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Show LETTERS Attend County Gvt. Public Hearing essential to determine whether whe-ther the county should proceed with them by putting putt-ing the new charter on a ballot for referendum. The meeting on December 3 will be followed by a formal public hearing on the proposed propos-ed plan on Thursday, Dec. 17. 7 p.m. at the county courthouse in Coalville. I encourage all citizens to take these opportunities to help shape the future of our county government. Katherine Janka Support County Change Dear Editor: On Thursday, December 3, residents of this community have a unique opportunity to take part in determining the form of government that Summit County should adopt to best serve its citizens. On that date, at 7 p.m. in Park City's Memorial Building, a public meeting will be held to obtain citizen input on the Proposed Optional Plan for a Revised Form of Government Govern-ment for Summit County. As a Park City representative representat-ive on the committee that drafted the proposed new County Charter, 1 urge all citizens to attend that meeting. meet-ing. The proposed new government form includes: electing County Commissioners Commissio-ners from five districts; the appointment of a county manager; and changes of several elected county officials offi-cials to appointed positions. We. on the county government govern-ment study committee, proposed pro-posed these changes as a way to more effectively manage County government and to insure representation of citizens in all areas of the county. However, citizen input about these changes is Dear Editor: I want to urge the residents of Park City to attend a very important public meeting to be held December 3, 1981 at 7 p.m. in the Memorial Building. The purpose of this meeting is to consider an optional form of government for Summit County. A county-wide study committee commit-tee has carefully reviewed our current form of county, government and recommends recom-mends to the voters of Summit County, the revised form of government that will allow for a five member county commission to be elected from districts and authorizing the five member county commission to employ em-ploy a county manager. Professional man? ement is as important for Summit County as it is for Park City and the Park City Council has passed a resolution endorsing the proposed revision revi-sion and form of government. govern-ment. The Park City residents who served on the study commission commis-sion are Katherine Janka, Mat Alvarez, Bill McComb, Judge Larry Keller, and myself. I'm sure that we all would be willing to answer any questions you might have as to the specifics of the new government form, and urge you to attend the December 3 informational meeting. John C. Green, Jr. Mayor Jannott Wants Response Dear Editor: Dear City Council: Last Friday night at about 6:30 p.m. we were notified by the Public Works Dept. that our water would be shut off for approximately one half hour. One and a half hours later we still had no water and had heard nothing from the Public Works Dept. I then called the City Manger, Arlene Loble. and she said she would look into the situation and have Please turn to page 8A Sweeney Thanked Dear Editor: Dear Dr. Jack Sweeney: In the midst of the tragedy that surrounded the fire that destroyed the Coalition Building, you took the time to thank the Park City Police Department and the Park City Fire District for their support and assistance. Now you've done even more than that by making a generous contribution to both the Police Dept. and the Fire District, as a means of thanking them for their efforts. (NOiunig ..-...0 the Coalition Building, but in kind, I would like to thank you for your generosity and thoughtfulness. Park City Police officers got together to decide what to do with your contribution and they decided decid-ed to purchase some improved improv-ed camera equipment that will be utilized by the entire Police Department. As a part of crime investigation, quality qual-ity photography can be a real asset. Thank you again for your generosity. Jack C. Green, Jr. Mayor MORE LETTERS Continued from Page 2A someone call nie back. I received a phone call very shortly thereafter from Bob Lashierand he said he would sene1 a repairman up to 'nvi Migate. The repairman avrkod and said he would check various valves and get back to me. It is now 9 at night. Mv restaurant is completely full, the private club downstairs is packej and you can imagine wha' the re st rooms look like bv now. The repairman had checke all the valves and said ; vHvc was probably cloggee up. He went to the shop u get a new valve and returnee i.- replace it. The valve wa? i cry difficult to replace because of the sie of tin opening in the sid' walk. A' hard as he was working, hi needed help. I called Bob Lashier again and told him the repairman was still having difficulty replacing the valve. As this was going on. a person on my payroll was the one who v;:s giv ing the badly needed assistance to the repairman. The repairman then asked me to call Bob Lashier and ask him if h.: could gel a certain tool from the shop and bring it over. I gladly agreed to make the call, thinking that it was a great wav to finally get some assistance to the repairman besides one of my employees. employ-ees. Mr. Lashier finally arrived with the special tool and about a half hour later finished installing the valve. After having replaced that v ilve we traced the lines i urthcr and cleared the valve inside the building and we then had water (it was then approximately 11:30 p.m.). I closed the res'aurant at '!:15 because of the inability i wash dishes properly, .on sequcntlv losing about iweniy-five customers. The rest rooms were in a very unsanitary condition. 1 was iinable to serve my custom-rs custom-rs water or coffee and my . nployee'', had to wash glasses in the bar with six hour ok! waier. Hverytinic ihe city turns the v;iicr off... ill my customers be mined away at the door? w ill my employees have to assist the water department? will my customers be subjected to unsanitary conditions con-ditions in the restrooms? w ill my employees have to lower their standards of cleanliness to serve the public? will I always have to be under the threat of closure by the health dept. because of unsanitary conditions? What is the proper solution to this problem? Perhaps the public works supervisor. Bob Lashier. could be a bit more respon sive to the problems that arise when the water is shut off. Perhaps the water dept. could "take an interest" and check to see that everyone did indeed get their water turned back on. Another restaurant on Main Street was without water for twenty-one hours. The Public Pub-lic Works Dept. told them that the restaurant was responsible because it was an internal problem. But that internal problem was directly: caused by what the Public Works Depi. did. Does the Public Works Dept. responsibility respon-sibility emphatically stop at our properly lines? 1 think not. I think t lie City Council should have some very definite guidelines as to who is responsible for what, w hen .i problem of ibis nature comes up. I also think that the Water Dept. should check with the merchants to see if they in fact did get water back and if there is a problem at leasi offer some advice Us to how ii can be corrected. A response to these thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Tern Jannott Owner, Janeaux's Editors Note: This letter was sent by Mr. Jannott to the Cilv Council on September Septem-ber 30," 1981. As of this date he has not received an answer. Dear Editor: Dear City Council: As restaurant owners on - Main Street we are not only very concerned about the problems that Mr. Jannott brought up in his letter to the City Council dated September Septem-ber 30. 1981 . but are even more concerned about the lack of response to the letter. If we were to write a letter to the City Council what would happen to that letter? Would we be ignored as Mr. Jannott was? Quoting from Mr. Jannott's letter dated Sept. 30: "A response to these thoughts would be greatly appreciated." appreciat-ed." Lloyd Stevens Claimjump-er, Claimjump-er, Joseph E. Bernalfo Black Pearl, Terry Jannott Janeaux's, James W. Cann Prospector Sirloin Club, Mickey James Cowboy Bar); Sherwin Baron Eating Establishment!, Est-ablishment!, Pamela Sonn-tag Sonn-tag Cafe Ritz, Mark W. Stemler, Trudy A. Piva Janueauxs, The Cimarron, Otto Mileti MiletPs, Dan Kuhisik and Ronald Purdorn (Texas Reds Car 19, Jo Puckett (Carbide Lamp, Phil Thalman Utah Coal and Lumber Restaurant and The Club. |