Show J WHY WHY WASTE STEPS FIN W WANTS HERS I WANTED I SITUATION I 1 iCED EXPERIENCED bookkeeper typIst permanent Will do de temporary Work ork Ph rh 2 37 7 W nn 1 l RELIABLE woman oman wants wanta work by hour or day dar or will tak tile take wash home Phone Phon 1334 2794 WANTED Curtain WANTED Curtains to work guaranteed 2860 of ad Is on Ph Ih 2196 2106 21 2618 1 i WOMAN WOMA-l want work by day or hour I Phone J 31 WANTED ANTED lie per dozen Call M 2331 STAINS laundered Phon V SW-V I 2547 lULIA RELIABLE LE woman Hints antl work by bd lilY 4 y or hour Phone J 72 WOMAN WOMA-l wants anU want work by da day or hour Phone hone 1459 14 2334 2331 i FEMALE HELP W WANTED aged WANTED ANTEI Middle aged od lady Idy or girl for general homework Ph M 34 MALE AND FEMALE At WANTED WANTED At Washington Ave gentlemen or ladles adles ho who hAv have ability SALESMEN CAN OAN YOU SELL nn petition for tor you ou with and commission It Ii you oa can an A ply 2410 Ave Are 9 i a ft a m m In to 11 L am m and 2 p p m ro to 4 pm p m 5 AG AGENTS fake AGENTS AGENTS Mak up to 1100 flOO weekly on and men nen Must lut be b neat not appe Write VrUe for particulars Pl Jerome 12 U Trenton Mich Ilch 2133 FOR RENT UNFURNISHED HOUSES STRICTLY modern bungalow buna hot water heat belt glass ilus d In porch full ful basement arage bench location 53 St PARTLY furnIshed home 2533 Or Or- Orchard Orchard chard til 36 Inquire 2371 Jackson 1 M 11 t mO modern porch base has nent Adults pret d 50 no St phone J 2045 32 i ROOM modern modem 25 SS month with Ith garage t 23 23 without Lincoln 1 ROOM 5 modern house houe with at t 17 21 t treet InquIre II R C 17 EM Mau Maul u Co phone 2840 HI ROOM 4 modern house hour garage and chicken cooPS coop Ill I per month Ca Call II J 29 JL 21 1 2330 ROOM 1 modern kitchen cabinet in porch cellar ceHr 39 St 1065 1063 C hour rent rent Child avenue ce oe block north of ot r E- r 5 St Call J 6 0 O Read 0 Bro Brol 70 10 j i ROOM hour bOule with batS 18 In quire 2348 23 t adlon Ph 1183 1152 24 4 ROOM modern houses newly pa- pa pa papered ered Phone Phon R R and garage arace reason reason- able be ble 7 Call J 2001 1100 I hour with bath 18 lt S In In- In quire 2142 2342 lon ROOM t-ROOM f modern porch ra ga- ga garage rage race 73 St ROOt ROOM ROO 6 f modern Inquire 12 42 St Phone 3 M 11 f 4 4 4 nice clean rooms cheap Phone f 16 BOO 10 ROOM 10 2204 2304 QuIncy Call 10 oso St or phone Phon 1131 1938 41 SMALL fALL house hour Apply Appy of 08 tics flee Sperry Flour Co 1133 APARTMENTS jw New three room apartment hint hint- hut hol holed ed id two block rom courthouse 30 per month Guaranty Mortgage Co 2374 Washington Ate Atc ma 2078 2 71 APARTMENTS In the th hurt heart of the th city St with J rent fent Inquire Apt o 7 Phon I ne or W W 2030 2584 BINGHAM m AITS ARTS Just hed 1 up up- up date date to-date corner and Quincy Quinty Ph ROOM l-ROOM modern apartment a steam Itam st heat Close In Inquire 1507 1601 Adel apt 3 rooms date dec clee ranges ranee 2675 Grant 3 1032 MODERN room l room BInford mOl modern pro ern room 3 2810 2640 W ton room 3 3 St St Phone Phon 2775 2711 ROOM FOUR modern flat 20 round ground round floor 2 21 18 Mon Monroe on- on onroe roe 2328 3 ROOM modern apt It private privat bath 2620 2120 Washington Ph Fh W 20 2418 ROOM 1 modern apartment 30 2 2634 U Quinn QuincY ApU Ants 1245 WASHBURN nf 12 and antS un InquIre 2210 i Ave Av 2902 02 LOOM tOOM apt modern on ench Call 11 or Dr R Il UZO 2620 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE The annual meeting of the th share share- holder or 00 o the th National flank Dank of o Corn Com mere Corn nerCe of Olden Ogden Utah litah Lt h will wilt be b held at the th banking room ot or said eald bank at avenue lI Ogden Orden Utah on Tuesday January 1927 1127 at 1 the th hour of o 11 o'clock a m This meeting II I called for tor the th election of directors to serve for or the th ensuing year and to transact any other ether bust bust- bu l-E l u gas M that mIght conic como corn before said meeting HAR O B n DAnTO 13 Cashier STOCKHOLDERS MEE ra Notice is Ie I hereby Ivan given that the annual meeting of ot the Ogden Oden Bench Dench Canal and Water Vater Wat r Corn Com pany will b be hell het at the tho offIce or of orthe the secretary 1 ard street Og Og- Og Ogden den n Utah on Mondy January 10 1121 at p m rn for the th purpose of hearing harln the th financial report moorS of ot the th secretary and treasurer and for or the th transaction of such euch other business a ae may properly come corn eom before betor the th meet meet- In ng AL ALMA A t D CHAMBERS Secretary Ogden Oden Utah 27 21 1026 2031 NOTICE OF ANNUAL STOCK HOLDERS MEETING The Th annual meeting of the th stock ock holders or of o the th tb Oil company will be b held at the th companY's company office 2445 Ul Cant avenue Ogden Oid n Utah on January 11 1127 91 at 10 o'clock a m This meeting la is held for or the h put pur urpo pose poe of or a a Board Doard of Directors and to transact such luch uch other business as 8 may properlY be b considered at such uch uch tI time Ille BENEFICIAL D OIL Ort COM COMPANY PA- PA PAY Y By Dy Cha ChaP Chaa H Thor l n on Secre Secre- Secretory Secretary tory tary NOTICE TO OWNERS OWNER OF DOGS Taxes Tax for or 1117 1821 are ara ar now due du on an all alldor dogs over 21 I hours hour old Licenses Ina may be at the tb treasurers tr ur r mee city hal hall ball or w from Thom Thomas dog doe tax collector All dOlI dogs do must inu l have hav collar conar with Ith II ii- ii 11 nee plate plat or r tog tag riveted on THOMAS IA WS Dog D Tax Collector Coll etor FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSES ROUSES ROOM 3 fum urn partly mod modern ern 22 next door 33 COZY clean mall apt ground floor noor Inquire 3 ROOM 4 modern hous house close clo In n 80 I per month Phone Phon 2166 21 ROOM 4 mo modem lern house furnished on 01 bench Inquire 2342 2343 Adams Adam Uil MODERN room 6 5 room house SI 81 ROOM 4 emi clos cios clou In cheap rhone 1291 1 3 ROOMS 3 10 Porter k S room 1443 1113 St Phone Phon APARTMENTS TILE THE BARNHART FURNISHED apartment for tor particular particular particular ular people adult only ony ith St St and Kiesel Kle el Phone Phon 7 NEW Apia API Mo r oto ly steam t am heat heat heal electric fAngeL Eat ot or between and SI St 1514 52 ROOM 1 modern apt I 1 front roni room aol and kitchenette closet towns all stean heated haled 20 2178 02 ard I ILAiSA apartments 2 2518 U live ave Hotel room rooms I and completely fur fur fur- fished apartments Light LIht and Sill gas c tn In- In 1121 STRICTLY modern 3 S and room 4 1 room apt cloe cloi clos In garage carace Inq 2327 Adame ROOM 4 h d apartment Meat Heat gas gal bath Adults Adult 2160 Lincoln 30 2404 lICE FRONT apt ground floor door reasonable 21 2 2 3 AND 4 room apu b furnished private privat bath 2781 75 Grant ROOM 1 apartment furnace turnac heat het prIvate bath adults adult a 2 S St Phone W 2771 US 3 ROOM 1 apartment strictly modern team steam team heat heal reasonable 2306 Harrl HarrIson son eon it 4 t light teat 18 til to ui 23 Ground floor 2106 n Ap- Ap Apply Apply ply cottage In rear 1 3 I 1 UH ED housekeeping rooms room light Ug-ht hat beat and gas sas c 3 mo nio 2177 Jefferson on 3 modern modem mo well furnIshed apart apart apart- apartment ment So S 8 U C S I ApIs Apt ApI St SI tW 2587 NEWLY r-EVLY hed modern 3 rooms bath heat leat h Phone Phon 1217 P 2772 3 ROOM nl nicely ely furnished apt privat vale vUe bath Phon W 1023 ad lion 31 2 kitchenette and bath 12 heat hot water lights Us 73 8 ROOM lUOM apt sleeping le pint porch clos close In 66 CLEAN modern tour room apt 1111 with piano Phone Phon W 1131 NICE ICE 4 room apt on n bench ench pIano 30 30 Phone Phon M 11 M MSS FURNISHED apt and StId garage close In fn Binford 3 CLEAN CLAN room 2 apartment ground ground floor 2054 Washington AV Aye MODERN room roam apt Ideal location Adults Adult 1320 2341 2311 Adams Adam Ave Av UiO 2 ROOMED modern housekeeping hou apt 11 13 month 3 AND ANU 4 room modern apt furnished 13 25 no jm Inquire 2011 2616 Monroe Siut 1 1 2 3 ROOM housekeeping apart apart- apartment menU 2333 Monroe 24 GU 2 3 LARGE LARUE roomy heat hear gas fia as 2185 SL St Pit Ph R fl W 2629 2 ROOM apartment private privat hath bUh GO Ph 3 1695 2641 apartment with sleeping porch 21 Ph 2411 2432 3 furnished apt cloae In In quIre 2661 2566 Orchard 2234 ROOM 2 furnished apartment bath gas fai use UIO u ot of 0 phone 2523 Madison on Ave ONE O-lr an and nd l two roomed apt ln nIce 2513 2583 Grant Ave Av 2110 APT completely furnished garage and piano Call 2313 COZY cloan clean two room apt dote cloae In adults adult 22 tUh St 2320 yon JoOR RE- RE RET RENT T- T ap w 53 St at ROOMS LARGE room with two beds bd suitable for two gentlemen smaller maHer room with double bed for or one on or two gentle gentle- gentlemen men n garage for two cars carl car 2523 Jett feron r on Phone Phone Phon 1866 1166 TWO rood good rood sleeping room rooms I for or r nt rent with privileges or of o a home Iome 21 19 Twenty Twenty third street tret t Phone J 32 i LARGE LAIGE front room suitable for or two board If Ie preferred 2740 2746 Adams Adam Ave Av Phone Phon J 3 2747 COMFORTABLE LE well heated sheep lepI log In rooms 1144 lIlt Phon Phona 1893 LARGE sleeping room strictly mod modern ern home horn for tor particular ular people Ph P It 2719 n 2269 HUU O rooms Opposite Court CouTt noun Ph h 2922 22 NEWLY sh 1 I Inc ing rooms Tooms Cloae In In very reasonable 2431 Adams Adam 2885 2185 S SLEEPING room for tor gentleman fur fur- furnace ur-nac ur flare nace heat hat garage reasonable 2322 Jefferson 2271 2278 FURNISHED rooms room roo me St lit Op Op polite posit Lester Lter Park Phone Phon 1032 1654 PERRY ROO ROOMING UNO HOUSE under new w management nice clean room rooms low rates ratu rat Lincoln Ave 2316 2 2 LARGE bARGE housekeeping rooms room fur furnished modern Patterson 2 2 LARGE room rooms nicely furnish furnished and garage eara 22 St ON ONE ONIS nicely furnIshed living room 35 Patterson ONE O-iE housekeeping room roan adults only 2843 Washington SMALL housekeeping apt and I sleepIng rooms room 2011 Wash Wah 2350 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FARMERS FEED CO lLA IE G G 40 per lbs Leads Leada them all In egg egr st production WHOLE YELLOW coI N per lbS Iba b MOR lQ An Y FEED per lbs Ibs A Sure Sur Milk Producer er PHONE r I FEED CO FARMERS 2006 Washington Aye Ave r A Ono One Thirty Saturday 11 11 Wash Ave Linen Blankets Comforts RUGS AND FURNITURE MISS lIms ALICE OWENS who leaves Sunday for tor or Los Angeles Anelu baa haa lia instruct instruct- instructed od ed me m to tell sell by auction her ii 16 rooms of or furniture comprising rugs rue had beel beda springs mattresses dressers rockers rocker dining tables table chair heM heat heater en Cr coal ranges oil tov drape drapel curtains dishes bric-a-brac bric etc etc anti nd loads load of furniture and fur fur- not listed Hated This ThI will prove the lar st furniture auction held In Ina Ira a long lone while and you ou will find rind th the l suitable for tor nIce homes fly By Byall all means nel attend this till sale salo ale no re reserve erve price Everything must mu t co go 0 Dealers speculators public Sale wilt will be b conducted ted by If H H ol SMITH foremost auctioneer Intermountain countr country NOTICE I 1 will 1 In the tl e near future futuro open Olen an Auction house bouse In Ogden Orden UNDER U-IDER MY IV and I I am sin now NOT associated In any wa way with any an another other auction hour II III L 1 M SMITH TEMPORARY PHONE J 17 J 3 YELLOW CORN CORN Ir- Ir Potatoes r oo c-oo OO WE PAY CASTS Pop FOP USED Central Furniture Co Street Phone Phon 0 W lQ Buy Sell Bell and Exchange RELIABLE FURNITURE EXCHANGE is St 51 Phone Phon 8 A White Wl Whit Sewing Savins Machine Machin FOR FOH CHRISTMAS WHITE WHITS SEWING VING MACHINE MACHIE E CO 3 2 2 good cookers cooker vege tab tables I winter apples apple 2230 Wail all Phone lI CHEVROLET coach only run from I talt Lake to Ogden Orden Will Wilt sacrifice G St Phone W 2425 FOK BAL SALE SALIS Fre h Jersey Jeney cow Phone Phon 4 46 BODY FENDERS LARSEN BROS Si St Phone i 2667 BICYCLES SPECIAL OVERHAUL JOB on bicycles at epochal prices price or win winter tee ter months month 2411 2416 I 1 lne 2576 2575 27 Wash Wh Wa CASH REGISTERS rational National Cash Registers Register Repairs Repair ruts 08 lese Phon Phone 2217 Tor J r 13 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 6 0 ILIE r I Q fD Associated Farmers I Milling Millina Co PHONE W 2025 Mi o Hear Hr the th latest 1 in phonographs phone phone- graphs i The Th new Sonora So All stYles j now in Also Alo hates latti 2 re record ora Phone Phon Plano Madsen or cl call I 1163 Porter Ave Av Open Oper tilt till 10 p m 1 Lyrla Co Out of ot the th high rent PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS New an and use used machines with 12 free records 17 to 80 0 Glen Bros Piano Co o i HIGHEST PRICES Paid for U Used Furniture I BIG 4 FURNITURE CO 21 St Phone 53 A 3 KODAK TODi lens V F I 63 shutter hutler regular W 1750 GO Goodne Goodas Good as a new 2 C C VS TI ARMSTRONG CO COOC 06 St X 2 G 4 STOCK STOCKMEN IEN Have a 3 nice nio halter haller and blanket made maele for or the tho th stock show how 33 Twenty-fourth Twenty St St 81 2516 24 nE RENT T A NE NEM V CATS CAR It Yourself Co CoS 25 2518 Wa Washington Ogden Phone 2300 00 25 West Vest South Salt Lake Lako weather strips tor for doors and window windows Save fuel keeps out dust easy ey to In Install tall LUMBER CO Phone tit US 1733 1711 GOOD GOOD violin good tone lone new leather cu case c f very reason re I ble for or CA cai c i or terms to responsible r pon varty Phone Phon 2032 2 12 ELECTRIC washing machine 20 violet ray generator with 13 65 Ave 01 REAL I bargain for for anyone any one who tI-ho wants to t buy a piano Binford Ave Av IDEAL Christmas gifts girts pedigreed p reed enaris parrots goldfish J supplies Phone W 1693 1633 I SET SilT of t 6 McGregor golf coir clubs used h hut t take tl Ice liberal discount Phone 2617 2417 W U 5 POINT HOT electric range high oven bargain Phone Phon V W 2613 Monroe onroe 32 GOOD ca cash register liter So 50 to 1715 juat Ju overhauled owner will sacrifice for ruIck Ick sale Ie Phone J J NEARLY new nv mink coat colt 1150 Bar nar HarRain gain S 11 Standard Examiner PLYMOUTH ROCK pullets pullet and ducks St Phone Phon W 17 61 w 1561 1565 GG NATIVE cedar pots posts pot for sale al at St Phone Phon 2172 R 2172 R 2179 2170 KITCHENETTE A A A good place to teat eat 2304 2301 WashingtOn Ave 2802 20 WOMAN wants want work by hour Phone J J ROTATORS and 1 wheat heat 2nd St P 1 M Pierce Fierce GOOD Jersey cow jut suit fresh fruh re h trade I for fat cow 1915 Gr Ore Gre t C BARBER SHOP OGDEN'S IS LARGEST SHOP Open Olen evenings till 10 o'clock CUnLEY'S BARBER BARDER SHOP hair lr cuts cut 30 BABY CHICKS CERTIFIED baby chicks chick Oren Open for orders February 1 Tancred d and J 3 A Hanson Hanon strain Phone M lIam Hatchery North Washing Washing- Washington ton Ave Business Opportunities SALES executive to joIn loin and t d take k charge 1300 00 interest Address N 1 a i I BY OW iER hoin for o sale reasonable 0 SO St WANT S FOR SALE A AUTOMOBILES we MANY lY A-lY PEOPLE ARE TAKI- TAKI TAKING TAIlING O AP AO VA o OF OUR SPECIAL JAN JAN- JAN JA FATtY UARY CLEARANCE OF flO RE OD USED AUTOMO 1 AT tT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Compare our prIces price and nd re- re remember r member each car II I backed by our reputation r Built by more than 12 years years year of ot honest en- en en endeavor deavor or No o o Model 1926 l 24 Studebaker roadster SliM I 40 1924 Ford coupe coup 31 33 3 I 1923 l 23 Ford cdan 3 1925 07 1323 Ene 1924 1921 40 Buick k touring 1315 37 1 1922 Buick 1250 27 2 1923 Hudson coach 1525 52 i Ogden Motor Car Co D p for tor 12 Tears 2810 Wh Wash Phone Phon 4 WO WONDERFUL UI Old bargain 4 pas 4 sener coupe A I car must Fell cell at s once heaving city elly See Sec ot at t Mt St In storage 60 It If taken at lit One once GEO HUSS RUSS SAYS Prevent nt Accidents Accident Use Ue U WEED TIRE TiltS CHAINS S SUMMERS 6 t FENDERS AND BODIES I Repaired Straight 4 |