Show 00 00 20 DUTCH SAILORS DESERT IN FRISCO SAN FRANCISCO Jan 7 fly 7 ByTh The Associated Twenty Press Press sailors from the Dutch cruiser Sumatra faced the th official wrath ot of two nations today because they decided to remain AWOL nOL In San FrancIsco rather than to ret return rn to a life on the bounding main when the Man o 0 War Var departed Tuesday for Honolulu Not being locally legally admitted to this country the Immigration of officials want them for deportation And the commander of th cruls cruiser r wants them for Jumping ship A search of ot the tho Dutch American Dutch homes of the city is In order The Th Dutch consul consol announced th themen men would be b sent to Honolulu to tl tobe be put aboard their cruiser It if located In time and It if not thy they would be b deported when found |