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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, JULY 2, 1931 - 4 Miss Blanche Thompson and Mist Lois Peterson entertained a number of girl friends Thursday evening At 4 the 4 s homo of Dr. and Mrs. T. E. en in compliment to Miss Julia . He Boy Scouts are enjoying this Moore. Games were the diversion of week at Camp KeiseL Delicious refreshments the evening. The Garland Tremonton Literary " dub members were entertained Wed- were served. Bob Caddie of Salt Lake City was nesday afternoon of last week at the According: honlast week at the home of Mr. a in Mrs. guest Louis Peterson of M. Mrs. Caddie. Gar-" and J. of Mrs. H. I Moore who left Uad Friday. Ten members and the Mr. and Mrs. William Cullimore and ruests were present." Mrs. family left Tuesday to spend a few People of the Tremonton trade ter" foUoving ' The Plan Harrjr awinyard, Mrs. M. E. Andrus, days in Pleasant Grove. ritory are going to take advantage of The double mixed quartet and part the big special cooperative Mrs J. H. Kirkham and Mrs. James bargain During this limited program one Walton, ox Tremonton. a- aencious ners enjoyed a swimming party at the event sponsored by a group of proof scrip will be given by the pat Junbheon was served on the lam. Hot piece IJdy Springs Thursday evening. gressive local merchants. Turn to anMr. and Mrs. .Sterling Huish and other xv Mr Wanlr HiKha will nnm an -' page of this paper and find ticipating merchants with each dollar date drug1 store within a few days, Mrs. F. A. Driggs motored to Salt the large advertisement containing the cash purchase or on each dollar paid Lake City Thursday to attend the fun special values to be offered in Tre- on account. The oa the G. G. Sweeten corner. ; object is. to accumuMr. Baker, a late as much of this scrip as possible Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lillywhite had eral services held for monton, August 15th. It's going to be worth while to come which will be used instead of currency as their week end guests, Mr. and brother of Mrs. F. A. Black. Mr. John Benson is spending a week to Tremonton and Mrs. W. B. Barnard, of Ogden. take advantage of in the purchase of valuable merchan two in California. the savings offered on needed season- dise to be put up at auction on Aug - Mrs. M. D. Peters, of Brigham City, orThe Relief Society and Daughters of spent Wednesday of last week at the the Pioneers entertained Thursday af able items of merchandise for the two ust l,th. The scrip is the only cur Come to Tremonton where your rency accepted at the sale. A list Mrs. and home of her parents, Pres. ternoon in honor of Mrs. H. L. Moore days. dollar will go farther. of the merchandise to be auctioned off J. humway. An interesting program was given and The special a part in this manner will be published in an are bargain days refreshments served. of the THRIFT SCRIP Plan sponsor- earlv issue of the Leader. Watch for Mrs. Eugene Bone and daughter, ed by a number of Tremonton mer it. In the meantime be sure and ask Violet and Mrs. Earl Bone and chil- chants. Ask for THRIFT SCRIP your merchant for Thrift Scrip when dren were Ogden visitors Friday. when you make your purchases, and ever you make a cash purchase or pay Mrs. H. L. Moore and laughter, accumulate all can for the mer- an account. If you wish to know more Julia and Helen left Friday to make chandise auctionyousale to b held at of the details, ask your merchant and their home in Clearfield, Davis County the close of the The "Fourth" comes 15. he will be glad to tell you. campaign, August NeMr. Moore left some time ago for on Saturday. Our vada where he is employed. ' store will be closed j moving in this direction when three F. S. Peck made a business trip to B. F. all day. We have of this organi2ation producmembers Sathome Salt Lake Friday, returning made big prepara- - ' ed the first ton litters ever produced urday. tions to take care of in Utah, in the fall of 1928. R. A. Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Winters of Salt Laka City are visiting here at the your food require- - ; This year, as in years past, the Bear Christensen, Jr., Future Farmer, of home of Mr. Winters' parents, Mr. ments for the two j River Future Farmers are very much Tremonton, is credited with producting Mrs. Winters. and L, 0. On holidays days. interested in the production of ton Utah's first official ton litter, when The members of the the families appetite litters of pigs and so for 9 litters of on September 6, 1928, his litter of 11 Bridge club enjoyed a swim purebred Duroc Jerseys weighel 260 is always more keen. and breakfast at the Udy Springs Sun pigs have been marked up as pros- pounds. Delon Didericksen, of Thatchpective ton litters. day morning. er and Virgil Weidman, of Bear River Keith Driggs left Saturday for CalThe ton litter idea was inaugurated City were the other two Future Farmifornia to be gone a week or two. by Prof. Wiley of Purdue University, ers producing ton litters in 1928. Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Sweeten motor- Indiana, back in 1920, when he con Our market has Future Farmers, of Bear River ed to Holbrook, Idaho, Sunday. ceived the idea that better breeding, made unusual pre- V Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Holmgren and better feeding and earlier marketing Chapter, in 1929, also lead out in ton parations to please family, were Logan visitors, Sunday. of pigs meant greater hog profits, so litter production with four out of ten in not only lunch in F. Millan Peck made a business trip he started the work through the Ex-- j litters produced in Utah. Again ' meats but also in to Salt Lake City Tuesday. tension Division of the Purdue school 1900 they led all others with 5 out Mrs. J. W. Chambers and son, Max, and laid down rules for the hams, leg of lamb, contest; of 10 produced in the state. It is V' and roasts. You'll were Ogden visitors Wednesday night which is that the litter of all of pigs hasj hrra significant to note that and Thurdsay. been need both the r vw have ton tlift litters n vrtr f Lt: UICIJ.IIU official Utah's I'll tUC Dl.J ii.ilU Mr. and Mrs P. C. Petterson and ed varieties and the disinterested" produced by Future Farmers with the a after birth, day by daughters, Florence, May and Char-len) . roasts. Our men will who shall also witness the weigh possible exception of one case. motored to Pocatello, Idaho, Sun- party be glad to offer sug- the pigs on the ISOth day after1 This year the ton litter rules have of ing day. , two the for The litter (exclusive of the been changed. In six months time birth. gestions Roosendaal Mr. and Mrs. Frank must sow) weigh at least a ton at some of the best fed litters averaged days supply spent Sunday in Logan and Brigham to be called a this time 275 and 2S0 pounds, per pig, which City. at-in the is too hoavy for prime market hogs, Miss Delia Hall left Saturday to ; It was thought by farmers Large Choice corn belt that it was quite impossible so the time has been cut to 150 days tend business college in Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Barfus and small to make the ton goal in swine producEach son, Eldeen, motored to Lava Hot tion, but soon they changed their Springs Monday to attend a family re- minds, for numerous ton litters were Fresh Butter Crisp We are now open with a union. produced the first year. Later ton and Mrs. H. Daley, of Snowville, was a half litters were produced, then the Chips general line of jewelry. n mark was reached and it is guest last week at the home of Mr. Large Size and Mrs. C. D. Barfus. We cordially invite your significant to note that the world's Mr. Wallace Wise was an Ogden Fancy Large largest ton litter to date was produced patronage, and your associvisitor Saturday. by Raliegh Farms of Indiana, when ation. Mrs. Ira Girley and children, of Og- the 17 purebred Poland China pigs in .. Dozen den, visited with relatives and friends thi3 litter weighed 5117 pounds or 301 Watch Repairing Is Our here Thursday. Pierces Three pigs pig. per average pound Miss Francis Knott who is attendSpecialty of this litter weighed 1068 pounds, on summer school at the U. S. A. C, ing 18th the day. Medium Can ............. spent the week end with her parents, Other states soon saw the advan-- J HAS NO EQUAL Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knott. Utah Garland Millan Peck and Frank Riser made tage of ton litter production and spon- Arrow ; a business trip to Brigham City Mon- sored the work. The Bear River Chapter of Future Farmers started the ball day. Idacalled to Mrs. Vern Bishop was Quart Bottle ho Falls Monday on account of the serious illness of her father. QV Mr. J. J. Thompson spent Monday : Pint Bottle -- .. i and Tuesday in Ogden. Minced Ham The Bishop family reunion will be held Saturday and Sunday in Logan 1 canyon. A Pound Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Hodges, of Lo. J ... i., ..I, gan, spent a few days this week at the home of Mrs. Hodges, parents, Mr. Pound and Mrs. Lewis Lillywhite. The James Thompson family reunFancy Heifer ion will be held at the Girls Home in Logan canyon Saturday and Sunday, None Better lb V July 4th and 5th. 'jHirr . r Garland Personals THRIFTY FOLKS WILL PROFIT BY - SAVINGS OFFERED THIS WEEK Bet-en- Tremonton Merchants Have Unusual Specials To The This Week Announcement bat ,:r . UD-t- . J 4TH OF JULY R. P. Active In Ton Litter Production j Garland-Tre-mont- on , Lunch Meats f- . IA IK. vsa - 1 74-- X I e, ; .? ton-litte- r. Kft Cantaloupe All Business Houses German Remedy Stops Constipation Will Be Closed Saturday, 30-Ye- ar "For SO years I had a bad stomach and constipation. Souring food from stomach choked me. .Since taking I am a new woman. Constipation !s thing of the past. Alice - ' , Bums. Most remedies reach only lower' bow eL That is why you must take them often. But this simple German remedy Adlerika washes out BOTH upper and lower boweL It brings out all gas and rids you of poison you would never believe was in your system. Even the FIRST Dose will surprise you. Sold by Scott Drug Company, Tremonton, Utah. (Adv.) July 4th. Ad-leri- ka flovie Star Is Also Idol of Radio Fans . and the litter must weigh at least 1750 pounds, to be called a ton litter. Bear River Future Farmers with litters marked up for the ton litter contest are as follows: Clinton Hill, Bear River City, 9 pig3 Daniel Perkins, Wheelon, 10 pigs; Or-e-n Summers, Eothwell, 9 pigs; Arlo Summers, Both well, 10 pigs; Clem Anderson, Bothwell, 23 pigs (2 litters); Glen Archibald, Plymouth, 9 pigs; Del bert Firth, Bothwell, 9 pigs; Voss Ward, Riverside, 10 pigs. - Besides these bovs with ton litters twenty-nin- e other boys of the voca tional Agriculture Department, of Bear River Hieh School projects. Up to date 35 sows belonging to these boys have farrowed, with 258 pigs saved, or an average of 7.3 pigs saved per litter. It is hoped that at the Fourth An. nual Ton Litter Sale to be held at Ogden, next September, that Rmr Pivr Chapter will be well represented with pigs in tne sale. nS Motion piciu.-- fins, mown devotees ot iiete Daniels, especial Interest lr. the cosictM or f.;tro-polit- an Everett Marshall th? yo ot the r.r.lst en:, bant Opera Acwatcr Kent Kaa.c "our Sunday, e .:-- ty se'.ected 3 was especially to play opposite Miss iunlcls in her famous p;cturs production. "Dixmna." Uarjlial! also s.mg In the motion pic31 Ii-:ia- !! ty RSO ture productions of Victor Hercert's T3abes In To; land" and In a Canadian northwest picture. "Hearts of the Rockies." uiisne If sc you will want our prices on the Lumber and Hardware that will go into your home, barn coop or any other building. WE CAN FURNISH YOUR EVERY NEED LUMBER HARDWARE " SPEED MACHINERY QUEEN " : Potato : Lemons Ifirf Electric Washer two-to- and OQw f Pork and Beans W J. W. LEWIS Pickles QQw Pickles 0 HCEOMAHC All Electric Refrigerator Farmers' Cash Union "Your Good Will Our Best Asset" Bologna S m i. ,i in ,Wieners iKg VV Roasts i OBSreftCGS fOOOV QtlVU97p jmon "A Surety of Purity" 7 Mr. and Mrs. Gough and Mrs. E. L. Mathews were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Hansen, Sunday. A lovely time was enjoyed by all. CAN YOU BE Mariti Oncn Air dance navillion being erected here. BOTHERED? M SWIM for If you miss the ditch, the hot and dirty job of changing the "flat" will still delay ydu. Can you be bothered with old tires when we are selling new Goodyears for so little? Head for our place and let us show you why the smartest buyers in town trade here. SweU service, too i Just try us. HEALTH WEEK July 6 to 12 M Saving test will be at the M GOODYEAR A swimming expert who has passed the Red Cross Life t UDY HOT SPRINGS to give free swimming lessons during this week. PATHFINDER A becoming house frock is a decided asset when doing household tasks. 98c and $1.95 They make you feel fresh and alert they start the day right for you and their lovely colors keep you that way. All sizes equally lew. Save on tubes, too. 4.40-2- 1 (29x4.40) KM (30x430) (28x473) U9 1UI fit UJt 430-2- 1 165 198 837 12J0 25X0 UM 2770 5140 4JS-1- 9 SjOO-1- 9 &25-2- 1 530-1- 9 (29x5X0) (31x5.25) (29x530) 30x3 Kj Rcf. CL M Learn to swim at these delightful springs clean and wholesome recreation M that furnish nXXXXIXXXTXIITYXIITIYXYYY! WE GIVE SCRIP 8J0 4J9 16J0 1730 834 2120 34X0 17X8 FRONK CHEVROLET CO. Phone 20 Tremonton |