Show Y 7 r t r Q Y YI rr r A vz ti v LI 15 t x S I S l lf x f Il I i f rr S I T tl t. t l I V. V 4 Ji m i w 1 IP c t II 4 11 I r 4 r Ii k c. c 4 F jr 1 Jt w r f. f t jA fiti S A 1 i rY k r d i t tt r r r w j J. J td t ili l i gr Ji 0 k t N i o r K l 1 ili J Shannan White horse enthusiast operator Commercial Commercial Commercial Com Com- mercial Art student Shannon Saws Wood While Other People Are Snoring Shannon White is one student who vho might be expected to saw v logs during class time tune but her Commercial Art instructor says she's always wide vide awake a The reason she might be ex ex- petted to snooze a bit in class is J that Shannan has a night job that keeps her up until am a.m. Her job Sawing ving wood said Shannan She works for a mill sawing ving wood for doors In fact the mill made the doors for the Utah T Tech e c h Administration Building on the main campus Shannan finishes her class- class work vork every day at pm p.m. then buzzes out to the mill and reports for work vork at her buzz saw v at pm p.m. She cutup cuts cut up pieces of wood for fancy doors always al keeping cautious about that blade Its really interesting work vork she said Those late hours get to the blonde v operator every week about Thursday or Friday About that time tune of the week Im I'm going around like this she said striking a eyed bleary-eyed pose As s if she didn't have enough to do Shannan is managing the campaign for a candidate in the elections and is an alternate member of the Student Council And what does she do in her spare time Ride horses she said Appaloosas Appaloosas Ap Shannan a 1966 graduate of Bingham High School won the Vestern Western Pleasure Riding competition competition competition compe compe- at the Utah Appaloosa Horse Show v several seasons ago Even though she's weary veary from all that work vork and school at weeks week's end Shannan doesn't spend her weekends catching up upon up upon upon on lost shut Theres always something going going going go go- ing on she said |