Show bicain bisci in the mission field i woodruff monday afternoon hecei ed a cablegram from elder A if lund president of the european mission to the effect tm that elder john A clai klof farm ington died at haifa ihrkey on the ath of february from small pox p ellder clark was the 40 son of ezra T arid and susan legget clark offard lington ington ne ile was raa unmarried and iwas wis hot born it february february 1891 ile he 1 wa ula set apart in thin city for the till february Feb ruay 1804 1894 and departed ther for immediately after waida aids the deceased was vas an excelled ex cellen 1 0 ung man anan I 1 01 thy odthe of ahe high confils confidence ce p aced in him anti and the new news of bis ia death w hile lie he was waa yet on threshold of manhood will be receive with universal I 1 sadness and regret the ill I 1 tidings mere ere cabrol to the young inaus maids parenti parent that evening L |