Show BLUEBELL By Miss Florence Murray Mrs Otto Johnson Sr and daughter were Roosevelt visitors on Wednesday Mr Mi and Mrs A A. L L. L Lisonbee and daughter Florence and Mr and Mrs Lee Lisonbee e were Roosevelt Roosevelt Roosevelt Ro Ro- visitors Wednesday Mt Mr Evan Bennion and son Dee of Mt Emmons were in town on business Monday Mr Pete Wall Vall of Mt Emmons was in town on business Tuesday Mr and Mrs Bill Gallyer from California Mrs Earl Murray and daughters Lawanna and Fontella and son Orland and Mrs Rufus Rogers of Mt Emmons were call callers callers ers at the Murray home on Tues Tues- day Mr and Mrs R R. A. A Murray and daughter Gladys were Roosevelt and Myton visitors on Wednesday Miss Venola was a Roosevelt visitor on Wednesday Mr and Mrs Maurice and sons Ronald and Paul from Salt Lake City arc are visiting Mrs parents Mr and Mrs J. J K Miss R Rea a returned home Wednesday night from Salt SaIl Lake City where she has been visiting her sister Mrs Maurice I the past few weeks Miss Gladys Murray was the overnight guest of Mrs M. M C. C Seeley Wednesday A shower was given in honor honorof of Mr and Mrs LeRoy Long on Wednesday night The bride received received received re re- re- re many useful gifts and ice cream and cake cak were served to a I large crowd Mr LaMont Anderson was a Roosevelt lt visitor on Wednesday Miss Ada is here visiting with her sisters Edith Brady and Alice Warren Mrs Otto Johnson Sr and daughter Esther and Mrs R R. R A. A Murray and daughter Gladys enjoyed enjoyed enjoyed en en- joyed a swimming party at the home of Mrs M. M C C. Seeley on Fri Fri- day Myrtle and Jean Allen of Pleasant Valley are visiting with Mr and Mrs Lee Lisonbee Mrs Belle Bird Miss Florence Lisonbee Mrs Myrle Lisonbee and Misses l Myrtle and Jean Allen Allen Allen Al Al- len were Roosevelt visitors Friday Fri Fri- day Franklin and Harry Smith and Lloyd Goodrich came down from Moon Lake Saturday afternoon Miss Florence Allred left Sunday Sunday Sunday Sun Sun- day to work In n Roosevelt for Mr Claire Larsen during the U. U B B. B I. I C. C Mr and Mrs Ralph Woodard spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of R. R A. A Murray Mr and Mrs James Bird came down from Moon Lake Sunday morning returning Sunday night Wallace Vallace Seeley came down from Moon Lake Saturday afternoon afternoon afternoon after after- noon returning Saturday night Mrs Velva Gagon of Tooele is visiting at the home of her parents parents parents par par- Mr and Mrs Levison Han Han- cock She is canning fruit and ond while here Mr and Mrs Albert Hancock are visiting Mr Dir and Mrs M. M L. L Hancock and family They are on their way to Cheyenne where Mr Hancock is employed Mr Leland Goodrich and Ernest Ernest Ernest Ern Ern- est Winkler spent the week end at home They are employed at atthe atthe atthe the mine at Dragon Mr and Mrs Ted Harmston and Misses Elda and Veda Goodrich Goodrich Good Good- rich of Roosevelt and Mrs Thelma Thelma Thel Thel- ma Robinson son of Ioka loka were visiting visiting visiting visit visit- ing at the home of L. L B B. B Goodrich Goodrich Good Good- rich on Saturday Miss Velva Goodrich went tc Roosevelt Sunday where she ex ex- peets to spend a few days visiting visiting visiting visit visit- ing her sister Mrs Ted Harm Harm- ston i r r. r and Mrs Porter Merrell Mertell and family were visiting relatives I J here Saturday Oran Alvie Alvice and John Bird spent the week we k end at home They are employed at the Bridgeland Bridgeland Bridgeland Bridge- Bridge land C C. C C. C C. C camp Mr Henry Wathen and son Victor of Lehi L-ehi are visiting friends and relatives here Mrs Alena Wathen returned home Wednesday from Salt Lake City where she has spent some sometime sometime sometime time visiting her granddaughter Mrs Maurice Mr and Mrs Leland Goodrich Mrs L L. L B. B Goodrich and Mrs I Owen Goodrich were Roosevelt visitors Monday |