Show 0 Special specialty to the despres devarr tas tah j U 11 t T Pest besth hS 38 The tippet tipper aduse of ime ibb tiie tile Huil hungarian garlan garian diet unanimously passed diaka diaks address r florence 18 the idallan italian finance flugance Flu fin anee ance minister had confirmed tho iho announcement that the government intend to tax church property to the extent of livres new york 10 at a meeting of the national committee cittee e in washington ishin ton last evening a preamble and und resolutions t 1 I 01 ns were adopted in which the president is defined as a deserter from the tw principles he was pledged to defend and the organization of the party is declared to be required b by his treachery the headquarters 0 of the committee are ampol in new york and the members of the party throughout the country are requested to correspond with the chairman nebraska and colorado are congratulated on their admission and the crowning resolution declares that while the union party is anxiously desirous of the restoration of the rebel states it believes pat that no reconstruction can be safe or just that does not secure impartial suffrage I 1 chicago 19 the senate has passed the bill regulating the tenure of office by a vote of 1 19 to 9 A memphis dispatch says that 60 lives were lost by the sinking of the steamer on thursday night the tho conservatory attached to the executive mansion was damaged by fire yesterday loss principally of rare plants exceeds A large number of new orleans policemen concerned in the july riots have been arrested under the civil rights bi bill ll 11 i upon n a affidavits fil davits of freedmen T the h e shi ship mobile with 0 2000 bales of cotton and the steamer montgomery with bales were burned in mobile bay on th the e r interruption to trade east and west b by y snow i is greaten greater ater aten than for several years mr new york r city enjoys a carnival carpl ival of sleighing i I 1 new orleans 19 the supreme court of alabama ila iia has decided that the act of congress re quiring stamps upon state legal processes is unconstitutional chief justl justi justice justlee ed walker also decides that alabama being in g 1 a 1 de J facto acao government under the confederacy co n f its personal person penson hl reprise fives tives are arc protected from all loss on confederate interest under acts odthe of the legislature F Ft L ARt Mitchel chel chei dachota 19 the indians night ni lit before last stole a government herd er OL of 60 mules and hors esat eort fort laramie and killed two men then engaged engage din 1 in hauling telegraph poles chicago 19 arrivals from the plains report deep er afinow thail hayi hall formally for fon many years at soma places along the little blue niue river the drifts are axe 20 feet i the denver news weirs learns lerr lery iery le f from nae oae e of an exploring party who recently ly amended enil enli the colorado river kiver iver lver that that stream Is navigable botho to the luvar which is iu in the ha boundaries of colorado the vessel used bythe by the exploring party was wash arg enough to have carr earr lafour such suell boa boafo a as were used by st ives when he explored that river ft ift monr 19 the jhb late colaw colu eola weather eallAr was the severest known in ten years and placed a complete lete embargo on steamboat travel in chesapeake Chese peake e nay bay aud and James biven kiver er chicago 20 A furious snow storm it i prevailing here there are no trains arriving or departing t rew new rew york 20 oliver ames gf Easton enston mass brother of the has been elected president of the pacific railroad during the absence 0 bf f gen dix da ix advices advises Ad vices from valparaiso dec 18 give lve ive confirmation of the rumor that thil ch chill 1111 as the mediation of england andi andl France on odit the spanish question t ff f J if 41 person persons arere abere are reported 0 t 1 I to have lost their lives by the breaking of the ice lee on regents park and d others ar estill missing liverpool 19 the unusually intense cold so aagre bated the distress of this city that it resulted fd aay day in bread ritts in ther thor streets P tg the di disturbance cc wag was not serious 5 athens 19 advises advices from claudia candia state that the Cretan shad fought another battle and claim a victory over turks the the cretan civitan assembly has adres addressed eil ell a call to all ali 11 tte th e P flowers of europe to witness aud and report the of the country vienna 19 The porte Porto had agreed to evacuate the forts held heid by turkish troops drools paris 19 appleon aas lias issued an important decree orders that the ille ad address lessof of the chambers in reply to the speech from the throne is to be discontinued grants the legislative body the night right of questioning the government directs that offenses of the press be tried in conviction courts that stamp duties be reduced and the right of the people to meet in public be limited only by those regu Tegu regulations lations necessary for public safety the decree concludes these reforms will now crown the edifice of a state founded on the national will vill the cabinet have tendered their resignations trieste lag 19 the empress carlotta has quite recovered from her sevare severe severo illness vienna 19 the reorganization of the austrian armies will not be carried out athens 20 the greek government overn ment has sent sent GL gen las on a special mission to the unit united states I 1 I 1 stockholm 20 the swedish parlia panila parliament ment menk opened yesterday the king in his speech said sald sweden would always endeavor to remain neutral in the various differences between european powers chicago 20 reports tonight to night from various points in ili the west represent the snow from 1 to 2 feet deep and still falling and drifting the st louis republican in a st joe letter from the north platte on therotha th eroth I 1 reports the indians very warlike several rumors are afloat regarding their depredations one is that khz they have hiie killed 40 men west of here an and that they are mar marching ehing for this place in great strength with a determination of clearing the road to ft kearney eight thousand troops have been ordered on the plains and in the mountains the first installment of which have been sent out by the pacific railroad washington 0 20 0 the receipts from internal revenue yesterday were total for the week grand total total for the fiscal year up to date new york 21 the times special says nothing will be done in the impeachment matter before the ath of march beyond tha collection of evidence chicago 21 bills convening the congress on the ath of march and establishing negro suffrage in the territories were transmitted to the pres president ident on the and he must make answer answer on oi or before thursday becan he ean can keep the colorado nebraska bills till next neit week tuesday 1 1 f t new NOW york 20 the thie washington washingto n evening organ brgan of the gakes fixates that if the radical mat j orl ori y in congress pursues its treasonable course much longer the government in order to sustain itself will arm inq supporters we advise the opposition ion iou of this fixed fact tb that at an Andrew drevy dreve Johnson will vill ser butla putla p cen i it of office i i ii r new yew eio raabs orleans 18 hundreds of freedmen are deserting the plantation heir bols boli contracts tracts havn having 19 expired they ibey refuse 44 fuse 0 th except 11 C at e exorbitant rates nates te W vork N york yo r it 22 28 N P Willis tillis died at idlewild Idle wild ag aged ged 00 60 years this morning a great flood tide in the north and east river inundated nearly all the cellars on the southwest south west a and nd adjoining streets destroying a large amount of property paris 21 all the members of the cabinet have tendered their theil resignations to the em geror eror but six of them were verg not accepted fhe he te resignation of Mp auld Is among hose those accepted itea M R brodkey reme remi remains lils llis in the ahe cabinet anat present will preside ducr 0 the finance an d state slate departments t i c n ts london 21 tt it is reported that there ismach is much excitement eit cit ement in paris over the changes iu in the cabinet and it is thought that they Ini indicate licate a more warlike policy on tha part of the emperor the french press applauds made by napoleon marseilles I 1 dispatches from the east state troubles in in lebanon have been renewed deiv new york 20 A bill was introduced into the H housa 0 usg yesterday by lV williams illiams providing that all cases brought inthe supreme court count invalidating the fhe united states statutes or orthe the tho construction pf af constitution the or opposition of state jawaro theaon th eCon ution shall be heard only by a full fall bench and there shall be no decision against against a statute without tho the concurrence wince bince of a full fuli belich bench I 1 the kouse house received the bill by yeas nays 38 39 it is thought that in this way a eckwill ch j be imposed upon the of the supreme benches driggs introduced a bill the preemption pre emption and sale of town p property ro in great salt sait lake lahe city delegate holbrook yesterday at Itt wil lards hotel assaulted iv 1 th a cane eane another idaho man named cummings who was considerably bruised cause politics disastrous storms throughout england had damaged C property on land and alid water T the total deaths by famine it nin india are 1 the russian ambassador at constantinople has declared that there thero arg are no hopes of peace except by the annexation a of crete and greece the chief candian insurgents have written a ion lon long iong letter to the ahe american consul there thanking the american people for their sympathy sim pathy and petitioning that the ships of war may be pa permitted r to remove the women and children red aed the court of admiralty has de decided in our favor in the steamer ra p p a n nock pock ease I 1 new york 22 the movement of citizens for the relief of southern destitution embi embraces aces abom among its managers several prominent californians among whom are kelly holladay coleman lees and waller mrs holladay leads the list of the I 1 ladies die the largest subscription is 1000 henry ward beecher leter ieter cooper co horace greely and others other awill will speak at the meeting next friday there is much excitement he here bere re over the bill received from th the tho e judiciary committee in relation to recent discus ions of the supreme court boutwelle Bou substitute for the house bill p prescribing in the oath for public officers and members of the bar provides a rule that in every cou court rt no person shall be permitted to act as attorney in any court who has been guilty of treason bribery murder or any other felony or has been engage engaged d in rebellion against the government ern ment menty or given aid and comfort comfor tto to its enemies it makes it the duty of the judges to ascertain whether persons practicing are not deb deh de barred aued as above boutwell in explaining the billt ball said thare the re were five judges in the legal tribunal al who ahad had not S sufficient u me lent self respect to protect themselves from the foul contamination of traitors the time had come for the ther legislative department part ment to exercise the powers of those who should be officers of the courts of law he moved the previous question which was sustained by 76 against as as washington 2 22 in tle the senate the chair submit submitted teI tel a the government of missouri announcing the ejection of senator drake it the ways and ana navajas nA means Majas bave have agreed to exempt incomes below the kansas kansa legislature to tik y reelected senator pomeroy I 1 A in the senate chandler introduced a bill to amend theatt for the disposal of coal lands and town property oil the public domain to give to persons in possession P os session the right to purchase at 11 in minimum rates any time before the day fixed sale of lands and also that no entry of town sites shall hereafter have validity until approved by the general Gener alLan land office referred boutwell from the judiciary committee reported a bill which provides a rule for granting lawyers to practice in the courts which is intended to repeal L S i y t the h e in the an on J e st oath the I 1 indiana ai iana lana ae legislature slature today to day elect esplor to U S senator sen ator 4 a ir e r t r k chicago 22 i the irbe railroad was finished nini fini shed shod to council blufus bluffs today to day there is unbroken chain of railway from so goo miles west wast bf of the missouri uri url river eiver to the ibe he seaboard Freleng huysen was today to day elected senator from we ew vr jersey five thousand crossed at the fulton ferry on the fhe iee ice this morning i i chicago Chica chiea tos 2 the senate yesterday rejected a large liu tuu of appointments iti new york 23 3 house Bou Boutwell boutwelle 8 bill biu passed yeas yas nays 42 42 chicago 25 the kansas legislature have elected pomeroy and ross boss U S senators I 1 the wisconsin sin legislature have llave elected senator howe and de demanded in doo littles return rile alie the president has approved the bill convening the congress on n the ath of march 3 new york 23 27 the pending impeachment of the president and the continued contraction of the currency tend to depress I 1 business siness bb ia un the senate the house bill prescribing in Z a test oath for lawyers practicing was referred to ahe judiciary committee the bill passed lff iri dry goods little business is doing no change in prices j washington 23 A prominent republican publican Ee member of tie tre house in recently writing to a friend says gays touching the impeachment my opinion is and has been that it will amount to nothing the committee on judiciary h haye have ve been taking no steps kep S bearing hearing on the te case and kocaj not a single 0 ti triss has been examined 1 IF oun our ur Cotis eotis eoa Coa sui sul nl in a letter to the state department dated hayne jan say way ass ays ja athe the tho latter fatter part of november according to castain in in the netherlands the cattle were housed for winter since sine then the rinder post has increased notwithstanding the efforts of the government to arrest its progress from prom the to the of december Decem berthe the number of animals alil arli mals mais attacked was F from erom am the the epidemic diminished i kin yin u oooo from the tiple time idima de its appearance in iu the country to tv tig alg of dec aill aili animals mats mals died af S disease and 2000 were killed pre pret to tho the outbreak of the epidemic cattle cattie are mainly exported 0 to o FC F C hoiland england to kland iland this exportation ilag liag nas since the government has confined confine id MC enton to the infested districts WH no kuae kume success hs I 1 uv 1 23 oj chicago 0 of or encamp ebe ebb tween forts forta lyon and dodge bodge on od booky hill mii route are assuming a hicen atren itra I 1 OW attitude they have alrica already dy driven off several devoral station keepers maU maubach fram denver was rob ahn 0 tlde tide irth near living sprin springs s by y a party panty of highwaymen deserters desa r from flo fio n ast 1st rt morgan gorgan or junction station who tol tel completely equipped for life on the read road nashville 23 lii lil in ili the lower branch of the legislature today to day a bill passed on its first reading to organize full fuli loyal militia companies for foi a d cavalry regiment in each congressional district composed of white and colored men subject to the order of the 3 another bill passed striking 1 erd white from the franchise law B will fla become law |