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Show and Mrs. Mark Johnson and daughter, Gwen of Holden were in the Basin this week to attend the U. B. I. C. Mr. Johnson is a member of the state board Wednesday Club, of agriculture. Wilkins entertainMrs. Edward business Ed Carman made a and ed members guests of the trip to Price on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Crocker the Plaza ho- and family and Mrs. R. M. Pope at club Wednesday tel this week. Present were spent Saturday in Heber attendB. A. Jacoby, O. A. Hal- ing the stock show. Sunday they stead, Blaine Foster, George Ting-le- drove to Mirror lake where they Max Peterson, Arthur Orr, spent the day picnicking, returnGuy J. Hollenbeck, George Kohl, ing home Sunday night. Fred Gentry, L. C. Winslow and Nearly everybody in Duchesne E. Hart. High score prize for SAT. and SUN. at least one day at the U spent HollenMrs. bridge was won by B. I. C. and Indian Fair. beck. Travel prize went to Mrs. September 4 and 5 Word was received Thursday Gentry. Claudette Colbert In from Dr. Leon H. Cline at BeavGuests Distinguished er, that he likes his new location I Met Him in Paris Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Madsen were very much except that he misses hosts at breakfast Wednesday his friends in Duchesne. Dr. W, Two Short Subjects morning to Governor Henry H. D. Bishop is moving into adjoin WED. and THURS. Blood and his party, who were offices this week, he said. to the U. B. I. C. The party ing 8 9 O. Pickel, sanitation engine' C. and September included U. S. Senator Wm. H. er was a business visitor in DuDr. of State Bob Burns and King and Secretary chesne on Wednesday. E. E. Monson. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burdick Martha Raye In Blue a Following breakfast, and children have moved back to Bench committee which included their ranch home below Mountain Music Duchesne, Kohl C. Roy A. Schonian, George summer after in the spending Three Short Subjects and C. O. Pickel met with the canyon. Governor. Lester Calder of Vernal was transacting business in Duchesne Saturday. Alton Larsen spent part of the week in Duchesne tramjictang business and visiting his brothers Rulon J., Merril and Vance Lar Mr. SOCIETY Mes-dam- es COZY y, THEATRE en-rou- te Ar-gyl- Mew Low Frlees Entoral Bacterial Vaccine -- -: $1.00 $3.00 - School Supplies FOUNTAIN PENS AND PENCILS Duchesne Drug Co. YOUR REXALL STORE1 FREE COUPON This Coupon is worth GIFT CONTEST. 10 POINTS on our XMAS Sign your name and present to us for full No Obligation. ty- Mr. G. V. Billings, who is main- Name taining an office for the Prosperity plan in Denver, was transact-inbusiness and visiting his family in Duchesne this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Mikesel of Park City spent the week end during the Stampede with Mr. and Mrs. Abe Harris. b GIRLS T- - STRAP Sandals They Come In Black And Brown With A Flat IIeel,((o Round ToeP-- nr D BIG SALE ON CHILDRENS Percale Dresses 65c and 98c All Sty les and Sizes - G Mr. and Mrs. William Brown and family of Midvale spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. James E. Price Sr. They returned home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Price of Union and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Belt of Bingham canyon spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. James E. Price Sr. Mrs. Emil Munz returned home last week from Denver, where she has been under a physicians care a:' rummer. Her health is considerably improved. Dr. and Mrs. Rogers of Fort Hall,, Idaho stopped in Duchesne a short time Saturday on their way to Fort Duchesne for a four days visit with old friends. Dr. Rogers was formerly agency doctor at Fort Duchesne. Mrs. Silka of Tabiona is spending a few days in Duchesne this week. Miss Tita Candelario of Ajun-taPorto Rico arrived last Thursday for a visit with her cousin, Mrs. Themis Costuros. Miss who Is ar. expert stenographer and linguist, expects to find employment in Salt Lake City following her visit here. Jess Johnstun spent the week end In Heber attending the stock show and rodeo. Miss Anna Stark, primary supervisor of the Duchesne school district, arrived this week to assume her duties. Lawrence I'ack is in Salt Lake City with Mrs. Pack who underwent a serious operation recently. Her many friends in Duchesne wish Mrs. Tack a speedy recovery. Mrs. Charles M. Albright of Roosevelt was in Duchesne on Tuesday for jury duty. Neville Wimmer made a tfip to Grand Junction Tuesday to get a load of peaches. He returned on Thursday. Mrs. Gipson of Vernal was a business visitor in Duchesne on Thursday. Word was received Wednesday from Seattle from Mr. and Mrs. Reed Cowan, who have been touring Yellowstone Park and the Pa- s, to 11 Can-dtlarl- Sweaters All Sizes and Styles - $1.00 - $2.95 - - NEW AND COMPLETE LINE OF - - School Supplies PEN AND PENCIL SETS TYPE PAPER - COMPOSITION BOOKS - INK - RULERS PROTRACTORS a - THEME PAPER, ETC. 1, f DUCHESNE, UTAH C.-Indi- an (Continued From Page 1) Tug of War, shinney and baseball games taking the balance of the afternoon. A band concert proceeded the general assembly in the evening. Proceeded by Heavy Rains Monday, the opening day, saw a large crowd on hand early in the morning despite cloudbursts and heavy rains throughout the night, which threatened to close Basin traffic and did in many instances make it impossible for entrants to get their livestock and TEACHER LIST FOR DUCHESNE NOW COMPLETE other exhibits to the grounds. adOn the Monday program were givforenoon the in dresses C. C. en by Superintendent welof address the Wright, giving come. State Commissioner of Agriculture David, H. Smith, Mr. Howard Driggs, Executive Secretary of Oregon Trails associa-of tion and Dr. William J. Snow, Brigham Young University. Preservation and conservation of soil and natural resources was declared by Mr. Smith to be the biggest problem confronting both business and agriculture in the Basin. Dr. Snow cited the U. B. I. C. as an organization promoting the expression of the pioneer, ing spirit and the Uintah Basin as the lsat of American Fronti- ers. into the roads. Education as it applx.' Whites and to the spectively was the them, spired addresses by Dr p ris, President of the highways more constructed on a par with the best standardized roads of today. He sounded hope for an amendment to the county road building programs setup by the last legislature that would permit a use of a portion of the $800,000 county road appropriation for such highways. He also expressed hope congress might favor this type of road. Hereafter instead of posting hazards along the highways, we will eliminate them. Governors on motor cars will not solve the safe declared Mr. driving problem, Hammond in commenting on the road building program for the state in general, which will follow the lines of building safety farm-to-mark- et Young University E Henry RoeCloud, the Indian Service. Of the many sport, conducted during the tK sesmon.greatest interest, doubtedly shown in pulling contests. Leroy n winner many times Volume was again successful in the harness in the t dass, Wilford McConklel harness in both the light weight classes. mei C Sip Robidoux Monument Unveiled After the luncheon hour several hundred journeyed two miles s away to the junction of the (Continued from page 1) road on U. S. 40 to witness Frank Shaw, Merrill Croft, Nora the unveiling of the Fort Roubi-dou- x D. Mathews, Anna Adams, Eva J. monument, marking tne apLewis, Phyllis Webb, Dicia Emert, proach to the old Robidoux tradBlanche Lublin, Ella Andrews and ing post, first post Effie Hylton. established in Utah. Ceremonies White-rock- year-roun- d ROOSEVELT HIGH SCHOOL -Roosevelt: Alvin J. Teuscher, Gibbons, Henry F. Scheuller, Clifford Rutherford, Edwin T. Vest, Bert Asey, Ruth Merrill, R. L. Nielson, Farrell H. Gunnell, Beth Peters, Walter E. Atwood, Carl A. Stuart and DeVoe Brim-hal- l. La-Th- el TABIONA SCHOOL - Tabiona: Andrew J. Jones, Kathryn L. M. Foster, Carl Taylor, and Melba Cope. UPALCO SCHOOL - Upalco: Wm. R. Evans and Rhoda May Pohlman. COUNTY PRIMARY SUPERVISOR: Anna Stark. COORDINATOR AND JUVENILE JUDGE: Don C. Sparks. Tud-denha- IUE f Twenty Capsules - Vi Weeks Treatment - Start - and Immunize Yourself Against Colds A. B. D. CAPSULES, 25s A. B. D. CAPSULES, 100s sen. Miss Bell Angus, public welfare supervisor of Uintah county was in Duchesne on Saturday transacting business. B. L. Dart of My; on was in Duchesne on business last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Wagstaff of Tabiona were Duchesne visitors Monday. J. Byron of Dallas, Texas was a Duchesne visitor on Monday. W. Stanley Dunford, district atoi torney, Attorney Gi irge Provo and Ray E. Dillman of Roosevelt were in Duchesne this week to attend court. Mrs. Homer P. Edwards of Roosevelt was in Duchesne on business Monday. Jack Skewes left Friday for his home in Moab after spending the past two years in Duchesne in the state road commission office during the construction work on highway 40. W, G. Gentry, former Duchesne county commissioner, of Ioka was a business visitor here this week. Mrs. Chas. Moncur of Heyburn, Idaho was a guest Thursday of her cousin, Mrs. Guy J. Hollenbeck. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Owen of Roosevelt wer bus'r.ess visitors in Duchesne Thursday. Mrs. Owen is supervisor of womens projects In Duchesne county. Reed Lyons of Mtn. Home was transacting business here Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. McGarry and Mr. and Mrs. E. Copp of Park City were In Duchesne on Thursday. Mr. McGarry was once a commissioner of Duchesne coun- Fair U. B. I. Comes To Successful Close On Wednesday By Mrs. Chris Sorensen Mr. and Mrs. Homer Sulser and youngest son and daughter of Midway, Utah brought Mr. and Mrs. Chris Sorensen home Sunday evening. Elray Larsen and his daughters Sedonia and Afton went to the U. B. I. C. Monday morning. Mrs. William McCarver and children of Los Angeles, California came to Talmage on Tuesday to visit a few days with her sister, Waldine Sorensen and family. Mrs. Adaline Anderson was a Duchesne visitor on Tuesday. Miss Enid Sorensen returned home Tuesday from Roosevelt where she has been visiting at the home of her anut, Mrs. Willard McDonald for a few days. Those attending the U. B. I. C. on Tuesday were Elton Rust and Elton Potter, The William Frisby family, the Mont Ottosen family, the Arley Sorensen family, the B. n J. Sorensen family, the Glen family and Alma Sorensen Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Perkins were Duchesne visitors Tuesday. Mrs. Patience Larsen attended the U. B. I. C. on Wednesday. Miss Ruth Moffitt went to Duchesne on Tuesday. , The Misses Donna and Fay Sorensen came home Sunday evening from Midway and Park City where they have been visiting relatives for a week. Mrs. William Larsen and children of Bluebell are spending a few days at the home of her mother, Mrs. Mary E. Kenlson. were conducted under the auspices of the Whiterocks chapter of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers, the U. B. I. C. and the Utah Pioneer Trails and Landmarks Assocla With Ve tion. Sip Cruz, George Albert Smith, member of the council of twelve apostles of the L. D. S. church presided at the unveiling ceremony. C. B. Bartlett of Tridell presented the monument to the people on behalf of its sponsors and John D. Giles of the Trails and Landmarks association gave the dedication. After an afternoon of sports and visiting the many exhibits of Indian arts and handicraft, livestock and basin products, the crowds listened, to an evening program at which Dr. E. G. Peterson, president of the Utah State Agricultural college gave the principal address. He spoke Ilon Agriculture the Eternal. lustrated lectures on health and a magnificent firesanitation, works dispay and other forms of entertainment completed the day. Of chief interest to citizens of the Basin on the Tuesday program was the address by W. D. Hammond, chairman of the Utah state road commission. He emphasized the dire necessity for T 2 Joe on lift Saturd ien and or irdict of r an six ho 40 Amusing ay until (veral difft it W. Tur fer order, om specta STATIONERY - OFFICE SUPPLIES RECORD BOOKS - FILES - STANDARD AND SPECIAL FORMS - Fill Your Needs At -- -- f t Mam ii.ii. r,m .III, s II ONLY ONCE YEAR A . 3d -- - LIKE BARGAINS SAFE TO BUY TO OWN - TO and ie neigh Ben Tru a. There abed a U 1 propert. leto, himself I at Arc id him uf hng to t ired the A - 1 CUT DUPLICATE 20 MAKES! the forest , who re s hotified R. .J. Lar heriff Ai man Jac y and an ( Warren Pet. Discount. Brand New TIres-Look- s $415.00 1935 NASII 6 Pass. Sedan. Trunk Comp. Radio, Heater, Cruising Gear $045.00 heels-Sld- e Eto $115.00 Sedan 1930 DODGE Sedan .... $195, oo ... $ 95.00 1930 GRAHAM 6 Sedan . . . $125.00 1930 STUDEBAKER Spt. Cab... $145.00 1929 III DSON Sport Coupe $145.00 1928 NASH Sedan g 75 00 1928 STUDEBAKER Sedan $ 65.00 PREVENT IT S YOU CAN PROTECT IT Wore The best protection l caution. The next best ts Dont risk liming property nnd other alu-ubh-- SILT LAKES LARGEST He Sure to NEW er Produi 1933 CHRYSLER Deluxe Sedan. 6 wire wheels, Trunk. Deluxed Throughout Mounts - Trunk Counsel Uunford died the $445.00 1930 NASH Deluxe Coupe. Radio, Heater, etc. Blue Finish .... $505.00 1931 GRAHAM Custom Sedan. 6 44 the Duch uz had the coun II his tri, 'ulon J. 4 Door Deluxe Sedan 1933 NASH Deluxe 8 Sedan. Six 44'lre v heels. Trunk Rack .... $295.00 1929 4V1LLYS 1930 D44 1 : i $113.00 1931 FORD Deluxe be to the horse bac ane wher kl at th rtuary. Gi 4 and th vn 1935 DODGE 4 Door Sedan, AU $505.00 Original. Low Mileage ... 1934 LAFAYETTE The !. passenger Sedan. Finished in a Beautiful Maroon,1 Radio, Heater, Trunk $393.00 1936 NASH 6, Four door Deluxe Sedan. Almost Brand New. Economical Automatic Cruising Gear. Other Extras $713.00 1933 FORD Deluxe Coupe - Si Jara . T own w BARGAINS LIKE THESE: 1937 NASH and LAFAYETTE Demonstrators 1936 LAFAYETTE Deluxe 2 door G tp lowing 'dtusday rainl Tudor $195.00 KNIGHT Sedan $ 95.00 ESSEX Sport Coup $ 95.00 tO fortuna 4 about It about th brink 1929 REO SjKirt Coupe 1930 ESSEX Sedan $U5.00 1928 44ILLYS Sedan $ 73.00 'Uon and ri drop t bow wa: 1929 BUICK $ 85.00 bow, l d listed c Sedan $ 95.00 ar; NOBLY NEW CD DEALER C :o'r Wei vEATI I It Week bate 2 ; 3 T t f ; 5 ilh 577-506-601-- H. B. HOLLENBECK 621 t Jted as Low Terms - Three Day Driving Privilege Fine Assortment To Select From 3 Locations ALL st le had OPERATE - b imuny, THESE Convenient ALL YEARLY 1927 TO 1937 MODELS acc yxa, Triple Safety Cars V' r- - clear, witnesses the fact ten, suffi lions abc - ON - ej si) CIIESNE, UTAH betw his jro-- tl JftninTr'm Sensational Annual Clearance Sale at D1 . 3e 1931 AUBURN Deluxe Insure P? 7 EXPERT JOB PRINTERS 3 rirj IF YOU CANT iFollowing r Vernal w will rest I back to afe Bown 1934 NASH 4 Door Deluxe Sedan $415.00 1933 CHEV. Maater Sedan $345.00 4 altbemos imp on A, 1935 LAFAYETTE Deluxe Tudor $165.00 W -- S ft? J lly fcK trial wh ,e .nuleto, a imed fre ,t. Benito rrel, was to givi reason o winter. .. admitt ho Sor-snes- cific Northwest, that they will return home this week without going on to California as they had originally planned. Ray Jordan, cashier of the Roosevelt State Bank was in Duchesne transacting business Thursday. Miss Emilie Madsen expects to leave Monday for Salt Lake City, where she will enter the L. D. S. business college for study this W uz South Main St. i i ,3 , ipitatl v.: E. g |