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Show PAGE sn BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, JULY 2, 1931 C imarron By EDNAiFERBER Copyright by Edna Ferktr.l WND Bcrrtc. Hons, tender, charming ai only he could be. From the shelter of ber husband's arms Sabra looked about the cozy room, smiled wanly upon her children. "That," she thought to herself, bathing her eyes, smoothing her hair, and coming pale and wistful to the table, her Up quivering with a fin:il effective sigh, "settles that", I'iit it did not September actually saw Yancey making ready to go. Nothing that Sabra could say, nothing tlit: I fihe could do, served to stop him. She even negotiated for a little strip of farm land outside the town of Osage and managed to get Yancey to make a in the hope that this payment on would keep him from the Run. "If it's land you want yon can stay here and farm the piece at Tuskamingo. You can raise cattle on it You can breed horses on It" Sabra, who at first had paid little heed to these political problems, discovered that she must know something of them as protection against those times (increasingly frequent) when Yancey was absent and she must get out the paper, with only the uncertain aid of Jesse Rickey. Sabra came borne one afternoon from a successful and stirring meeting of the Twentieth Century Philoma-thea- n Culture club (the two had now formed a pleasing whole) at which she had read a paper entitled, "Whither Oklahoma T It had been received with much applause on the part of Osage's twenty most exclusive ladies, who bad heard scarcely a word of it, their minds being intent on Sabra's new dress. She had worn it for the first time at the club meeting, and it was a bombshell far exceeding any tumult that her paper might create. Her wealthy Cousin Bella French Vlan, visiting the World's fair in Chi cago, nau sent it. it consisted or a blue serge skirt, cut wide and flaring at the hem but snug at the hips; a waist-lengt- h blue serge Eton Jacket trimmed with black soutache braid; and a garment called a shirtwaist to be worn beneath the jacket But asas all this tonishing revolutionary was, it was not the thing that caused the eyes of feminine Osage to bulge with envy and despair. The sleeves! The sleeves riveted the atteatlon of those present, to the utter neglect of "Whither Oklahoma?" The balloon sleeve now appeared for the first time In the Oklahoma territory, sponsored by Mrs. Yancey Cravat. They were bouffant enormous ; a yard of material at least had gone into each of them. Every woman present was, in her mind, tearing to rag strips, bit by bit every gown in her own scanty wardrobe. Sabra returned home, flushed, elated. She entered by way of the newspaper office, seeking Yancey's approval. Curtseying and dimpling she stood before him. She wanted him to see the new costume before she must thriftily take it off for the preparation of supper. Yancey's comment, as she pirouetted for his approval, infuriated her. "Good G d! Sleeves Let the squaws see those and they'll be throw- - it Bed Feather, a quiet gentle girl who Yancey shook his head, ne took no went about the bouse in ber calico Interest in the farm. September, the dress and moccasins and had to be month of the opening of the vast told everything over again, dully. Cherokee strip, saw him well on his Isaiah was beginning to be too big for way. Clm howled to be taken along, these duties. He was something of a and would not be consoled for days. problem In the household. At the sugSabra's farewell was Intended to be gestion that he be sent back to Wichcold. Her heart, she told herself, wa? ita he set up a howling and walling breaking. The change that these last and would not be consoled until both four years had made in her never was Sabra and Yancey assured him that more apparent than now. be might remain with them forever. "You felt the same way when I went When Jesse Rickey was too drunk to off to the first Run," Yancey reminded 4 stand at the type case and Yancey her. "Remember? You carried on was off on some legal matter, he slowJust one degree less than your mother. ly and painstakingly helped Sabra to And if I hadn't gone you'd still be make possible the weekly issue of the living In the house in Wichita, with rrOMETIMES nature laughs eating it? Pineapple is a powerful Southern Fried Chicken with PineOklahoma Wigwam. your family smothering you In Southat those who seek metals in aid to digestion and helps one to apple Wheels: Drain Sabra, in a pinch, even tried her syrup from ern fried chicken and advice." There the ground to make them take care of rich protein foods. a No. t;Z!J can sliced Hawaiian pineunaccustomed hand at an occasional was much truth In this, she had to ad tWffl rich, and ignore the bounty That's because pineapple contains apple. Add a two-inc- h stick of cineditorial, though Yancey seldom failed mit. She melted ; clung to him. . 01 ine earui wnicn, with a bromelin. This makes this namon. Boil three minutes, then fact her utterly in this department. A little care, is constantly renewing golden fruit an excellent accompani- add "Yancey ! Yancey 1" pineapple slices and set aside rival newspaper set up quarters across Wait till you see hscii, to produce wealth tor patient ment to meats. It's the bromelin until cool. Drain and chill. Fry nuie, sugar. street the cultivators of the soil, and foods for in the pineapple served witU meats and, for two or three Cini and Donna, five years from now, enough chicken for eight in the months, kept up a feeble pretense of minions. which aids in the digestion of them, usual Southern fashion and pile in riding the Cravat acres." So was existence. Yancey's editorials, during it with those sons of besides adding a tang and a taste the center of a large silver platter. After all, a hundred other men In this period, were extremely personal. Spain who came to the new world to them that everyone likes. Around the chicken arrange a borOsage were going to make the Chero for gold, and who, when they failed And now one may have all the der of eight lettuce leaves, using But it was Sabra who held the womkee Strip Run. The town the whole to find it, went home in disgust pineapple one wants. Increased pro- deep en readers with her accounts of the leaves. Place a territory had talked of nothing else neglecting the unrivalled opportun- duction in the Hawaiian Islands has pineapple wheel in each and make a real loaf, coleslaw, baked beans, and fcr months. ities for riches through colonization. not only made available a deal rosette of mayonnaise in the center angel-foo- d cake served at the church She dried her eyes. She even man The Conquistadores wanted to get more pineapple than in great of each. Serves eight, and provides previous and the somewhat touching supper, rich quick, and, when they didn't years, but the price of this aged a watery smile. He was making both the meat course and the salad. tropical decorations and costumes worn at the wild-eyed the Run on a brilliant, mare many of them pulled up baby pine- fruit has been lowered so that the a local of or wedding county belle. Pineapple Desserts named Cimarron, with a strain of apple slips because they had grown Iwusewife may use it as lavishly as to love the luscious tropical fruit she pleases, with meats, to make If, in the quarter of a century that Pineapple and Banana Ice Cream : Spanish in her for speed and grace, which they , could not get in their cakes, griddle cakes, waffles, decora- Scald together three cups evaporated followed, every trace of the settling of and a strain of American mustang for own the Oklahoma country had been lost, country, and went home to try tive gelatin salads and desserts, milk, six cups thin cream, two and endurance. The start was made short and grow that fruit under glass, as frozen and otherwise, or she cups sugar, and cool. excepting only the numbers of the iy after sunrise so as to make progress may Add one No. it does not grow easily in a tem- serve the 2 can crushed HaOklahoma Wigwam, there still would of wheel golden pineapple before the heat of the day. But a waiian and one cup mashed climate. perate pineapple in a nave been left a clear and inclusive delicious swimming cavalcade awoke them before dawn Had they remained there and nicely chilled, for an extra syrup, banana pulp, and freeze. Serves record of the lives, morals, political "ritzy" with a of and seized this priceless opportunity, dessert in twenty-fou- r. every sense but price. and social and economic workings of a blood-ri1Hdories of cowhoy yip. Pineapple Cherry Bavarian: Soak thriving pineapple today's industry Here some are interesting ways this bizarre community. Week by The escoit roiie with Yancey and the niig'ut have been theirs. For a ripe of serving pineapple with meat and two tablespoons gelatin in one-ha- lf week, month by month, the reader others for a distance out on the plains. Heat to boiling cup cold water. pineapple is a luscious fruit and some frozen desserts. ould have noticed in its columns the juice from one bottle today's Hawaiian pineapple industry Sabra, at the last minute, had the whatever of progress was being made green mint cherries, one and one-ha- lf puts that ripe pineapple into a can, family horse hitched to the buggy, With Meat Pineapple' so that it will reach its millions In this fantastic slice of the republic d cups crushed pineapple, bundled Clm and Donna in with her, of devotees with all of its natural Pineapple Meat Cakes: Add one f the United States. cup sugar, one tablespoon and Isaiah hanging on behind, somfruit sugar, its vitamins, its flavor slightly beaten egg to one pound of lemon juice and pour over gelatin, Sabra, except for Yancey's growing ehowthe prim Utile vehicle bumped and its unusual appetite producing chopped round steak, and mix well. stirring until dissolved. Color a light and reeled Its wy over the prairie restlessness, was content enough. The Add one and th taste. teaspoons green and cool. When starting to ehildren were well ; the paper was In road the wak" f the departing ad salt teaspoon pepper, set add cherries cut in pieces and The Taste's The Thing; venturers. prospering; she had her friends; the one cup crushed pineapple and one-ha- lf one cup whipped cream and pour Have you ever noticed that house had taken on an aspect of comAt the last Sabra threw the reins cup crumbs. Form into round, into individual molds to harden. "more" taste about pineapple ? flat cakes and fort; they had added another to Isaiah, sprang from the buggy, ran broil in a hot Unmold and garnish with whipped That as yoo eat it you feel some-bo- w skillet. Makes pan She was, in a way, a leader in to Yancey as he pulled up his horse. eighteen medium cream and bits of angelica. Serves as though you could keep oo calces. "c j the crude social life of the comHe bent far over in his saddlo, picked eight munity. Church suppers; sewing soher up in one great arm, held her cieties ; family picnics. close while he kissed her long and arday" evening, returning Monday a severe attack of gall stones Monday Mr. and Mrs. One thing rankled deep. Yancey hard. E. R. Winzeler and fom-il- y, had been urged to accept the office of morning. is a little improved at this time. ' Mr .and Mrs. E. O. Winzeler and "Sabra, come with me. Let's get territorial delegate to congress (with clear away from this." family and A. C. Winzeler, returned out vote) and had refused. All sorts Mrs. Carl Nelson, who has been vis "You've gone crazy I The children I" Mr. and Mrs. Dave Stander spent Tuesday from a trip to the Yellowof territorial political positions were "The children, too. All of ns. Come iting her daughter, Mrs. Clifford several days during the week in Poca-tell- o stone Park. held out to him. The city of Guthrie, on. Now." His eyes were blazing. Beard, returned to her home in Provo Lava and Hot Springs. capital of the territory, wooed him in "Good G d! Sleeves." She saw that he actually meant It A Friday. Mr. Paul Heitz was a business aln. He laughed at political posisudden premonition shook her. in Salt Lake City, Saturday. Mrs. ing away their papoose boards and Frank and tion, rejected all offers of public naMrs. Taylor sister, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hunsaker of "Where are you going? Where are Elmer ture. Now he was being offered the using the new fashion for carrying you Anderson are in for a Ogden going?" Honeyville. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Al few their babies, one in each sleeve." position of governor of the territory. days. He set her down gently and was len and Domont, were guests at the Richfield Richfield Body and the His oratory, his dramatic quality, his very latest thing in off, turned "They're Clifford Vance in his to saddle home, halfway Sunday. Mr. record in many affairs, including the Chicago. Cousin Bella French Vlan N. H. Maughn, of Gepharts Shop opened for business. face her, his white sombrero held store, and Mrs. Maughn, returned Sun;Pegler murder and the shooting of the wrote that they'll be even fuller than aloft In his hand, his Bids wMl be called in Mrs. Nephi who black George suffered Crozier, curling this, by autumn." iKid, had spread his fame even beyond day from Logan where they have been locks tossing In the Oklahoma breeze. for construction of local post the Southwest "By. autumn,! echoed Yancey. He , spending their vacation. f Five before she years saw building. passed held in his hand a slip of paper. Later Oh, Yancey I" Sabra thought of the she knew that it was a telegram one him again. enables, the Marcys, the Vlans, the Ooforths. At last her choice of a of the few telegraphic messages which (To Be Continued) mate was to be vindicated. Governor I the Wljrwam's somewhat sketchy service ; Presireceived. "Listen, sugar. But Yancey shook his great head. dent Cleveland's Just issued a proc;There waa no moving him. He would lamation setting September sixteenth on the stump to make others ;go for the opening of the Cherokee strip." and governors, but he him"Cherokee atrip?" , self would not take office. "PalaverMr. and Mrs. Radcliffe Henrie an "Six million, three hundred thousand ing to a lot of greasy office seekers nounce the arrival of a baby girl, Sunand panhandlers I Dancing to the acres of Oklahoma land to be opened at the Valley Hospital. day morning for white settlement. The tune of that gang In Washington I I government has bought it from the Cherokees. It know the whole dirty lot of them." Mr. and Mrs. R, C. Stoddard, of was all to be theirs all Oklahoma. Restless. Moody. Irritable.' Riding Now they're pushing them farther and Garfield, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. GARLAND-TREMONTO- N into the prairies to be gone for CO. farther out" Guy Johnson, Friday and Saturday. days. Coming back to regale Clm "Good thing." snapped Sabra, still 'with stories of evenings spent on this Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Winzeler and cross about the matter of or that far-of- f reservation, - smoking Indifference to her costume. Yancey's family, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Winzeler Indians. and talking with Chief Big Ilorse of I She raised her arms to Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sommer and Mrs. the Cherokees, with Chief Buffalo Who cared her John Sommer left Wednesday for Yelhat. unpin of Hide the Chlckasaws, with old ; rose from his desk, ne lowstone Park. Yancey Black Kettle of the Osage. . turned his rare full gaze on her, his But he was not always like this. handsome Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wadsworth and eyes aglow. "Honey, let's There were times when his old fiery out of this. Clubs, sleeves, church Josephine, spent get Saturday and Sunday eplrlt took possession. He entered the suppers W I Let's get our hundred m Idaho Falls. fight for the Stathnnf nt ntrlahnm. and sixty acre allotment of Cherokee territory, and here he encountered od- - I strip land and start a ranch raise Chris Hansen of Preston was in Tre even for him. He was cattle live In the position enough ride this monton, on business Tuesday. open Ifor the consolidation of the Oklahoma town life is no good it's hideous." territory and the Indian territory un-'dHer arms fell, leaden, to her side. Mrs. Mamie Gorringe received word single statehood. The thousands power that lies within a "Ranch? Where?" who were opposed to the Indians that her mother, Mrs. Cornel-ison- , Tuesday not "lou're bank account to open the listening. There's to be of Bancroft, Idaho, was very ill (who looked upon them as savages a new Run. The Cherokee strip open (totally unfit for citizenship fought door to success is not one him. A year after their coming to ing. you know. Let's go. Sabra. It's Mr. D. W. Jenkins visited with his the We have Chevrolets, Hupmobiles and many other makes, as 1880 biggest t The Run thing yet of magic It is simply Oklahoma the land had been divided was family over the week end. nothing compared to it Sell the Into two territories one owned and well as Fords. All were taken in trade on the new .Fords. in a practical Wigwam, take the children, make the applying Mr. occupied by the Indian tribes, the Run, Kenneth Lake Shaw was a Salt Many have been reconditioned and refinished. Some of them get our hundred and sixty, start other owned by the whites. Here the a manner the well-know- n ' stock visitor Saturday, ranch, with up cattle show little or no wear in paint or upholstery. Engines are . and OravaU lived, on the border line. And build a ranch house and patio ; conlaw of psychology smooth-runnin- g. liere waa Tancey, lighting week after horses, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sommer and All of our Used Cars are ready to drive m In ti aailiiu alt week, la the editorial and news and Mrs. John Sommer, of Peor fidence Inspires success. "Never I" screamed Sabra. ner face Convenient terms or cash as you prefer. - . way, of the Oklahoma Wigwam, for was distorted. ia, 111., are visiting friends and rela Her were hands clutchIt costs but little to the rights of the Indians; for the con Mves in Corinne and Tremonton. . J : aolldatlon j ef the two halves as one ing the air, as though she would tear state. Yet, unreasonably enough, he to bits this plan of his for the futurs. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Wyatt, of Lo "I .wont-- 1 wont I d rather die sraipathlsed with the rive Civilised first You'll never go. were In Tremonton Sunday. gan, make me I'll go. jTrtb la their efforts to retain their stay here with my children sad run rtrtbal laws in place of the United Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Hill. Mr. and the paper. Mother I Clrat Donna!" court laws which were (States' being She had a rare and violent fit of Mrs. Don Homer and Mrs. Golden ;4erced upon them. .He made a thou hysterics, after which divested Frisbey and family attended the Sey(and hitter enemies. Many of the In her of the new finery, Yancey the now mour family reunion at Liberty Park, quieted themselves were opposed to him. jdtaas ' children, j and Salt Lake City last week. screamlug refinally rsaess were for separate statehood for to a semblance of supper-tim- e Iadiaa territory, the stats to be stored 28 H. D. Thomas, of the Leader Office. a PsWoyaa' after Ita treat order the household Into which he had hurled such a bomb, relics Tenable spent the week end in Salt Lake City. kss leader of that aame. herself, la her heyday, could not hare itrsa finer exhibition ef Uarcy Mr. and Mrs. W. S. MuJr accompan TTcrTrT Was property sal le. ied Mr. J. H. Rhead to Salt Lake Sat- ' Gold of Conquistadores , cup-shap- v 1 two-thir- ds i one-thir- one-four- , one-eigh- th bedroom. ., More Tremonton Locals Milk-Le- ss Cost PURINA DAIRY RATION $1.60 MILLING lut Gd T HE BARGAINS IN ALL MAKES OF GOOD USED CARS col-sun- Start Being DEMONSTRATION COSTS NOTHING Successful Utah Auto t Tremonton Banking Co. Phone & Imp. Co. Tremonton |