Show THE SILVER DOLLAR by law laor the united states has a double standard of silver and gold bylaw by law the dollar of the united states vi aich is tile the value consists of either 25 8 9 grains of gold old or grains of silver ilver each nine tenths fine due that amount of gold or that amount of silver makes a dollar A dollar is not a coin A dollar i is s a certain number of grains of either metal which may I 1 lie in abar a bar in a disk in plating on a spoon or in a lump of ore A dollar is not a lc legal al tender until 1 it haa bas been assayed and weighed officially the mint then tamps bamps its weight and fineness and this stamp makes the dollar loll 1011 ar full legal tend tender cr and lawful money the dollar w oas as there without the stamp tile the legal tender was not there until the stamp of genuineness and weight nas mas affixed this stamp the government iel lefouses uses to attach to its silver dollar it has refused since 1873 to tot ktanis any I 1 sil silver er dollars except such as it owned chai chaining hai ging any one who inho took dollars to the mint for the stamp from 40 to 50 cents each eai I 1 n f for or stamping them it has made silver an unlimited tender to put into circulation dishonest dit honest ne st silver dollars made from silver purchased for speculation compelling contracts and v values 11 ties to be expressed in gold and only in gold the silver dollar is on one e half flat fiat value I 1 and if it were ocre not redeemable in gold gohl gold would be at a premium of 0 over |