Show i New Chorus r- r v Needs Some Some Deep Voices 1 1 Give me some men who are voiced stout-voiced men said Utah Tech mixed chorus director Gordon Weight after the first meeting of the group this year The fair sex outnumbered the themen men by almost to 6 6 to 1 groaned Mr Weight Male students outnumbered outnumbered outnumbered out out- l numbered the lassies about 3 to 1 in the overall student tion We need some good male i voices for the chorus he said a lot of them He invited them to show up for the chorus' chorus next practice practice- Thursday at pm p.m. in the auditorium of the Administration tra- tra tion Building on the mama main campus The chorus is a brand new activity activity activity ac ac- ac- ac at Utah Tech and the Student Council enthusiastically threw its support behind it The council members approved fi financial financial Ii- Ii support for purchase of the chorus music emblems for uniforms and travel to perform perform- ances Mr Weight a printing instructor instructor instructor in in- will direct the chorus and Mrs Jean Larsen head of the He Health th Occupations Department Department Department Depart Depart- ment will act as assistant di di- rector Mrs Mary Lou Densley business instructor and pianist will vill also assist the chorus The chorus is expected to elect its own o officers and plan plat social functions that are not connected with performances We hope to sing for student assemblies graduation alumni meetings civic clubs and possibly possibly possibly bly on television programs said Mr l Weight He said the chorus should be ready for a performance in about five or six weeks Practices Practices Practices tices are held one hour each week The chorus will have a wide range of numbers We hope to sing inspirational numbers light music Christmas songs and just plain fun tunes Mr l Weight said |