Show 10 1 3 MCI S SABBATH MEETINGS elder george D watt spoke of the testimony enjoyed by those thosa who live according to the light which god has revealed and of the assurance which they have of the truth the confidence they have in the priesthood and the blessings enjoyed by them while those who do not have this testimony mony assurance and confidence and who do not enjoy en joy the promised blessings have failed to comply with the requirements of the gospel and have not kept the commandments of god he bore a powerful testimony to the truth and to the authority and example of the first presidency and the twelve apostles afternoon elder brigham young Youngja junr ur referred to the carrying caming the gospel to the nations and the blessings which the saints enjoy through the labors of those who first went out as missionaries of the truth lruth and urged upon people here who have been assisted to emigrate by saints still in the those from whom they have received aid and pay what they have enjoyed the benefit of he reasoned upon the folly of people who turn away from the truth as in the zos sos pel and by obedience to it every blessing that mankind la Is capable of enjoying can be received elder erastus snow treated on the gospel having been carried to the poor and their receiving it more mere than the rich have done not because it Is not equally free to al albut but because the poor tn in this adeas age as in the days of the savior were more ready to humble themselves and obey the commandments of god the haughty minded will be abased while the humble and contrite of heart will be exalted and they who permit the perishable things of this world to turn them from the truth will wiil lose the very veny object they have in view and be stripped of the source of their pride the Nep hites of old enjoyed many and great blessings but they forsook the lord and the Lama scourged urged them until eventually they were wasted brasted away and destroyed because of their transgressions the lord will preserve his people ir if they continue faithful ns na he has preserved thern them in the past and every effort to destroy them will but on tho the heads of those who have sought to frustrate tva Ira strate the designs oi of heaven in the establishment lish ment of the kingdom of god while the faithful saints will be exalted and enjoy the tso society clety of the sanctified for ever dedication the new meeting house in the ith ward was dedicated on wednesday d dinst a large congregation being present at the dedicatory services among those present were president brigham young heber C kimbau daniel JU president orson hyde and elders john taylor wilford N woodruff druff ezra T benson lorenzo snow and george 0 cannon of the twelve apostles elder brigham young junr bishop edward hunter E P F sheets bishop of the bui ward wilh with several other bishops and a large number ot of elders the excellent choir of the ward which we learned had been trained by uy br richard McAllIster ass edby br joseph kiets ke ets sang come all ye yo nanti who dwell on earth elder george Q cannon offered an impressive and solemn dedicatory prayer the choir again sun sung 1 and capt Crox ails airs brass band which was present played the good old nan Han haldred hundred dred president B young then delivered i a most interesting and instructive dIsco discourse tirso on the principles of our holy religion giving much mauch valuable teaching oil on per sonai conal and domestic government and the principles individuals fa milles families and comuni ties are righteously controlled presidents presidents kimball and ind wells followed in brief and instructive sti ati live tive discourses and remar remarks we were ladeby made by eiders faders orbon unon hyde john taylor allford allford woodruff E R T benson L snow and 0 Q 1 cannon the choir aided by some singers from other wards sang between tho the speeches and the brass band interspersed its strains strain with the vocal music at the conclusion of the services cervices oer er vices president young thanked the singers and members of the bandin behalf of the bishop and th the eWard ward for their music and pronounced the closing benediction the building Is neat and substantial being 50 feet in length by 30 in width with a hl hight of 17 feet from the floor to the ceiling cel cei ling it has three large plain windows on the east side the same number on the west with one on either side of the main malu entrance on the south it Is neatly finished in the interior with two fine nine fine chandeliers suspended from the ceiling and doors in the north end designed to afford admission to a vestry and retiring room yet to be built the structure lias has a rock Joun soun foundation dation three feet underground and ina the walls are of 18 inches through trough it has been built by donations from residents in tue tee ward and its cost is in the neighborhood of it speaks highly for the enterprise of the bishop and his counselors and the liberality of the tiie ward to see so fine tine a building devoted to and set apart for religious services in a ward that is not by any means as populous nor as wealthy as some come others in the city W WE bearo are aro indebted to president young for the following dispatch received on Satu saturday rasy night by the deseret state telegraph line st george jazz jaring Jari SG pres BRi nei briana cnA young captains pearce and andrus andros with a party of men left here on the night of the on an iad lad indian n expedition they came upon some indians seven miles south trying tryan to stampede a herd of stock the night was very dark and the indians being on good horses escaped forty miles miler southeast south east near maxwelll maxwells Max wells rinch ranch they came on more indians about midnight the indians ran to a grove of cedars and the command fearing an ambush had to gi give up the chase signs signa of rava Kava joes joen bilag being in the country are plain pearce and andrus are men who fear nothing in that shape we lve may soon look for another brush friendly indians from the scene of the fight three week weeks ago i report that only one indian of the thirteen Nava joes escaped seven bodies were found in the rock rocKs three were shot dead where they stood and two died from their wounds before reaching the colorado the weather is mild overcoats are seldom seen and people are putting in their cro crops s no jno C CLOWES from FIMLAND through the courtsey of elder george A smith we are aro favored with the pershal of a letter from elder C P liston listen now now gir on a mission to england and laboring in kent by it we learn 1 earn that the cause of truth continues to progress there much distress prevails in many parts of britain and the elders have considerable consider able ablo to endure in preaching the gospel still the additions to the church by baptism continue elder liston laston was well at date of writing as were all the american eldors elders as far as he was aware at the time he wrote he makes a powerful appeal in behalf of the poor saints in that landi land for means to aid them to emigrate being deely touched by the poverty he has witnessed ne anon among emong them GOOD 0 on thardy thursday last hut the ward scho lars to the number of under the charge of their teacher br harrington and headed by bishop proctor and ana Couie couke counselor lor spiers made a fine tine sleighing party lna ina in a dozen dozea of sleigh with banners bearing the following ra mottoes we give our aid to noble deeds 11 wisdom is better than riches tenth ward schoola know enow ledge is power zions sons god and our country 1 victory follows the brave one sleigh bore the national natio naf flag all were jubilant enjoyed themselves highly and presented a very interesting appearance such care oare in the part of the authorities of ward award a for the enjoyment of the scholars at this season when every body wants to go 90 sleighing g cannot fall to have a beneficial effect upon the juveniles and is highly commendable THE featner WEA WE ATnEr inEP by deseret state telegraph line we leam learn the state of the weather at the points named on monday morning logan fine four inches of snow provo very cold ten inches of snow and prospects of more salt creek dull and cloudy fillmore fine sun shining bri brightly belr beaver beautiful shy sky unclouded sun chinin shinin shining bri brightly atly and ground almost bare of snow kerville To fine as a summer day thee almost infill age st george mild deas peas and onions two inches W high h article articie jih ith laiq sec see 5 of the constitution AtIt ution of tho the of Deser deseret ct published in ih no nog 9 of tho the semiweekly semi hemi weekly and in the present issue aa of the newa NEWS weekly should the althe first general election under t tion shall shail be held in march next t instead J of 1867 as printed the held in V 1862 and the error as it stands I 1 ing the amended constitution js is a one item izeh we have learned from that portion of our theatrical company now noy traveling north that they played at farmington on friday evening and the house was unable to contain those who sought admittance they played again in the same place on saturday night to another crowded house they deigned designed playing in Kays kaysville ville on monday 0 evening ROUGH sleighing Is much more amusing to spectators than pleasant to those enjoying it at times these days A few inches of snow on the ground looks temptingly inviting but when the runners cut down to td gritty mud and drag over rough boulders without withof a boatin coating of frozen snow it Is quite another thing A nice inice little cutter was cutting by our office on saturday evening as an example and cut into the mud against a rough adough spot on the road and over into the well it was snow with a mixture if there were no cut heads there might haye have been dont send that sleigh around for I 1 ns us till the sleighing Is 19 hal bal decent dmn ting the most elaborate and beautiful piece of pen painting that we have overseen ever eyer seen has been exhibited for a few days past in the city hall it was executed by br daniel graves of provo for the paris F commission asb AND FREI frel freighting GUTING the shipp and john E R murdock mardock have entered into a partnership in the commission and freighting business mr shipp te Is an old and experienced buyer and bishop Murdock 31 Is ls known as one I 1 af pf the most reliable freighters in the territory te we have no question but they will do a big business see their advertisement advertis ment rean READ adhe the arhe notice of the commissioner to the paris parts exhibition should be read by everybody andall andali and all ail who have haye specimens of the desired kinds kindi or can procure them should do so immediately TO THE PATRONS OF THE jip jid JUVENILE vesi E instructor throughout an explanation is due to our agents and readers for the tho delay which has occurred in issuing issula the first number of the second volume of the instructor we expected as we stated to have been able to have published the first number on the lath of this month we sent a drawing of a new head for the JUVENILE INSTRUCT instructor on to new york to be engraved and we expected to have received the engraving in time to have used it in the first number on the instant but we have been disappointed we are informed by letter that it will not be likely to reach here before the of february should it reach about that time we hope that we will be able to issue the first number by the of february we regret this delay exceedingly and feel much disappointed at it but out we think this explanation is necessary to our agents that they may be able to satisfy our subscribers bers GEORGE Q CANNON G S L city jan 20 1867 |