Show correspondence AUSTRALIA extracts of 0 a letter from elder A P dowdle dowdie dated sydney november EDITOR OF or DESERET newe NEWS dear sir rt hought perhaps a aivord from alst list australia ralia ralla would be interesting to you tho the before this you yon 5 ori orl will w ill lii have heard from this mission by president F farnham arn liam llam since br farnham left I 1 have visited melbourn and country where I 1 remained eight weeks and found lany many mans persons anxious to learn the way of salvation baptized four and left others inquiry inquiring i ing after the truth I 1 I 1 returned to sydney on october ad where I 1 have since remained at our iasi last quarte quarterly aly conference heli held in this blace place place on the abe hirst first sunday in october we had a joyful time and since the departure of president farnham oui our efforts in spreading the truth have been attended with prosperity several derson person have been baptized and ad the saints are rejoicing in the work the prospects in sydney and throughout the australian colonies are good tho thol many of the hireling priests have beon been and are still trying to put mormonism tor for monism down but in spite of all their ther cunning we occasionally catch some cf th their air flocks on the 26 of october Oc lober tober elder kelting and wife elders chaffin and potter arrived in this port all in good health in 66 days from san francisco itee the remaining twelve of 4 the miss mission have not yet be beep 1 ep heard from I 1 have lately received d advices advises from the elders on the various missions in this colon colony they all speak of prosperity the tile work is is progressing and the lord is is blessing their labors daily I 1 have received two calls recently from persons person s tot at a distance in the country to send elders to preach to them I 1 sent some tracts three hundred miles in the country which have had a good effect and the c sequence consequence on is is that th they ey want the elders to preach to them that they may kno know w more of the gospel and arid the plan of salvation taking into consideration all th circumstances the e I 1 if feel pel safe in saying that the prospects are good and favorable for tonch touch good yet to be done in this country the people of sydney think m more ore about mor monism as they call it than they have for some time previous ions oar meetings of late are well attended and the elders have great liberty of 8 speech and are lucli blessed in preaching 0 to the people ople opie we occasionally have e some opposition but that gives fresh vigor and streng strength Eh to all the more opposition the closer the saints stand up to the work the clergy thunder their anath emas against the people if they go to listen to el 1 which they call all that preach the gospel and contend for the truth as it has been revealed I 1 suppose their master has hs told them that their craft was in danger and they ha had I 1 iest best begin in time before e their kingdom was rent from them it seems to me when I 1 think and look back that I 1 have been from home almost a lifetime but I 1 still stil I 1 feel determined to go ahead and wait the providence or OF my father in heaven relative to myself in all things I 1 am engaged in his work and as long iong as he inspires my heart with the s and determination as I 1 haye have at the present 7 I 1 am determined to push on and ind bring myself under tinder subjection to the law that he has revealed for my salvation and if I 1 can do good by stopping here I 1 am willing to do it without a murmur I 1 am resigned to the tho will of god and the order of the priesthood over me eprom efrom prom from plough loom and anvil exercise exer Eser eise cise work health A WORD TO T GIRLS in ill some soma recent wo words ads of encouragement to fa farmers boys bo boys vs how we love them alid and why should ni we since bince I lif liala if the hopes of the e country rest in them ani and we ilme hive a prodigiously long raw row of our own we intimated that we might er find space something for the girls on whom rests the other half of our llopes more especially for farmers fan nerg ners daughters we call cui now only that promise by renew renewing ine inc it as we have been obly obliged to pay old it notes 0 tes by giving new new one sand expect to be again azain a un unless less our readers are pretty prompt with willius wit lins lius us but hut still we have a afew few present words foi for lor the country girls an aal I 1 if there should be any future words they will find them with regard to the tiie boys all would agree that they should geow grow up healthy strong robust roblet ro blet biet broad shouldered deep cheated at least a tru fru quart art of heavens elixir alever at egery every Y breath breaths and that any uny ny education which does not pr produce aduce this r result is is miserably defective all would agree that in addition to lo their school education which at bestis best iii is little more than a of the mind to acquire knowledge boys should read investigate treasure up useful inform intellectual should be able to work willing to work never for a moment giving in ill to the ridiculous notion that labor lir jig disagreeable or dishonorable but yet intelligent enough to ta ba able abie to choose the thir thin 1 i r ow own u employment and aud flot be restricted to toa asim single 1 a kind klud of labor as not knowing enough to do t anything L ag esa ese e so all would aree agree 1 that boys should grow up to revere reverence ilce lice their thel r maker taker their superiors to collegiate conciliate inferiors interiors let jet live take care of no 1 I 1 and get to be large lien rt ed with a body strong enough to labor dt at anything a mind adequate to direct labor and a heart to use both balli for tha the best pur oties oses what t could not a boy dawhon whon when ho he bas has grown a man mana ile lie could tike care of himsel more wore if necessary certainly ha but we have havo not yet learned why the tiie girls do not need very much the same things good benith beaith strong minds arid and kind hearts li ii the city missa and their thein mamas rill have it that narrow ders shallow cli cil chests ests esis and crooked forn artificially concealed are better if a thimble ru full fuli 11 of air is enough for them to inhale at once if common prudence is is vu vulgarity garity in their estimation what then why we have lived longn 1019 long enough ough to know that tha I 1 it would be utterly in ill vain for us to 0 o battle battlo aw away ay at their ae folies fol les ies but we bave have a good deal of fath in the country girls we do not belieka their iff ir mothers will be against us and we tell tb them m with some sort of expectation that our counsels will be heeded lie lle eded to run the pastures when they get out of school to cumi jumi the fences and und laugh loud enough not to disturb the neigh borla boria vilh s to knock off brother S jimmys immes or cousan cousin billys Billy neap call cali so good nat tiredly as to make lim him laugh loud enough to stretch welch hk his very ribs to pick nick tile the delicious berris berries aud di disappoint appolit appo hit father und una ana mother with willi a treat thab that for tea that they dil did not expect to do all sorts of innocent that male make gird giri strong sand jand and aglira ac tinas tirAs it does joes a young lady no harm barm to be strong ae need not bot usg usi use usa her tier strength to flog her brother or her future husband but it is is well enough to have me it W what ilat an all idea is is thi this BO so common among us that a woman in 0 order to be eil ell engaging or interesting teresi te ing must be a frail weakly thing ideas ideis are patent and ad that false idea is is doing more in in our countr country to deteriorate th the tha erdee race tinn tion a hundred hu adred wise wise men call can say to counteract its i influence to daughters desay we say bay scout such un all idea put it away us you would bould poison polson what must everybody and ind everything eisen eiben else elbe your father your brother the very animals on oil tile the farm be valued for being a sickly puny half de being it is is absurd aud ind again we say run ran jump tumble down if you calit cant help it and then git of again ride horses back on a good sidesaddle if it you have ilav e it but ride lide i ideal at all events learn to manage a horse and if you should learn beirn how to 1 a iddie iddle and harness one no harm would be lie done above all things help your mothers about their work and do it so cheerfully that every turn you y on do you good nothing is is botter better drill tinn house housa work to cevelo develop P and mature the female from physically and remember that ver may be your lot in ili lil lifee eife you will never ba be fit to havethe chalce of a house unless you know what is is to be done dolfe in it and how to do it lie Ife health alth aith strength agility is is just as peces sa sary siry r y for your brot bro brother irel liel and the tile way to get them is is much the samelor same bame dor for bouas you as far him play frolic outdoor out door exercise riding ack suitable work anything that brings all your muscles into use ana and makes you breathe unrestrainedly a great agrest deal deat of p pure puro tire tiro air knowledge too is is es as necessary for your sex as for ours in addition to your our school education read do not read too long lonz lingat at 0 once nee read nead sitting sifting erect we do not want you to bogrow grow crooked to suffer yourself io to grow crooked is is to I 1 ly ly tile tha foundation for ill beaith health as well as ill lii looks do i not liot read in in a light that makes your eyes to bacomo p dim isyou if you yon read trash we are ara i sorry b because causo causa it takes up your time tithe for lor read reading iriz flig something useful reid such works v biks as you would like a younger brolli brotherto efto read whom you hope hops will willbe become come coms a sensible gabd man mail what andi culous idea that a woman should be pretty but needs not to know much inich we can see no reason leason in in the world why she should no not be strong in in health and in in mind her education should indeed llave have ference reference rb refe renca fa to beauty because this is is in itself a boom and more especially because the tile very means which it tend to higher ends health strength useful ner nes lies hip pines s louge longevity vity 1 iho fhe I he romping riding rifling running read n athi aking trying try ing to bd bo helpful iod ind and useful which me we have commended all lend tend to give you beauty not a mere fictitious fici tidus beauty which falls to few and may perish in 10 an au hour but the beauty of health of intelligence of ability to discharge all of womans comans dutieu to women should be as reverent as man mail aa as us kindhearted klud kind hearted and as aa large hearted would sound strangely in all ail bilings and hi in wh whatever alever is i polite refined tasteful more is generally demanded we thlik wrongfully ift iii religious sensibility y and und moral goo goodness duess doess iu in beile berie and refinement we are ara not ilot to d demaud maud that thet laughters the daughters of our country should b beaetter be getter better than we of the other sex set ought 0 to o be adt budwe e may ask acl them to sat their standard for beco becom mill iiii 1 much better than we are N 1 1 from OIL tiu rious riou rlou geh feh loom and andily am il oct 1853 1855 the industrial classes who are ai e they the and what are ai e their rights these are questions which concern concern every citizen a and ad we intend to make them dle die he foundation of a few I 1 le e marks now and of more hereafter if productive brodu active hidei stry an employment of the personal abilities in something some useful be the characteristic of the tile industrial classes as we think it Is is then 1 en all who aie are not idlers or mis mischief makell makers s or doers doess of what is no benefic to themselves or other others abelong belong to those clashes class by a sort of slang sling phrase two common adiong among us the tiodor of belonging to the great b other flood of industries would seem to be limit red rid to totne the pro production luction of the macef material lai lal of ue as if man mail could live by food fod foi and aid clothes alone as if all who were not empl empi employed oyei about theland theae thele 1 tand sand like things were but drones in the hive of I mm anity those who use language thus seem not liot to have reflected that in society thel thele e a aie e other thili things gs to be b doile dolis ald and that they aio are to be done it for no higher reasons that the supply of material wants wal wai its may become more certain ani jal nd more econom cal cai na othe ryle famine hialit as frequently as ID if doimer per odi od i decimate t the human irace race ald aid the labor of providing material supplies would be as disadvantageously done as wuen corn was ws w s planted with vilh a tiam clam hell heli arid and cotton c ton was lvove wove in a 9 hand band loom it is aa as cesary necessary ne that thit some should work the mind as that others should work the hand A high chrisian Chi isian islan civilization cannot be maintained without a great vinety of employments we grant that he more he abe et cultivated in nd and the laboring hand center in the file sam pe deion tile the better but bat distinctions mut exist tiie tile cultivator of the ground never vil vii will be the best eligi ous olis teacher nor the in iron iron the hie best teacher of tei sel science science ence nor per the philo philosopher th the e best coton spinner I 1 and add andyes yet all of these are essential to the bes interest interests sf of the anole we wart want the cultivator and the mechanic arid and we must have the scholar or we can have bave none of the others in their perfection to attempt to get on without him would be a step towards making such cultivators as planted cape cod th three ree rec hundred years ago and alid such spinners as now now row I 1 twist cotton with their fingers in india lia iia I 1 but for the patient investigations of the scholar pud t nd the brain turning efforts of the inventor we louid bould ouid now be sending our mails on the head of a onner anner as they do in yucatan and e earning arning i our bread by slower haider more uncertain processes than a kind providence desires des ires we should th the e man who glows gi aws corn and cotton with witha a cr crooked aked tick is a producer pio plo ducer inq unquestionably u es tion ably S is he indirectly who devises a better way of doigg these thins filings tiie the tile magnetic telegraph wak va was s the result of at least il a ani million ion lon experiments on electricity fo bolish lish as tb they ety ely mi amany many fit only for foj for idlers li leis but the result wa was s th the he taming of or the 1 r makin it do our errands somewhat what anol iloie e expeditiously than the indian runner U f C central en t r at ai america erica can do them the thousands of experimenters peri menters all over the civilized world buted to this result they were then producers they produced which winch quickens all other productions and enhances their value so it is with all who by research and experiment always laborious labor i ous arid and often ex pensive are extending the boundaries of human gnp cledge and so do itis it is with those who ua up what the pioneers pio plo heers beers in in science have discovered diffuse it among the he masses 1 all who are bu bully burlly busily ily lly coill doing anything which the tile good of mankind requires ires to be done wh ethert it minister to pur physical wants vanti or to the higher wants of our spiritual nature may be considered as belon llla liya to |