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Show I AWFUL-DEED OF MANIAC, Nailed a Man's Head to the Floor to Shave Him. Ambroslo Snmano Cnmpn. a Mexican Mexi-can mndmnn, killed a fellow lnmuto of tho San Hlppolita Insane asylum, In tho City of Mexico, tho other day whllo profcgBlng to abnve him. Cnmpn induced tho other man to rcmovo his strnltjackot. When this was accomplished he naked ills companion com-panion to don the garment, which ho did without protest, yheil, laying his victim on the floor, Cainpn proceeded to drive a lnrgo spike through his head into tho floor. Willi a shoemaker's shoemak-er's knife, which by p.me menns ho had contrived to sectA, bo tried to shave his victim, buS ilnding the lat-ter's lat-ter's position Inconvenient, removed tho splko nnd nailed tho hlTnrjpicad to the floor In a different manner. This operation ha ropoated fiir" times. Tho dead man wns n brother of Manuel Mnrron, prosecuting attorney In the Uelem Criminal court, and a well-known lltteratour. When nows of tho tragedy wns conveyed to tho lawyer he wns summing up I ho caso In tho trial of Jorge I.ez.imn, who wan finally sentenced to death for murder. As tho attorney nsked tho terrible penalty for I.e.amn tears were streaming down his cheeks. Saninno Campn. who has been In tho nsylum for nine years, was a powerful power-ful man. He boliovod himself to bo God on earth. Once ho grasped a man who refused to worship him by tho throat and struck his victim's head ngalnst tho wnll, fracturing tho skull. Two yenrs ngo In a light with another Inmate, who also claimed to ho God In henven, Cnmpa secured a club and killed his opponent. |