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Show Most Unusual Offer To Wide-Awake Housekeepers I , .... j "P H 1 I The Logmn Republican hot a number of Aluminum Roattere or Poachers (nine piece). a shown by the itlv$tration. I These sets are sold everywhere for $3.00. I They are absolutely guaranteed pure aluminum ware. While they last they may I km had at the following offer: I The oomplete set with one The complete set with six "The complete set with three I year's subscription to The Re- months subscription to The Repub- months subscription to The Re- I publican, by mall, 4.35; by llcan, by mall, 12.85; by carrier, publican, by mall, 12.10; by carrier earner, .. ,3.10. .. (JQ, B l i Itching piles provoko profanity, but profanity won't cure them. Doan's Ointment cures Itching, blooding or protruding piles after years ot suffering. suffer-ing. At any drug sioro. Adv. EUGENE SCHAUB Civil and Hydraulic Engineer Reinforced concrete construction. Water powers. Water supply Irrigation. Surveys and reports Office over Rlter Bros Drug Store Phones: Res.,,70W; Office, 338J I W. G, RUCKENBROD Dentist SI North Main Phone 4SSJ I Opposite Tabernacle I Office hours: 9 a. m. to 12 m. t sT 2 p. m. to 5 p. m. IK1 DR. S. B. THATCHER I 1 DENTI8T Rooms 1, 3 and 4 Arlmo Block Office Hours: 8 to 12 a. m. I 1 te 5 p. m. jfl For the moat attractive line ot WALLPAPER I Bee our aaapla H Kalsomlne, ail tint, per package I 45s. Tinted Gloss Paints, (or lnstdo I or outside, lire year guarantee. I All kinds or Paint Brushes, Var- 9 nlshes and Stains. 9 Phono 393W 151 South Main 9 J. F. SCHIRME1STER 1 I U. F. Repair Shop 38 North First West Phone 726w Wo repair any and all kinds of Furniture, Fur-niture, Stoves, Upholstering, and Bug. gy Tops. Wo soil Wall Paper bolow ' anybody In town. Calsominlng, House Palnthjg and Paper Hanging our specialty. Discount on Paper Hanging. Hang-ing. Picturo Frames mado to order. GET RID OF THE TORMENT OF RHEUMATISM Romomber how spry nnd activo you wero boforo you had rhoumatlsm, backacho, swollen, aching Joints and stiff, painful muscles? Want to feel that way again? You can Just Utko jj -Eoley Kldnoy PIIIh. For thoy quickly, Tj clear tho blood of tho poisons that M causo your pain, misery and tormont- H Ing rheumatism. Co-op Drug Co Adv.' I Children that aro affected by worms 1 aro palo and sickly and liable to fj contract somo fatal disease White's St Cream Vormlfugo expels worms m promptly and puts tho child on tho M road to health. Prlco 25c per bottlo. WL Sold by Rlter Bros. Drug Co. Adv. I .rssal |