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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, JULY 2, 1931 East Garland i and salt, and freeze to a mush. Add cream, whipped, and peach puree. Fin j ish freezing rapilly. Prepare the puree ' by slicing fresh peaches, adding lemon juice and rubbing through a seive. This recipe makes ten to twelve servings. These are only two of the many delicious summer desserts that tend to make the evening meal exceptionally pleasing and a very nourishing one. ! Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bjorklund, of Ogden, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Larson Sunday. In the afternoon Mrs. T. W. Innes, of Garland and Mrs. Alice Jensen, of Ogden, call- ed at the Larson home. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Hansen visited relatives in Salt Lake City Sunday. Stake President G E. Smith attended sacrament meeting Sunday and gave a very splendid talk on gospel belief. Willard Hansen and Mr. and Mrs. Truelson, of Salt Lake City called on Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Sorensen Thurs Mrs. Sorensen accompanied day. them to Logan in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Hansen and children motored to Ogden Friday and visited relatives. Their little niece, Berniee Boeslund, accompanied them hotnfor a short visit. Mvand Mrs. Joseph Laws of Malad aAsTSfr. and Mrs. John Call of Salt Lak Uity visited with Mr. and Mrs. James Miller, Sunday. Miss Lillis Jensen of Brigham City visited her cousin, Miss Verda John son, Tuesday. Mrs. J. W. Larson, daughter, Clar issa and Mrs. Eric Northman and children of Garland and Mrs. Judith Taylor of Los Angeles, motored to Logan Wednesday and visited rela tives and friends. Wednesday evening the Sunday School class, under the supervision of their teacher, Miss Ardes Adams, had a jolly camp fire party on the Bear River where they played games and roasted wieners and marshmallows. Miss Rhoda Larson entertained Wed nesday afternoon at a prettily appoint ed lawn party, complimentary to her cousin, little Miss Julia Smith, of Salt Lake City. Directed games were enjoyed. Luncheon was served from small tables on the lawn. The favors were rose bud cups containing the mints. Eight little friends were guests. Edmund Shuman of Penrose, assisted his brother-in-laand James Miller with farm work this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Hansen and to Blacksmith Fork where C. J. enjoyed his favorite sport, fishing. A close game of baseball was played here Saturday between Thatcher and the local team, the score being 6 to 7 in favor of East Garland. Miss Mavis Hansen is the proud posessor of a new Elgin bicycle. Mrs. Odell Julander, of Logan, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. '. S. Hansen - When You Think HARDWARE THINK WILSON "Everything To Build Anything" ; Phone 11 Unlimited Money fTTTTTTTTTITTTITTTTTTTTTTYTr5 and Rudy and Alvin Bowcutt went to Provo Sunday. r i Miss Ruth Forsberg returned home 'I Sunday from visiting in Salt Lake Mrs. T. R. Welling and Mrs. Karl with her sister, Mrs. Herald Peterson Welling were i i Brigham Tuesday. Miss Joey Petersen accompanied Ruth Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Capener and home and is "visiting with her grand son, Howard and daughter. Peg, went parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Forsberg. to Centerville, Sunday, to attend the Mrs. Jesse Davis entertained at a funeral of Elliott Smith. . children's party Tuesday for her son, Mrs. Gilbert Tirgey and small Ray. daughter returned to Centerville with The married men and the single men the Capeners after spending a week played ball Sunday afternoon. A good hkti with Mrs. Russell Capener. crowd turned out to see the game. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Richards and The married men were victorious. llie family of Jesse Davis attended daughter, Phyllis, also attended the Smith funeral at Centerville, Sunday a birthday party at North Garlnnd Mr, and Mrs. J. O. Hadfkld and Sunday for Mr, Davis mother. Jex Capener, of Salt Lake, is tX tlw daughters, Fay and Doiis, were in home of his brother, Lelard. Brigham Friday. The J. H. Ward family vent to Mrs. Jce Forsberg is ill at her home here. Blue Creek Sunday to visit with lit. Mr3. Henry Swenson and baby, of! and Mrs. Ora Hyer. Miss Afton Welling of Brigham acSalt, Lake are visiting at the George Bowcutt home. companied by some friends called on in Riverside, Sunday. Mrs. Francis Hess of Farmington is relati-eMrs. Jesse Anderson went to Brighere with her mother, Mrs. Francis ' Tubbs. ham Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm Bowcutt visited Miss Evelyn Orton of Provo and at the home of Mrs. Jennie Bronson of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jones of Malad, Tremonton. were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Davis made a Jesse Anderson. business trip to Malad Saturday. Miss Luella Smith of Plymouth j W. C. Parke of Ogden was trans-- , spent last week as guests of her cousacting business in Riverside Friday of ins, lone and Nina Udy. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Udy were in last week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Forsberg, Miss Brigham on business Monday. Beth Macfarlane, Miss Ruth Forsberg Riverside i t - H Have yonr clclhes cleaned and pressed at U.S. CLEANERS Phone 37 and we will be glad to have our driver call OUR WORK IS ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED s to LOAN on Irrigated Land. 6 cent. No commissions. per JOHN J.SHUMWAV Phones: B. R. V. 69.a-2- ; Bell, 129 PAGE THREE U. S. CLEANERS Tremonton J m$L xxxxx xxxxxxj Utah mn x ii w fam-J'ijiotor- ed COLD DESSERTS F OR HOT DAYS By Betty Barclay NEW MAS - :o: the mercury is flirting with the top of the thermometer one natur When ally thinks of cooling drinks, ice cream crisp salads, and cold puddings or whips. There is a tendency which is quite excusable on the part of the average housewife to prepare a meal with as little effort as possible. Perhaps she would like to serve a cold dinner, but in most cases the men of the house in sist very stronely upon a hot meal. They cannot quite convince themselves that good oldfashioned meat and potatoes should be eliminated at the main " of the day. There is no particular reason, how ever, why any woman should spent the entire afternoon in the heat, baking pies or puddings for dessert. A cold dessert, if properly made, will be ap predated by any normal man or wo man. As for the children, they always appreciate a dessert of this kind no matter what time of the year it is served. Try to have this cold dessert a one. A healthful and pudding, whip, or cream, containing-milksugar and fruit, furnishes plenty of calories, plenty of minerals and salts, and plenty of those health-gi- v ing vitamins. Incidentally, through a dessert of this kind many a mother has learned how to furnish her children with the milk which they may refuse to drink in the form of plain milk. As milk is an almost perfest food for children, such a dessert will prove extremely valuable in the child's summer diet. For instance, try making a lemon Delieht for dessert at dinner. One cup of milk, one cup of light cream, M teaspion lemon extract, a few drops of lemon yellow color if desired, three tablespoons sugar, one junket tablet, and one tablespoon cold water are the nlv ingredients' necessary. Put the junket tablet in a cup with the cold water. Crush with a spoon to dissolve thoroughly. Add sugar to milk and not cream, and warm to lukewarm hot. Add lemon extract and color. Then add the dissolved junket tablet, stirring a few seconds. Pour imme diately into individual dessert glasses and let stand in a warm room undis turbed until firm about ten minutes Chill before serving. If you desire an even colder dessert try for a novelty, an ice cream made with junket. You will have an economical, creamer ice cream with less cream. One junket tablet, one table' spoon cold water, one pint milk, one cup sugar, Vi pint cream, two cups peach puree, two tablespoons lemon juice. Put the junket tablet in a cup with one tablespoon cold water. Crush to dissolve thoroughly. Add sugar to milk and warm until lukewarm not hot. Remove from stove. Add dis- Mlved junket tablet? pour into freeter can. Let stand until firm, pack in ice well-balanc- ed r u iNT-JCOM- D OF LUXURIOUS MOTORING, INCLUDING AND OTHER NEW BSSBNTIALS "SILBNCB ENGINEERING" Sound-Proofe- d Bodies Sound-Proofe- d Chassis , s v. HUS Sound - Proofed Spring Hangers and Shackles Sound-Proofe- d Chassis Bearings Powerful Quiet, New Performance Twin Ignition with Twin Carburetion and Twin Manifolding Crankshafts 9 and New Beauty of Appointment Engineered to Endure Beyond Ordinary Car Lifo a From $795 to $2025 fcLr V vih low $998 ww $2326) Demonstrations Now Going On Listen to thb Nash Paradb op Progress and Bandmaster Max Bendix, Official of the Chicago tpjj trows Fair, and btt band. Coashto-toas- t, Tuesday Even'mt over NBC Network, p.oo Eastern Daylight Sarmg Time Heitz & Wimzeler Auto Co, PHONE 16 M TREMONTON, UTAH |