Show Today WIt w W It WITH MEXICO YOU OU XE TH EVIR CAN X rL NOT GAI D SHE l PAl 1111 fly nv SE Copyright 1027 by The rho Star Co London b lle that the war spirit Is la laming flaming In the UnIted States And war with Mexico Maleo Is coming No Io war spirit against r J is flaming In CalIfornIa Arizona or New Mexico states stales bor- bor bordering bordering dering on Mexico and recently traversed by this Ibis writer On Armistice day in Arizona near neathe the Rio Grande Granle Mexican l children the Star Spangled Banner Hanner and United States children sang the Mexican national anthem Mex- Mex fex- fex labor Is la necessary necess to railroadS To big and Irrigation terns lems In many states slates But certain influences are pushIng push push- pushIng pushing Ing In the direction of Mexico notably three First financial organizations with their ownership ot oC o oil lands threatened threatened- by recent Mexican MexIcan leg leg leg- Second Catholic organizations and individuals Individual offended by legle- legle laUon against churches In Mexico taking public schools from control by the church Expelling priests o of foreign birth etc Third earnest American representing various Pro Pro- Protestant Pro Protestant churches convinced con that It would be a pious act to extend pro pro- prohibition south of the Rio Grande Mexico without prohibition I Is more sober than we are with it But that Isn't the question It is the prin- prin principle ciple of the thing thins Calvin Coolidge Is la not another r Woodrow Wilson you OU can hardly Imagine him hint praised for keeping u us i out of war WIlT then hopping into It 11 put flut things happen quickly when they do happen and you ou may see War Many Mexicans Mexican expect It and an Mexico's congress lashing Itself into r a becoming patriotic mood On New Years Year's eve Mexican can deputies with cheers and pa- pa patriotic songs denounced Secretary Kellogg Kolloge told the thO world that the they knew how to die for honor against foreign Aggression and predicted that this country would force a i consolidation o of all Spanish Amer Ica against the United States Lets Let's hope for the best and be ready rendy for the worst When nations I begin telling how patriotic and grand they are arc look out for tor war when intelligent high tI f I- I narce which doesn't talk much or sing any songs but pulls tho the strings quietly happens to want war Mr Bruce Druce Australian premier says we are arc too modest In this thi that's country-that's country that's quite a surprIse surprIse- surprise and we ought to tell tho world what wonderful things we hav have havo done and arc aro doing I do not suppose there thero is a country on the th civilized globe more moe misunderstood and unjustly than the United States State says he ho The premier knows know knows that men do not like their crud crud- creditors es especially when they dont don't In in- in Intend tend to pay And A 1111 1 the United States State States docs does not need S will propaganda among other nations as much as It needs nees the right kind hind of lighting fIghting alt ah fleet leet and other equipment for tor de- de defense ense and anI retribution I If this gov government had one ounce of brains In addition to Its 1 money and mechanical skill It would have tl tho th i other nations cation sit sit- sitting sitting ting up like liko so many y curly little poodles Ire In a vaudeville c do dog doc act oct Unfortunately In ad- ad addition addition a to grocers butchers butcher bakers baker and makers on ri the wholesale scale wo we 0 do op thinking on the scale scalo o of a retal retail candlestick maker Mrs Katherine Trilling on trial for or murder li In Denver married 1 Herman lIerman in New York when tuberculosis had reduced him to 90 00 pounds weight She Sh worked in taller shops to pay his hi at a II sanitarium for expenses con con- consumptives then tb sold her furni furni- furniture furni- furni furniture ture lure and everything she hodi had raised a 0 thousand dollars and ond took him hini to Colorado to save savo hi his life Hi Ills life was saved he gained weight t and then found another lady in the neighborhood more Q Interesting than Mrs Trilling who wh had lost weight She says saS say aha sh shot him by accident acci- acci accident dent The Tho l prosecuting attorney says IIa'S she Eho shot shoe him purposely In Inthe inthe lithe the back because she was jealous What do you OU suppose the tho JUT jury jur will say nay 7 Senator of ot Minnesota hasn't been 11 Li Washington Ion long enough to kno know N what respectable legislators owe to high finance and wilt will American America bankers loans to South American n Nicaragua In such loans might ex- ex explain plain landing of ot StattS troops hero here and nd there Troops sometime go where loans go Senator tead say says sas Amen Ameri- Americans I- I cans mado a coven soven million dollar loan to Nicaragua in 1912 during a 0 Conservative regime That would be seven million good rea- rea reasons rca B- B sons eon for American Intervention to keep Nicaragua Liberals from kicking out II- II x government that they dont don't want as this country did In 1776 1716 All of those private loans to South American republic republics lII like e loans loana that some acme of ou our I banker are making In Europe are dan dan- dangerous da especially when as Is la usual usual 1 al they are thoroughly usurious loans loan You charge a borrower lIe seven tn or i Ight per cent give 1 0 him 95 55 dol- dol dolan ars an Instead of o a hundred then let your our banker take a n big bill slice c lit Iff the ninety five dollars and androu andou arou rou ou are arc piling up hatred that Is d I |