit at our house I 1 we vie sell bell to the ilia b by ay iy us its ate e sell gell to the man ou oil the a I 1 0 cleadous MEv nowa A shoos are pretty lit li tile frol feet m or ar ft a long time HUP give lif p r feet tire naso rago la in coat that s kiy ft liy wo a sell bell thern them AN 11 co tile annual I chions of of the iho ashly ashl y iral ir nl irrigation coni coal anny any will hn be hel I 1 2nd and int ini tea teal I 1 of tho as announced last art ccok LOST ono one buy bay jinro branded 1 JA A botill ino I 1 on it lift ft thithi also sorrell horop one white hind foot 1 branded 8 combined nud nod diamond diamon 1 I 1 toni limed liotti both oti on ift high lie kc turn or give information to reuben TH tta lor of oline n anid aid I 1 id d 1 r harbiston IIan Har niton ani and J M B kirkor ati lit to arowna tu alei it fans discolored disco ored tant wits sand blind sit ilia bo bed of tile the bior sit nt the point the I 1 lie sito hito for tile lri bri lo iio 10 us as estabi und and mr air I 1 wint oer for fir tile the purpose of surveying nii inot othor ber ito cite a chort bhart distance below dried fruit tit nt glines bios alt if weeks and jet john racher nio ale over from drown a park they say any that nearly all the lumber fur for tile the green linver bridge is ie ou oil the grona I 1 at the ho river packer wont ant back again N et to licul some more im ahei atei ial to the site work will commence on oa ua lie abutments next weik wei k cual mine to rent appl to roil kru ben collett 4 at elder drauk 0 beers who bas laboring lalton ng lit in the now england states its u a 11 missionary tins haa been re leased tn in return homo home chiq mother reft received ted a letter front from him this week stating thet bo be would arbs through pi ice tomorrow to berron embry county also asking her to forward tits lne recommend from mill ward arm fr ni this e beirn that ho L will ill ned ed miss hiss bohannon of 17 perron erron in the 3 muriti temple about the lelh of december fot it shoo got get a Strout mia tit lit Col tharps day ai it model day for d ele everyone washout was out to enjoy and ledurn for llie bounteous toun toona supply of turkey anti ami cranberry enuco ns no well ell no for the prosperous condition of 0 the ilia people and our national vie victories borics tile 3 onig folks were out in force in alio llio evening tit at the various parties in i abo n valley alley at smal acial was wan to be found lie ilia main crould as usual and a 0 morn orderly or jolly cro A 1 I would bo be hard to lo mid ind from 9 0 10 30 in the evening to 2 a in the floor was filled for e apri dance and even een then tile tho done ers era were nere loth to put on their wraps anti and go the tha hall ili as now managed by alie of the hnnson or cli fliestra estra ig agn riving ing tho th best of satis fac tion lion alio music m and tile tho cutting plain nuil and distinct cliE blank receipt books at thin this ollice J it wilson an ana ami A hadder vernal utah to CO pairs of chil childrens drene shoes at cost to you tan alt TED founds ol of de dat sr hair E H V V the mitro won by 71 7 feet in ia tile thu big ruco buco lit it pi puce ice on the lio mrs L 11 pierson nud and children wale wai 0 over tins this we beok ak from the halfway fly hollow Eine copal sunday school rind and tier ser vices ia mil ile bo discontinued until tho the public schools reopen so no iti matter alter liow how good you yott fool feel 3 on oil will foel feel better after trading for six months with meadows Aloa dows trim for ladies and chil childrous drons bb shoes get mans at Col tharps dont grope in the dark aben ou on an buy beadli lioa dlight gilt coal oil for or 35 cents por per gallon ui at B manses store it will not arpak ori on tip to 1113 a can of fresh oysters at the vernal market they are tho the best find and ut lit living prices in the daily lac of our trade wo we cannot help but noto note the ant that our roods goods and prices price oro are making mailing us popular MEADOWS TRIM A 13 pound bab boy was boru barn to the of dr bjornson wednesday morning mithie and egild doi doing ag nicely tho the doctor is stepping high those days tho the musical intent of wines ward vas ag fill kiib last wook week by B n brand nc fiddler nt at james jamen boned ars mid and tin an org inist of tho ho forir fairbr sex BOX at nac S stephen jopho topho 11 S a popa copi monro hao baie changed their location toNa to naples pits una this I 1 boy rne and will conduct their mercantile business bu there tor for tile alio present judge booth and the court 4 will bo be here next week A terrall te grall has bron received from judge booth to that effect slid sheriff has hah been notify ing juryman jurymen jury j men sheriff has been cleaning up tip tho the court room this week and found it ib to brine ilia iho room hy by bing its in I 1 laces tho the floor was lias daubed with tobacco juice the have now ordered tho the printing and posting of signs in the annous 4 la in the ho court house Plon Bedo not f pit on oil tho the floor door chewers should to bo be lo minded of this ibin filthy pi antico by having the wa w ali al Is i of our court room decorated with signs ilay hay and grain wanted at ayans I 1 flight highiet lit pricks paid morning another nery ery case of diphtheria was wall pd d to the city officers ficera of nt at tho the home of dave dao curtis curt ID ond end the house was placed under quarantine the thild child it girl ten years old died thursday morning and was buried thursday eenon dr rage reports another came thin morning nt at the homo home of georgo george dark clark and wo we understand that secial be hae been exposed find end therefore people should be ory cry core care ful and promptly report the matter to the health officers ficera of when tiny liny symptoms are noticed we pub libb the law in regard to the matter in another column |