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Show COUNTY POLITICS TAKE A DEFINITE FORM TOMORROW TWO CONVENTIONS CALLED IN BEAVER ONLY HOUR APART The political pot in Beaver County has been seething for the past few days and will begin to boil this coming Saturday. On that day, will be held the county conventions of both Republican Re-publican and Democrats, meeting in Beaver only an hour apart- County Chairman George Jefferson got out a call for the Republican meet th;s week which will be held at Beaver at ten o'clock Saturday morning. morn-ing. Democrat County Chairman Abe Mnrdock has called the Bourbons to meet in Reaver at 11 o'clock. The Republican Re-publican will assemble 49 delegates, with 13 from Milford; Democrats will gather to the number of 48, with 17 of these from Milford. L. G. Clay is Republican precinct -baivman. He has called a primary to meet at the I. O. O. F. hall Friday evening at 8 o'clock. Precinct delegates dele-gates for the county meet will be chosen at that time. The dates of he G. O. P. convention and primary were set by the county committee, meeting in M. P. Lewis' office, Monday Mon-day evening. Democrat delegates from here were selected last night at a meeting in the same lodge rooms. The vacancies in county offices to be filled at the general election this year are those of Beaver county state representative; County commissioner for four years and one for two years; and the office of countv attorney. Locally, the situation is almost entirely en-tirely rumors. Saturday will definitely definit-ely see the candidates named. About us, in other counties of this judicial district, we learn that former State Senator Hirschi of Hurricane, will be onposed in the race for legislature by Bishop E. R. Frei. of Santa Clara, runnimr on the Democratic ticket. Tndsre T- H. Burton of Nephi, whom Milford Renublicans supported wholeheartedly whole-heartedly in the judicial primaries, seems to have little opposition for the legislature on the Republican ticket. Countv Republican policies will be threshed out in Salt Lake today at a meeting of county chairman and vice-chairman. vice-chairman. George Jefferson and Mrs. Anne J. Atkin have gone to Salt Lake to represent Beaver county at this meeting. |