Show carrington editor p N wed Ved wednesday nesda jan 30 1867 F FOR 0 R orr oft delegate legate to congress t eble enle HOOPER X UNION silve STATE TICKET for the amended con constitution for representative to congress MR H HOOPERS NOTICE BY DANIEL H WELLS SECRETARY OF or STATE FOR THE STATE OF DESERET DESERE T the county clerk of each county Is required to give notice to all the precincts within their counties of an election to be held on the ath day of february next at the usual places cf of holding elections for one representative to congress for the state of deseret and for or against the constitution of the state te of deseret as proposed to be amended 1 yin TIC articie article I 1 to be amended so as to read meridian of longitude west from washington or the irth meridian of longitude west from greenwich according with wath the present western boundary of the territory of utah articie article 4 section 5 to be amended so as to read no person shall be a member of the geni end eral assembly except he be 0 a citizen in lieu of the words except he be ble a free white male 1 citizen 11 article 7 section 1 to be amended so as to read all male citizens 11 la 1 a lieu of the words ali ail all free white male citizens returns of the above election are to be made to me and should not be mingled with the returns of the election of territorial delegate which Is to be held at the same time and and aad place which latter are to be forwarded to the honorable amos reed secretary of the territory of utah signed SI gued DANIEL 11 WELLS secretary of state for the state of deseret creat croat salt lake city jan Jai as 2617 1867 |