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Show STATTC IMPROVES CAR INSPECTION csi0.,'0,"18 "ni,ei1 prf'"'t of the Trn fi n'K'lway l,n'"'l and the U h Irnlllc Sllfoly cuneii, an Improved y. em of ,()tor vphI' ,e ,,'3; will be iimuKu-utci tlurlnK the pert od Juno 1st to July 15;I, wlion B l motor vehicles registered In the State of Utah are required to be In spooled la olllcial safely inseetior. : by the state or this purpose. Accident records Ita lic accidents urn blamed on de- foctive vehicles. This means that defective vehicles are responsible in some measure for one out of every six or seven reported accidents It was poIn,ed )y ReQ . I that this percentage means that last year over C.OOO of the people who fhrn, ""'on'obile accidents throuRhout the United States are dead because someone's lights were too d m, or poorly aimed or focused, a tan light was burned out, brakes were out of adjustment, or some er-.,ealBr6 01 TeI"Cle According to P. L. Dow, Superintendent Superin-tendent of the Patrol, that department depart-ment will exercise great care In the selection of stations in the future 1 be new program requires that official of-ficial stations be equipped to properly inspect all safety items on motor vehicles, especially headlamps. head-lamps. As a result of properly equipped and carefully selected stations sta-tions a greatly improved system should result. Incorpo ated In the sticker Is the recommendation of Governor Maw that all motor vehicle operators conserve for Victory by driving under un-der 40 miles per hour. Now that new vehicles and tires are no longer available for civilian use, it Is more and more important that all existing exist-ing vehicles be operated at all times in safe condition and at speeds that will enable the motorists motor-ists to get the longest possible life out of the vehicle he now owns Motorists are urged to place their vehicles In safe operating condition Immediately while parts and expert mechanics are still available. |