Show Choose r Yo Your z f Photo hoto Now Or OT They Will The procedure for selecting yearbook pictures of Utah Technical Technical Technical Tech Tech- College students was outlined outlined outlined out out- lined by Auerbach Portrait Studio manager Charmagne Syl Syl- vester Students not satisfied with proofs may schedule another sitting sitting sitting sit sit- ting with the Auerbach Studio at Third South and State St. St Phone number is extension extension ex ex- tension Upon deciding which picture for yearbook use a student may order additional pictures in a avide wide vide selection lection se of texture and and color Negatives are kept for 18 months on file at Auerbach's Studio The studio prefers a student to bring the proof in to make positive positive positive tive identification for yearbook use Where U students dont don't make a selection for yearbook use our laboratory technician villI make the choice using the best photo from an appearance and technical technical cal standpoint said Mrs Syl Syl- vester Deadline for pose selection is Oct 28 The studio will make the choice for those students not making the selection by that time |