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Show -- - l . . '' 7 :',r 7 '''- - .11f: I.', .. ''. ' T - ', NI, , .... .."" - A'A ''' . ''' ' . ' ,. ..,,4' v C, to,to, . !, , A - .1 ' , - , ,. & vse,,, ,- - - - ,. , , , ,,, 4 ,,,, a . , - - . , ' i , - 0 CI , . IN c tLit. ria , 4 Aomminumsor I . IJ NS 1 Ti , i ,, A ' ' " - , R NT ,."Er 41Ik ' , , N , - 1 .1. It 4 .. ,Ibil id'A' 4 yglegrtorirt 1.,,i'"' . , , , , , ,-- j . 4 ,. N 00---,..--," 4 - 4 0 ' fir , . act ', ,,, ,... ------ -- ' ; ' News Education Writer The Salt Lake City Board of Education Thursday approved pay increases for employes and fixed a schedule of yearly increments for teachers. , The salary schedules can for a school finance program of $492,0(8) or 8.5 per cent above the amount avail- approximately able without the vote of the . ... ' people. , IL The board will ask for ,the 1 111,000 i increase in the April 20 school election. The new school finance law provides for up to To a 16 per cent increase with the , consent of the voters. School officials estimate that the proposed program would require a property tax increase of .approximately 2.3 mills. Approximately 11,000 pupils increase Told In the 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades Under the salary schedule& of the Salt Lake City schools Thursday, buildings will participate in a mass test adopted and employes will reof a ew polio vaccine ached- ceivegrounds an average 16.4 per cent uIed t4 begin the latter part of pay increase. Clerical- - employes April. will be raised 15.6 per cent; The Salt Lillie City Board of and supervisors, 11.9 Educa on Thursday evening principals teachcent; per supplementary agreed to instruct school staffs ers, 16.2 per cent, and contract to with local health teachers 16.3 per cent. officials in the test. It will be new schedules Under the conducted by the National Foundation for IInfantile Paralg- clerk's salaries will range from $2,016 per year to $4,944 per sis. Dr. Garth- G.Myers, Utah year. Most of the 95 clerks will receive less than $3,000 per Ilealth Department refor the tests, explained the year with only eight clerks more than $4,000 per ceiving test procedure at the board meeting. He explained that half year. Maintenance Personnel the children would receive in. Salaries of buildings and jections of the polio vaccine. The other half would be given grounds department employes will range from $2,292 to $5,130 'dummy" shots. Board members agreed that per year. Of the 161 employes of the buildings and grounds deschool staffs would with the test program but ex- partment more than 100 will repressed disappointment that not ceive less than $3,600 per year all the children would receive and only 15 will receive more the vaccine. They stipulated than $4,000 per year. Only three that responsibility for making will receive more than $4,400 decisions whether particular per year. children w ould participate Seven executive officers of would be left to parents. the board were voted pay raises Parents will reeeive forms to of $726 per year, an average per. fill out if they wish their chil- tentage increase of about seven dren to participate, Dr. Myers per cent. explained. He also said that Board members said the raise blood samples would be taken for the executive officers was from 5 per cent of the partici- voted to show appreciation for the "long hours of service" they pating children. He assured board members ;gave. Board members also noted that the blood sampling tech- that .executive salaries in the nique had been developed to !Salt Lake City schools were the point that It was practically 1"far below" executive salaries painless. He also said that the in comparable school districts vaccine caused a reaction in in the Mountain West. Maximum and minimum only a very few cases and that then nothing of a serious aries for teachers had been set nature. previously. Bachelor degree . . ',' ' ' , - - - , ' - -- -- . , ' '' 0 , , - , 10. . Arrives . 1 . I ' , In Vaccine Test , ,, By RONDA V. WALKER, years ago in England, discos?! ered penicillin, Sir Alexander Fleming. of THIS COULD BE FOR REALWest High School students take shelter in corridors the building during a surprist air raid test Friday morning. - , I AVi ''' N ;' ;, . . .. 38,000 S. Pitolls: Get Air Raid Test Two.' Salt Lakers L. , ' TO . laceTpal SaItLakeCity earlyFriday , '' - , A Salt Lake City UM and woman charged in connection with a criminal operation will face trial in Third DiStrict Court. Mrs. Fern Clark, 52, Salt Lake City Walter A. 2023-2nEast, were bound over to Third District Court Thursday by City Judge Ar-- . enate'llnit ' , -- Contest Ends ' ' '' l! , Rule Safety 0,10114, Letter Contest is!DANek closes midnight next Wednesday March 31. To be eligible for the c?Ni. Cf contest awards, Snit". letters must be postmarked before that time. More 'than 200 entries have already been received and are now being studied by the judges. Write your ideas of improving safety on the streets and highways in a letter of not more than 300 words and send it to: Golden Rule Safety Letters cio Deseret News and Telegram 33 Richards Street Salt Lake City, Utah. ' Mountain West youngstercs again this spring will have an Letters will be judged enopportunity to compete for awards for their Easter drawings. tirely on the value of their Occasion will be the fourth "Uncle ROscoe's Big Comic safety suggestions, and riot on Contest," by the Deseret News and Telegram literary composition. and KSL-TA $25 cash prize will go to Easter cartoons of Deseret News and Telegram comic strip characters will be accepted between next week and the writer of the best letter, Easter to compete for prizes. Official entry blank will appear with $10 for second place and beginning Monday in this newspaper. three $5 prizes for the next best Top boy and girl artist under 15 years ,of age each will entries. Judges' decision will be receive a registered cocker spaniel puppy, along with a final and all letters will become supply of Ideal Dog Food and other awards. Many prizes also will be given to runners-up- . the property of the Desert "Uncle" Roscoe Grover, who will feature cartoon instrucNews and Telegram tions on his KSL-T"Playtime Party," commented that drawJust five more daysso don't ings should include comic characters in typical Easter scenes. H. delay. will be Quite' aside from the deadline Friday, April midnight, Entry The Deseret News and Telegram last Easter sponsored a prize you may win, your idea may save a life. coloring contest which drew nearly 3,000 entries. lormoot - - - - ,,- --,x i - Noitc-- . , : ) II I ; - I. . S chool Lands - : , ' 1 ' Busy Locations Woldberg, Disclosed In , day at 2 p.m. in Kingsbury Hall. The public is itivited to attend the commencement program. Sir the of penicillin or any other antibiotic except on advice of a physician. He believes that antibiotics will continue to be as important in the future as they have "wonder drug" era of the past 10 years. to 100' With the control of infections by antibiotics and the promised victory over heart disease and uncer, Sir Alexander predicts that people "will live to be a. See FLEMING ,on Page B-- , - -- -- .1 . 4 tors recommend. 4, ing passage. The bill, al. ready passed by the House, now hour Shopping pedestrian goes to the full Interior corn-us- e traffic in Salt Lake City is mittee, which is expected to greatest at a point op the west take it up next week. Iside of Main Street. just south General purpose of the leg's- 2nd South, than at any other of lation is to get Utah school in the city. sections out from under federal .:poTint. s was' disclosed Friday in leases when they are surveyed. a traffic survey completed foe In his statementlo the e the Utah State Tax Commissioii committee, Sen., Wallace 'F. by the University of Utah's Bennett, sponsomof the legisla- Bureau ' of Business and EcoBon on the Senate side, said: nomic Research. The survey Recommends Passage was made during the month of "I agree with and recommend March. C. R. Openshaw Jr., tax eons. the adoption of the amendment mission executive secretary. azu the Bureau of the suggested by nounced that results of the surBudget in its favorable report vey will be used as one of the which provides a means of tools for determining the top, proportionately dividing lease or 100 per cent business propafter erty location in Salt Lake City. royalties when it t r .1 fleedaesrea abouh veyt aada All ueother business property I I nelse e be figured on a perSen. Bennett said. basis from the top locacentage This would guarantee to the construct a new facility to cost he said. state a share in revenues where lion, Rentals and selling prices of about $30,000. The plan grew a school section was involved and vacant lots will againto $60,000, to $125,000, in a lease, but not directly buildings be other factors used in deterand finally to $300,000. producing. the top location, he said. Sen. Arthur V. Watkins told mining The survey also included the Led Campaign the subcommittee: "Every senaSugar House area. The top loMr. Sill led a successful cam- - tor or congressman from my cation in Sugar House, by peto contributions for paign get :state for thelast several years destrian count, was shown to has been (assailed by the ques- be west of the entire amount. the northwest ,corn 'When is Uncle Sam going ner of llth East and 21st South:, As a result the center now tion, serves home eConomic students to stop stealing money and directly north of the Sugar, at the University. The building valuable mineral rights from House monument. of Utah?' has six. departments. Two girls (the school-ChildreAn 'estimated 2.620 persons That has been passed the .top Sugar House point during the average shopout another pair moves in. Land' Unsurveyed ping day from 10 a.m. to 5:3Q The girls have a $500 theoretl- - Watkins declared that more cal budget. They must "furnish" than 10,000,000 acres of public the apartment on the budget. land in the state have not yet They must live on $1 per day. been surveyed by the federal IN THIS SECTION They learn to buy wisely. They government. -learn to operate their "home" This mineral leasing of unto Sports economically. surveyed school sections means Financial Educators have au immediate diversion of generally Comics B4 the system as a great ad- Mg revenue for the state of Radio, TV Logs 8-Vance in home economics teach-- . Utah's permanent school fund," Obituaries and B9 I ing. he said. Action Ads to ,Pi - ', U. Traffic Survey' . , - ' 4 Mrs. Clark is charged with Each principal then sent mesan illegal operasengers to the individual class- performing on tion a mother rooms to alert the teachers. on Jan. ilth. of .t wo de ei :1 'Within minutes the school chil1 belr; Mr. charged dren were filing to their as- aiding and abetting the illegal signed places. was soudded at operation. a The During preliminary hear11 a.m. March 13, the mother ing held Maj. Edward Gallagher, head testified that she gave Mrs. ' of the Salt Lake City Civil DeClark 8100 as payment for the fense office, said the test went operation. She also testified off in good order..."Most of the that Mr. Woldberg arranged schools had their pupils in a details of the operation. z minof within five safety place utes after receipt of the alarm," he said. Maj. Gallagher said that the test uncovered several instances where schools did not keep someone with sufficient authority in the office during class hours. "These persons were not authorized to initiate the warnA $300,000 home economics, ing system and time was lost while the authorized person was building at the University of Utah offi6ia11y will be named located," he declared. "The Sterling W. Sill Home f Living Center," in special eeremonies Friday evening. The naming of the building will honor Sterling W. Sill, former chairman of the University's Board of Regents and finance director for the Home Living Center. A bust of Mr. Sill, sculptured Utah's latest storm was mov- by Dr. Avard Fairbanks, U. of U. resident sculptor, will be uning eastward Friday leaving veiled at the ceremonies. clearing skies and slowly rising testimonial was pretemperatures in its wake. pared as a surprise to Mr. Sill Salt Lake City's forecast Fri- under the direction of Dr. Virday still callecLfor partly cloudy ginia Cutler, directoi of the skies during the day, Friday University's home economics denight and Saturday with slowly' partment. rising temperatures.. High Fri-daTo Emcee Affair hit 48 degrees. The' tern- J. Ashton, president peratures Friday night were ex- of Raymond firm of Ashton, Evans the. to slide to 33 degrees.' pected and Brazier, architects for the Saturday's high was expected toil renter, will be master of cerehit 54 degrees. Forecast for the state also monies for the event. Secy. of called for partly cloudy skies State Lamont F. Toronto will offer the invocation. . ' ' :....4 Friday, Friday night and SaturDr. Adam S. Bennion, mem, '''''' ' '..,.,: , day with slowly rising tempera- ber of the ': ' University of Utah tures. Highs Friday were exBoard of Regents and president 4'4 ...: to 45 between and of the school's Alumni range pected .: Assn., IV ,,. ,:f:' 55 degrees. Lows Friday ; night' will speak a tribute to Mr. Sill. 11 to drop to Dr. A. Ry Olphin, university ; 35 degrees. Saturday's high tow: "" :,,:' ..:: If t ' will name prrident, officially iperatures will range between tOe ultra Modern structure. ' ; ,i.:,: . d : 3, '', ';:: ' 48 and 58 degrees. 't': Mrs. Sill and Regent Walter .. 'I The weatherman said precipiI ' will unveil the Cosgriff ..vou'. 11: tation over most of the state sculptured bust. Dr. Don A. -- .............., during the past 24 hours con- Orton': dean of the College of ,,,,, ,, k; , 1 ,:.. , sisted of light and scattered Education, will speak on the showers except over the moun- subject, "Doorways to the Fu, ' ,...,, ' 1 , ,..i...,, , -t -i ,s ,..,,,,,..tains. Alta recorded 14 inches ture." Music will be furnished - :4-- i ,,, :,;:...,- . , -o.1 new snow. This brought by the Univergity Nonettes. i...,....",:,,,,;,.::!,.1.-,,i , ,, snow depth. at the resort to ,., ,... No Cost to U. 1071 , ,, " '. .,,,,, was Center Home l'.: The Living Brighton added eight inches built without cost to the uni- 0 ,.1 ..... ,.. of new now bringing the total .,.., .! ,,, ,, ,,, cost was paid in .1,,,,.44;,--,.:,tto .76 inches. Roads to both re-- : versity. Its , ),1 t and workmanit cash, materials, 1 sorts were reported open ivith 250 by approximately ship t . skiing excellent. A ..-------,,- ,,.. donors. Mr. Sill directed the campaign that ulti, Auditor Orders Oleo, , mately carried the project to '. ,completion. all It several years ago began Cigaret Tax Stamps . , when the University was paying 1 , , State Auditor Sherman J. I$M per month rent for a prii , Preece Thdrsday requisitioned vate home in which practice Ikki , , ,... four-,cen- t in was home new economics 20,000,000 cigaret training tax stamps, sufficient to meet given. At,' first the Regents needs of The Tax Commission thought to purchase-- a similar I for a year Jo a year and it hilt,. home for $18,000. Responding He also ordered 500,000 oleo- - to a plea from Dr, Cutler, Mr. iL.m." ''..ip,,...- a Mt implamJ margarine tax stamps of $2.40 Sill Set out to get contributions e TO BE OFFICIALLY ., NAMED-LPictur.eto rise the $18,000. , denomination. The $2.40 of new: above the $300,000 lounge home economics facility that Friday night swill be named, the ,.'Sterling W. Sill Home ntually: the first plan was enough to pay the tax on asase -' of colóred oleo. idiscardedlo favor of ,a plan toi, Living Cepter," in honor of sterling W. ,SIII, inset. , lot all-cle- Only five days left for turning your safety ideas into cash! The Deseret News and Telegram's Golden , company with Dr. V. R. Bryner, Salt Lake physician and- - reth AiliXTANDER rumiNct. ing president of the American SIR ' 4;4 . Salt Laite , Academy of General Practice. speaker' ' Addresses Society 2 ' Bureau News' , Washington Sir Alexander will address a ' WASHINGTON A Senate meeting of the Utah State Medila y cal Society Friday night in lio. public lands subcommittee FriLel Utah, and will deliver the day approved the school lands commencement address at UM.. bill after hear - ie On Wednesday .,, Th.44.-- f 01 rehsBill onn against Safety Lefler d ,. ,..,.. .,' '.' Scotsman and his wife, Lady In Analia 'Fleming, arrived . - In Surgery Case ..Today was "it" for 38,000 Salt Lake City school children. Sitting peacefully in their classrooms they got the word at 10:45 a.m., that enemy bombers were approaching. It was a surprise test warning. No one knew it was coming, but Salt Lake :' , City Civil Defense headquarters., , , Civil Defense headquarters flashed the word to Salt Lake Time to Write Now ' City School District offices. From district offices a battery . The stocky, whiteihalred . A t ' ) -- , - s'''. , ' AN W , , ' , - , - r ' Parlicipate . . . , , , T 0 ., Pupils - . lir News Medical Writer ,, Penicillin has not lost its power. Most rnicrobes have not, and will not, become resistant to it. But people who use penicillin indiscriminately may become sensitized to it and find themselves in serious difficulty. , That was the report Friday in Salt Lake City of the man who, in a laboratory accident 2g - Si fit r , Wonder Drtig ,Still Holds Power, Says British Medic , , , ..:,, , rN, -- - 5c. D.1.0v::0',..0..1.''.:::Of.--.-.PO:iiiilliiii::t-I 1 f - 26, 1954 FRIDAY, MARCH . ' t";:oe'l ' '' . , 40:4114. I , ' SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH i z -.- . : ,,, ' ." k ..".'. . takyorx: clurrer7-- --' -' r , Get Increases; Education Board Completes .,.....,.,,,,,-B, 4; ,.1 , Non-Teache- rs y , , 1 ;01,000-- , . , - sub-'Liv- ' I U. of U. to Honor Sill At Home Center Rites , - i , sal-eve- n Easter Theme Selected Warmip Seen As Storril Travels East Hey! Kiddies! Fourth Comic Contest Here mbarfor. n The-speci- e- B-- i B-- 4 B-- leas-haile- - - 7 B-- B-- 8 3 '' 4 e :- -- ,1'''' 4t! 1.1.. ''' SWIN TERISED ' ,:''L -- chair while you daydream about how far out of control the next hydrogen bomb test will Nellie Adams reports that when she go was coming home on the bus the other day. the driver called out the stop as he approached Fourth East and stopped the bus to let a man off. The man descended the steps, then turned to the driver and asked, "Is this Fourth East?P In a deadly calm voice, the driver, replied,. "Yes sir; Fourth East, on both sides of the ,, SOME CHANGES All the Wards in Cannon Stake were renained recently in a general reorganization of the stake. When Kenneth G,Frost, stake clerk, and his family got home after all the name boy asked anxiously, changing, the "Daddy, my name is still Billy, isn't it?" OVERHEARD A. Salt Lake girl found herself the only woman with six men on one of those self- , operating eletators in a downtOu'n the other day. She wags pushing tbe buttons for the different floors. From out of the q'uiet, one of the men remarked solemnly, "Who says this it a man't world? Even if there's' only ona ulman left, she'll still run things." .: - . i, :.,,,,H; ,'.. ,..-- - t7,; - t:', 4 ,..1 li,ti ,t,- - i',4, .;:: ,,..., ti!, ',' L'' - OPEN WINDOW Barbara, one of our contributors who hasn't been beard from for some time, comes through with a report on a friend of hers who WO driving her children to school on. morn- - i , . ;..i.g ,i ..s. 4 , , fund--raisin- ing recently., 'Roll up that window, honey," ;aid the mother to her 'We'll all freeze." "Oh, Momma," said the boy, who is just learning big words, "sl I do, well all be ' . ti !1;, ,4 street." THIS AND THAT People who are tired, tense and nervous now have an organization they can turn to for JOPhilliCated." comfort. It's the Relaxation-Clu- b of America. II , Its emblem is an easy chair and the &login is SWENOSIYMS: "Relax and Live Longer." If you join, you get a nvbership card and a pamphlet on how to Braggart: A person Who opens his mouth relax. Offices are at 145 East 52nd Street, New and puts his feats in it (Thanks to Walter York 22. N. Y. If you hurry,.you May get your Boelter, 4620 Brown St., Murray, for this instructions in time to loll back'in your easy j, Swenonym, for which he will receive $i) .. .:, 9 , , , .'.V' 0040.06 -- - ' were-expoct- 7 Li---SCENE--',TODAY- ,t, .., p,,, -,,, 1.1j -- , ' . ( r , ' ct. . , 0, - - , .4, I- , , . , 4 , i . , . , , , I .1,. , |