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Show BEAR RIVER Elweod - -- j Mr. and Mrs. Amos P. Hansen are rejoicing trver tke arrival of a sop torn last Tuesday, September 16th. Mother and baby are doing nicely. A real surprise party was held last Tuesday in the Relief Society room in honor of Mrs. Mary Ann Green. All were busy making a pretty quill Some twenty members worked their Initials into it. When completed it eu presented to Mrs. Green as a token of love from all who so willingly helped to make it After this was presented a nice tray lunch was served. Tkose whose initials are on the quilt are: Mrs. Marie R. Christensen. Eva L. Christensen, Nellie " Hunsaker, - Eva B. Hansen, Dagmar Andersen, Mary T. Green, Kyestme Y. Rasmussen, Dorthea Hansen, Mary Larsen, Lettie M. Hansen, Ada Fridal, Margaret Christenaen, Lottie . Munns, Meada Hunsaker, Elna Hunsaker, Iva Hunsaker, Valborg Romer, Violet Jensen, Martine Larsen, Minnie Kelstrum and Lilly Hunsaker. Mrs. Green also celebrated on Sunday when her neice and family, Clem Jensen of Ogden, visited her and brought her beautiful presents. ' vat J,E Casper Peters, of Corinne and Isabel j sen was chosen Senior President,Jensen were married in Logan, last Mvmo InJnun jKnnhnmore VlCeWednesday, September,: 17th. Miss presideni and Verian Andersen, song Jensen is the daughter of Mr. and leader for the semor class, vongnw-w-lationto our young people. Mrs. Andrew Jensen. Congratulations . to the newly weds. The program Sunday evening was Mr. 4nd Mrs. J, P. Christensen, Mr. very interesting. After the preliminand Hyrum Christensen, Mr. and Mrs: ary stories of the life of their great Andrew Jensen, Lewis Hunsaker, Mrs. grand fathers, were given by Junior Amalid Petersen, Mrs. Martine Lar- Fridal and Barbara Christensen; Leona sen, All went to Logan Temple on duet by Rebecca Mortensen and the Nielsen, Joy of Temple Work"; Evan Wednesday, September 17th. taU bv 7:I - Mrs. Marion Miller and children and iiij.ii Mrs. Harvey" Killer and children went Gee and Elder Hall, of Garland, and was well rendered; wo quarjewea to Ogden shopping last 'Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. James' OarbsJaette and were sung by the following: Duane Hunter cbildoSnowviUe,vl8itedwit3iMr. Arehibald, Cereal Linford, all of Garland. and Mrs. Leo Petersen, Saturday after rs.Mi mwtA J. S. Smith, of Tremonton, was also attending the Fair at Trementon, Elwood had a real vacafion daring one of the visitors nere. as many of the people the week-en- d J. P. Christensen went to Tremonspent all three days at the Fair, and ton Sunday evening where he was one many prises were captured by the of the speakers. people of Elwood. The display was Ward conference will be held in the good and the rodeo fine, showing ad- Elwood ward chapel, next Sunday evevancement year by year. at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Jack Ericksen and her mother, ning Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Petersen left Mrs. Larsen, of Corinne, were Ogden Friday morning- by auto for Los visitors last Thursday. ' Angeles, where Mr. Petersen has was M. I. A. social last Tuesday The found employment well attended and all had a very nice Ida MoClure, of Pasadina, Califortime judging from the good attendi m nia, has been visiting during the last ance The Elwood young folks were honor- Kim Mann and Mrs. L. S. Mann, ed at the high school. Milton Ander week with Mrs. W. E. Woods, Mrs. s -- ' Rn n. - i Constitutional Amendments Constitutional Amendment No.l BESOLUTION RELATING TO FILLING VACANCIES IN LEGISLATURE asseaeV A Joint icsolatfea prepeeiac Stent to Section IS ef Article VI ( tlx eenstttatton of the State ef Utah, relating1 to Tacandaa in thee leiislatare. of the Ba it naalTei by the ef all mam-he-rs Statt of Utah, two-thirelectee to each keaaa caacarrlns therein: such purposes shall ba reduced annually In proportion to the revenues so allocated; provided that any surplus above the revenue required for the State district school fund as provided in Section 7 of this Article ahall be paid into the State general fund. SECTION I. Secretary of State to nublian. The secretary of State is directed to cause tnis proposed amendment to be published aa required by the constitution and to be submitted to the electors of the State at the next general election in the manner provided by law. SECTION S. To take effect when. If approved by the electors of the State this proposed amendment shall take effect on the 1st day of January, 19S1. Filed with the Secretary ol State jreo-rua- ry claims and other valuable mineral deposits. including lands containing coal or hydro carbons and all machinery used in mining and all property or surface improvements upon or appurtenant to mines or mining claims, and the value of any surface use made of mining claims, or mining prop erty for other than mining purposes, shall be assessed as other tangible property. SECTION 1. Secretary of State to Pub lish. The secretary of State is directed to cause this proposed amendment to. ba pub lished aa required by the constitution ana to be submitted to the electors of the State at tha next general election ia the manner provided by law. when. If apSECTION 1. Ia effect proved by the electors of the State, this proposed amendment shall take effect sa the 1st day of January, 19S1. Filed with the Secretary ox State Fen-rua- ry 25, 1930. SECTION 1 Section to ba amenied. That it U prapoaed to amend Section It of Article VI of the constitution of the State of Utah, a that the same ahall read aa fellows: to be filled. SECTION 19. VaeaBde ZS, 1930. Vacancies that nay occur in either house af the lesfclatare shall be filled in each Constitutional Amendment manner as may be provided by law. SECTION 3 Secretary of State to pubNo. 3 lish. The secretary of State is directed to RELATING TO STATE SCHOOL FUND Constitutional Amendment cause this proposed amendment - to ba AND MANNER OP DISTRIBUTING INNo. 5 published as required by the constitution TEREST OF SUCH FUND. A RESOLUTION CREATING A STAT! and to be Submitted to the electors of the A Joint rseelutiou providing for amendCOMMISSION TAX State at the next general election in tha ments to house Joint resolutions num. A Joint resolution proposing an amendmanner provided by law. re bers three and eight passed by the ment to Section II of Article IS ef the when. If ftp SECTION t. In effect in 1929. proposing to amend constitution of the State of Utah, reroved by tha electors of tha State,' this Section S, Article X, and Section 7, Ar lating to revenae and taxation. proposed amendment ahall take effect on ticle XIII of the constitution at tne eraie Be it resolved by the Legislators of the the lit day of January, 19S1. of Utah, relating to the State school fund State of Utah, two-thiraf all bmbv. filed with the Secretary af State Feband the' manner of distributing the inbers elected to each heass concurring ruary 21, 1930, terest of sack fund and other revenues therein! af the several school districts of the SECTION I Sections proposed to amend. ' State. That it is proposed to amend Section 11 of Constitutional Amendment Be it resolved by the Legislature of the Article XIII of the constitution of tha No. 2 State of Utah, two-thirof all the mem- - State of Utah so that the same will read KESOLUTION RELATING TO REVENUE - hers elected to each House concurring as follows: AND TAAAl iUH therein: SECTION 11. Creation af State tax comA Joint resemtiea preposin't an amendSECTION I. Resolution proposed to governor to membership ment to Sections I and 3 of Article IS amend. That it ia proposed to amend house mission duties terms county beards af tha censtitetion of the State af Utah, joint resolution number S passed by the duties. There shall be a State tax com-- . Mlatfne to revenae and taxation. in 1929, proposing to amend mission legislature consisting of four members, not a It Molved bv tha L rills. tare ef the Section S of Article 10 of the. constitution than two of whom shall belong to State of Utah, two -- thirds of all of tha State of Utah so that the aame will mors same the political party. The members members elected to each House cancer, read as follows: of the commission shall be appointed by rins therein: SECTION S. Prececal of lands and other tha governor, by and with the consent of to Sections SECTION L nrepesea perproperty per cent ef proceeds the senate, for such terms of office aa may nmeni. That it ia proposed to amend petual fend. Tha proceeds of all lands that be provided by law. Tha State tax eommis- - : twftr.na 1 and af Article XIII af the have been ba or granted by tha Unit. ion shall administer and supervise the eonstitation of tha State of UVah sa that ad States to may this State, for tha support tax laws of the State. It ahall assess the same will read as follows: ef the common schools ; the proceeds of all public utilities and adjust and SECTION S. TansiMe property to be pnnieity that may accrue to toe state mines and valuation and assessment of Saeia hew Teiae ascertained properties by escheat or forfeiture; all unclaimed equalise the among tha several counties. It to provide anneal tax shaisa and dividends f any corporation property shall have ether powers of original rack in tha e.r State. All tanaible property incorporated under the laws of this State: assessment as the legislature may proState, not exempt under the laws of the the proceeds of the sale of timber, mineral vide. such Under ia sacs) United States, or under this constitution, or other property from school ana State cases and within suchregulations limitations as the hall t tend In nronortion to its value. lands, other than those ranted for apeeifio shall astah. j it legislature may prescribe, to be ascertained as provided by law. Tha purposes ; and five per centum of the net Hsh systems of public accounting, review property of the United States, of the 8tate. proceeds of tha sale of public lands lying proposed bond issues, rewa the tax levies (ountiet, cities, towns, school districts, witnln the State, which snail be sold by and budget of local governmental unite, . municipal corporations and public libra- tne united States subeeuuent to the ad and equalise the assessment and valuatioa lota with the buildings thereon need mission' of this State into the Union, ahall of ries, counties. within Tha duthe " property exclusively for either religious worship or be ana remain perpetual fund, to be ties imposed upon the State board of charitable purposes, and places ef burial called the State school fund, the Interest equalisation the constitution and laws not held or used for private or corpora to of which only, shall be distributed among of this Statebyshall the benefit hall be exempt from taxation. the several school districts according to State tax commission.be performed by v Water rights, ditches, canals, reservoirs, ins last preceding school census. In each county of this State there shal ower plants, pumping plants, transmisSECTION S. ReselaUen proDceei to sion lines, pipes and flumes owned and amend. That ft is proposed to amend house be a county board of equalisation conused by individuals or corporations for ir- Joint resolution number I passed by the sisting of the board of county commission of said county. The county boards of rigating lands within the state owned by legislature in 19X9, proposing to amend ers such individuals or corporations, or the Section 7. of Article XIII of the constitu equalisation shall adjust and equalise tha individual members thereof, shall not be tion of the State of Utah so that the same valuation and assessment of the real and personal ' property within their res pec tire Separately taxed aa long aa they shall be will read aa follows: subject to such regulation and owned and used exclusively for such purSECTION 7. Rate of taxation not to counties, control by the 8 tats tax commission as Power plants,, power tranemiaeioa exceed poses. distribution. The rate purpose be may by law. The Stats tax prescribed usedfor gen- af taxation on tangible property ehall not lines and other property, commission and the county boards & exceed on each dollar of valuation, two erating an delivering electrical power, shall each hare such ether portion of which is used for furnishing juid four-tentmills for general Stats equalisation re. aa may .be prescribed by the power for pumping water for irrigation purposes, two-tentof one mill for high powers purposes on lands in the State of Utah, school purposes, which shall constitute the 8ECTI0N State to Mb. ef t. Secretary may be exempted from taxation to the high school fund; said fund shall be ap- Hsh. extent that such property is used for such portioned in the manner the legislature cause The secretary of State Is directedpub-list-to this proposed amendment to be purposes. These exemptions shall accrue shall provide, to the school districts main required by the constitution, and to the benefit of the users of water so taining high schools, and such levy for to be assubmitted to the electors of tta pumped under such regulations as the leg district school purposes which together State at the next general election In the The taxes of the with the interest on the permanent school manner , Mature may prescribe. provided by law. indigent poor may ba remitted or abated fund and such ether funds as may be take effect whoa, at audi times and in such manner as may available for district school purposes, will If 8ECTI0N I. Ts by the electors of the Steje, approved be provided by law. The legislature may raise annually an amount which equals this- proposed amendment ehall take effect from taxation for tha exemption $25.00 for each person of school age in the provide the 1st day of January, 1981. af homes, homesteads, and personal prop- state as shewn by the last preceding school on Filed with the Secretary of State Feb-erty, not to exceed two hundred fifty dol-- ., census; the same to be distributed among hers in value for homes and homesteads, the school districts according to the last ruary 25, 1930. and one hundred dollars for personal prop- preceding school census; and in addition Constitutional Amendment erty. Property not to exceed $8,000 in an equalization fund which when added value, owned by disabled persons who to other revenues provided for this pur No. 6 served in any war in tha military service pose oy tne legislature snail be S5.00 for RELATING TO THE LOCATION Of ef the United States or of the State of each person of school age as shown by the AND STATE PRISON THE STATE Utah and by the unmarried widows and last preceding school census ; said equali INSTITUTIONS minor orphans of such persons may be sation fund, shall be apportioned to the A Joint resolution an amendproposing exemoted aa the legislature may provide. school districts in such manner as tha leg ment to Section S, of Article XIX of the Tha legislature shall' provide by law for islature shall provide. Said rates shall constitution of the State of Utah, rean annual tax sufficient, with other sour- not ba increased unless a proposition to to the location af the Stete Prises. ces of revenue, to defray the estimated or increase the same specifying the rate or Belating it resolved by the" Legialatura of the of the mesabeft dinary expenses of the State for each fis rates proposed and the time during which State of Utah, two-thir-ds cal year. HOT tne purpose Ol paying ue the asms shall be levied, be first submit, elected to each house concurring thereState debt, if any there be, the legisla- ted to a vote of such of the qualified elecin! ture shall provide for levying a tax an- tors of the State, as in the year next pre SECTION 1. Section nronosed to amend. ceding sucn election, shall have paid a That it is proposed to amend Section S of nually, sufficient to pay the annual interest and to nair the principal of such debt, property tax assessed to them within tha Article XIX of the constitution of the within twenty years from the final passage State, and the majority of those voting State of Utah so that the same will read thcson shall vote in favor thereof, in such as follows : of the law creating the debt. SECTION a. Assessment and taxation manner as may be provided by law. SECTION I Location of publie InstituSECTION S. Secretary of State to pub tions and disposition ef lands. The publie af .tangible property regulation personal in- - lish. The secretary of State is directed to institutions of the Stats are hereby perexemptions come tax rates dispositions ei revenues. cause this proposed amendment to be pub manently located at tha places hereinafTk. wiBiatnm shall rjrovide by law a uni lished as required by the constitution and ter named, each to have the lands speciform and equal rate of assessment and to be submitted to the electors of the State fically granted to it by the United States, tav.tmn nn ell tangible property in the at the next general election in the manner in the Act of Congress, approved July 16th, as one proposition in lieu 1894, to be disposed of and used in suck State, according to its value in money, and provided by law, of H. J. R.- - numbers S and 8, passed at manner as the legislature may provide: shall prescribe by law sucn regulations First: The seat of government and the shall secure a just valuation for taxation the regular session of the 18th legislature. SECTION 4. To take effect when. State fair at Salt Lake City. of such property, so that every person in Second : The institutions for the deaf and the tax If approved by proporelectors of the State and corporation shall pay a the proposed amendment shall take effect dumb, and the blind, and the State reform tion to the value of his, her, or its school at Ogden City, in tha county of on the first day of January. 1931. ariMa nronertv. nrovided that the legisla Filed with tha Secretary of State Feb Weber. ture may determine the manner and extent anu 1930. stocK live Third : The Utah State hospital at Pro-v- o live Z6, ruary transient ef taxing " stock being fed for slaughter to be used City, in the county of Utah. prop8ECTION . Secretary of State to pubhuman for consumption. mtangiDM Constitutional Amendment as lish. The secretary of State Is directed to erty may be exempted from taxation No. 4 cause nmnortv r it rriAV be taxed in such man- proposed amendment to be pubTO THE lished this RELATING RESOLUTION ' aa required by the constitution and ner and to such extent as the legislature TAXATION MINING MINES AND OF to ba submitted to the electors of the may provide. Provided that if intangible . PROPERTY ' property be taxed as property the rate A Joint resolution providing for an amend State at the next general election ia the manner provided by law. thereof shall not exceed five mills on each ment to Section 4, Article is, of tne when. SECTION . To take effect dollar of valuation. When exempted from constitution of the State of Utah relat- If approved by the electors of the State, taxation as property, the taxable income of mines and taxation to mining tha ing this proposed amendment shall take effect therefrom shall be taxed under any tax on the 1st day of January, 1981. based on incomes, but when taxed by Beproperty. the of the resolved Legislature it by Filed with the Secretary of Stats Febthe State of Utah aa property, the Income two-thirmemthe of all of Stats Utah, ruary 26, 1930. therefrom ahall not also be taxed. Tha t bers elected to each house concurring laal.laftiM nM MPmHfla foe deductions. CX- therein t M. H. Secretary ef State of emptions, ander offsets on any tax based Sections proposed to thaI, State ofWelling, SECTION L that do Hereby certify Utah, upon income, ine personal wcunw That It Is proposed to amend Sec tha foregoing Is a full, true and correct rates shall ba graduated but the maxi- - amend. tion 4, Article XIII, of tha constitution of copy of Constitutional Amendments Nos. mum rate shall not axeeed six per cent of tne we asms win 1, S, S, 4, 5. and as proposed by the ot utaa so net inaama. No excise tax rate Based read state as follows t session of tha legislavare ef lit upon income shall exceed four per cent of to be aa. special claims Mines sad 4. as tha same appear af record ia my ofSECTION act income. The rate limitations herein to what kails and multiple fice. l contained for taxes based on income ami In witness whereof, I hava bmwunto set as tangible preserty. All met for taxes on Intangible property shall ba be assessed mines both my hand and affixed the-Gre-at Seal of claims, or mining talifasoas effeetlva until Jannarv 1. 19ST. and thenshall assessed W Stato of Utah, this fat day af Septemthe rock ia lilacs, and placer veto of a law by nftar until changed by lesMatara shall provide; provided, ber, lose. the majority ef the members elected to the the basis and multiple ow need m each house of the krwUture. All I value of wtallttnoa. mtee. ma Mmli fsisl en faeOBM and the additional nutpossi tneaaalMe itrusiel tl shall ba tar taxation emlaa at- - 15.00 per acre thereof aDeeated aa follows I It per cent Uweof to befeta January 1, he sMagsd tha state Werner senooi zone aim a ItX aot etimrwiss pss-vkt-o. a tsWter untilseines per cent taereoT to tU State Senst saaamc by law. iUl ate! fifed and tke Stat levies PSf t , uu fM PAGE THRElii LEADER, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1930. Mrs. W. E. Woods entertained her bridge club on Wednesday afternoon,! A very interesting Relief Society meeting was held Tuesday. Mrs. Roche of Garland, came down to assist in decorating vases and other articles for tne Dazaar. - Mr. and Mrs. N. Peters, of Elwood, are the proud Barents of a babv bov corn aseptemoer 22. Mrs. Peters was formerly Isabel Jensen, of this place. the noted Vollbehr collection that was purchased sometime ago for the Library of Congress, at a cost of more than $1,000,000. The library was forced to nay 125.000 in duties to bring the Bible from Austria. Bene dictine friars have had possession of the book ever since it was printed until they sold it to Dr. Vollbehr in 1926 in order to obtain funds for the restoration of a monastery. CURLEW IRRIGATION AND RESERVOIR COMPANY Prirscipal place of Biiriswes, SnowvUle, Plymouth Mr. and Mrs.. Robert Nigh, and Jesse Utah. Capital Stock of the Corporation, also an assessment of 7 on the Stock in East Canal, and an assessment of on the stock in the West Canal; 61, due and payable on the 16th day of September, 1930, to Jesse Arbon, the Treasurer of the company at his residence at Snowville, Utah. Any Stock upon which these assessments may re- -: main unpaid on the 17th day of October, 1930, will be delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction and unless payment is made before will be sold on the 8th day of November, 1930, to pay the delinquent assessment, together with the cost of advertising and expense of sale. -- Wm Hurd, Secretary NOTICE is hereby given that at a Nish motored to Willard Sunday, to of the directors held on the Snowville, Utah. attend the funeral services of Jate meeting loth day or September, 1930, an First publication, Sept 25, 1930. Wells. Mr. Wells was an old acquaint- assessment of GVt was levied on the Last publication, October 16, 1930. ance of Mr. and Mrs. Nish. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Geonre Nish re. turned home Monday afternoon from Salt Lake City, where Mr. Mason had been to receive medical treatment. Alvin Smith is busv remodelino'. tha NOT WHAT YOU PAY PER CWT. FOR FEED home of Mrs. Sarah Archibald. BUT Mrs. William &. Mason and daugh ter Hortense were Brigham City visit WHAT YOUR EGGS COST PER DOZ. ors, Wednesday. REMEMBER-NATIONAL SURVEY SHOWS 42 EXTRA A number of our people attended the County Fair at Tremonton. Thurs EGGS PER BAG IN day, Friday and Saturday. kuius JLamb, were in Bear River City, Mrs. George Jesse Mason, Mrs. Don Friday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Ren Anderson and GARLAND-TREMONTO- N MILLING CO. children, George-an- d Maree, of Brig-haCity were calling on their brother, George Jesse Mason, Saturday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Nish were called to Salt Lake City Saturday of last v.eek on the account of the death of Mrs. Nish's son Jlen Mansfield, who passed away Saturday morning at five o'ciocl: m the L. D. S. hospital. He leaves a wife and seven children. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith and Orval Nish, motored to Salt Lake City Saturday on business. Miss Wilett of Salt Lake City was weekend guest of Mrs. Robert Nish. Miss Ferre, who is teaching school at Fielding was week-en- d guest of her sister, Mrs. Louis Zundle. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Archibald and children Claira and Danie, were week end guests, of Mr. and Mrs. Parley Archibald of Tremonton. They visited the county fair while there. A number of our people attended Just West of R. R. Tracks the Union Meeting at Garland Sunday. ihe Genealogical Committee held a WHOLESALE AND RETAIL meeting here, Sunday evening in con- nection with the sacrament meetinsr. PETROLEUM PRODUCTS Gilbert Pierson, who has been at Manti this summer returned home Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jarve Mansfield of California, arrived here Sunday eve ning as quests of Mr. Mansfield's Manager mother. Mrs. Thomas J. Nish andto attend the services of Ren Mansfiedl. Mr. and Mrs. Carol Josephson have moved into part of Mrs. Sarah Archi bald's house for an indefinite period. lUPORTAWTJ PURINA LAY CHOW - ATLAS OIL , MERWIN P. CHRISTENSEN WE ACQUIRE A BIBLE At last the famous Gutenberg Bible reposes safely in the United States Library of Congress. With the recent acquisition of the Bible, Washington becomes the third in a trio of national Capitals whose libraries house a perfect copy of the Gutenberg Bible on vellum. The other two copies are in the National Libraries of London and of Paris. Printed before 1456, the Bible was the first important product of the Gutenberg Press. Thirty copies on vellum and 180 on paper were. made. The United States now has nine of the paper copies and three of the vellum, but two of the latter are somewhat imperfect The perfect copy is part of LOWEST IN Feed Pax Quality Feeds for Profit One man after feeding 1000 hens each year for several years changed to Pax feeds and reports 3 percent better grade on his eggs, and 8 percent more profit. There is a reason. Feed Pax Laying Mash, and have some extra money for Xmas: yes all the time. We are here to stay. Plenty of feed at all times. 17 YEARS Food prices general- ly have declined. Markets are at rock Costs are they have been in 17 years. We are sorry for those whom low prices temporarily affect adversely, but we are glad for the sake of our customers that prices are falling. bottom. . lower than ELEVATOR CO. INTER-OCEA- N H. P. Randall, Mgr. . Cut Down On Fuel Cos1 Jf OIST Lsat at 68 is more comfortable than dry heat at 75. You can not only save the coal required to obtain the higher temperature but yea also get greater comfort when you install a Nesbit Moist Heat WE LEAD WITH VALUES . with . Furnace. Our store has com stantly kept abreast market changes. We make it a point that our benefit customers from every price drop. As a result our store leads again in offering greater values. Visit our store today and learn our prices. with these new, low prices, our wonderful food quality has not changed. We will always have the best values in. town, quality and price considered, to offer you. Owners of Nesbit Moist Heat Systems will gladly tell you about the economies afforded by this superior furnace. It is not only reasonable in first cost, but it gives unsurpassed satisfaction for a generation or more. And it affords a constant saving in its ability to extract more heat from every pound of fuel you burn, whether coal, cobs or wood. Re-mem- tt. W6s Phone or call for additional information about the various economy features of the Nesbit. You owe it to your pocketboolc We can give you quick, correct installation whether in a new house or in your present: home. Convenient payment terms may be arranged, if desired. Modernise your present home by installing a Nesbit Moist Heat System. Let us give you the facts cn how economically and easily you can do this. Call or write for an estimate. BURGESS BROTHERS Plumbing and Heating PHONE CM THEMONTON ei SESEIEeSKS .... .... , |