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Show ovyyvT'yWWYyvf'yfyyyvyy e- -v 4- virrvTrwrryrwnirrw'-y-ir- - w Surplus Seen In Rise Of Tax Revenue By clarence s. Barker Deseret News Staff Writer Utah state tax revenue income is consistently- - outstripping earlier estimates, reflecting a stronger basic economy, Gov. George D, Clyde announced Tuesday. He made' the comment after receiving a summary of tax collections during the past three years from' Orville Gunther, chairman of the State Tax Commission. The summary shows that state tax income for the three quarters ended March 31 is 14.3 per-cehigher than the previous year, and 18.9 per cent higher than two years ago. Possible Reduction 'There is a good chance that instead of having a highgr state property tax levy next fall as.hadbeen feared, this Mr. levy will be reduced, Mevi .Library Moiled -- InCity' Auditorium, (5) walkway over Thuc South to proposed new parking terrace that would serve the area. Nicholas G. Morgan Foundation proposed the park f architect, improvements. The drawing is the woik--o" V Edward O, Anderson, ALA. Bounds Plait- - Mayor Tells Of Finance- Possibilities By TED HIMSTREET Deseret News Staff Writer Construction of a new public library as part of Salt Lake Citys major capital improve ments - program was - taken under consideration Tuesday by the city commission. Mayor J. Bracken Lee Tues , day told representatives of the Womens League of Voters he believes the city might be able 'to Include th e p roject in a 1 proposed bond issue without Sillany increase in. taxes, i The .mayor said if the IlI J J jbrary ls included In a one- " Packa ,f ' 4could bejetlred with sales tax revenue and without Increasing taxes MRS. I.A UREL T ULRICH FAUL F LISTON He said if the- - library board commencement speaker 's given permission to finance to give addrqps construction through a special library mill levy, it would be necessary to Increase the tax from its present 1.4 mill levy to the maximum of two mills. nt PROPOSED PIONEER PARK Architects drawing of proposed improvements at Pioneer Park, Second West and Fourth South, shows (1) relocated and restored old City Hall, (21 restored Social Hall, (3) reproduction: of the old Pioneer fort, 4r proposed new Civic- - TUESDAY, MAY 10, 1960 SAIT LAKE CITY, UTAH - GuntherakL - D. 1C. Moffat. Finance. Commission chairman, disclosed that last year he had feared that the 1959 Legislature had the state's 'income by $2 million. - We since have whittled that possible deficit down to $1 million and now we believe that B.wMERWING. FAIRBANKS, the state will end the biennium Deseret News Staff Writer June 30, 1961 with a surplus Salt Lake.City commissioi which mighPfbe-substantiaved.remaval. Revenues Up of the old City Hall from First Tax revenue for the stale South and itsrestoration general fund from which most in Pioneer Park on Fourth South and Second Wfcst. appropriations are made, par' At the same time they ac ticularly for building, was up $26 million during the last cepted for consideration apro three quarters, compared with posed program from the Nic1 $23.8 million a olas G. Morgan Sr. Foundation $23 million two years ago. This for suggested improvements The discussion of a proposed -is a 12,75 per cent gam over fur Pioneer Park. new library building came and two of years ago receipts The prbposal explained that while the mayor was answer -Two University of Utah students with high scholastic 9.2 per cent over last year. private financing will pay for ing questions from the league relocation and restoration of Extepding the sales tax to standing were named Monday as commencement speakers representatives about the citys 6 last exercises. effective cover schools the June for Service, . the mid City-Halgraduation iLcalledfor proposed capital wcre' PaUt'F. Ltsfo'n7335 "Douglas St., a program. The Improvements the city to erect a civic audi July, helped swoll general fund delegation aprevenue materially. This was major in political science, and Mrs. Laurel T. Ulrich, 1355 torium in the center of the peared at the regular comthe counterbalanced In a St by , part Perry park and other improvements major in English mission meeting and posed the steel and copper strikes which Mr. ge Liston who has a 386 questions to the which would cost an estimate- dmayor. reduced sales and sales tax grade-averaout of "a pos$2 million. Mayor Lee said the city will revenues below what it would 2 Presents Plan sible 4 00, played football at find it necessary to submit a otherwise have been during the U. for four years and was bond issue to the voters in Parks Commissioner- - L. C. ----The last three quarters.:a debater, a member of the orrierto-finan- ce Romney presented the plans themuItF Revenue tor the uniform to the commission accomAthletic Council and the Army million dollar cajpitat improvemilfund school totaled ' $1069 ROTC program. panied by a letter explaining ments program. lion during the last three quardetails of the plan. He was eleeted to Beehive He said those items which milters, comparedwith $6 8 Mayor J. Bracken Lee said society and Phi Kap- must be included in the bond honorary lion a year ago and $6 6 million hfrthinks it is a good proposal, pa Phi. A son of Mr, and Mrs. issue areThe citys share of a two years ago. How"welt worth studying. Lee Liston, Kaysville, he is a city and county public safety Sheriffs deputies questioned graduate of Davis High SchooL building, the Redwood ever, he indicated that financGet Windfall Road 2 a am. auditorium civic until of Tuesday Mrs. Ulrich, 1355 Perry SL, trunk sewer line and possibly ing Uniform school fund reve- suspects would have to wait until we , additional no sig carries a grade average of 3.94, a sewage treatment plant and nue includes individual income but turned up can take care Of Nother capital a new city library. tax receipts which are swollen nificant clues leading to the a near perfect mark. . improvements. Also a debater, she served fiscal year by a non re- identity of Mrs. Mildred Clift this Sees Lower Cost After approving relocation of with the student senate and slayer. curring windfall of art esti- Humphreys Lee said the library Mayor the old City Hall, the commisLie detector tests were given was a member of Mortar mated $2.8 million. This comes OLD CITY HALL RESTORED Morgan Foundation proposal to Salt Lake City Comboard had proposed a $3 milMonsion referred the civic audilate to more two Beehive the people Board, from an extra quarters income mission Tuesday would restore the old City Hall to look like this architects drawihonorary lion torium plans to the Citizens building, but said he tax collected in advance be- day, according to Deputy N. D. society 4ind Phi Kappa Phi. move it to Pioneer Park from present location east of the Public Safety Bldg, on ng, an adequate - library . on Committee C. Advisory City, Richard Dibblee, A of and state Mrs. Hayward. the Mr. cause of daughter withholding South-Fust be and eonstructed for $2 Capital ImplePlanning ehief criminal deputy, Salt J. Kenneth Thatcher,ldaho might tax.- ments. Lake County Attorneys office Falls,' Idaho, she graduated million. state funds Revenue for road Civic Center The cost of the sewer during the last three quarters sat in on most of the Monday from Sugar-SaleHigh School line was set at $3 milliontrunk The Morgan Foundation and in Idaho. totaled $208 million, compared investigation. the sewage treatment plant at proposal would be aimed at We expect some results of with $19.5 million a year ago, $7 milion. making defunct Pioneer Park and $18.6 million two years FBI tests any minute and then - The mayor sald the cost of an important civic center and in ean a we look for 11.4 break; was a gaIfT"of ago7This tourist attraction. the proposed public safety said Haythe case, Deputy per cent over two years ago First step in restoring the building and development of have officers ward. Sheriffs 6.5 cent over last and year. per Gibbons & Reed Constructhe east half of the block east park would be relocation of tion As a result of the increased forwarded to Washington three W Co. and the Howard P. the Old City Hall from First of the City and County Buildhunseveral business 22 caliber state and revenue for roads the guns, supply facturing By HOWARD PEARSON South just east of the Public Foley Co. Tuesday submitted 1 ing could not be determined build- dred shells and some of the o n direcb s a e uns a and Utahs is m Wash., y department Spokane, highway Salt Lake to the Deseret News Staff Writer Safety Bldg. It would be com- - low bids victims personal belongings warm weather will continue uhtil the county takes - final tor of a number of corpora- ing more exclusively City Commission on extenaction on a proposed- bond of pletely restored and set on the sion the .man found at the scene. Extensive It this roads example tions. Living r year. of the Salt Lake Mu- - through Wednesday, the U.S. issue. , northeast corner of the hats" is Eric conducted three wears matem all who tests federal were will exhaust being deSalt to Lake to came He nicipal Airport instrument A block. Weather Bureau at the Salt exTo Cost Determine week. motion last Ben-moJohnston, picture money. ing liver the annual Milton Second, the proposal would runway and lighting faciliauthor - Foundation Mrs. Humphreys body was Lake Municipal Airport foreHe said the city and county businessman, ecutive, Memorial ties. have the city commission discovered May 2 near Bacchus. cast Tuesday. who was in Lecture at Spencer Hall at the will first determine needs and The Gibbons & Reed firm and ambassador, B initiate a move to erect a civic SECTION for She had been shot in the back Lake Fair weather which then can obtain a cost estimate Salt Tuesday City University of Utah, scheduled auditorium in the center of the entered a bid of $695,315 on of the head with a 22 caliber brought a 94 high on the Joint venture before the two speeches at 8 tonight. He also addressed square. It should have a seat- the runway construction of the 4, 12, 13, 20 ballet. 2, L is luncheon Johnston Club at president the Is expected issue is submitted to county Rotary Monday George ing capacity - of -at least 15,000 project and the Foley jcom- Motion Picture Association voters. 2, 3 Meanwhile, investigators to jhe Hotel Utah earlier Tues- - Theater. and would be served .by a panyVbid of $70,018was push the mercury near 5 8 were narrowing down a list If the county approves the Sports repreof personal America; north terrace electrilow on the day. for and lighting parking the same figure Tuesday and bond issue, the mayor said, 9 of 10 suspects all of whom r His three hats and more Comics side of Third South. Access to cal work on the extension. sentative of President Eisen10, 11 were in the south State Street Wednesday. Lows over the then the city will know how the auditorium wxmld be Engineers preliminary esti- hower to advance a program are apparent in the range of Financial Radio-T11 tavern with the victim when state Tuesday night will large a bond issue will be reof the Highlights is which on he an unified mate covered on for construction a development the subjects walkway through 13 she was last seen alive on the range from 42 ,ty 55, the quired to finance the citys Obituaries the in River was $745,807. For the light-in- Jordan over Third South. Valley expert. weatherman said. AdsAction share of the pqblic safety facilearly morning of May 2. -To bring increased tourist the estimate was $97,-4- Near East; owner and opera- Rotary Luncheon ity, as well as other capital See RESTORATION, Pg. 2 tor of his own electrical manuAt the Rotary Club iunch-eaoprojects. he talked on "Character The mayor 4, told the league 1 dan- W o r d Affairs. He if The county delegationThat stressed the tremendous does not approve a bond issue growth in science and techto finance its share, the city nology in our times and asje will havtr to go it alone and Rotarians if they appreciated the cost to the city would- - be fact that 94 per cent of somewhat higher for an indiSCENE TODAY the the scientists who ever lived vidual building. are living today; that scientific - Hinges On Committee -and technical knowledge is In explaining the proposed doubling every 10 years. suits of his examination at the next meetTHE SEAGULL MONUMENT only tells capital improvements program, said He these trementhat ' ing. half the story of Utahs big, friendly the mayor said only those projhave wrought dous changes on of J. B. birds, we have it ects recommended by a maj Oh, he toldme to study up more on revolutions all over the globe. Sumsion of Springville. ors eitizens committee oq cap-itthe We have been prepared for the three branches of government, improvements are being know "You these but ' Im out plowing in the field, writes youth replied. think of judicial, changes, considered at this time. teles tiaL!l are ;not themany. people-W- ho Mr. S,r when "first along comes a scout He said occasionally the city- prepared for them? The na for observation. Minutes later they swoop determine needs for ad1 may of COALS TO NEWCASTLE many finds who find byes in by the hundreds. ditional projects and would ask themselves yanked from - The Rev. BilL F. Thornton of Kearns apcommittee for its the advisory devour worms stone the the world 'into of Com-by age They squawk, peared before the Legislative Council , recommendations. fresh-turneatom in the the the thousands furrows, mittee on Education th$ other day in reovernight. cited a proposed The mayor and circle around overhead. But its their gard to school building problems in the Problems Created roof on Derks Field grandparting shots that get me. Kearns area. These changes have created stand as one such additional and these problems straw new problems, and shirt new project which is being hat red he statement, After a brief opening My would -- exist --even if Russia are a sight to behold! And my glasses said he hoped the committee would guide were to disappear. True, Rus He added it probably would well! I can hardly see the furrow ahead! him in the presentation of material that some parts of is active-i- n sia three months before the be might be helpful to them. the world, but Russia is not t Yet if I lay one low; the judge has an county could submit its bond nWaddingham the cause- - of these changes; official partingshotfor me 10 days' or Whereupo- Sen.-Thproposal to the voters and the chairman of, the group, ob Russia 'is the irritant. . $100! city would take action as soon ' had that "This time ever is Windex!" Ive the served: as possible after that time, the first Any cannot,' people Watson, Quick, to the changes now go- - k an invitation to guide a reverend. adapt i ing on will not be around to Trial Date Set May 27 LOOKING AHEAD, Write thp history of the latter 4 . THOUGHT FOE TODAY of of Mr. 20th the veteran ..Scoutmaster 'Bob - Barnes, Century, part For Former City Aide A good (feed done in a kindly way Johnston warned. Troop 18, received an interesting report the or of a pay VVithput praise thought Trial for Norman O. JohnIn later remarks, Mr. nther day fiom.ayoung3ter who was apply -end upstairs' moreTn the former Salt Lake City son, ing for merit badge in citizenship. Than a hundred thousand selfish prayers. tnps to South America every assessor charged with Tib-balAllen The boy had appeared before Bill Engel of public funds, has two or said misuse since he 1943, year O attomey, who gives the tests in this did not believe the U.Sis paybeen set for May 27 at 10 a.m. last-Ju- ne fielej, and had been passed'Iofthehome PARTING SHOT" ing enough attention jo South ' and community citizenship awards, but nof 3 at the' request of the WELCOMED TO SALT LAKE trie A. Johnston, left, movie 'and business America. The problems of for the onejon national affairs 'with John O. Denman, center, representing the filnrtndustry, andrW, Lr :ity Con the hos- - that area must be met with. ime getting larities were reported in the; Castleton, president of the Milton BenniorwMemoriar Founaationwhleh MrrJohn-- ' dnt locate anybody with Type $ If we dont face up to our What did he tell you to study?. Bob " : license assessors office.- - 'X :. n V' ' ston wilj address tonighto , JOHNSTON on Page B 12 asked tho scout when he reported the re-- City Approves Removal; Restoration d Sj f - .2 Announces Graduation Speakers U. Of U. ear-ago- -ai l. The-stude- nts'' More Undergo - LieTestsin Woman's Death St - Film Leader Frit Johnston Utah Heat Wave Continue Arrives For S.L Speeches state-finance- d e n to-S- -- t. City-Region- g 13-1- 88. B-1- al celes-tialan- .. d -- con-sidere- f orpe -- ), t Will-count se s. ts re-Se- - t -- , 'trl , |