Show Shaft to lO Mark 1st Utah Fort At Whiterocks I Dedication of Ft Monument to Take Place Pla During UBI U B I C 0 Landmark Officers to be bc Present Presen t I An added f feature to the U UI B BI BI I C 0 this year Is the erection and unveiling of the Robidoux mont monument ment to be located or on U S 40 where here here the Kneale highway high turm north to Whiterocks The erection of the monument on U s 40 and arthe the probable placing of or the mark mark- marker marker marer er on the old fort lort site one and one one- half hair miles mUes Southeast of Whiterocks is being sponsored by the joint action ac- ac action atlon tion of or the UBI U B I c the White White- Whiterocks hite- hite rocks Chapter of the Daughters or orthe ol the Utah Pioneers and the Wall Utah Pioneer Trails and Association Fort Robidoux a trading post built by Antoine Robidoux from St Louis Louts In 1832 was the first all year year- round establishment built b by hite men In this western estern territory out or of which Utah was later carved I It was waa called also Fort Winte bYI by bythe the Indians or Fort Uintah This s I early Uintah Basin BaIn abode wis ws I al- also aso so 50 the first chain store stort In Utah as a aMr s Mr Robidoux had another trad- trad trading trading tra ing establishment on the Gunni- Gunni Gunnison Gunnison son ri river riser er in Colorado Fort Port Robt- Robt Robidoux j doux was in m a a strategic location as asit a aIt it was on the trail trall which ran from the Utah Lake region and was also aLon on the trail from Toas New Mex- Mex Mexico leo ico to Fort Port Hall HaU over the 3 Traders trappers missionaries and explorers stopped over at Fort Ro- Ro Robidoux R to rest and replenish their lr supplies Among those commonly known to have stopped there as gien ghen by their journals were vere Kit Carson about 1833 Joseph Wil- Wil hams a missionary July 10 1842 Rufus Rutus B Sage on October 1842 Dr A L Lovejoy and Mar Mar- Marcus Maicus Marcus cus Whitman protestant mIssion mIssion- mIssionaries missionaries aries from Oregon in October of 1844 The party of or Wm Hubbard and others including Dennis Ju- Ju Julien Julien lien whose name is inscribed on ona ona oa n a rock east of the old DanIels place probably accompanied Rob Rob- Robidoux Robidoux In- In Into into irto idoux on a trading expedition to the Uintah Basin in 1831 trade was as as conducted mainly with trapping parties How How- However However However ever some trade t-ade t ade was as as conducted ith ith the Indians who were enraged enraged enraged ed by the conduct of men at the post poet with Indian property and the Indian women The old site was wa-s relocated by Reed Morrill in September of f 1936 after an extended searchA search starch searchA A great deal of historic significance signifIcance is attached to this old trad- trad trading trading trading and aDd executive officers of ing post the national Oregon Trails Asso- Asso Association represented by Dr Hos Howard ard R Driggs Major Proctor and others as well as the officers or of orthe the Utah Trails and Landmark Ass n ii Geo Oeo Albert Smith John a 0 aGUes COUes Giles GUes J 3 C Alter and others will wUl willbe wl be In attendance August 30 at 11 o 0 clock for the U B D I C program and will take charge of the un- un unveiling eiling ceremonies in the after after- afternoon afternoon afternoon noon After the unveiling Continued on page four I II FT TORI TO M MIRK RI FIRST UTAH rOUT FORT Af A 1 r 1 S 5 t continued i iron onea one oue onea a caravan caratan will fIl proceed to the to 10 location cation of the old site where a short shor program will be held I I An unprecedented fIo flower er show sho is expected to also be a feature of the 1937 1337 UBI U B I C Mrs Whit- Whit mote mOle who ho leads the floral display I committee announced that suitable suit suit- suitable able prizes will tall be awarded sUit sUit-I to tc winners Inners and urged participants to tc prepare their flowers for the mom mom- ing of August 1 I Adequate stable facilities are tc to tobe be provided for teams entered In InI Inthe inthe tol inthe the horse pulling contests I Notice has been received from I Senator Wm H II King and Congressman Con Con- Congressman I gressman Abe Murdock that they would attend the convention contention if I congressional duties would per permit mit I I I I |