OCR Text |
Show - , ,- ' .' ' ' . - ' . ' ' IrTg"'"171"7."1.417.71."1""'","-4r,-",,K,-1-. Pr' It, " .,' , .:4'-- t ; i.:7;t!, A...; --,, 4..to.., u r-- .,,,.. ke.' ' - ''''Z't, ; ... ,." ,, - 1, I I t ', 4 it---, - 1 , - - - ", ''' . , .'" Offitial ' , - 4 t N I .. .!::-.- : --- , 24,1 al .........,,i,t.,t0,- - ,.,,,,, ,., ! 1 ----- , , , . --- -. ,t ) . Highlights . 0 ' . , HOWARD I . . ,. , , 5,.how, of Viewers: hilo E. !Theater an4 Television Play 4919 hlarityn Dr., hoUse. - - !Salt Lake, writes to appeal for The group liked Perspectives, !public support-- for a drive to did not watch the Sunday morn.. have the Workshop of ing shows nor Topper. You the Ford Foundation continue Congressmen Report. Cavalthe program, Excursion. tie calls cade of America. Meet Mr. Mc.;": I it l'orie of tne, very feW educe Nutley nor Judge for xourseu.,, - J RSON Views 1 Illenriksen of - type himself. - is and-debr- . . - , opnor Strooth:on Oscar ,,, . - 4 , during the week: I 1. trash 't put Dons in or vacant lots. les against the law. Haul it to the city dump, 20tk West and. ath - , TV-Radi- o ,',--- -- ' Utah asnhdoweilltiatenrtlan-s- ilbooksbuTbhbelinygou';ihgthutl ing and kept the event moving lauds Adventure and Parise IbiYe 1 .SarahATnethMeiller"ofSearit , - Lake' Perspec- - writes that Fred Waring's show. ' : is, one of the outstanding ones right along. Some viewers said tives. on television. His "God's Trom... .; O'Connor- - was the bright spot . . Favorites ,Lists 2. Trimmings, tree limbs and ....... w - tot them; ,r, : - -- , . for trom mts.,on...17Antterszi,of Tbones"-- program- - sho.1oundes-,:.:-.- leaVes- can be pieced oil the, pecially good.. She also thinks othnee on"lnyltika7d jsoket Linwhhitcshothear.s StaatintinLat itteelee:ismi:ns aprolegtrtaemr eloisnt: parking in front of residence; MooreFOUT a good" that. Gary but not in the gutters. The city flieless a hays 11,',. wise ' of the creasal humirYlity," on emceeing she 'ings which, and her gliwrites. will pick this material up. ,, she show. '. the !friends shows marked, 3. Don't burn anything except , Culminating many months of Any other ,views? We'd hs The technical work resulted they like and those they don't paper in incinerators. No trash, study, the State Textbook Com- In see to know of them. We'd happy ; perfect coordination as 'like . , . .. , garbage or debris that can cause mission welcome some more recruits in - - afternoon were viewers switched from Thursday ' city , ADDITION--Photograsmoke. bad odors and Life of Riley, she ,thinks; is a drive to keep Excursion go. ph , NEW shows six cell Tows added to flotation department of to city Without loss of a pie- - one of ' ' 4. Garbage cans can be left adopted several hundred book the favOrites, but she Inc Magna- mill, Kennecott Copper Corp., Utah Copper Division. Remodeling. of flotation I 0.f,-lure. ' doesn't think it should be:In . Friday Kith Liehist Refuter" Ire in alleys, but should be brought for the four-rea- r period- beginof and mills is Arthur finished. departments Magna virtually We ...., .: Miss 'trunks and MY rYienti agree with nearly all view. with advertisements Our in as soon as possible after the ning next July. .,' . . TV Sound Stunt INIV116.11,,, tirsol. era that the film clips of notni-- terrupted will present "The .Toost, sterrind,;., The Loretta Sc! much." Young garbage has been picked up. commission nees were good. Especially to- The show is another favorite of Mrs. i whg: with nittilil inmihniititTe 114 Mr. Cardwell also reminded ...Cavalcade of Snorts l owners of domestic animals and also elected H. H. Fisher, Salt teresting was the innovation Anderson and her friends. She rart:,,Tv: Ili: will feature the Gustav' '' 1 nominated film ed- several in the neighbor. licheis gi.1,1 Andrew' n117:11 truirs that they must have li-- Lake City businessman, to serve of showing f, $ays r,e, from the board of health, as vice chairman. Dr. E. Allen itors at work. Gary Cooper's ex. hood marked the program& Edward a; Morrow its interviews with -'' of banter with O'Connor They alternate viewing with (.117,1wairl,V1114711141:1 KailL",11,,tri --- --VVith-Unlawf- ul coops and other outbuild- - 'Bateman state superintendent change I a was light. high Dennis Day and I Love Lucy astlailes Circisasuvedhe.47::!;.s.d 50 Om; 'least feet ()- t ings must be at - public instruction had been In it an was all, interesting and like them both'. They watch irlsourts; 4hsir4iit'nvutv. so; u! away from all dwellings and 1'4". Ith--t that proper sanitary measures ;elected ex officio, chairman program. But the newscaster on and like nearly all the situation 1:417 it:ntilr: Atty. Gen. E. R. Cal lister said ,Thursday that Juab school radio must later will; have "The have certainly 25. J. as Elmer such flotation Feb. of Little the comedies, bunt. My Hartvigsen, be taken. Remodeling district officials violated the law by creating a debt in the disbeen seeing more than double. Margie and I Married Joan, and zyctr.lvoasi leturdIV emits. Light' Chamelonshits assistant superintendent, is see. He said trict without gaining consent of the residents of the district departments at the Arthur and otsi-ry143.audience 3 of 1We. "an win the dramas, such as Studio One, wrestling , Magna mills of Kennerett Cop tuns the Wilbur Snyder p.m.i vs. LAO These through election. retary. 000,000 watched the show on Four Star Playhouse, Golden bout, DiviUtah Copper According to school board members, the district, by election, per Corp.; n said the texts television." He made no con. . eDr or aBdaot pe tme ad ' bonded itself for $250,000 for a sion, is now virtually finished. w after extensive rection;Irs a cinch be was More 1 SSO Sow êth lost , F. , L manager, Pett, general new school building. When it commission the Solt Lola, City, tiish than 100,000,000 too high in his t. reading by IICI:t11. ered that an addi- - said Friday. intensive study Ifigure. wtioans.discS4o4v9 bmyeemotrmsittaeneds TROUBLEt7 000 was needed to 'All but the test row at the of teachers, prin. complete the structure, district Magna Mill is now completed. cipals and superintendents. I:11TE 81 officials borrowed the money The Arthur plant remodeling Ir DAY "We adopted the books which L To on tax anticipation notes with was finished last summer. unwe believed to be the most , SERVICE 1 ' Modernization of the electrithe intention of repaying the factuar- - and east-.- 6 Why Not a ., derstandable, Period cal systems at both plants, also money over a three-yea- r est to teach," Dr. Bateman said. Vacation in Michigan 11:trec4(e-telerincluded in the project, is apon a 2mill levy. S , Officials of the South San- Multiple recommendations of , at com' 85 cent made were texts per six as as As a resth the district will proximately many ,.pete school district Thursday ' OUR EXPENSE? be $30,000 over its budget at pleted, and is expected to be. for each graded subject, he .. Drive The New Car Homo Just what can Utahns do to the end of this fiscal year, with-hel- p finished late this fall. The en- confirmed they had published said. Included were arithmetic, Service Co. Facial? of take home cost the' will pay win consideration for the out havrng held an election, tire project approxi- only CAPITAL CHEVROLET1 CO. I algebra, ,,,.. 3neetrYraisoitreingzen.obmio.eSouth Pat. t Echo Park Dam project during James A. Phillips, Nephi, a mately 63,300,000, according to teachers in the district's equal try, health, Ith $oh a State IN 000IN - , ,.., ..,,.. s,.,. ,, , ,,,,, this session of Congress? member cif the board, informed Mr. Pett pit 24913 i report, but said they believed logy, botany, chemistry, physio., At Magna, the flotation reGus P. Packman, executive Mr.. Callister. and physics. logy within their were legally they - ..e In addition, the commission secretary of the Salt Lake City Mr. Callister said that not modeling ll involved the addition' . 11D1r141FCHANNII 4 13610CMANNIS Il row of flotation rights in to doing. , Chamber of Commerce, will only was the action in violation of a adopted two publications of the ' 11114ey, Match 14, ZICMI t s' New RCA VICTOR March U, ig$4 ' fraer. R. E. "Mt eacb the end of machines of at In a letter to Atty. Gen. Utah Foundation as suppleleave the city Saturday morn- - of constitutional and statutory 41,011 World fole111 , 11411 Iddie PPM. flota56 rows. new old social studies. The the for texts mental D. for Marto board C., ing Washington, clerk, Callister, the restrictions, but board members 1 "MASTER 21" 148 Newt (mewls 'Z'sth" Proemial the tailThese are "State and Local Show , find the answer to that clues- - might find themselves held in- tion cells will ' Dave Deterwee Anderson, said she inter- Government garet 100 -1. Rooky Seem . Utah" from the old and in sections and ings tion. 74111 is liable MN the Claw kid if the debt dividually Napalm" Coaaidy will make a small increase in preted the law governing the "Utah Economic Patterns." 1:31 Ow Miss kooks He will confer with the Utah voided. 7;09 Dm lig Ow" 2lsBinch . 100 My Mood haw actual be to mean to texts that metal "Social only study recovery. report Flo Wood Stage congressional delegation while N 030 Poems to Persess4 However, the state has no inA separate section of 18 cleaneios e.,,sksi. 0 hewn 1,011 tho Wela the teachers adopted next year will be much there. terest in the debt, Mr. Collis-te- r er flotation cells was also in- money received by vs. 11,W Ployheese ad Mors Amine"' . the BateWide lowest St more controversial," Dr. 111 Also while in Washington should be lifted. WOO Mn, &dead lodge as long as it is repayed stalled at II:45 &tweet NOS said, ever 'rice said. to man treat the ' Magna 1030 limos Rosalie' during his stay, the and has no relation to tha urii Mr. Callister, who said it was LOD teletworte Dipole 11130 Nowa Marsha concentrate produced by the chamber executive will meet form school fund. acOnly t tie "Siete Dept. NW , Any action new units. Work on the project his interpretation that the He. Der with government officials in III41f.tHANINII, II tual amount paid the teachers, Top Accountant Named testing the legality of the MOS U. P. tee M. News "''''''''' Ietorddy. Needs 27, 1034 regard to the proposed national school board action would have started in November, 1952. not just the take home pay, ." 11:15 Owl Meows Night in of Several work test years 9,411 Cartoon Cows ..1., highway program with regard to come from a taxpayer in the should be listed. For County Treasurer mom 11134$ to "Sweet, Crew" the company's laboratories indiCoo ' 1001 Specs Pore. 12:11 hildelgto Mews stokias bony PIMA to,forest.... highway funds. He said he would advise the 10730 Smiled' Id district, the attorney general cated that a of the school board that he does not ''''' ' Appointment of Carlton C. - MOS Cawood MssiossoM said. EASY TERMS 1 6200 E. South 2658 0011.211CHANNES waste or material from VON 4 Si, 11 tailings with their interpretation Alder, ' 1130 Captain PO Suit VIIHS Ostsismt To Hold Cake Sole Here, foe 0to ivolost prise isite;, ts as chief accountant in the I. Saturday, Nerd, 27, 1934 the mills might yield a small agree law. thVg.rest4espe every osivense Mot hes made RCA metal. of the 47011 Cowie Kiddy Show 2:30 SW Patton' county treasurer's office was LEHIThe Lehi la Literary Southwick, Mrs. Herbert John- amount ofthisadditionalit was Vides the imest.svented 1 440 Lode Itddet de2:30 announced Friday. study, latutty Secrete ' Club will hold a cake sale Sat- son, Mrs. Elmo Russon and Mrs. Following retail pittuto It Misch IV. 100 $,64661 Vises ROO Amide chief former to depcided remodel Mr. flotation the Alder, Cored 3:30 Boo Oto Clad canA of Dean Peck. cake, urday. variety Course Attends Polk. ' 3:30 Star Tiond of. 6.00 Gedripo 666661 Skew assessor's in both the at county uty departments plants. dies and pies will go on sale at mittee. TELEVISION 400 Now. CENTRE , 1 Lawrence Kenneth I 700 Ilk Is Wards livid, ,, Stew Fleof flee of Ti. 16011) 4.03 Irmo Vanderhoet 'Sgt. George F. LaTulippe of fice, replaces P.30 Pliveeite Ndshoode the SaIt Lake police depart- at a salary of 8350 per month. 1 1 30 &kat and Albert Dial 31373, Ext. 431 1100 Medollson litsetne N 1 neve thew ment, who has been attending e7V. :,5r),1"t4,1107. Elect, .M74.eMeNgt,VAR,WWWW,IWIMP,21401101.K.100,ROOPS.O'VVP.,-..t1r4,01'1,1!',,, the Southern Police Institute School Vacation 3350 ADVINTIIIPAINT for the past three months at Student MT. PLEASANT of Louisville, the University Highland . ( Cecil A. Carr of Carr Printing Louisville, Ky., will be grad- - and faculty m e m b e r s of Drive Listings are furnished by the stations. In was elected uated from the course in cere- - Wasatch Academy will observe Co,, Bountiful, the event of inaccuracy please call qte 'tattoo directly vacation from Friday un president of the Printing In.! monies Friday evening. He will spring , KUTA-3resumes again 70 I I KALL910 I 0 KNAIG42110 0 dustry of Utah at a dinner meet- - return to duty in the near ft'. til classwork the I'd EDY1,MO P.M. Private rooms for AEC Tuesday, March 30. CIS INDEPENDENT INDEPENDENT NBC ing Thursday evening at the ture. Faint to clubs, banquets and rtatdom Gordon OlVell Ts A la n Jactomn Ambassador Athletic Club, 145-- 1 Nene Rhythm on Ream di Club I 2pnViacom finest, Traveista a Walt ' ! MY , Rici ' .111.1.-2.- rtIn 5th East St. He succeeds Homer private parties otacH, Hs.millinglial;::.NN.::::,,IHBauri2.11tweirv l : : ke c ,Dr , nll ......, : tom's No. : . in Pmtvej St a d I 0 'Jos Coleman. Lees 0 Salting 20 to 250 .s.9 Jockey i .... Renton .,Bobby Dee IA Guy. League and it, Other officers elected were Road Show 5 oi Complete 'wedding 'Paul W. Cox, vice president; : R. Edward ',furrow ,Moods in Metedle4, - - .. - - - Allen And liodaaa.t L. Jean DeBouzek, ty.asurer, and me receptions by ap- John W. Yanderrookirlabriel AND Mettler IMr. Keen Tracer Wend New .... Dinner Melodies ... Date With Maisie .. 111 News. lanorta board members J ' Lyon, !Perry Corn,, Show. ',f Loot Pomona Piano Pnriretta ... Alex Drier - ....we. ..... pointment 6 Ad Virgil Pinkley LevpnTritu:anger, lArt GOdfray Digest Remembrance Rob Mona ........ses .... I ....... -- ...... ...... k. Ray :Thomas S. Mont"), ,Sam Hayek NPWS .. de... .. Flab and Game ... for and a motor Haines of Kanab Purhonen, eat silie HOUR- SCant Horatio Horn!Rill Ridges, Kay Schren, man and loipesign Ifenry i ..,- Randevu . .. Alice Redeemer of Fare and Phil :IS Rhythm Lutheran the .... won honors blower .. sign Thursday ge ... top : wiamer :: Harry :: a 10 D. on Star II ilia . Dania James Shwv William Back. Spottleht , WekdaysS te p.ns. s. - ;Starlite Theater Also ...There Rich ,. Serenade In Slue. 1 C. analyze .. Church, Salt Lake City, and :1r Jilted manager night for L. Robert Gardner,, man was . 'Reams of Pliesainta,John 'DuPont Awards Sundays- -1 to pan. in-for and Fetzer at ! the :MI Fetzer, Cedar designs architect, i City Bro.e frn,Talte A NIIII,I"'r Plht of the orgi-,ulan of STEAK .. Ni,m9hen? DINNERS Itribber McGee Write rhumba SIZZLING frin Stare .., Illour :IS Gustue sehuir vs i For Rasurvations-7-31- 04 nual wards banquet of Utah of an Idaho Falls, Ida., civic! 8 10 World a C re tst Tb4 Side of Snorts Al Andrews ..liave A Heart .. ,. .. .. Two Mr C'aCrew. ,.. Ern), star ierimarlei Music ,did , ,..m,,...... chapter. American Institute of center and high school. and the! by. comet :Of S NIT, 'Sotin11ilt HollyArvel Lake! in School Salt Park Architects. Nibley Meet the Clasairs iloartilheulah Cone Man a Famtle Caravan ,cohurn 1 v :II Mik M11,,, Vortir Family Itweletem RI; Span News of the World 9 :31) ,Salute to Freedom ,Tristas,Mo714 . The top award was given for City. thn on .... the cool Frank Cara. Sinatra ,......, IHITrmaeinin smr,a4 Some 30 entries were judged! ; 00,Roaomar y Clooney f R Mr. Gardner's work on the new !IP I Newt at :Eu7ksr the 'AI' the affair, by arranged Dance Time lit Ft Soeletr Aiken Lodge in Kanab. The Late Rolfe Pet i .. .. (lid Chum, Your Sammy Kaye - . a E ,IrkuTAHORIZED Till aftdolartt cur- - ,erson Women's Architectural League. 1 :VI ,' Ps: Paul. I' o u r,Wayno Kula."... !45 Minimum of TalkA,MoondisiWil tic Your Monodist- Held at the Hotel Utah, the Host ' With thel c-a Maximum of En. or. Brings You the!Wrarner Br'norf .. Date With a was addressed With Dream, . SERVICE by Wat, the,Lateti News banquet 4.. Irrtainmant Brit In Pius of Mualt .. ............. .. li,xt Tunes n , All.,01. Wayman and Rid tilt Brat in Mimic Bond In PcortIFlalbuni Your P.I Davit ' Gordon, .. Phrvat George County ............... in tha i Rhythm Rcord TECHNIaANS for Dancing Mir& To' ... .... .. .. .. .... ., ..., .... sne.w in town .. .1 ftoggles"Disting- quest, . 41,... planning director, who Stressed, Swing RMInil with Dana', In, Dresinf ., ... .. ...... Stgn Off . .. 4. ...... .6.. ...., I twit. Sang Stylingii Nit. . 'This of JOtin the To. Day BmPhYRP-i importance landscaping, To gtOtnenf 'Sunday .. .. for Latg tvening OM CUSTOMPS INJOV Late igveWong L :: on.. ... .... ., .. .,. ,,!,igte,n,:reig Until a.m.. 00 .. . .. ... conto and urged architects i1355 Nevis.." I , Writ ' AI i .... Otil MI SIMKO PLAN lgs all let's sider it in their designs. BLACK AJA. .. SATURDAY 6 MORNING PROGRAMS Honorable , mention awards i'l DAYLITE ASS Cactus Jim Westerrillikeyno Feely tor 215'30 Sunrise SalutelTop o the Mornine Slen On at S tam Facts For Farmrs . 401111 e. 115 two were presented Salt Lake Gutter, Hlq; Pirates st a ettro et tor Bass LIstenlnz Alarm Klerk Klub I 1, N vornp 1,1rm 1140 go to Church 13nnas flte Pend s 1141lialeat a m 6 1)0 a r in Breakiest Br tve VAndernoof ,,...ie,,,,,;. 14) Good :3 (11) Sines I S op IA ycliol)::41 architectural firms. They were i enti Free Srillow Rounelue. ,,, solo rorrert Time Dan Valentine . ' c ----!--.--- N: :Th , - .....6.....1 St Sts. - , ' -- I Lhosen for. . I 4 - . -- Years ext : , By Pt Salt Lake residents isriday were urged to in met who- eonDonald O'Connor, d cleanup week, but not to lutter up city streetsrducted the Academy Award and vacant,lotain so doing. Alden R. Cardwell, chief of the sanitatkIn tivision, Salt,Lake show Thrursday night, should City pointers for residents clean- have received an Oscar of some thdetorfhHomeaeltskanlidstedyardasfew , ing up ti-0- 11 . 'Jaycee-sponsore- 1 , N. I ' '',i0,,, ,1 '' -5 'C.:Z. 11...$, - . 4 t;56;t71 ''. '1440;47'9 , F 9r CI ean-u- p Television Pointers Activities Offers-- 7,'' k 1' .6''''' 1"P'... - "- ,,,....--- - , ,. . . Appopplim I; ---. ,v,. spos... ...00 , ., "" v :- .,-- - - AND TELEGRAM, Salt Lake City. Friday.. March. 24..1954 - - , t '.'..e.' It411",','-it ,,,,,.4..' ''''. ,,........,, "t4-44..'- ',1,- - - - - .; -- : - 7: A .4 ....in., '''''l s- ' "it , .;' -- - , so' 4- - Nt'Al DESERET . ; ?? '' 7, -- '( , ' 4 - k il, - 4 4 , - ' 1 - ' , ;tit ---,4 .! ' ' . ' , - - he , - ii , i ' , - . - , . ' ' Ca 'lister 2 Coppe(Mills Juab Charges Winding Up t Bonding Revamp Work . - Iv , - - ' - al 1,!,1,,,,- ... ti s School Confirms -. . Chamber Official IT' Reporting' Only Take Home Pay Meet With . PORTER WALTON LADIES! '''' ' ' 3.1236 , Solons on Echo . , ,$ - ., , . at . -- ( - , , - 1-71- ,. six-ce- I .,, open tons ht QIIIILO P.M. . I f4 4 . :3 re-tre- - 41; ,...- .. 11411 ' one-wee- k 20995 . i 4CIllf 23:(4011 est. : i Bountiful Man Nroort L , rp;31 1.4 ro 131,-116- -- ., SCIIVICE - 4;11.0,5 q4 tglotTn;24 51 - Zinniot - WishIlium" - ' r tert!tat - lila ,, F'Prtri ;t 4 nr, ! : - it .'i , portera wallon b t i ' , mi la I 0 NISI , - Z t . ',,, 550 ' ,, is , ki Centwitille S11111 '',.' , IA lest. Salt Lake City ! ,, ' j ', : Rill 0- ..,.404, X r . ' i.u, Frtsr's ion : m. ,I ' ,, V...;:).. 0 4-----..... , 8 . t ,.., 1 ' Saturdays, at 0 0 it PROMPT C DAA,L; NiTEBuDGET . . I . ALM -- .. ,,- ,,..,. , ,,b ..,, . . 4 rambAs VS1! ,o,r,,,,,t ' .. i ....:' ' ' .., ),),' ,- :-- -' BLACK- TIM.. of NIIntif You anti Your itr!mr ittli shatfri. News Rut ?ht. Th tot oo of Today with over 1101Ir itt.r SIIP, lOn W.Ipet Wilt: Mt W,4 !tioulfoostol N S - fall :nu .. .. Brophi 111 al ..., Blanc .. .. ,.... .. '1ft Teen Rost - Mot enpot t an ' 7-27- 22 AFTER Alla - ' T4113 PA 2 :43 1 "Norma- :: :: .a,,, i.13 r3S t45 ,D, i 3, ,!, 4 4: ds 5 CITIES Presents 2 ig In Str,w , Pnnords 'fit, linapitai The Peter Illere 1..1i Hiring .cznnu, - . - 01,01'111,11 ReWni :. Rest $n nisni the Teenssers I The tot .. :, :, : U S Ront : ,.. tiore Rsdio 14drto h e Pill' Sradow,.Wirrid ,,J ...........:.. ....... .. .. Teen N,,C A (;) . . Philo 0 V cilement 1),,t,Ktivit, a n rarouspl '!",1Prry fin Round PROGRAMS News Speaker. Fnr a rn Ma rch Slo.Vari,jj , R !Wester n Vi'itri cousin Ibtruate fl ust . :: ..: :P.:. ,. The iaturday Arter.1 noon, Record Party With itdott Remy . I ...: ::.. :::. .. .. ' Fara, Hour t.... Irat an RizaDdur.ii15,1:uow, ,if lots Vi I Bathos t h Auto .. . wt .. ,. ..'.... ...low '. - Waattingt im. li S A At,(t,;nudr. tan Idorida s Cal and Trio in Melodies Mel ..: . Remy ,: .: :: ., :, ,.: '. - ......: , - ... 'Thornier :::: :. tith e Bis Rani , . ' , .. ; , ,4, . ' , . .f . .,- t:- Previe::'' ' : ... - , , Kaltenirrn;,. , . - t News Music. ct, - ....Kw I INational ......... ,,,..: .. With a Horn S y (I S. Arms Band , phony Orchestra .. :, Tretuury Show Rued Snow RAY Home for Morternt i Farm itiewa Alairnment , 'ripe !Time Out for Musie,Mel, Remy : :: :. I ...-.- . ,. ::::, Thiniis People Think Blue darron Pte4ents .., :: ,. Bovine of News Daniel Premiere Schorr ,. Cavalcade of Banos the, .., -.- -- News row, in PoOa WithlUtall Health rounell 8 Y U. on the Al? Rhviom on Recorc8'3Iel Remy :: .:.: , pmpVig .frenny Hostertner 1,Fileitr:iiints17,711"Ne'0,1: it, I. 7 T,tiv,,,,, : ' ,,, Housewives r' pride, -.- Muste of All IRnundup tilt Tunes Ilnythrolentiurn'a ,..iet)rummrmilIPtIlladliphis r ru .....,. . (1.1140.1114 Comes iwnflo Lwj 'Pn,UI,or Ntilatly'rohurn f earnoul Go 11 ,un ti Patter- . iMey Go finuni n .1:My gerenade Wry, t'm ftuntl 'Drifting on a Omni' NIerry ( .11 Round pli,l,,;e:,,,I,,,es.ftle.rhnurh.t wnn, v,,,,,,,,,, Ltazot. Dinner Coai. :s. , New, .45 Perea to Your Mtn Johnson. Nears .... Irtere a to litrerans .11 fro Milf.1 othinr Bev anti Smoothost W:wwi, Mualf w:th John' Show i 30 TV REPAIRS rti - :I1 A IC0 ;), SATURDAY AFTSRN00N. IIGGESt TRADI-I- N ALLOWANCI top : VI - Vd MO Vt , , p..m....:7-Ch,-1- S'A'1.0T,Etc:T0'-',LITA- - :IS GUARANTEED -- -- 6 35 'Cowbell Newt 0 fir rhoot Valen pate News and floor11 . 'Rolfe Peterson, . . . Slow !v. web tlame 4111m Atedine ' New,' ValwrIttn Ilti hnnf Writhe' mekrs flub lb. ,., ,.. Nin Schoni rr,r4A No oo, .. Bp ktsost No,vs 1World Se's nod Wet . 1Frteodiv '14nor ' An 14 n II Ind t1or1ori Ibsen oftwial HOztn,o19 Weather ItsI ot Pio fry V), rod, Warne Newt or Arriertea Nrov, Fteroyl :isiornior kielorbes itvorvone 'itti PH' Sr ri,,e1 howot Woo c;ae,ten c.a.. , on 4ild fits It 1D Arteka Presents Sol tto Wort i NeWl Cohort, 4 larou,i'Rnythm In linratles Pali .1,mi rat 4 n4 1,ers Pretend Beat In Reo7rtts sst Mornine met. . ,Hollraood Petrol Al..i Spa, Ikea t es Morning Jamboree ' venture of Stars News To molt Puce . Mexican FlestaAnrieedilno Hour of Mxican Mink wtti1 ifi:mr4.,r, tee A5 :34 :45 , StOCC- ';' ft. :::::119: , 1 , ,T) DAYLITE - 1 75 STATE IIASONAILO IMPAIRS MAKES 1A010 AND TV a ' 9 436.0i$O. OPEN ,..., Co ,, , 4 J. ,,. Otall ,,,,,,,, ' t 40 'all I RADIO TELEVISION ENGINEERING CO. 4. .,.-.,,,- ,jhtien":4,41.111"Kftshi-m- ,1 ,: I Il 3 1 . . ffl it ., , .. IO W VStIdettiale tu ' ., -- , !..I ' . I 1 ,00 IS C NA . i. N :' ' .. ,IZ ..,- . ,11)-- . .,0 A , , - ;: ' '.,' , 0 -- , , - 1 .,, (Garden Centers - N, ,, t , Nb .' 4 M'O:R11 Ealoillf A ; 73 , - s ivb D'5 . . . "'"----.- . - 1. LOOK FOR THIS SEED CASE AT YOUR LOCAL ''' . 1, . rittorr,rd., ii........11,,aw, ',ir ' 11 1 :45 1 ,. . ,.. -' : - :i) 34 . -- m 1. -- . i,. 13 . . -I iere ' , 0 And Many Others Marigolds soil and climate West Mountain for Bloom profusslygrown . ' Smipdragons . - ' icg I ., . I ..,, - DANCING CELEBRITIES Vt Morning Glory , . 11141 - i ANssum Sweet Peos 0 GUEST 4 , 123 p 0 0 bikvf$ - . tit, ' 1 be a flood;of $. B . . Your yard can e 7 ; 000 ame. I , p ' : (... , 11 N .... i 11 . I : ; City. Architect Win's' Honors at Banquet in S. PRIME .... I ' 4 cedar SMORGASBORD , KMUIN-123- I I , - ,......,.... N , I u RADIO PROGRAMS ' I . 7 Printers - ' r:ir ti tootiolloywcmissed, . : |