Show The KelLer and Boynton Investigation Investig-ation Washington l6The committee appointed ap-pointed to invr sUate the charges preferred pre-ferred againet H Y Boyn on Ya hinton hin-ton correspondent of the Cincinnati Commercial Gazette by Representative Keifer began sitting today While waiting for Keifer the question was asked as to wbether either of the parties desired to be represented by counsel General Boynton stated that be desired the committee com-mittee to conduct the examination but would like the priviega of crossexam I ining Keifer He aid J Coleman would speak for him as counsel Cleman hen said it was necessary that it should be proved that Ueneral Keifer had made I charges against General Boynton Coleman Cole-man said he assumed in view of this decision that the burden of proof was upon General Keifer to substantiate the charges made against Boynton He wi = hed all the witnesses here befure ha proceeded with the case Adams suggested sug-gested that at the interview when this supposed attempt to bribe Keifer was made there was nobody present except ex-cept Keifer and Boynton Coleman replied that he might prova boynton had said to others he had made a statement state-ment to Keifer Coleman said he had a telegram from a witness in Ohio whicn stated that he could not come owiag to the illness of his wife but he expected to ba here next week Boynton with permission per-mission of the committee expressed surprise sur-prise at the request made by the other side in view ol tho fact that charges were made against him before the country coun-try in every daily newspaper for four weeks Had no lawyer present to repre tent him He depended entirely on members of the committee It the gentleman gen-tleman turning to Keifer was not able and ready to go on aud prove as he said the charges against him be Boynton Boyn-ton was entirely ready if he could have an opportunity to crossexamine Keifer under oath to go on and reverse all ordinary or-dinary rules of law and prove himself innocent of those charges by testimony which he thought would be accepted not only by members of the committee but by the country He would be able to do that before the sun went down He thought it only just to him that the gentleman who mace the charges should stand here like a man and answer an-swer in regard to those charges and not slink behind any technicality Coleman said Keifer would swear to all he bad charged and prove it to the satisfaction of every member of the committee After some further talk it was decided to adjourn till Wednesday next |