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Show -- - ,:- - - -- -- ' . ' 12 A , . ' ...4es: - ' 4 ' '1,- - '31110111 ,,.., '44 ; ' , - - is;:-- I ,,, ., ,,,, , .,. '. ' ,;' 5 ..1 A, , , ' . -- :'' olsw,wod.'Lvm.: Ar- ' ') 1 7 :oit-, - . , l',-- - - ' 4 $ ii,.amo '''''' - Carla Bawden . Christy Kinder 1 . aa ''''" te - , 040, ... 44 ,1 4 .,' ,... L. i ' .:,' 4, 19,,, e i iz, i r t ,,.,, . f t it 1 v. ,,, ..$ 4 i . .0,, ,.:' ' cr.., , &,... ' .N":-- ;' ..'. l , ' - ' ' ' .' if - Le,fic--i- 11, ) .:' , :7 Colleen Bray A.... - - i 4 1 ...r. 't, , - ,,, - ..!. '64.4, ,. 4 , Foibousoymou", Beckie 3,0 in the pattern you Ilike bestand for 'i')nly 33c per week per place setting. you select from all the fa. mous names in wonderful - - - ,. Jayetem SOUTH MAIN - , . 4 ' ' t 1 ..... ' ' STRUT , David Barlow " . ,k '.'11 r F For,Guard . s str'. 1,.., anr 0 0 0 0 0 0 Og -- , 111.1 "'IP I. ' pop 3 0...): ,, .Ld ' only :K : ') , , ' - 2 on - . , , 21-in- extra , Se sa io,na 1 Gzv-i-9 0 Imil hil , sTss, ,11 ottniileawitittmeta 66'1 TWIN BOWL ; n CABINET SINK .' nerlI 5AVA; DOLLARS -- --- : -- ;4---C- 1c1 11995 :3- t. - , , c:11100010.c..---3-,- ., , - 71, 0. . e, ' 41' r4 0 - - icopor------ ), oatt, , ,i: 1 ril; I. ' ' ;. ' , 1, , , ' . ..,...1 r , 4, s!,. tt ,....,....7-4:,,..iman;;;;a- 'Julie Jett ' .. - k 1 , . , .rtillaLic . , ,:' A - 4 'Ashton 11 month d , Karen, ' , . 40'" 7 MANY FOR LOWER - A FEW OTHERS JO ' , , : F10.0ses---.- s -r ( , gave and ...,,,,,. ,, I iftear 'le I 11111 ,1 : EAST 3rd SOUTH , ' ','. ' '.:, i OM MS .. . ,,, ,.. . r ,- , .... : . . 4, V--,,,n- , ) ,,, ' ..10, . 44LP-7- - -: S - M '. '- , . - , 41 :: IP , Alu :nee ,t 9 urn UM 11111110610 lid. and Tow Gor dis on one of the most extraordinary men America has ever produced. ME MI 1111 gra i NE NE I Get your April Reader's Digest today: 42 articles of lasting interest, condeneed from leading magazines and current books. 11111 , per Dar - I , I I bre this the - ; ..rbA, 44e tacky Ii I rev tiLvt -- 1- 14.. t , , a - -- w '' LESTER .PIA110 a so ', 11 , , :: the gang ?, N&, oi sa mho 1 , - sol '11 1 crl I . 1 t, on IN lin MO 111111 ,, I 1 ... me an f 5:.::::Thi ' I , ...., . .0., k,... e.,, s, ,......,,,if1195Nqu'!4i : :: tviite . k...l. 1 t , : t; 7s ,.....4 . -. ....., ji, .j .:JL r1 ,, I I I . 11 , r DAYNES 24995 389" I ADDRESS ed if you choose to boy loser. I. I CITY I I I ALLOWANCES w I MUSIC I ', 4 ...... 4.-- ... . ZONE I 145 NORM UNIVERSITY, 40110 J2260 r'.. . 1 111E. FEDERALLY. I t ) INSPECTED 1 READY FOR THE PAN a . , , . - 2011.0610' - ,- , , ; , 4 , . , ,- - L . II 0.'1 I I AI Meticulously prepared and packed. Ail ready to pop intofthe frying pan. Ell Elli IN INS En ?l oad.Ae ap i , -- ;., - V t 11. 1 . I : L 1 : . rm rn , i t 1 4 i 1 CIVOnte A hombre of Utah Feriltell qr.lr Pouy a. i I ia , C....r" . . Ko p 'the Utah chicken thot-- h You federally Inspected. KNOW they're good. , CP, ou MARI WASHINGICti IL Illmt WHITE ur,.!, . 145-47SOLIT- H 11111111 f CaE3 L. " 1 '4, MB 1 i . t J all go to church oDags. CBS Wir:::c k' , (Ira iti i Ilhiiiiiiiiiiiinii oltr"fit PHONE3-232- 5 ,.( ,.. . 0'1 71,., N 1 ... , I. ' ,.. --- 411 A Luxury in Taste A Bargain in Price on Lester inferI-wo- STATE Sundaylets - I I 1 NAME paid es MP root will Its credit- This 1. South Main. Solt Loki City Noun tend ono full Rental Plan. I Clutose from levoly wont 'moods's. In v "modiste delivery. Atd Open Monday !Nominee 'till 9 - I ,,:., ,. - .,4. I,,0C ,i.,..... :J- , ., . , .TL;:' 17995 ..'; t . -.40.--.-,--- ''' , ,. , 95 1 t. .,--.- ., 16995 , I . :, 249" i t':. FOR 95 ... 1 4 v 4 s' 1 PRODUCT ,Th:coht ,, , . . 0, all Utah is no better chicken in Ainorica. popular with ;I - .k 1 11 - -- 1 ' ' to ' Inv-8.- i, 1 4 ''' gm I i lc t'I I ) -- ... -- ,: ' .3 - s f - ,, , , -- , . r, 41' .., , . ;,.. 4N ,,i 1L,;' t s , 16!"7:f o. Mil ' , i hosi Alo' A I I I FOR TASTE You can TASTE the dif. foronco. Solctid chick.. opreocs,o',usepocd.tolly 7. I TOPS biegramphayterialomsed) iV 4 , . gooI , 0,7 , - 41k,, sel r . ' 1, . , . ....- --7 .,,. ;,,- PRICES ."'". , . , ,, , ri 4 ' .:::,, ';.:a .i.'l , M. !DT; 9 paw - , . Piro, ,'' ' 7995 STAUFFER'S , - 1, , ,A.' : i'.-- 645 MUM - , -- , . 17, 9e1lorgo4 telee Ote otelk L 0 239 ' ' , , ,.., 119995 1 . I ''' :It - , ;, I t... 7 -- - UM .1Ime 1 1 - - . I um ,ANYDAY--- : r of Thomas Edisot new ,,, HOLIDAY OR Every time you watch TV or mow- its, listen to the radio, mend a wire, pound a typewriter, play a record, talk On the phone or switch on a light. you're in debt to Edison yet his lite waa more dramatic than 11 any of his spectacular inventions. A pril Reader's Digest brings you e a condenaton from the . I onfascroceinantig I - , I I book condensation: he story ,, ,... Incandescent Genius" -t- - ih... - 24-pa- ge '' ' .4 4 ., presen- ADVENTISIMENT -- , - N tation in this area of Benjamin Britten's "The Rape of Lucretia" at the Ladies Literary 15, 16 ,N Aim limakTa sob am "111 I bathe first ... 1111 Illik . strong, professional backing to the production. Perhaps the only section of the production that fell below I the company's commendable standard was the chorus in the IIII second act. Otherwise the action was good and the intona- and accurate, partic- ularluamong the four leads. . Next 'production by t h e l Club, April , - .,.. - orchestra theater-wil- - - , '1 Watkin s, Henry 30-pie- ' - 14, 00,1,41, . - Halgren, Lamar Eskelson. A , it - c :, , Matbushek, Harry R. Brough and Peter Gladson. Dietz' English version of Puccini's "La Boheme" at the Capitol Theater. What they saw and heard from the Carlos Alexander-traine- d group obviously ' was pleasing. Their noisy reception was an appreciation for acceptable presentation of an important part of the music diet. The crowd (there weren't many empty seats) was reminiscent of those that once filled Kingsbury Hall for the annual performances of the San Carlo Opera about this time each year. Hungry for this type of music, it "ate up" the high spots in the popular Puccini work. Mr. Alexander's enthusiasm and strong feeling for opera again was the real force behind the production. It rubs off more and more on the eager vocalists with satisfying results. What they lack in experience is largely replaced by spirit. Sven Nilsson and Kaye Abplanalp carried off the lead roles in a most acceptable manner, reaching a high spot in the touching "adio" of the third act. For performance, however. it was Marvin Sorensen's "Marcello" that carried off top honors. Others in the cast Included ALL - APPLIANCE CO. 9.pm. , go, Frances r',, , . ' 'et. ,,..... A. t -- , -- ,,:, 14 Joe- Salt Lake City's opera goers Thursday night turned out en masse for the Utah Opera Theater's revival of Howard CHOOSE FROM! PRICES AND LARGEST MEL 122 Monday .Thru Saturday Till OPEN B. HARRISON 45-4- 7 589.50 AT BARGAIN I . ..4 Ai -- - 3' i ;., : , , - -- 41,41 1 . , . ' .",' 4 0.06.icH6.04e...;:c..-.- . 69 , . d, By CONRAD C 111111:7 . : s ' Abbott . Lci,.aöheOlqi.. New Westinghouse Electric Refrigerators and Ranges -slightly railroad damaged.- NOTHING DOWN 57 per ilow 11 Refrigerator, . $199.95 VALUE es - ,,, L.......4........1, -- , SALE ch Double Door, Automatic Defrost with end strainers o REG. 12 Cu. Ft. Electric ' emelt-mo- p 1537 South Main i! , , , e'VottlifitotertVidend te , t ' esesol'i,,,,a- ----,, -- ..r -- '.!: A..1 "I" 4 Spirited Per?orrnanc'e ,,, , - g EVERYBODY S FAVORITE ., ' , .., . Is A 1 Young, ÁPRUNES ELECTRIC . Install a tion , 0 4 New Westinghouse Laundromats 249.95 New Electric , Clothes Dryers 199.95 New Lightweight Hand Irons 12.95 Cabinet Model TV Sets 299.95 New Electric Range, De Luxe Model 399.95 , Slightly Damaged Laundromats. Factory Guaranteed New 9 Cu. Ft. Westinghouse Refrigerators, Model DE9 . .299.95 New 8 Cu. Ft. 219.95 Refrigerator New 10 Cu. Ft. Refrigerator. De. Luxe Model 399.95 NO DOWN PAYMENT , I , Walker nV , per week. , , , Ot lloward p I - Robert ,. 0 SAVE r-.-1 , .1 ' ,;--- . ' - 1 Mountain AS LOW AS , ' ra- , . Stevens , - , , , Kent - ' , c ' d ) 1 - i f BOIES WERE BORN IN SALT LAKE HOSPITALS THURSDAY TO; GIRLS: . Mr. and Mrs. Gene W. Chow, 5614th East St. Mr. and Mrs. Keith H. Swenson, 3230 Metropolitan Way. Mr. and Mrs. Don Weaver, 2492 E. 21st South St. Mr. and Mrs. J. Max Hughes, 1446 E. 9th South St. Mr. and Mrs. George S. Marsh, 1409 S. 9th West St. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smeltzer, 67812-3rAve. Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Crockett, 1054 E. 9th South St Dr. and Mrs. Harold B. Lamb, 2604 Evergreen Ave. Mr. and Mts. Hal K. Larsen, Draper. Mr. and Mrs. James P. ,Heal, 220 E. 4800 South St., Murray.' Murray Armory , , '57 ', I0 11 . . . ,.. year, they cost his streets department $31,951 for snow removal, sand and salt. For the The low bid for construction same two months l ast year, the . of a National Guard Armory at , cost was $17,301. which also is planned The figures show that snow Murray, to serve as a community hall, removal alone cost $16,135 this' was $162,471,. submitted Thursyear, including $11,175 for Janday by the Turner Construcuary February. tion Co., Heber City. Last year the total was $12,750, Following the bid opening at all in January. Yet in January the State Capitol, Brig. Gen. BOYS: of 1953 the department removed Maxwell Rich, state adjutant Mr. and Mrs. C. Glenn Conover, 1738 Yale Ave. announced that he 14,406 cubic yards of snow in general. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Bird, 1422 Perry Ave. recommenMr. and Mrs. De Von Whiting, 354-7t- h the Sugar House and downtown would forward his Ave. S. U. dation immediately to the Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Robinson, 130-5tEast St. Salt Lake City business areas National Guard Bureati. He said Mr. and Mrs. Rolf IL Seeter, 434-3rAve. against 10,436 cubic yards for he would recommend that-th- e Mr. and Mrs. Lewis P. Seeger, 6000 Wahlquist Lmt Mur an for alternate the entire two months this year. base bid, plus ray. hardwood floors to cost $5,900, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sansom, 2115 Preston St. Sanding and salting costs this be accepted. Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Allred, 150-9tEast St. year ran to $15,816 as compared "We hope to start construe. Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Cartwright, 2330 Logan Way. to $4,551 for the first two Hon on the new armory by Mr. and Mrs. Bruce B. Lamus, 707 Simpson Ave. months in 1953. The commis May 15, and to move into the Mr. and Mrs. Claude Weber, 3551 Canyon Way. sinner said ,small intermittent building by the first of next Mr. and Mrs. Washington Jennings, 173 W. 6th South St.' storms during January, accom- year," the general saill idvale Mrs. Vaughn Butler, 160 E. 7200 South panied by alternate. freeze and James A. Wade, construction St., idvale. thaw, not only necessitated Ire- superintendent for the State quent snow removal sessions, Building Board, said the struc. but increased salting and sand- ture is to be of reinforced coning activities. crete and brick similar to the He said his department spread new three-uni- t armory in Provo. 1,649 yards of sand and salt in The ,fsitel is on a hill west of January, at a cost of $11,087, as the Sikh (Lake County Faircompared to 506 yards in Janu- gr ou d a overlooking State ary, 1953, at a cost of $3,498. Street. Because Murray has no Four suits cbarging that pub- - install a sewerage system southIn February this year the de- public auditorium, it is planned lic utilities should not be taxed west of Ogden. pIrtment spread 735 yards that tre armory will be used The four suits had been filed to 156 basketball help pay for sewer improve- same for the games, dances, yards for against the improvement disagainst conventions and civic functions. ments, made by an improvement month a year ago. trict by the Utah Power and district were appealed Friday Light, Co., to the Utah Supreme Court. ply Co., Bamberger Railroad Co. The Second District Court at and Bamberger Transportation Ogden held earlier that the Co., and by the Southern firms must pay assess- - cific Co., the Union Pacific! Ments levied by the Central Railroad Co., and the Ogden Weber Improvement District to 'Union Railroad Debot Co. ; I)A 11 git''''..::'''''''";ii:;::';;;;;;"-'Ng iillier:beW6etit.1.4'.4s.'--4s- 1 . . 0 ' South, and all other babies one year old Friday. (Baby plcturel will be taken free of charge at the Deseret News and Telegram offices, 33 Richards St., Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., three days prior to baby's birthday.) L ow Up1162,411 Bid L , , 1 ,..i ' stin. , 4 i i J2 - '''''S'' -- - ' ,.. ' ! - . Julie Jelte, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Jeltee. 781 Down- , ington Ave.: Karen Abbott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Abbott, 851 W. 4th North; Colleen Bray, daughter.0 Mr. and Mrs. Glen Bray, 181 E. 1st South, Bountiful; ; Brian Livingston, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Livingston, 866 Cath- trine St.; Beckie Janine King', daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Ray King, 624 W. 1st North; Allen Rodgers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Rodgers, 350 E. 5th South, Bountiful; David W. Barlow, son of Mr. and Mrs. David W. Barlow, 725 E. 3900 IA f , '. 0 Rodger' , . U0 COR s, o, 1 :' Utilities Appeal Four Suits On Sewer Tax to High Court NO ADDED COST Hubtxvtd-Den- n 121 ' . ' ' h Sounds almost too good to be truebut It is, and here AT 4---, - ' C- , , ' g '''''''.., - ,,,..,-.- 1 . d choice CREDIT 401 1; i , , ( h Sterling Sterling! 0 1 , '.1' ... 735-10t- , ... ,,,,, - .. . , ..0,-,P- 0 --,, Allen King Snow Removal Cost ,Despite Mild Winter It's true! You can have the Silver of your 1,k ( f, t Kinder, daughter GREETINGS mitriRaInHdDMArYs 03: rrswi s. 4700 South: Carla Donald Kinder, 44 i C. Bawden, Carlisle Dawn Bawsjen, daughter of Mr. and Tooele; Roxanne Fisher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Ave.; Christine Potter, daught'er of Mr. And Fisher, H. Mn. James Potter, 92 N.,Main, Midvale; Colleen Oliver, 114 and Mrs. Sheldon W. Oliver, 1960 E. 17th of daughter T. Kent Stevens, son of Mr. and Mrs: 'H. Keene South; Stevens, 746 E. 2910 So'uth; Howard Walker, son of Mr. and' Mrs. Howard L. Walker, 705 S. West Temple; Robert Young, !I Sterling? For Only 33c? tg I 4C4M5h : - .4; I ,,,..,,,, .. ' . , . , lejokik . , . ' i 4 16., - -- . fi ' I I ' II t t- , Lob. , ..1' l , .1,, ,.' ,,, ,.....'-- ''1,41y , l oio , ' -- 0"---, fico-- , 41r ....... i ,,, - Brian Livingston ' Snow and ice are costly items in a city streets department' "mild" budget even in winters. The last two are pretty good examples. City Commissioner Joe L. Christensen reported Friday that although January and February were unusually mild this Y41"""0"1""qt, ' Colleen Oliver - ' i. ., .,,i4, 1,,,,, - . , . ' I 'f .e,- - ' - , , ' 01 i , 77,rt' :e7k7: ' ' - ...3k,.."7.7, , , - ,. . ' 4,..., ' ire., i .f1,,,,,: ; . ....-- ., ' . - . -- - ,, . 'e 4,....9.wsz tti. ' it '... ', ,, PS ., . ' '4" ' OP', 1 i . : A' , Ito ', ici , '''''' Apt; .;',A, , - ..,,...,,,.... . -- Potter . A 0 , 40614.7, , - : -- 1 5 . . Christine ,:, r 'n ' k 4---- ' '''''(1t6t0 1 . . - , ' - c- , 1161'-- ' it, , ""4-' -- - d , ' ,,c, . . . 1. i,,,, , e ' ,,....4 ,,,,,: '11,0e-r.f7Tr- It Rosanna Fisher ,,!,,,,,,,1 sP . , ,Z ' ' ..- ''', '' ) , k 't - ...e.- - ., - i,:;:-?e--- t , 1 - ' ' ' . , , A ' '' . ,' . , rk . ' 1Mbow. .; - 41,,'' ''',-'.,-s '.' ' ti01; ,.. '''',7"."'''"gisla6"""!,l , I t. 4 ., , ..i .,,,, ., , , - ,A,. 1 '3- - . - ' ,,,,, . - i r , 1. .,-- ,... i .... 1 , ', '- - ' 'T. SW) 1, ,'..' ,,,. 4 . "s - 'I 4 t do, q,.Al... - iLialtra;) '). . -; , ., ... , , Me 4 -- '', ,. , ' 1 ,,..,i,.,-.1,- ,400006 f4411011P - i " ' ' , ,,,, e- .. L. :: - , g. '' .,..10;kt s , , . 3 f ....k. .0: - ) - , , ''''' ' ' .',.. - .",le"'" 1 ' - ' ',V4 4. . (---- , , , ., , - ,, March 26, 1954 Solt Lake CIty,'Iriday, DESERET NEWS AND TELEGRAM, - ' ' - ' , , , , , -' ' ' ' '" - - - , , ,, i t- - , - |