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Show WARM FOR POULTRY PROPER ARRANGEMENT OF CHICKEN HOUSE. Partitions, Pens and Roosting Quarters Quar-ters In Their Places Removable Nests One of the Chief Features of the Layout The Best Nell . "j. II. A. What would be in up-todntt) arrnngemont (Inside) for a warm poultry house, 18 by 18 feet in size, 13 feet high in front uml S feet high at the back? Tlio house is well lighted light-ed on tho isouth ami wust, tho door is on tho north Hide. Tho house could bo moro readily planned If the door wnH not in the north side. For this reason It Is locossary to nllow for n passngowny, tin co feet wide, nt the north. If tho door was In the west, south or east walls of tho house, tho roosting quarters quar-ters would bo placed tight against tho north wall, nnd tho spaco wasted by tlio passngowny would bo of uso to tho fowls. Tho partition between tho pons should bo erected flrt. It Is In tho middle of tho house nnd runs north and south. Boards should bo nailed two feet from tho floor to prevent tho tnalo birds fighting. Abovo tho bonrda two-inch raosh wlro netting is used, -1r -K Witt Wl Vfitt - I Division Between Pens of Double Poultry House. When Plymouth Rocks or similar heavy chickens aro housod, tho netting net-ting should bo four foot wide; Leghorns Leg-horns or light breeds requiro netting six feot wldo. Tho partition extends from tho south wall to within thrco foot of tho north wall. Whoro convenient con-venient a holo twelve inches wide nnd 1 six Inches high should bo cut In tho partition and a shelf twelvo inches I square formed for holding tho water dish. Tho shelf should bo six Inches from tho ground. Tho roosting quarters should bo built. Tho drop board Is thrco feet rldo nnd soven feet long. It Is placed twenty Inches abovo tho ground. Four two by four-Inch studs should bo orcctod at tho Insldo corners. Tho end nnd back of each roosting quar-tor quar-tor should bo tight boarded for four feat abovo tho dropboard to prevent draughts striking the fowls. A twelve-inch twelve-inch htngod board nt tho back Is convenient con-venient for tho removal of droppings. Tho roosts nro two by four Inch scantlings scant-lings with tho corners rounded off on tho two-Inch edge on which tho fowls roost. Tho roosts nro ton Inches nbovo tho drop board; tho rear roost Is ten Inches from tho wall; tho roosts are elxtcon Inches apart. Delow tho dropboard laths aro nailed up and down, 2 inches apart, PEM J n-rrrrp k y perH Iff 1 1 Floor Plan of Double Poultry House, so that tho fowls can feed from tho passagowny. If tho fowls nro cold at night I would advlso boarding In tho top of tho roosting qunrtors and dropping a burlap curtain in front of tho fowls on cold nights. At other tlmos tho curtain could bo fastened up. Tho door Into each pen la two feet wldo and six feet high. It should bo hung with scroon door spring hlnge. Tho wndowB In tho south wall ot tho houso should also bo hinged. Tho nests aro romovablo and aro placed against tho pnrtltlon. FIvo nro built togothor nnd tho top Is sloping to provont tho fowls roosting thoro. (Seo cut ot end ot nests.) Tho Insldo dimensions ot each nost nro twolvo Inches squaro and eighteen Inchon high on tho low eldo. Whoro tho roof boards moot tho partition tho holght Is 2',d foot. A spaco of ton Inches is allowed bctwoon tho nests and tho pnrtltlon for a passagoway for tho hor.s. |