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Show CONCRETE IS ALL POURED TODAY STREET CAN BE OPENED UP BY OCTOBER 15th Today will see the end of the pour- i intr of concrete for the main street and its curbs. Nothing remains for the contractors to do beyond a little leaning up, dressing up the approaches ap-proaches to the pavement, and moving out their equipment. Inspector W. S. Wilson, of Provo, Jeeves today for Salt Lake. His work will take him to Los Angeles for the winter. Before leaving he said that the town had come as near getting exact specifications of the job as had any town in Utah which put in paving. The specifications are such that will assure Milford a lasting and good WVing pavement. The streets, curbs and pavement, should be in shape to open up by a vo"k from today, although October 15 is the date generally counted upon. Lights The standards for the ornamental street lights have been shipped but hove not, as yet arrived. It will only tr-.ke four or five days to put them in j p'.'ice when they do come. The Tellu-j Tellu-j ride Power company has gone as far is " "in, pending the arrival of the "oh '. Cables and anchor plates anil ; I holts :ve in. There will be fifteen I lirht standards in all, with a single j bulb. j |