Show f 0 y I LEOTA TA p i 0 oot A 4 I Marion P and Leonard Rogers from the Shepard Bottoms ha hale e egone gone to the Buck Pasture resel reservoir air to work stork to A baby girl was VIas born to tor tr r and Mrs Ralph Durfee on the 2nd Melvin Jorgensen and Troy H I Trimble went to Salt Lake Fri Fri- Friday Fri day to get a part for the big pump 1 river riser It broke and left lert the I Ion on thil the had to toy t oS without stater ter They TIley croPS the repair stall y waT alt three days da s to get I Horrocks case case work work- worker Francis Mrs Leota during the th er v was stas as visiting kI I steel k v Barney has been fit Mrs Mary Mar uti the hg past week Jenkins of California i Leuelln was vas LeV a v visitor He came at sund for fora Miss School Sylvia on Sunday married ill in inthe They will be and temple the the the- Salt Sait Lake California nh where he hhas III go on to has employment ment Ronald and family of the Lake project were ere spending spend spend- spending Moon toon week steep end with his par par- the ing cots Bishop and Mrs I Exun par par-I 1 I of Leoti Leota Bottoms f I and Mis Biddlecome and andI andson Mr 1 California were spending of the son week seek eek end with ith Mrs Biddle I Biddle-I Mr and Mrs I come comes patents IJohn I John Clark Clarl of California wo wag Sunday with th the family I of E D Lewis s I and Mrs John of Mr l Clyde son hon on of Vernal spent the Ells orth I steel ve end with stith his grandparents for Roy Ro Oscar Jensen Is 15 working corking Randlett In the harvest Taylor it t field Wallace Wallice Jensen s sister Alberta and family from Denver Denser are visiting vis- vis visIting vis visiting at nt his home near rt Ft Du- Du Duchesne Duchesne Du Duchesne chesne Cal Jorgensen has haa I on the road roadE employment P entE E D LeWis Lewla took the ti Leota Society members to Vernal Monday to quilt for Mrs Louts Louis Roberts I |