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Show DESERET NEWS AND TELEGRAM,. Salt J1 taka City, Tutoddy.'MaKVlWO Auxiliary Sets State' Convention " Maurine Nelson Is Bride-To-BBetrothal Of Bertha Dunkle Told e; Wlnding' up plans for statq convention are members "of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Utah Plumbing and Heating Contractors Assn. The event will be held in Salt Lake City Friday and Saturday, In conjunction with a conclave of the. contractors association; In charge of convention activities are auxiliary officers, Mrs. Harold Christiansen, president; Mrs. J, H. Reeve, secretary, and Mrs. R. D. Fereday, then-annu- .Miss "Maurine Nelson and Richard L. Strong are making plans "for"' their wedding June 17. is daughter The birde-elec- t of. Mr. and Mrs. Grant W. Nelson; 19213rd East, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer C. East are parStrong, 943-9tents of, the future bridegroom. The engaged couple will be wed In Salt Lake Temple rites. Following, they will be hon-- treasurer. Friday morning, a bowling . CONVENTION In charge of arrangements for convention of Ladies Auxiliary to' Utah Plumbing and Heating Contractors Assn, are Mrs. J. H. Reeve, left; Mrs. Harold Christiansen" and Mrs. R. D. Fereday. tournament! en to attend the. bride Little Debbie Anderson and have been Mrs. Thomas R. Na- Brendf Goff will be- - flower pier, Miss Neva Turner, Miss girls. Benjamin Wood will assume Erma Jones, Miss Jean May duties of best man for the Miss and Sharon Solt. bridegroom. ; -- for ladies and their husbands is on the "agenda. That evening, Wrights Restaurant will be setting for a membership dinner, also for both auxiliary members and contractors. Auxiliary officers will be elected following dinSETS DATE Miss Maurine ner. Saturday events will begin Nelson has set June wedding for the ladies with a breakfast date with Richard L. Strong. with their husbands at Hotel Utah. ored. at a at Ithe -- home of ..the bride grooms parents. That evening they 'will greet guests at a reception at the LeGrand Ward, wedding-breakfa- ENGAGED Miss Bertha Dunkle is betrothed to Dennis Edward Jones. They plan August rites st 1078 McClelland St. Bidden to attend the bride have been, Miss Karen Nelson, the brides' sister, maid of hon-otMiss Ardelle Strong, sister; MLss Carolyn Pulver, Miss Annette Kooy-manMiss Nadine Vestover and 'Miss Diane Smith. .PetiteLDfbhieLynn Nelson will be flower girl. Also aswill sisting arthe"" belittle Scott Robinson r Ed Eldredge will perform duties of best man. Ushers will include Robert Jack; Lynn Strong, Ted S t r o n g, Don Strong, Jack Strong and Louis Robinson. .. MyrLene Jones To Be Wed; Ela Dee Thornley Sets Date M&s A17 ..MylLene .Jones and bridegroom" has Stanley Bischof f Stevens - are attended Ricks College and fulmaking plans for... a July 15 filled an LDS mission in Southr ern Australia. ; wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Has-lam- " Ela Dee Thornley J ones, 5351 W. 3500 South," Announcement is 'made " of Hunter, are parents of the the Bertha Dunkle betrothal ' of Brigham ' bride-elecThe future bridegfoom is a Young University students, -Mr: and Mrs. R. F." Dunson of Mr, and Mrs. Chester Miss Ela:DeeThornleyaTTd '971- North, ankle, Nolan Ray Alcorn. Stevens, Lovell, Wyo. nounce the betrothal and forthTheir parents are Mrand The betrothed couple will coming marriage of their wed in Salt Lake Temple rites. Mrs. Echo Earl Thornley, Hardaughter, Miss Bertha Dunkle, Mrs. They will be honored at a re- lem, Mont., and Mr.-ato Dennis Edward Jones. ception at the Hunter Second Carl Winters, Havre, Mont. He is a son of Mrs. MarWard meetinghouse. Setting for the June 6 marjorie Anderson, 229 Reed Ave., Asked to attend the bride riage will be Logan Temple. and James Jones, also of Salt have been Miss VaLora Jones, The newlyweds .will be honLake City. a sister; Miss Martina DeJong, ored at a reception at Harlem Scene of the Aug. 5 wedding and Miss. Connie Stevens, the Ward meetinghouse June 10 will be the home of the brides TO WED Miss Ela Dee MissMyr-Len- e BETROTHED Asked to attend the bride bridegrooms sister. uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs, Jones will be bride of., .Thornley has set a June 6 SHT tok fat I Miss Rebecca DeJong will be have been Miss - Connie Rae Stanley Bischoff Stevens. date with Nolan- - RayAt -- Dean W. Powelson, 4445 W. ttio coroor of 4805 South, Kearns. A recepcorn.junior bridesmaid, while Cyn- Tippetts, Miss Diane Stirland, They will wed in July. yoor avcrnigitt thia DeJong Will be flower girl. Miss Gwen Alcorn and Miss tion will follow. cat nr mdidH Wesley. Stevens will be best Linda Thornley. cobiaotjhoodyj man for his twin brother. Clayton Rowley.will behest to M, ewty t man. ropock. Miss Thornley has completed ARE YOUR STORES an LDS mission in -- the West GLASSES Central States. Her fiance has 7SOI. COMFORTABLE! .... fulfilled arv LDS Great Lakes , 2nd S., 5 I. IF NOT CAU 44 J. Stofa Mission, studied at Northern S. 1400 Stcrta. MODERN OPTICAL CO. Montana College and served a and Main. "DISPENSINO OPTICIAN tour of duty with the U.S. Air 24 laulh 4th Eon IM Force. By THE GESELL INSTITUTE Most of our correspondence is made up of letters asking for suggestions and- practical advice. Now and then, however, a corresjpondent sometimes a parent and sometimes a teacher gives us the benefit of her own experience and of her reflections. Occasionally, wheir these reflections are in. accord with our own notions, we like to bring them to you with our young parents, he said, The comments: A recent correspondent tells best advice I can give you is ! Fi r t 500 cusus: that you learn to say NO to . tomers the. ..department, .will In my opinion,, there is en- your children. ,a tirely too much togetherness, Doctors reply: We agree d Fieldcrest All both family and group, tip that there is too much stress in children need to be alone at FREE. towel this country, certainly times to think the long, long parts of thoughts of youth, to do a lit- in the women's magazines, on and to know togetherness. tle A basically the joys of quiet nice notion, it has been emphasized and overdone till the Duracale sheets and Country Flair bedspread-i- n. We realize that the children whole idea Becomes cldyThgT In the finest quality percxtle be train Lets fact, are going to object to this together, yes. popular gingham check patof thought because they will we often urge that parents comfort and long uncluttered more be to You us want real, dont spend say, tern, fully ruffled. Lemon, pink, wear. happy! All persons, Including time with their children. But children, are Entitled to their lets be reasonable.' mocha and ' turquoise. Full 72x108 , Reg. 2.98 We realize, of course, that share of the pursuit of happiand twin sizes. Washable. : ness, but it isnt the Alpha and people differ in the amount of Reg. 2.98 "twin fitted Omega of life. We were not put togetherness they need, or can Reg. 12.95. upon earth just to enjoy our- stand. But lets- - bring up our 3.19 181x108 2.39 Reg. most even the of selves at the risk life, limb, children, so that they can, if the honor and health! .We must , Reg. 3.19 double fitted 2.39 learn while we are young that need arises, stand being alone. we have duties to God, our (Even without benefit of TV, Reg. 79c 42x38 Vi case 5 9 if that isnt too extreme an country and fellowmen. idea.) Fear of Unpopularity Aery warm blanket In' our frantic desire to - Undivided Attention., And lets allow each child to make our boys and girls happy, of 100 virgin Acrilan. Soft, we tend to say yes to almost have some planned and exciteverything they want to do for ing time when he has thefufllightweight, washable. Nylon Petite' Fleur bedspread feafear they may be unpopular or and undivided attention of one WE may be unpopular with parent. The child may ,thusj binding. Beige, pink, blue, tures rows of dainty blossoms them.! Personally my husband show a Side of himself or her- in pink, blue, yellow, lilac and green, lemon. , 72x90. and I prefer to build character self that the parent hadnt Doors Open at 8:30 a.m. white on white. Washable. and a decent code of ethics into quite realized and - a very , 1 2.98.' 1 ... -our sons and we are willing to likable side at that. Bullion fringe. Twin or full. j corre-i this we will have bepredict, that yealso admire Reg. 13.99. come much wiser in their eyes spondents emphasis on the . fact that and twenty-fivetime the are happiness they having by 24 Motorized Hotpolnt Automatic a good time are not neces-- ! Electric Clothes Dryer When' General Lee was sarily the only measure or Brazier. With Fire asked to give advice to some goal of a good life. Electric Co. The-future - t. - W.-16t- h nd . ChildBehavior 5 BIG , May White Sole savings continueTTIook at these values from the . ness s- iij. j - " early bird special rs in special receive terry gift-wrappe- I, . asesJL -- for-smoot- Starts 2.19 Tuesday, May 17 219 IEMEIE: social-minde- i woven starts at Utah Theater 9:30 a.m - Free Admission- - I Cook Books and Gifts r-- 9.99 10.99 ' , Graybar Starter Sears-Roebuc- Co. k Ironrite Atitomatic - - Ironer Anderson-Brow- n .. Co. Westinghouse 10Auto. Electric Range Co. Bradley-Bodger Chrome Kitchen Table Granite Furniture Co. Hotpoint Automatic Dishwasher . South East Furniture Co. Natural Silver Blue Mink' - . Dupler's HUm plmplm while S weriw G.E. Automatic Skilled General Electric Co. Sunbeam Mixmaster ; Sunbeam Corpi e i the scientific medication especially for pimples. clearasil give you the effective medications prescribed by leading Skin Specialists, and clinical testa prove i( really works. CLEARASit M $ I Food to Be Given Away Each Day by Albertson Food Centers Cannery Sales and IGA Stores 25 Bags of ARLEEN MreekiyUtVew Public Service of Your .Xetcspaper . KAITIS terk, eyij eeemei te kelp 'til I kvn4 Cieanwi.Tbea I mV improves) eat right away and n a few 4aya, mj face wu clear agaia.N Nothimf . - - ' " etarrea pimploa 'feed piaepioa. . . Pimple Medication because it really worksl Largest-sellin- g Clearasil aMgams: Reg. 5.98. 1.99 in-- bright plaid -- colors. Highly pattern on. absorbent first quality fashion -- a- action helps remove mtem oil that bor. Washable. 72x90. Mosaic towels FAST 3.'5farvag' plmpfae. Ar- 7.99 ' Breath of Spring, denr Spring Songf and Eves Tree. Some patterns limited. towels. Softest ' terry. Reg.: 1.99- 24x46 bath , - Reg. 3.98 to 4.98 72x108 Reg.458Jo-5'8- 8 1 -- ' Rose-J3ar- Proved by Skin Specialists! In teal on over 300 patients,. 9 out of every lO case were cleared up oT. 1 definitely improved while using clcarasil (lotion or tube). In Tube 69 and 98 at drug counters. Long lasting Lotion squeeze-bottl- e only $15 (no fed. tax) . Guaranteed to work for you or money back. X School, Conducted by National Livestock and Meat Board CliARASIL WORKS 1. Ptaafrafaa pimpac. Keratolrtie aches oof ofeicVe4 ckia $Mttea m aedifitiea caa penetrate. Eieoinieifmek growth of emooth akin. healthy, 1 Sfaps katferia, Aidwptic action atope growth oh- beetaria that aa aaaea aaf spread, piatplaHelps pimat farther pimple en tbreak. terns Rose Garden and Reg.-10.95- new-typ- HOW Over 130 Gif ts to Be Presented A -- Desert Stripe blanket in a beautiful blend of cotton rayon and nylon. Guaranteed forever against moth damage. " Blue,"m6cha7"andgreeh.72x90r ur-Stole -F- - Scientific Clearbsit Medication Summer blankets of the finest cotton. Two lovely print pat- Re- - 1.00 98c16x28 hand .. rReg. 45c 12x12 washcloth 69. 29 2.99 bd083 .9 9 .dial DA for ZCMI - - ZCMI- - FIELDCREST- - ThirdFloor Rboi HOP-i-- 1-- 1 5 IS dirt ( order torvko - |