Show mckinley Mo KINLEY MONUMENT I 1 r 1 in the matter at balli ant K fund the exec tl a committee minitte a of the me it sl 0 kinley national monument association after ft a lengthy session thursday it at the office of 0 banos leaned the folloro following ing at a meeting of the iho com comi i matteo of the Kinley national mft ints mortal as social ion tile seere taly byerson Ritch lUl chlo le submitted reports report from many baates of 0 the union showing gratifying progress and that tits tha appeal to clio people to provi to ie funds for a memorial at canton to IB we beetling etling with very general central aud and hearty rm raona rp ponso ona A plan for future mork oric vi as outlined and the same banie will he be vigorously to completion reports report received recal rad indicate that auxiliary lif hairs already alre aily been eted in nearly dearly all tati stated of tile the union i llie ilia of sentiment from every quartet of tile the country indicates that the people debare to make the erection creation of a at ilia labome of president mckenley their first duty duly 28 R it la in v well ell known lie he often expressed to lila his family and file oda ads h 1 I la Is desire to be h buried at Can canlon tott wacie already repose reposa the alio ren vilus liin of tile liln and where life hla IaL beloved loved mito alfe ti hilll III roat rest rhen hen she fihe hill has departed this ihla life in defer nee to this statement as ai well a as to tho the kropi lety lely of the a occasion 98 s evidenced lit in tile alio monuments pro for ilia clio lamented lincoln and garfield it will ila bo tile purpose of the lh association to early cany for forward vard abe lh work of for such it a memorial ath to home choul I 1 more funds funda be subscribed an b thon than are ir for the purpose of erecting a let lal compatible with the clio dignity and simplicity of tits late lalo preal lent a ira nod and ch cliB arlILLer any surplus wilt will I 1 a 0 to lo a national nali oual nt at N abbington |