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Show DESERET NEWS AND TELEGRAM, Salt Lake City, Tuesday, May 10, 1960 B9 y By A. LEOKUM What Are Corpuscles? -- In an adult body there are Win thi BriUsalce Javier about seven quarts of blood. eneycleeedto fer u4 Seed yoRr,ieiilM, name, What, is this blood made of? knt.address ese. Tell Me Bhy! Most of it is plasma, which Is car ef Deseretto Newt A Telerram, O. Bex lift?, Belt Like City 10, a colorless liquid. But because PUtah winner it? fiiut there are millions of fed cor Bealder Tedaye 11, Aeatln Texet, puscles floating in this liquid, the blood appears red. . squeezing through the walls Accually our blood contains of fhe capillaries. three kinds of corpuscles, red, Whenever any foreign subwhite, and a third type known stance or bacteria enter the ' as the blood platelet. the or phagobody, leucocytes, The red corpuscles are cytes as they are also called, " microscopic disks thinner in surround the enemies and dethe cehter than at the edges. them by actually eating There are normally about stroy them. 300,000,000 of these red corThe blood platelet, the third puscles in onev drb of blood! type of corpuscle, helps in The ted corpuscles are the causing the blood to clot They oxygen carriers of the blood. are much smaller Than either of the the red or white corpuscles: About weight of each red corpuicle There are several million of is hemoglobin. This is the them in every drop of blood. maFUN TIME actual EXTRA PRIZE; terial. It has the wonderful "Hope you don't mind, old buddy. I had it stocked a few months ago." . )("COURSE '??-YIN- , MOT? Jt AH KNOWS IS 'iOt lAKUYAKt'-rrs-- nr ) ( , JUICIEST SCANDAL O' TH' SOSHUL SEASONS AH'LL SPREAD IT ALL OVER TOWN If -- one-thir- xygen-carrying power of holding oxygen and to cells of giving where the supply of oxygen is low. A red corpuscle lives only a few weeks, but new ones are Continually being created in the red marrow of the bones. Our - blood -- ha s about one white Corpuscle to every 400 or 500 red ones. There are two general types of white corpuscles, called lymphocytes and leucocytes. Lymphocytes are produced in -- the lymph glands and They have a protective function in the body. Leucocytes are created in the bone marrow and are the scavengers or soldiers of the blood stream. They are larger than the red corpuscles, and some of them have the curious power of changing their shape and oft leaving the blood vessels by YOU FINISH IT It-o- GE A-- 4 A chance to win a Britannica World Atlas plus a Britannica Yearbook by finishing this drawing. Just draw m the missing parts as- - you think they should --Took. Use this drawing, or copy it any size if you prefer. Originality and will determine imagination winners. IMPORTANT: Entries for drawing must be addressed ' Fun Time, Tell Me Why, in care of Deseret News & Telegram, P.O. Boxl257, Salt Lake City 10, Utah, and give name, age, and address. EMMY LOU By I I'M OUTSIDE Z FEEL LIKE G0IN3 ' WISH Z HADN'T DECIDED THAT WHILE' AND WHEN trs FUNNY, WHPfj Iw INGIPE,! srmNs in a I was MUP PUDDLE. INSIDE WANT TOCO OUTSIDE , 7 Marty Links ZION MORTGAGE EXCHANGE 357. EAST 2ND SOUTH EM 5-- 0 MICKEY MOUSE "Let me show you VOU'P BETTER why you get a CLUB, MIOCEY better car, a better buy at BENNETT Sy WlU 1 AW CALL THE AUTO i J S?JT A FORD" says Howard at Crabtree now Bennett's Sugar House L REX MORGAN Howard has joined the sales staff et Bennett Ford's Used Car Center at 21st Sduth and 10th East in Sugar House. His 216 years of experience in both new and used car and truck sales has especially qualified him to show you exactly why a used car from Bennett Ford is a better car and a better buy! 5-i-o & Pat itgbli STILLY ,riSA?P Jtf THE RYATTS 7 5-t- JtMCR hey Junior d Sugar House HOME FOR SUPPER, aqaih! PERFORMERS OF THEM in middle in harem for EQUIPMENT At 2' Answtr to YOsterdiys Puzzle TH YERRY rupees Asia IK of THE WAITING (TED tlndia) Quarrel ending mammal ed Need hers sleep ones of meat ut os. le fabric " ags dum-jm- y stakes (colloq ) I94A state -- (abbr.) 455yatem of government instrument - Li 14 THE MAN ONE SAIR-TOB- CE'S BORN EVERY MINUTE' J TO SUBACE! RUN$ HkSH AS ITS RADAR TRACKS AN Approaching airborne OBJECT. ti,tle 'just LIKE PK5AKH GUBMAgNE9 -E- XOTEMENT - For Youc iifLl HERE. ABOARtTONEOF H0 HQ BtQQQliian CAPSULE WILL HIT ABOUT ESTIMATE WITHIN TWO WILES , OF OUR posmoN, THE YANKEE Mh Iff ft ir hols 33 r to horse for pepper -- i 3 of See the Model ' Sett Suited ,ncK sleep island Indian AND ozr fromwoWjt i Vs Cm0ntA ACROSS ALL! Ura. J heard JUNIOR, YET a, HEARDTROM THREE OftOuR ( NEIGHBORS dUNti GREATEST CROSSWORD PUZZLE illfrll DIDNT COME ' "Let me bp you off, young man -- I think she'd prefer - f lowert or candy!" J HEATING ? I TELL OU THAT in AIR CONDITIONING MfLjA WHAT WAS THAT? OPEN SEASON 10th East 2 MEOVERTHE BARCLAY SHE'S TAKING BATH "There goes Alvin with his broken leg! I think Its just another excuse to get out of taking me to the dance Saturday! 1 f Es" LJ COULDN'T E TELL YOU SHE'D! THING THAT ELSE, . MR. BARCLAY LEFT FOE THE SHE WAS RIGHT THEATER HERE AND INSISTED WHY DID YOU TELL wmwd ' letter f FEATURING e refrigerated air . . . luxuriow forced air heating, youn with a flip pf o iwitchl Maka a lifetime investment m l hfolthfuf horn comfort ,.-stalir a Gaffers & Sattler Conditioning Unit. euddenly io year n&ma written Guarantee Stient Direct Drive Blower Heat Exchanger a Sizes and Cool, lace food indifference - with shoulders Models for every need X into disuse 6I-- V SEE YOUR AUYHORIZED CAFFERS UTAH OGDEN, U(AH S, INC, 0 E. Gerdee Ae., Mertey Bird THAT SIGN HAS BEEN THERE A LONG TIME being H- -, WONDER WHEN THEVLL START BUILDING Ztf hfd ecrtly THEY'VE ALMOST FINISHED BUILDING .THE FOOTBALL STADIUM FUTURE DOWN up s uame SLTBLjDE. -- JIEW-; COLLEGE elemeot of . RH, EX Distribute by CITY, UTA- euglas Olsen Heating SUt Se. State AM k. Stuart A --Sea ALLRED DEALER Heinz Klose Compony ,3t5Se. Uth Eat IN S7tl Se. State Ph. AM St. SATTIER Christensen Htg. 1 Electrls 5760 lakrade Dr AM Oreenwoot Heating Ca. : 4 SAIT TAKE IAYTON, UTAH ill's Sheet Metal . th. J7wai - 1 NANCY- - Patent Liberal written warranty backed by eld and reliable manufacturer, by distributor and by dealers. MURRAY, -- ' apples T r N . |