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Show Judge Lowe's Matinee Brother Bill Hopson was most cordially cor-dially invited by his play fellow, tho city marshal, Into our police "court ,somo weeks ago whero ho was rs-quested rs-quested by Ills Honor Judge Lowo, to state his "view point" villi refer ence to some charges thero preferred against him by a couple of wicked detectives de-tectives from Salt Lake City, who gave their names as Bert S. Ycaton r and Patrick Bruin-. He was barged wJUi feeding our citizens on Tango whiskey at Inappropriate, times und places. Tho defendant did not deny the charges, but explained to his honor that bo bad only Intended to administer admin-ister to tho depressed feelings of our people, made melancholy by President Presi-dent Wilson's Mexican policy of patiently pa-tiently waiting and watching, and w asked to bo excused on that account. This iingorcd Judge Lowe who is nn ardent Democrat, and ho thereupon Informed Bill that he was getting too popular nnd Invited him to recreate for a time In tho county Jail, whllo a board ot mediation could bo formed, form-ed, composed of the meanest men In, town, to suggest n sultnblo sentence. This Invltntlon was roluctantly nc-copied, nc-copied, because as Brother Hopson explained, he had urgent need of n change ot climate on account ot his, gout nnd rheumatics. It was found, however, In the weeks that followed Bills Incarceration., that lils appetite was exceptionally, good but the food seemed to give hlit no( 'working strength ,nlUvqwgl the, city's BtrcctB ncedod his tlmgPd. jtUen-i Hon. . , a iiv;!i(i -iu ! Ilia honor, .mcantlmOL.ConBulted, tho voting, strength of the city to find BH outt If posstfjlb, what should be done M by hk -court-for Bill's health. J' It was tho concensus of opinion that H Bill should havo his diet cut pff,"hl3 HI chewing tobacco taken from him, and should be given n chitige of B cllmnto for his lieiiHli, It being fl thought that tho present warm weath- H cr In Cache county especially would' IH not bo beneficial to hlmT Indeed, B there wero those who expressed a HHJ feeling that, geographically, BUI Iflfll 'should be excommunicated from tho IHB The medlntlon board suggested HJHJ Smitlifleld as possessing a fine ell- HI mate but tho defendant, though nc- K ceptlng the suggestion In 'principle H explained that ho would not settle Htl there on account of the political ten- Bil dencles shown by Julge Nelson In his HHJ recent Judgment In tho Brooks case. B Another member of tho board then HH proposed Preston, Idnho ae having a HJ .very salubrious climate, but to ' this BH suggestion tho defendant turned a tHJ deaf ear because, as he explained, he BB had already declined an Invitation HH from that town to attend a pink tea HJ to bo served nt the city J'nll and that Sl llfo thero would bo more or less of a Rl humdrum affair. H Finally It was suggested that tho ,dofendhnt should be gently-but firm- HJ ly planted upon a west bouiid,traln HH and carried over and across' the Si- HH erra Novada range, with his face to- HH liiiiV ward the setting sun, and that thought HH seemed to find favor with the court JHJ but Judge Lowe felt that while the jnj proposed remedy wns good, so Jartas H It went, yet It was not complete and H ho therefore Invited , the delendant HJ to separate himself from the tempt- HJ lng lufluenco of money before Jils do- HJ parture, and this tho defendant 'did, IHJ though roluctantly, to the pity's prpf- JEj it (exclusive of expenses) in the sum (HJ of 170 nnd thecupQrjt the 'defendaift jHj feeling, that "six monlhfl In' Jail Is 1H long,? hastily departed our midst for H ' - j ,aH'W' |