Show iW iWo H o J c A a b bLAI ANGELY LAI p P- P Ps s 4 ti visitor M E Staley was as a n Meeker tor this week eek purchasing two trucks from the Joy Motor Company COlli pan for I hauling coal Mr Staley operates the coal mine a few miles east of I I Ram ely and expects to have eight ees at lit the mine this season I with with an nn output of coal four times that of last sear ear I 1 I 1 Powell ell earI dislocated a hile I n on the highway and was as ken t ken to Vernal bi by b Charles St Steele le for medical care The Infant child chUd of Mr and Mrs Stewart art art D Tanner died at bIrth SUnday August 1 In a Vernal hos- hos hospital hospital hos hospital pital Miss Doris Hall left for Canada Tue day She visited relatives es In Ogden Salt Lake CU City Citi and Logan J D McLeod accompanied b by his son Donald made a trip to toI I Glenwood Glen Springs this week Don Don- Donald Don Donald c ald aId entertained a C C C 0 group Mr and Mrs C V Gross and two i children visited Mr and Mrs Claude Goff at Cedar Edge Col- Col Colorado Colorado Col Colorado orado Mr Gross Grass and Mrs Golf GOff are brother and sister Miss Mies Cecil Goff returned with fth the Gross fam- fam family fam family ily lly and will br tw In the employ of oC Mrs Frt Frt-cl Fr cI A Nickols Nickels I A good time was had and a neat neatI I sum made at the Library annual benefit dance I i Mrs Frank Goeder entertained her daughter Mrs John Jones I and fa nUy Golden Colorado with witha witha a trip to the Dinosaur Monument August 1st Rio Blanco county counts has a new ne county nurse nure Miss Elizabeth Car Car- Carroll roll Car Carroll roll rollI I |