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Show UTAH'S GREAT GOLD CAMP. What Others Ilnve to Say of Morcur, Utnh's Johannesburg. (Continued From Our Last.) From the Deseret News. (Continued From Our Last.) surplus sulllolent to meat any ordinary contingencies. In addition to the leaching leach-ing of Its metal from the gold-bearing ores of the company during the year In- stalled n battery of retorts and began the reduction of Its mercurial ore's, the undertaking hnvlng thus far proved quite profitable, although tho plant Is an unpretentious one and wns constructed con-structed at very little expense. However, How-ever, tho channel In which the quicksilver quicksil-ver occurs betrays no signs whntever of Impoverishment, and retorts or gieoter capacity1 may be resorted to the present season. ORE IN THE HERSCHEL. The shareholders of the Hersrhel company, com-pany, whose territory adjolnts Hint of the Sacramento, are Indebted to the lat-tor lat-tor for the ray of hope that Unshed the management of the Sacramento In following up Its ore bodies having tiar-rt then Into Hprchl ground. Immediately Im-mediately the ores were sampled by representatives of the company, and while no definite action looking to future fu-ture development hns been taken It Is said that work will be rctmmed the present pres-ent your. ON THE WEST DIP. While the West Dip, since the series of fnllures that were exploited during a boom that was thrust upon Mercur. hns presented l.othing but a spectacle of gloom, It is not to be denied another trial. To that end Arthur Murphy, who at one period served the Daisy ns Its superintendent, In now prosecuting n thorough examination of the ehnnncls to which the rook of better quality appears ap-pears to have been confined, a recent exhibit. In which was contnlned the results re-sults of nssays, Vmboldenlng the belief that there Is n possibility of putting the proposition on a commercial basis. At all events, his movements nre being followed fol-lowed with eager Interest by the army of Investors who Invaded the region, and, ns even lower grade ores have le-sponded le-sponded to the magic of modem metallurgy, metal-lurgy, the efforts of Mr. Murphy arc not without promise. At Sunshine, home of the Sunshine mines and mill, four miles south of Mercur, Mer-cur, an attempt was made dining the year to rehabilitate that Ill-fated undertaking, un-dertaking, but Is rcpulted unsatisfactorily unsatisfac-torily and the owners decided to hnng It up until such time ns more efficient methods are provided for the reduction of material which with the presence of talc hns proven most defiant. (Continued Next Week.) |