Show a 2a v TIIE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE Fit DAY MORNING TRAIL MARKERS a FRIDAYATNOON Pony Express Jays will be - Shaft Honors Salt Lake Pony Ex- press Station of Early Days Granite-Face- d ' Trail blazers "In the westward inarch of civilization will be honored when a simple shaft faced with Utah granite and six bronze markers is unbearing veiled In front of The Tribune building at 12:15 p m Friday The pony express riders theYurdy men who linked the west with the east during frontier days by carrying the mail will be recalled by speakers during the ceremonies marking tbe unveiling of the marker one of 60 which will mark pony express stations along the route from St Joseph Mo to Sacramento Calif The marker which will be uncovered Friday will mark the site of the 8alt Lake station and will be 'one of 12 which will be set along the historic route in Utah Descendant of Famed Rider to Officiate Miss Carmen Streepcr of Centerville a granddaughter erf -- Bill’’ Streeper whose name rides down in history as one of the famous pony express riders who rode with the mails through Salt Lake will unveil the marker The bronze plaques are being furnished by the Utah Pioneer Trails and Landmarks association The shaft has been erected by The 6alt lake Tribune and The Salt Lake Telegram The event will be marked by a fitting ceremony To open the program ten youths riding the pony express route will relay messages of felicitation from Governor Fred Balzar of Nevada and Governor Alonzo M Clark of Wy- oming to the scene of the unveiling Five youths will relay Governor Balzar’s message from Camp Floyd 52 miles to the west while five others will carry Oovemor Clark’s message from Echo Utah The Journey has been so timed that the two riders wearing the gear of express riders will arrive In front The Tribune building at 12:15 p m Program of Speeches Arranged for Fete of Twenty-firs- t When the shaft is unveiled by Backers Miss Streeper a short program of South Leave for Washspeaking will begin under the chair manshtp of George Albert Smith ington Conference president of the Utah Pioneer' Trails and Landmarks association Short talks will be given by Acting Governor Milton H Welling Mayor John Advocates of the Twenty-firs- t F Bowman and Hugh Ryan mem- South street extension who are op ber of the history committee of the road as association The principal speaker posed to the Alrport-Tooelwill be Dr Howard R Driggs presi- the next federal aid link In Salt dent of the Oregon Memorial Trail Lake county are planning to carry association which is in charge of their fight to Washington D C U piecing the markers medium of the the press became know'n Thursday Through attorney and motion pictures and radio the Salt Henry D Moyleof localAlrport-TooelLake event will be publicized to the active opponent the route W Calvin with Rawlings an nation Motion pictures of the unattorney have left for the capveiling w ill be taken for the news other weeklies The event will be broad- ital and it is believed that they plan cast to the entire west when station to carry their fight to the secretary KSL puts the ceremony on the air of agriculture The offices of each from 1230 p m to 1 p m News attorney reported Thursday that they Items will be carried in newspapers plan to be gone ten days or two weeks throughout the country Arrangements have Deen made by Construction of the Alrport-Tooelroad recommended by the state road off a the police department to rope portion of the street during the commission and B J Finch district morning hours to make room for the engineer for the federal government spectators at the unveiling Police has been consistently opposed by street members of the South Main Street protection will be given from traffic The band of the 222nd field Improvement association and resiartillery now stationed at camp In dents of Magna the Jordan Narrows will furnish the music and will give a concert begin- Finance Expected To Be Worked Out ning at noon route was inThe Alrport-Tooelcluded in the state road commission’s proposed program for Salt Lake county during the present year but approval of the project has been deferred by the county commission which has accepted all other projects in the program Commissioners have reported that the only bar to their approval Is a financial one and that if satisfactory financial arrange-ment“The American pioneer spirit Is can be made favorable action something this country needs now” will be forthcoming of said Carl Hinton field secretary A meeting early next week between the United States chamber of com- county commissioners and members merce in his talk Thursday noon at of the state road commission is the Ki wants club in the Hotel Utah planned at which it 1b expected finanMr Hinton praised the work of W cial details may be worked out and Mont Ferry and Gus P Backman at the Alrport-Tooelroute approved the recent meeting of the internaBacker Tooele Route becommerce in tional chamber of ROUTE BATTLE Work Ends C OF C BOARD OUSTS MEMBER MORTICIANDIES OKEHS FOR LIQUOR USE BURIALSUNDAY BOND ELECTION WATER Action Comes After Cliair man Cites Progress of Arlesian Canyon Work Patrolman Ezra Eames former member of the police antlvlce squad was dismissed from the service Thursday by Chief- - Jcweph E Bur- bidge The grounds were “drunkenness" Chief Burbldge said his action In dismissing Patrolman Eames was the result of “a determined campaign to stamp out drunkenness In the de- Joseph William Taylor 76 one of MAYOR STUDIES COST Utah's leading morticians and the oldest in his profession in years of service in the state died Thursday noon at his home 103 North Main Engineer Clauds in Report street of pernicious anemia building Mr Taylor was bom in Salt Lake Y Emphasizing Need of January 16 1855 the eldest of ten George Alchildren a son of Joseph E and More Sources of Supply Louise R Capener Taylor both nabert Smith partment” tives of England who came across Patrolman Eames before his dis- the plains by ox team was a patrol wagon driver Unanimous approval of the city’s In 1884 Joseph E Taylor who was president of missal and at one time was in charge of a carpenter and coffin maker estabwater development program and inthe Sugarhouse substation lished an undertaking business in the Utah dorsement of the $2000000 water The action followed the recent Salt Lake and his son assisted him bond issue was voted Thursday by dismissal of J H Warden former The elder Taylor died in 1913 at the Pioneer the chamber of commerce board of traffic sergeant and Jerry Tietjen age of 83 The board also comgovernors former patrolman for similar ofAt the age of 17 Joseph William Trails and fenses mended the chamber’s municipal watook charge of the undertakTaylor ter supply committee for its part in Suspended about a month ago ing business and conducted it until Landmarks when planning the program and getting Chief Burbldge was presented December 1876 when he left on a the projects under way evidence purporting to show that he mission to England He returned to The action was taken on motion of had been drinking Eames was noti- Utah In October 1878 association F Keyser after J A Kahn Paul fied of his dismissal lift letter from of the chamber’s water Joseph William Taylor chairman the chief He has the right to appeal Worked for Express f is shown committee gave a report on the the action to the civil service com- Company as Messenger ” progress of the projects Mr Kahn mission In 1879 Mr Taylor entered the beside the informed the board members that service of the Pacific Express com7 Must Stop Drinking both the Murray artesian basin and' as messenger and baggage clerk pany seven-foCottonwood projects are ahead Little Burbldge Declares on the Utah Southern railroad beof schedule and that the artesian “Drinking by members' of the po- tween Juab and Milford In 1881 he water can be delivered to the city by lice department" must stop” said was transferred to Ogden and worked July 15 Chief Burbidge “It is my Intention for the Utah Northern which was Inset Miss to discharge any officer guilty of building to Butte Mont Commission Seeks to V In September 1882 Mr Taylor re drinking and any reports of drinkKeep Cost Within Ldkn be will to officers Lake Carmen established Salt turned and ing by thoroughly Mayor John F Bowman evidence the and if business later his He investigated undertaking “Problem Child” Fails in andMeanwhile other members of the city comof the reports built a four-stor- y the 5 proves at a veracity building Streeper mission were revising the water the offender will be dismissed im- West Temple street and then later Fifth Escape Attempt budget with a view of keeping extract of land Main a at mediately” large bought granddaughter The antivice squad of which Eames and North Temple streets and built penditures within the $1300000 short Halted by Shot term loan without sacrificing any was a member devotes Its his home the Roberts hotel and a formerly water or essential features of the of one of attention particularly to vice matters new mortuary projects The budget after the reMr Taylor married Miss Margaret Including activities of liquorr gamvision called for an expenditure of Salt Lake’s the Pony Bueter Stanley native of establishLittlefair a other and April disorderly England bling 91508 or $85 less than the 15 1880 ments “problem child” who es $1299 amount available if the bond Issue from Balt General Eames also is defendant In a di- Active in Church Express Lake the raped should fail to carry The state fish vorce action lodged Thursday afterhospital May 25 attempted to add to hatchery and the Salt Lake County riders who noon by Mabel Eames who charges Lodge Affairs of City and Game Protective associaMr Taylor was a member of Salt his criminal record a fifth escape Fish that he Is habitually Intoxicated wells were included in the setup tion Nev in Elko officers from district peace Lake Elks lodge the Odd Fellows will unveil jhe action filed in Third of both these properties as court seeks to give Mrs Eames the lodge and the Knights of Pythias where he is awaiting return to Salt waspurchase authorized by the commission a S two was of L $75 of member He a D the daughters the marker custody to face robbery charges at the morning meeting The price month alimony and the home st church and of the high priest quorum Lake the county association property said Bueter for dispatches Telegraph 1723 Harvard avenue of of Lake Seventeenth ward Salt is $5750 and for the state property at 12:15 p in The wife's complaint alleges that stake made a break for liberty as Officer Ed $50000 The state fish and game on May 15 Eames came home under In 1925 Mr Taylor and his family Kendricks w as about to deliver him department has agreed however to the Influence of liquor carrying two went on a four months’ tour of Eu- to revewater a cash and take $10000 Elko county Jail He jumped the pints-owhisky The complaint adds rope dis- nue bond for the remaining $40000 automobile the confrom are widow Eames a the ‘Mrs his police daughdumped that Surviving This will give the city slightly- more tents of the bottles and that the offi ter Mrs William C Lukey and two patches said but surrendered when than a $40000 margin between oblicer became enraged when his wife grandchildren Winifred Margaret Kendricks fired as he fled in connection with assumed gations attempted to stop him from going and Gloria Anne Lukey all of Salt Bueter had reached Ely in an auto- the water program and the $1300000 Lake and the following brothers and after more short term loan In his rage the complaint asserts sisters: Alvin V Taylor Los An- mobile stolen at Ogden according to Mayor Bowman considers this a local received fists authorities San with S his word wife his Schneider Mrs Jennie by he struck geles safe margin as almost all the figures The allegations add that on numer- Antonio Texas Mrs Lillie T Rich- when he was intercepted by police on in the revised budget are now defious occasions prior to the one cited ards Mrs B J Beer and Mrs Wi- charges of automobile theft Monday nitely known The only ones which It was not until Wednesday that Elko are estimates are the $50000 for the Ar- Eames had struck and beaten the lliam F Beer all of Salt Lake Justice Sutherland learned Bueter bore a police artesian collection system $22000 for plaintiff and that they separated on Services will be held at 12:15 p m police' wound in his groin as the re- the intakes on the Little Cottonwood Sunday in the Joseph William Tay- bullet ranges to Meet Cowork-- - May 16 1931 will sult of alleged robberies in Salt Lake conduit and $5500 for pipelines to lor mortuary chapel Speakers Joined City Force identification was include Heber J Grant president of and the youth’s utilize Spring creek water This laters Friday Noon ‘ Six Years Ago S church Bishop Nicholas established — — the L-ter item can be stricken out entirely will on returned bo the ward O Seventeenth a of Bueter Smith became probably Eames patrolman without interfering with the imposome time he and Ellas A Smith Alfred Durham here at once authorities agreed but rtant parts of the program and the 1 1926 For June The Salt Lake Bar association will served on the motorcycle detail Fol- will have charge of the musiof In- final decision awaits an investigation estimates for the collection system honor Associate Justice- - George lowing an Injury to his leg he be- terment will be In the City ceme by the department of Justice Sheriff and the Little Cottonwood intakes Grant Young said he expected to di- are considered liberal Sutherland of the United States su- came identified with antivice work tery —— — was assigned he winter Under the present setup last the spatch men to the Nevada city tomorDuring court luncheon a at preme Friday at to the Sugarhouse substation and row to bring back the young amount which has been or will be 12:30 p m in the Hotel Utah Benja- more was wagon a land water and patrol ' expended for wells recently min L Rich chairman of the com- driver The youth escaped from the law in the artesian basin will total apfor the fourth time by walking from proximately $343000 divided cm folmittee In charge announced that 125 Warden was dismissed after he al his guarded room in an overcoat lows: $219000 for developed water reservations had been made Thurs- legcdly was found in an apartment stolen from Clarence Walker special $103000 for land and $21000 for day afternoon and that an attend- in a drunken condition alhe the guard He underground water right ance of about 130 is expected deputy assigned to Tietjen lost his badge after The Ogden bar will send a delega- legedly was found in a liquor disThe need for the additional water apparently made no attempts to re celve treatment for the wound in- supply was again emphasized by the tion of ten according to the chair- pensing establishment He lost an man and it is probable that Salt Lake appeal to the civil service commisflicted May 19 by Patrolman Richard report of the city engineer’s office W Morrison as Bueter attempted to to the mayor Thursday A year ago city and district courts will adjourn sion Trial of the liquor conspiracy from noon until 2:30 to permit the escape after a series of three alleged Wednesday the report showed the three former deputy against charges Big Cottonwood flow was 193 second-fe- et Judges to attend the luncheon sheriffs will be held next week in service station holdups Justice Sutherland who is spendcompared to only 814 second-fe- et court at ‘district States United the for the corresponding day this ing part of a vacation here will give Emmet R McIntyre Ogden James a short address and Samuel R Thuryear Consumption Is now running Adams and Orene Timothy who 70 second feet per day and about man will be toastmaster E A Rogers served under former Sheriff Clifford the mayor expects the city’s present president of the local bar association defendants are the Patten stream flow to reach a low of about will call the meeting to order A motion filed by Samuel A King 43 second-fcnext month The supreme court Justice and Mrs defendants was the counsel for Frederick J Pack employed by the Sutherland arrived here last Week Federal Judge Tillman D by granted as a consulting geologist on the and will continue on to Burlingame city Johnson Thursday afternoon Mr artesian project Thursday night isCal to spend the remainder of the King asked that the caseinbe heard statement announcing ffiat a summer sued The Ladles’ Literary club held its in that his the northern division second annual flower show Thursday he is no longer connected with the of trial the an of the award of Authorization desirous were early clients at the clubrooms 850 East South Mr project and explaining his attitude contract for the addition to the fed- toward King set forth In his motion it Temple street at not were tried cases if the that 150 Entries were received from I make the following statement" would be held over eral building to the Omdorff Cothat they Ogden “so that the public may members until November He contended that nstruction company Los Angeles was he said Judges were Dr D E Smith 1 A such a long delay would be injurious indicated by the public building know that I am no longer connected the with artesian project Four Jackson and Miss Barbara Vorse to the business and reputation of the board Thursday said a Tribune di- weeks agocity’s’ Those in charge of the exhibit defendants after I had made an exC from Washington spatch were Mrs R M Williams and Mrs the While no decision was announced tended geological examination of the Judge Johnson in grantingdefenElwood Bachman The latter had Murray artesian basin I there are indications that the board out the that motion pointed the charge of the arrangements for tried in Salt Lake in intends to take advantage of the 5 was authorized by the Joint water supbe would dants John Mrs show tea given with the select the most deNovember in th ordinary course of ter cent clause in the last public ply committeeattowhich to develop at Eighty school editors and associate W Alford was in charge of music as the vio- building bill notwithstanding that sirable place editors of The Tribune will dip into Mrs Ernest M Ledyard second-feet presi- court routine inasmuch ten of water and to least cost will the the occurred $815000 bid have to are bring alleged the hot pots at Heber City Saturday dent Mrs E B Coulson new chair- lations at once in Bingham which is in the south- beyond the limit of the appropria- prepared for drilling during tpe annual trip and picnic man of the arts and crafts section ern ' was the tion but division that it' Refused Says Mayor given by the newspaper as a reward Mrs F M McHugh retiring presittf be heard Senator King In urging this step To Reccomend Policy for their work during the past school dent and Mrs E H Scliraga retir- privilege of the suspects If so on the department said the Salt Lake district they northern n the year “This I proceeded to do and ten ’ ing chairman poured desired and providing the change oase was clearly of the type cona Busses will leave the south entrance when I informed the gress intended to cover by the 5 per ten days later did not delay the trials of the city and county building mayor that I was ready to begin drill- Charles R Hollingsworth federal cent provision and in view of the grounds at 7:30 a m After a trip ing he replied that no drilling would district attorney originally opposed many delays that have already oc- be southward and through Provo candone and that he had decided to he urged that the matter not court that the curred motion Informing the yon the children will arrive at thr install a collecting system capable D C be allowed to drag longer ot Albert Washington Page hot pots at 10 a m They will enjoy of gathering water from the wells alspecial assistant to the United The senator is satisfied although a plunge in a pool reserved for their who expects lacking positive assurance that the ready producing Dedication services for the en- States attorneythegeneral exclusive use I explained to the mayor that the ’ case could not be Salt Lake contract will soon be After the swim the larged and newly renovated building to prosecute collecting system spoil- session of court awarded and that congress next seswill be served a hot fried chicken din- at 823 Sixth East street used by the here for the Ogden be sion will be asked to make a slight sored by him would not only Involve said to is however Mr Page ner Later they will participate in Second Christian church for worship of a vast sum of a special effort to conclude appropriation to cover any possible useless expenditure games stunts and contests Prizes will be held at 11 a m Sunday The making he deficiency The 5 per cent leeway it money but would be kiefflclent when so that work Washington in his will be awarded The return trip to Rev E C Chandler will have charge "Utah for the case next is understood would take care ol this completed Although the engineers Member ot tlv Central Christian can come to Salt Lake will begin at 4 p m and attorneys on the committee were ' considered the evi- additional appropriation has He week of First be and will of the Lake Salt The party accompanied by church a unit in their opinion that the comwith the govMrs Nettle Brown and Mrs Vera Christian church of Ogden have dence and is familiar pact installation recommended by me ernment testimony school nurses Several been Invited to attend Swertfager would be more economical more eft Private information indicated he school teachers also will be In the The building was badly damaged and more expeditious than the would arrive Tuesday or Wednesday group by fire on March 8 one decided upon by the mayor yet It was reported the mayor remained unmoved and McIntyre Adams and Timothy Immediately proceeded to carry his while serving as deputies in the Bingscheme into effect by recommending ham district are charged in the In-to It to the city commission together — -dictment with having conspired act with the purchase of more flowing violate the national prohibition transwells It Is extremely unfortunate the specific counts alleging Intoxithat these items have practically exportation and possession of International action to restore the hausted the fund set aside by the comcating liquorwas investigated by spe- value of silver was urged by Governor mittee for the purpose of purchasing The case George H Dem in art address before a large acreage of land to protect cial department of Justice agents be visible for miles Colonel GardBy StAFF CORRESPONDENT the Kiwanls club at Sioux Falls Iowa title to the flowing wells” ner said CAMP W G W ILLIAMS Jor-da-n —r Thursday according to a special Narrow— With the compleThe highlight of Thursday’ -Tribune dispatch tion ot the three-daperiod of training at another retreat pacontended that Oovemor Dern rade at the close of the day’s pracfiring practice Thursday the stabilization of the metal at a reason222nd field artillery is in tiptop tice firing was the presentation of to tend the able relieve would price the Major Rulon M Eskelson shape for their overnight hike and depression and alleviate unemploymedal for attendance The award Of 85 asked are night firing Friday Colonel Ham— — of $20243 Damages ilton Gardner regimental comwas made by Colonel Gardner in David Neff in a suit filed Thursday ment The Rev Howard V Comln D Dalso described the Governor Dem full view of the regiment to Staff In Third district court by Mary A mander said Thursday scenic wonders of Utah and Invited of Grove City Pa will arrive in Salt The night maneuvers will conSergeant Farris Sparrow of B Wilson as the result of injuries she Iowans to come to Salt Lake for the Lake Friday to fill the pulpit of the from stitute the annual regimental Ogden battery Sergeant suffered In an automobile collision Covered Wagon Days celebration Presbyterian church until August 1 problem presented by Brigadier Sparrows has served for 12 years 6 April 5 at Seventeenth South and July He left for Salt Lake He will preach his11first sermon In Sait 8 months and 12 days General W G Williams Main streets a m and unless his Lake Sunday at Thursday night The men will move out ot the Other awards made werq silver struck have to is Neff Mr alleged schedule is altered will arrive here Dr Comln has been in charge of -loving cups to Marvin Warren of the rear end ot the northbound auto- at 3 ramp headquarters and at 8 p m — pastorates at Storm Lake and Le— — p m Saturday-- ”C battery Allan Peterson of E mobile In which plaintiff was riding Friday will assemble on the firing mars Iowa and in recent years has range south of the camp where battery and LeGrande Spiilsbury because of faulty brakes The wo- Wedding Invitations Printed Eng’d been engaged in financial work for Arfrom F battery for boxing and man’s complaint sets forth that the ARROW PRESS 62 West 2nd South various colleges they will spend the night in wartime stvle The burst from the lington Spiilsbury of F battery for accident fractured a number of verte- Waste Baskets Costum’r Desk Trays Dr Comln will be accompanied by 155 m m will howitzer brae huge Runs wrestling his wife son aud two daughtem (Advertisement) frpnt of The T rib u nc Descendant of Famous Mail Carrier to Uncover Slone ' During Public Ceremony mi ' revived in Salt Lake Former Antivice Squad Joseph William Closes Career Friday with Man Loses Badge in Drive of Department 76 Years unveiling of a marker in RIDERS JOIN IN RITES 12 HEAD OF POLICE PIONEER UTAH Ceremony Recalls Pony Express Days PLANUPEILING JUNE 7 VT- ELKOGAPTURES ot SrLrFUGITIVE 21-2- -- Nevadan Sees t f LAWYERS PLAN s GOES TO CAPITAL New Industry HONOR BANQUET e c c e Speaker Holds Pioneer Spirit America’s Need e half of silver President Clifford Rudine presided at the club meeting E O Van Deist of Colorado Springs an International trustee of Kiwants spoke on the recent convention in Florida Express Confidence It is to block this expected devel opment that the attorneys are believed to have gone to Washington and a conference with the secretary of agriculture Is said to be content plated OpponenU of the highway have stated that they feel that the merlU of the Twenty-firs- t South street extension have never been properly presented to federal officials and It is A man and his wife faced charges reported that it is for this purpose of violating the prohibition law that the attorneys have left Salt Thursday after members of the po- Lake lice antivlce squad reported finding When advised Of the recent deve100 bottles of beer in their home at lopment proponents of the Alrport-Tooel5:50 pm road expressed no lack of conTbe couple Mr and Mrs Jake fidence that the route will finally Andes 45 and 21 respectively were be adopted as a federal aid link released on 300 ball each after beThe road has been Indorsed by the ing booked at the city jail Patrol- chamber of commerce which gave man f' 3 StetnfeJdt E C Crowther approval to the entire state road lucent and G D Holt the ar-- commission program and chamber o' icers said 25 gallons of officials said Thursday that they be’ g beer also was found on the lieve any attempU In Washington to cs at 2813 South Seventn East block the proposal will be too late Police Seize Beer In Raid on Home e T- For All West River Official Explains Hopes Arising From ‘ “ Hoover Dam An manufacturing industry which will benefit the entire west and particularly the Colorado river basin states is envls electro-chemic- al ioned by George W Malone Nevada state engineer as a result Of the construction of Hoover dam Mr Malone who is also Nevada's Colorado river commissioner was in Salt Lake Thursday en route home from Denver where he attended the te conference on the Colorado river development "At present" the Nevada engineer ' six-sta- said “electro-chemicmanufactur ing Is concentrated In the east near with the complecheap power But tion of Hoover dam the west will have the ideal combination of materials coal and cheap power to offer The cost of power to the states from the dam will be only about $12 to $14 per horsepower per year compared to a cost of from $25 to $30 from Niagara We have all the materials falls needed In great abundance and Utah and Colorado can furnish plenty of coal ‘Nevada for one plans to sell her 18 per cent of the power at cost to encourage the entry of Industry and I am personally confident that the next several years will see a beginning In the manufacture of electrochemical products and possibly the establishment of copper reduction or electrolytio plants around Hoover al dam” i Mr Malone expressed satisfaction with the conference at Denver but added that the $250000 set aside in the Boulder canyon act for a comprehensive study of the entire river basin will be insufficient to complete the study six-sta- te Auto Fractures Skull of Child Struck by an automobile as he attempted to cross the street In front of his home Donald Gibbs 5 of 361 Mlltcn Rvcnue was severely Injured Thursday night He was In a critical condition at the Salt Lake county general hospital The child was rushed to the hospital by Mrs D A Letter 23 of 1707 Windsor street driver of the car which was going west when the accident occured at 9 p m Hospital attendants said the boy suffered a compound skull fracture Mrs Letter said that she was driving slowly on Milton avenue and had no chance to stop before the child ran in front of her car from behind an automobile going east Motorist Faces Jail Sentence j i W C Edgar 34 Thursday was sentenced to serve 30 days in the city 33 302 East Henry rrlednash Jail by Judge C F Dalby of the poFourth South Mi ret was released on lice court following his conviction o bond af ‘r the same officers J on a charge of driving while drunk char-n- d turn v ith possession of liquor Edgar had been at liberty on $300 ofter finning live quarts of beer in bond since his arrest June 4 at Seclus home according to their report ond South and Main streets at 4:30 9 m at p Unemployment problems of the a m by Patrolmen William Rogers meetcity will be discussed at two and J E Tucker ings Friday morning called by the FIRE DAMAGES GARAGE and Utah Associated Industries directors June 10 Lumber interests of tlie city will Fire originating from a bonfire nom f 1 Lake via Oregon Short! meet t 10 a m in offices of the in a near-blot caused damage to Lmc Tickets good only in coaches association In the Kearns building the garage and storage shed ot L J or chair ears limited for return to A similar meeting will follow at 11 Pestridge 250 South Eighth East home dcMination before midnight a m at the office attended by street estimated at $250 Thursday at 22nd A local agent for fur- reentatives of the steam and electric 3:40 p nj according to fire department records details of the city tlcr (Adv)irilioad i t Industrial Men Plan Job Meeting r7o return io rum: y t rep-Jn- - pc : i INDICTED MEN WIN TRIAL PLEA Literary Club Holds Annual P0 BID GAINS Flower Show -- et BOARD FAVOR Tribune Plans Big Picnic for School Editors t d ’ ’ Church Prepares Dedication Riles merry-maker- s far-flun- g Governor Urges Aid for Silver ARTILLERYMEN READY FOR NIGIIT FIRING MANEUVERS In Iowa Talk Woman Injured in Auto Crash Sues y Pastor Pro Tem Arrives Friday i 24-2- A 4 |